432 research outputs found

    Nuclear energy, economy & ecology

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    Modern civilization is inconceivable without electricity. Nuclear energy is one of the main sources of energy nowadays, so it requires a comprehensive research. The nuclear power sector is the most significant in France, Belgium, Finland, Sweden, Switzerland - in those industrial countries where natural energy resources are insufficient. The nuclear power has a significant advantage over the social, health and environmental costs of the fossil fuel use. Nuclear energy is the most concentrated form of energy. Nuclear power plants don't require a lot of space, they don't need a large plot like a wind farm. Nuclear power stations don’t contribute to carbon emissions, so it doesn’t contribute to global warming. Nuclear power is reliable. It doesn't depend on the weather. It has proven to be cost effective almost all over the world. However, nuclear power plants are potentially dangerous objects. That’s why it’s very important to comply with all of the safety requirements. The term "safety of the nuclear plants" is closely related to different types of damage, with possible harmful consequences of the accidents at the nuclear plants

    An interrupted flight: unpublished soviet regional encyclopedias of the 1920s–1930s.

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    The article was submitted on 03.06.2014.A study of the attempt to publish regional Soviet encyclopedias of the 1920s–1930s has revealed that a majority remained unfinished, in part because of the suppression of the local history movement all over the country. Referencing archival documents, the author studies the history of preparation and publication for the Ural Soviet Encyclopedia, which was cancelled after publication of the first volume. The author scrutinizes the destructive role of censorship in regional publishing, demonstrating how local history proved incompatible with the ideology of the ruling party. Finally, the article provides information on the authors of the Encyclopedia.Исследование проекта издания региональных советских энциклопедий 1920–1930-х гг. выявило их общую незавершенную судьбу, ставшую результатом разгрома краеведческого движения по всей стране в это время. На основе архивных документов рассматривается история подготовки и издания Уральской советской энциклопедии, публикация которой была остановлена после выхода в печать первого тома. Особое внимание уделяется деструктивной роли цензуры в региональном книгоиздании, наиболее отчетливо проявившей несовместимость советской партийной идеологии и изучения конкретной локальной истории. Восстанавливаются биографические сведения об участниках создания энциклопедий

    Here will be a garden-city: utopian image of a city in the Uralmash plant newspaper

