1,806 research outputs found

    Photometric measurements of surface characteristics of echo i satellite final report

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    Photometric measurements of Echo I satellite surface characteristic

    Strong interaction of a turbulent spot with a shock-induced separation bubble

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    Direct numerical simulations have been conducted to study the passage of a turbulent spot through a shock-induced separation bubble. Localized blowing is used to trip the boundary layer well upstream of the shock impingement, leading to mature turbulent spots at impingement, with a length comparable to the length of the separation zone. Interactions are simulated at free stream Mach numbers of two and four, for isothermal (hot) wall boundary conditions. The core of the spot is seen to tunnel through the separation bubble, leading to a transient reattachment of the flow. Recovery times are long due to the influence of the calmed region behind the spot. The propagation speed of the trailing interface of the spot decreases during the interaction and a substantial increase in the lateral spreading of the spot was observed. A conceptual model based on the growth of the lateral shear layer near the wingtips of the spot is used to explain the change in lateral growth rat

    Collpas: Activity hotspots for frugivorous bats (Phyllostomidae) in the Peruvian Amazon

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    In the SE Peruvian Amazon, large numbers of frugivorous bats regularly visit natural forest clearings known locally as collpas (which are also referred to as clay licks or mineral licks). Bats arrive at collpas to drink water that has accumulated in depressions created by larger geophagous mammals that consume exposed soil. Although collpa visitation is common, little is known about its causes and its ecological implications for the bat community. We compared patterns of use of collpas and non-collpa forest sites by bats in SE Peru. We mist netted bats at collpas and non-collpa sites during the dry season and compared abundance, species richness, species composition, sex ratio, and reproductive condition. More species were captured at collpas than at non-collpa sites, and collpas were visited almost exclusively by frugivores. Overall, bat-capture frequency and combined frugivorous bat-capture frequency were higher at collpas than at non-collpa sites, although some species of frugivorous bats were captured more frequently at non-collpa sites than at collpas (e.g., Carollia spp.). Irrespective of capture site, more female bats were pregnant or lactating than not, but there was a distinct female sex bias in bats that visited collpas: 70 percent of bats captured at collpas were female, whereas 44 percent of bats captured away from collpas were female. These patterns suggest that collpas may provide important resources for frugivorous bats in SE Peru, just as they are thought to provide important resources to the vertebrates that consume collpa soils. Accordingly, collpas are important conservation targets in the region. © 2008 The Author(s)

    The modification and use of a ground-based photometer for evaluation of satellite materials

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    Five-color multipurpose photometer development and observations on Echo 1 and 2, Explorer 19, and Pageos

    Biomass burning and urban air pollution over the Central Mexican Plateau

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    Observations during the 2006 dry season of highly elevated concentrations of cyanides in the atmosphere above Mexico City (MC) and the surrounding plains demonstrate that biomass burning (BB) significantly impacted air quality in the region. We find that during the period of our measurements, fires contribute more than half of the organic aerosol mass and submicron aerosol scattering, and one third of the enhancement in benzene, reactive nitrogen, and carbon monoxide in the outflow from the plateau. The combination of biomass burning and anthropogenic emissions will affect ozone chemistry in the MC outflow

    Happiness of the very wealthy.

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    ABSTRACT. The subjective well-being of very wealthy persons was compared with that of a control group who lived in the same geographical area. One hundred persons from Forbes list of wealthiest Americans were queried, as well as 100 control persons selected from telephone directories. The 49 wealthy respondents reported average levels of subjective well-being which were higher than the 62 control group respondents and any subgroup of respondents in a national sample. However, there were unhappy wealthy people and the average level of this group was only modestly higher than for other groups. None of the respondents believed that money is a major source of happiness. When the major sources of happiness mentioned by the two groups were coded for Maslow's needs, it was found that the wealthy group more often mentioned seN-esteem and self-actualization and less frequently mentioned physiological and security needs

    Quantifying black carbon deposition over the Greenland ice sheet from forest fires in Canada

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    Black carbon (BC) concentrations observed in 22 snowpits sampled in the northwest sector of the Greenland ice sheet in April 2014 have allowed us to identify a strong and widespread BC aerosol deposition event, which was dated to have accumulated in the pits from two snow storms between 27 July and 2 August 2013. This event comprises a significant portion (57% on average across all pits) of total BC deposition over 10 months (July 2013 to April 2014). Here we link this deposition event to forest fires burning in Canada during summer 2013 using modeling and remote sensing tools. Aerosols were detected by both the Cloud‐Aerosol Lidar with Orthogonal Polarization (on board CALIPSO) and Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (Aqua) instruments during transport between Canada and Greenland. We use high‐resolution regional chemical transport modeling (WRF‐Chem) combined with high‐resolution fire emissions (FINNv1.5) to study aerosol emissions, transport, and deposition during this event. The model captures the timing of the BC deposition event and shows that fires in Canada were the main source of deposited BC. However, the model underpredicts BC deposition compared to measurements at all sites by a factor of 2–100. Underprediction of modeled BC deposition originates from uncertainties in fire emissions and model treatment of wet removal of aerosols. Improvements in model descriptions of precipitation scavenging and emissions from wildfires are needed to correctly predict deposition, which is critical for determining the climate impacts of aerosols that originate from fires

    Products of Nearly Holomorphic Eigenforms

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    We prove that the product of two nearly holomorphic Hecke eigenforms is again a Hecke eigenform for only finitely many choices of factors.Comment: 8 page