148 research outputs found

    Transition from Dendritic to Cell-like Crystalline Structures in Drying Droplets of Fetal Bovine Serum under the Influence of Temperature

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    [Image: see text] The desiccation of biofluid droplets leads to the formation of complex deposits which are morphologically affected by the environmental conditions, such as temperature. In this work, we examine the effect of substrate temperatures between 20 and 40 °C on the desiccation deposits of fetal bovine serum (FBS) droplets. The final dried deposits consist of different zones: a peripheral protein ring, a zone of protein structures, a protein gel, and a central crystalline zone. We focus on the crystalline zone showing that its morphological and topographical characteristics vary with substrate temperature. The area of the crystalline zone is found to shrink with increasing substrate temperature. Additionally, the morphology of the crystalline structures changes from dendritic at 20 °C to cell-like for substrate temperatures between 25 and 40 °C. Calculation of the thermal and solutal BĂ©nard–Marangoni numbers shows that while thermal effects are negligible when drying takes place at 20 °C, for higher substrate temperatures (25–40 °C), both thermal and solutal convective effects manifest within the drying drops. Thermal effects dominate earlier in the evaporation process leading, we believe, to the development of instabilities and, in turn, to the formation of convective cells in the drying drops. Solutal effects, on the other hand, are dominant toward the end of drying, maintaining circulation within the cells and leading to crystallization of salts in the formed cells. The cell-like structures are considered to form because of the interplay between thermal and solutal convection during drying. Dendritic growth is associated with a thicker fluid layer in the crystalline zone compared to cell-like growth with thinner layers. For cell-like structures, we show that the number of cells increases and the area occupied by each cell decreases with temperature. The average distance between cells decreases linearly with substrate temperature

    Enhanced nasopharyngeal infection and shedding associated with an epidemic lineage of emm3 group A Streptococcus

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    Background: A group A Streptococcus (GAS) lineage of genotype emm3, sequence type 15 (ST15) was associated with a six month upsurge in invasive GAS disease in the UK. The epidemic lineage (Lineage C) had lost two typical emm3 prophages, Ί315.1 and Ί315.2 associated with the superantigen ssa, but gained a different prophage (ΊUK-M3.1) associated with a different superantigen, speC and a DNAse spd1. Methods and Results: The presence of speC and spd1 in Lineage C ST15 strains enhanced both in vitro mitogenic and DNAse activities over non-Lineage C ST15 strains. Invasive disease models in Galleria mellonella and SPEC-sensitive transgenic mice, revealed no difference in overall invasiveness of Lineage C ST15 strains compared to non-Lineage C ST15 strains, consistent with clinical and epidemiological analysis. Lineage C strains did however markedly prolong murine nasal infection with enhanced nasal and airborne shedding compared to non-Lineage C strains. Deletion of speC or spd1 in two Lineage C strains identified a possible role for spd1 in airborne shedding from the murine nasopharynx. Conclusions: Nasopharyngeal infection and shedding of Lineage C strains was enhanced compared to nonLineage C strains and this was, in part, mediated by the gain of the DNase spd1 through prophage acquisition

    The Epipalaeolithic Site of Ouriakos on the Island of Lemnos and its Place in the Late Prleistocene Peopling of the East Mediterranean Region

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    First report of the excavations carried out at the Epipalaeolithic site of Ouriakos in the island of Lemnos, radiocarbon-dated to the Younger Dryas period. Description of the site, industries and considerations on the Late Preistocene period in the northeastern mediterranean regio