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    The article was submitted 11.05.2015.The article introduces the previously unstudied heavy engineering Uralmash Plant newspaper Za Tyazheloye Mashinostroyeniye published between 1934 and 1937; the newspaper is studied as a meta-text and a historical literary source where the editors and party leaders created a utopian image of an ideal city. During the period in question, L. L. Averbakh was secretary of the plant party committee and later secretary of the Ordzhonikidze district committee of Sverdlovsk, and partook in creative writing and literary criticism. The author analyzes the stylistic peculiarities of the key text underlying utopianism in the newspaper, To Herbert G. Wells. My Country and Uralmash in 1950 that creates an image of a future city based on the comparison of an imaginative future with the most urgent issues of reality. The author makes a supposition that it was L. L. Averbakh who authored the article as he had a substantial experience of editorial work and enthusiastically participated in the newspaper publication process. The article describes the main methods the Editorial Board used to create the image of a socialist city of the future and its introduction to the reader as one existing in reality. The fact that the editors of the newspaper perceived the Uralmash Plant as a single unity is proved by the choice of lexical means employed to characterize it, namely, “the socialist city”, “our city”, “the city of Uralmash”, “the city of Soviet machines”, “the city of happiness”, “Sergo-City”, “beautiful Uralmash”. The article explores the role the Editorial Board assigned to the dwellers of Uralmash district; provided they observed the limits, they were allowed to criticize certain shortcomings, while the authors of articles used a multitude of grammar means (such as plural forms of first person proper pronouns and verbs) to create an illusion of conjoint actions. Together with the image of a new city of happiness, the newspaper of the Plant created a new calendar based on the date the Uralmash was launched which also manifested itself through other memorable dates. The shift to a new calendar is also emphasized by the constant contrast of the old world and the new one as well as the creation of an image of people of a new era. The author analyzes the image of the inhabitants of the utopian city who are described by means of constant metonymies gold and currency fund, and reveals the special everyday life canon of the first developers of the plant and determines the role the newspaper played in the process of Uralmash district population formation with them starting to realize their being a special group of people, standing higher than others up the social ladder. Additionally, the article explores the theme of childhood and the succession of generations in newspaper articles: it was children that were meant to become the lofty aim of the future for whose sake the constructors of the socialist city had to overcome so many hardships. The author singles out a number of lexical units recurrent in the articles such as happiness, joy, rejoicement used in different grammar forms to create the emotional tone of the newspaper. It turning to books published during the 1950s and devoted to the history of the Uralmash plant and to the memoirs of the inhabitants of the district leads the author to conclude that the basic elements of utopia one finds in the newspaper Za Tyazheloye Mashinostoryeniye got deeply rooted in the district’s inhabitants’ minds and formed their identity.Заводская газета Уральского завода тяжелого машиностроения «За тяжелое машиностроение» за 1934-1937 гг. впервые вводится как историко-литературный источник в научный оборот и рассматривается как метатекст, в котором усилиями редакции и партийного руководства создается утопический образ идеального города. В это время секретарем парткома завода, а затем секретарем Орджоникидзевского райкома партии г. Свердловска был Л. Л. Авербах, причастный к писательскому творчеству и литературной критике. Автор анализирует стилистические особенности ключевого для реализации утопии текста «Мистеру Герберту Дж. Уэльсу. Моя страна и Уралмаш в 1950 г.», в котором образ будущего города создается на основе сопоставления фантастического будущего с решением наиболее острых проблем современности. Делается предположение о возможном авторстве Л. Л. Авербаха, имевшего большой опыт редакторской работы и активно участвовавшего в создании заводской газеты. Выделяются основные приемы, использовавшиеся редакцией для создания образа социалистического города будущего и презентации его читателям как реально существующего. Тот факт, что Уралмаш осознавался в эти годы создателями газеты именно как отдельная единица, подтверждается прежде всего выбором лексических средств для его наименования: «социалистический город», «наш город», «город УЗТМ», «город Уралмаша», «город советских машин», «город счастья», «город-Серго», «красавец Уралмаш». Рассматривается, какую роль в процессе создания газеты отводила редакция самим жителям Уралмаша: в рамках дозволенного они могли критиковать конкретные недостатки, а авторы статей активно использовали грамматические средства языка (форму множественного числа личных местоимений и глаголов), чтобы создать иллюстраницах газеты ЗТМ создается новое летоисчисление, берущее начало с момента пуска завода, но проявляющееся и в других «памятных» датах. Переход к новому времени подчеркивается и постоянно используемым на страницах газеты приемом противопоставления нового мира старому, созданием образа «новых людей новой эпохи». Анализируется образ жителей утопического города, по отношению к которым используются ставшие постоянными метонимии «золотой» и «валютный» фонд, выявляется своеобразный «житийный» канон первых строителей завода, определяется роль заводской газеты в процессе формирования идентичности населения Уралмаша, начинавшего осознавать свою принадлежность к особенной группе людей, стоящей на более высокой ступеньке общественной лестницы. Рассматривается репрезентация темы детства и преемственности поколений в газетных статьях: именно дети должны были стать той высокой целью в будущем, ради которой строители социалистического города преодолевали столько трудностей. Выделяется постоянный повтор таких лексических единиц, как «счастье», «веселье» и «радость», используемых в разных грамматических формах, благодаря которым создается эмоциональный фон газеты. Обращение к книгам, вышедшим в 1950-е гг. и посвященным истории Уралмаша, и к воспоминаниям жителей этого района позволяет констатировать, что основные элементы утопии, представляемые на страницах газеты «За тяжелое машиностроение» как осуществляющееся на глазах действие, прочно закрепились в сознании уралмашевцев и сформировали их идентичность

    Research Potential of Archive Documents in Bibliothecal Local Lore Studies

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    Выделены типы архивных источников, необходимых для изучения истории региональной печати и цензуры. Представлены возможные направления работы с архивными документами в библиотечном краеведении.There are determined the types of archive sources, which are required to study the regional press and censorship. There are shown possible directions of work with archive documents in bibliothecal local lore studies