    The cross-species immunity during acute Babesia co-infection in mice

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    Babesiosis causes high morbidity and mortality in immunocompromised individuals. An earlier study suggested that lethal Babesia rodhaini infection in murine can be evaded by Babesia microti primary infection via activated macrophage-based immune response during the chronic stage of infection. However, whether the same immune dynamics occur during acute B. microti co-infection is not known. Hence, we used the mouse model to investigate the host immunity during simultaneous acute disease caused by two Babesia species of different pathogenicity. Results showed that B. microti primary infection attenuated parasitemia and conferred immunity in challenge-infected mice as early as day 4 post-primary infection. Likewise, acute Babesia co-infection undermined the splenic immune response, characterized by the significant decrease in splenic B and T cells leading to the reduction in antibody levels and decline in humoral immunity. Interestingly, increased macrophage and natural killer splenic cell populations were observed, depicting their subtle role in the protection. Pro-inflammatory cytokines (i.e. IFN-γ, TNF-α) were downregulated, while the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10 was upregulated in mouse sera during the acute phase of Babesia co-infection. Herein, the major cytokines implicated in the lethality caused by B. rodhaini infection were IFN- γ and IL-10. Surprisingly, significant differences in the levels of serum IFN- γ and IL-10 between co-infected survival groups (day 4 and 6 challenge) indicated that even a two-day delay in challenge infection was crucial for the resulting pathology. Additionally, oxidative stress in the form of reactive oxygen species contributed to the severity of pathology during acute babesiosis. Histopathological examination of the spleen showed that the erosion of the marginal zone was more pronounced during B. rodhaini infection, while the loss of cellularity of the marginal zone was less evident during co-infection. Future research warrants investigation of the roles of various immune cell subtypes in the mechanism involved in the protection of Babesia co-infected hosts

    Antifungal activity of selected Malassezia indolic compounds detected in culture

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    Background: Malassezia yeasts produce bioactive indolic substances when grown on L‐tryptophan agar. A panel of these substances was tested against commensal and opportunistic fungi, the Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) was determined and the potential for in loco antifungal activity on the skin was assessed. Materials and Methods: Eight indoles were included (malassezin, pityriacitrin, indirubin, indolo[3,2‐b]carbazole, 6‐formylindolo[3,2‐b]carbazole, tryptanthrin, 6‐hydroxymethylindolo[3,2‐b]carbazole and 6‐methylindolo[3,2‐b]carbazole) and were tested against 40 fungal strains [yeasts: Malassezia spp.(N = 9); Cryptococcus spp.(N = 10); Candida spp.(N = 7); Yarrowia lipolytica(N = 1); Exophialla dermatitidis (N = 2); moulds: Aspergillus spp.(N = 7); Fusarium spp.(N = 2); Rhizopus oryzae(N = 2)]. The concentration of 5/8 of the tested indoles on diseased skin was calculated from published data. Kruskal‐Wallis and Mann‐Whitney U tests were employed for group susceptibility evaluation in 33 strains. Results: The MIC range was 0.125‐32 ÎŒg/mL, and the median log2MIC was four. Indirubin was the most potent antifungal agent and differed significantly from the others. The highest median MIC was found for FICZ. Malassezia with Candida strains were more susceptible compared to Cryptococcus and Aspergillus, and this inhibitory activity was predicted to be valid also on human skin. Conclusions: Malassezia yeasts produce indolic species that inhibit an array of clinically significant yeasts and moulds

    Capsular Typing Method for Streptococcus agalactiae Using Whole-Genome Sequence Data.

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    Group B streptococcus (GBS) capsular serotypes are major determinants of virulence and affect potential vaccine coverage. Here we report a whole-genome-sequencing-based method for GBS serotype assignment. This method shows strong agreement (kappa of 0.92) with conventional methods and increased serotype assignment (100%) to all 10 capsular types

    emm typing and validation of provisional M types for group A streptococci.

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    This report discusses the following issues related to typing of group A streptococci (GAS): The development and use of the 5' emm variable region sequencing (emm typing) in relation to the existing serologic typing system; the designation of emm types in relation to M types; a system for validation of new emm types; criteria for validation of provisional M types to new M-types; a list of reference type cultures for each of the M-type or emm-type strains of GAS; the results of the first culture exchange program for a quality control testing system among the national and World Health Organization collaborating centers for streptococci; and dissemination of new approaches to typing of GAS to the international streptococcal community

    Group B streptococcal carriage, serotype distribution and antibiotic susceptibilities in pregnant women at the time of delivery in a refugee population on the Thai-Myanmar border