    Functions of the Language Game in the Internet Discourse

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    The purpose of this article consists in giving a general notion of the functions of the language game in the Internet discourse. Here is represented the classification of the functions which are carried out by the language game in the Internet communication

    The influence of islamic extremist groups on youth through social networks

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    В статье анализируется проблема влияния исламских экстремистских группировок на сознание молодежи и вовлечения ими молодых людей в свои ряды. В качестве одного из основных орудий распространения радикального ислама рассматриваются социальные сети.In article analyzed a problem of islamic extremist groups’s influence on the consciousness of youth and their involvement of young people in their ranks. As one of the main instrument of distribution of radical islam considered social networks


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    The adaptation of common wheat (T. aestivum L.) to diverse environmental conditions is greatly under the control of genes involved in determination of vernalization response (Vrn-1 genes). It was found that the variation in common wheat heading time is affected not only by combination of Vrn-1 homoeoalleles but also by multiple alleles at a separate Vrn-1 locus. Previously, we described the Vrn-B1c allele from T.aestivum cv. 'Saratovskaya 29' and found significant differences in the structure of the first (1st) intron of this allele when compared to another highly abundant Vrn-B1a allele, specifically, the deletion of 0.8 kb coupled with the duplication of 0.4 kb. We suggested that the changes in the intron 1 of Vrn-B1c allele caused earlier ear emergence in the near-isogenic line and cultivars, carrying this allele. In this study we investigate the distribution of the Vrn-B1c allele in a wide set of spring wheat cultivars from Russia, Ukraine and adjacent regions. The analysis revealed that 40% of Russian and 53% of Ukranian spring wheat cultivars contain the Vrn-B1c allele. The high distribution of the Vrn-B1c allele can be explained by a frequent using of 'Saratovskaya 29' in the breeding process inside the studied area. From the other hand, the predominance of the Vrn-B1c allele among cultivars cultivated in West Siberia and Kazakhstan may be due to the selective advantage of this allele for the region where there is a high risk of early fall frosts

    Study of Biological Properties of Effective Pesticides Destructor Pseudomonas Putida P2

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    A promising approach for remediation of contaminated soils is the use of biological products based on microorganisms-destructors. Of particular interest are the strains that can decompose several types of pollutants. Potential strains-destructors should be not only effective but also adapted for certain soil and climatic conditions. In addition, when introducing a significant amount of biological agents into the ecosystem, the lack of toxicological and pathogenic effects on plants, animals, and humans is particularly important. The object of the study is the destructor strain of sim-triazine herbicide of prometrin Pseudomonas putida P2. The study explores the ability of strain to use various pesticides as the only carbon source, the effect of bacterial culture on seed germination, biotesting of strain on toxicity using earthworms. Besides, the study presents the phytopathogenic factors and enzymes causing bacteria invasiveness into animals and humans. The determination of dehydrogenase activity of prometrin destructor strain shows that this strain can also use active ingredients of pesticide malathion, HCH, and 4,4-DDT as only sole carbon source. It is also established that the studied strain Pseudomonas putida P2 increases the germination of seeds of the variety Saratovskaya 70 and carrots of the variety Samson and does not possess pathogenicity factors. The strain biotesting on the earthworms revealed no acute toxicity of the culture. The analysis of data obtained from the model pollution shows that the introduction of the destructor of Prometrium Pseudomonas putida P2 into the soil can create favorable conditions for vital activity and reproduction of earthworms

    Genes involved in the regulation of vascular homeostasis determine renal survival rate in patients with chronic glomerulonephritis

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    In this study, we analyzed association of genes of vascular homeostasis with hypertension and renal survival of CGN patients. The study sample included 238 patients with CGN and 304 healthy subjects of population control. Ten polymorphisms of ten genes of vascular homeostasis were genotyped through polymerase chain reaction (PCR), restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis and TaqMan assays. Association of the genotypes with renal survival was analyzed by the Kaplan-Meier estimato