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Group B Streptococcus (GBS) is the leading cause of neonatal sepsis in the developed world. Little is known about its epidemiology in the developing world, where the majority of deaths from neonatal infections occur. Maternal carriage of GBS is a prerequisite for the development of early onset GBS neonatal sepsis but there is a paucity of carriage data published from the developing world, in particular South East Asia.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We undertook a cross sectional study over a 13 month period in a remote South East Asian setting on the Thai-Myanmar border. During labour, 549 mothers had a combined vaginal rectal swab taken for GBS culture. All swabs underwent both conventional culture as well as PCR for GBS detection. Cultured GBS isolates were serotyped by latex agglutination, those that were negative or had a weak positive reaction and those that were PCR positive but culture negative were additionally tested using multiplex PCR based on the detection of GBS capsular polysaccharide genes.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The GBS carriage rate was 12.0% (95% CI: 9.4-15.0), with 8.6% positive by both culture and PCR and an additional 3.5% positive by PCR alone. Serotypes, Ia, Ib, II, III, IV, V, VI and VII were identified, with II the predominant serotype. All GBS isolates were susceptible to penicillin, ceftriaxone and vancomycin and 43/47 (91.5%) were susceptible to erythromycin and clindamycin.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>GBS carriage is not uncommon in pregnant women living on the Thai-Myanmar border with a large range of serotypes represented.</p

    Identification of Marine Biotechnology Value Chains with High Potential in the Northern Mediterranean Region

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    © 2023. The authors. This document is made available under the CC-BY 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by /4.0/ This document is the Accepted version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in Marine Drugs. To access the final edited and published work see https://doi.org/10.3390/md21070416Marine (blue) biotechnology is an emerging field enabling the valorization of new products and processes with massive potential for innovation and economic growth. In the Mediterranean region, this innovation potential is not exploited as well as in other European regions due to a lack of a clear identification of the different value chains and the high fragmentation of business innovation initiatives. As a result, several opportunities to create an innovative society are being missed. To address this problem, eight Northern Mediterranean countries (Croatia, France, Greece, Mar. Drugs 2023, 21, 416. https://doi.org/10.3390/md21070416 https://www.mdpi.com/journal/marinedrugs Mar. Drugs 2023, 21, 416 2 of 26 Italy, Montenegro, Portugal, Slovenia and Spain) established five national blue biotechnology hubs to identify and address the bottlenecks that prevent the development of marine biotechnology in the region. Following a three-step approach (1. Analysis: setting the scene; 2. Transfer: identification of promising value chains; 3. Capitalization: community creation), we identified the three value chains that are most promising for the Northern Mediterranean region: algae production for added-value compounds, integrated multi-trophic aquaculture (IMTA) and valorization aquaculture/fisheries/processing by-products, unavoidable/unwanted catches and discards. The potential for the development and the technical and non-technical skills that are necessary to advance in this exciting field were identified through several stakeholder events which provided valuable insight and feedback that should be addressed for marine biotechnology in the Northern Mediterranean region to reach its full potential

    Identification of Marine Biotechnology Value Chains with High Potential in the Northern Mediterranean Region

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    ©2023. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ This document is the Published, version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in Marine Drugs. To access the final edited and published work see https://doi.org/ 10.3390/md21070416Marine (blue) biotechnology is an emerging field enabling the valorization of new products and processes with massive potential for innovation and economic growth. In the Mediterranean region, this innovation potential is not exploited as well as in other European regions due to a lack of a clear identification of the different value chains and the high fragmentation of business innovation initiatives. As a result, several opportunities to create an innovative society are being missed. To address this problem, eight Northern Mediterranean countries (Croatia, France, Greece Italy, Montenegro, Portugal, Slovenia and Spain) established five national blue biotechnology hubs to identify and address the bottlenecks that prevent the development of marine biotechnology in the region. Following a three-step approach (1. Analysis: setting the scene; 2. Transfer: identifi cation of promising value chains; 3. Capitalization: community creation), we identified the three value chains that are most promising for the Northern Mediterranean region: algae production for added-value compounds, integrated multi-trophic aquaculture (IMTA) and valorization aquacul ture/fisheries/processing by-products, unavoidable/unwanted catches and discards. The potential for the development and the technical and non-technical skills that are necessary to advance in this exciting field were identified through several stakeholder events which provided valuable insight and feedback that should be addressed for marine biotechnology in the Northern Mediterranean region to reach its full potential
