1,471 research outputs found

    A Rapid Survey of the Critically Endangered Zapata Toad, Peltophryne florentinoi (Anura: Bufonidae), in Cuba: New Locality and Conservation Approaches

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    We provide new distributional data for the most geographically restricted and threatened Cuban toad, the Zapata Toad (Peltophryne florentinoi), and evaluate this information for its potential conservation implications. Prior to this survey, the species was known from only one locality. Although our records extend the geographic distribution about 20 km to the east from the previous locality, unsuitable habitats limited the species’ true extent of occurrence. Intermittent salt-water lagoons, local lithographic features, and anthropogenic disturbances impede the continuity of the toad’s distribution along the coastal forests. New surveys and long-term monitoring protocols could offer better clues about the distribution, biology, and conservation status of this species

    On the void explanation of the Cold Spot

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    The integrated Sachs-Wolfe (ISW) contribution induced on the cosmic microwave background by the presence of a supervoid as the one detected by Szapudi et al. (2015) is reviewed in this letter in order to check whether it could explain the Cold Spot (CS) anomaly. Two different models, previously used for the same purpose, are considered to describe the matter density profile of the void: a top hat function and a compensated profile produced by a Gaussian potential. The analysis shows that, even enabling ellipticity changes or different values for the dark-energy equation of state parameter ω\omega, the ISW contribution due to the presence of the void does not reproduce the properties of the CS. Finally, the probability of alignment between the void and the CS is also questioned as an argument in favor of a physical connection between these two phenomena

    Shock wave study and theoretical modeling of the thermal decomposition of c-C4F8

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    The thermal dissociation of octafluorocyclobutane, c-C4F8, was studied in shock waves over the range 1150-2300 K by recording UV absorption signals of CF2. It was found that the primary reaction nearly exclusively produces 2 C2F4 which afterwards decomposes to 4 CF2. A primary reaction leading to CF2 + C3F6 is not detected (an upper limit to the yield of the latter channel was found to be about 10 percent). The temperature range of earlier single pulse shock wave experiments was extended. The reaction was shown to be close to its high pressure limit. Combining high and low temperature results leads to a rate constant for the primary dissociation of k1 = 1015.97 exp(-310.5 kJ mol-1/RT) s-1 in the range 630-1330 K, over which k1 varies over nearly 14 orders of magnitude. Calculations of the energetics of the reaction pathway and the rate constants support the conclusions from the experiments. Also they shed light on the role of the 1,4-biradical CF2CF2CF2CF2 as an intermediate of the reaction.Fil: Cobos, Carlos Jorge. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Fisicoquímicas Teóricas y Aplicadas. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas. Instituto de Investigaciones Fisicoquímicas Teóricas y Aplicadas; ArgentinaFil: Hintzer, K.. Dyneon Gmbh; AlemaniaFil: Sölter, L.. Universität Göttingen; AlemaniaFil: Tellbach, E.. Universität Göttingen; AlemaniaFil: Thaler, A.. Dyneon Gmbh; AlemaniaFil: Troe, J.. Universität Göttingen; Alemania. Max-Planck-Institut fu¨r biophysikalische Chemie; Alemani

    Exploring two-spin internal linear combinations for the recovery of the CMB polarization

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    We present a methodology to recover cosmic microwave background (CMB) polarization in which the quantity P=Q+iUP = Q+ iU is linearly combined at different frequencies using complex coefficients. This is the most general linear combination of the QQ and UU Stokes parameters which preserves the physical coherence of the residual contribution on the CMB estimation. The approach is applied to the internal linear combination (ILC) and the internal template fitting (ITF) methodologies. The variance of PP of the resulting map is minimized to compute the coefficients of the linear combination. One of the key aspects of this procedure is that it serves to account for a global frequency-dependent shift of the polarization phase. Although in the standard case, in which no global E-B transference depending on frequency is expected in the foreground components, minimizing P2\left\langle |P|^2\right\rangle is similar to minimizing Q2\left\langle Q^2\right\rangle and U2\left\langle U^2\right\rangle separately (as previous methodologies proceed), multiplying QQ and UU by different coefficients induces arbitrary changes in the polarization angle and it does not preserve the coherence between the spinorial components. The approach is tested on simulations, obtaining a similar residual level with respect to the one obtained with other implementations of the ILC, and perceiving the polarization rotation of a toy model with the frequency dependence of the Faraday rotation.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Searching for a dipole modulation in the large-scale structure of the Universe

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    Several statistical anomalies in the CMB temperature anisotropies seem to defy the assumption of a homogeneous and isotropic universe. In particular, a dipole modulation has been detected both in WMAP and Planck data. We adapt the methodology proposed by Eriksen et al. (2007) on CMB data to galaxy surveys, tracing the large-scale structure. We analyse the NRAO VLA Sky Survey (NVSS) data at a resolution of ~2 degrees for three different flux thresholds: 2.5, 5.0 and 10.0 mJy respectively. No evidence of a dipole modulation is found. This result suggests that the origin of the dipole asymmetry found in the CMB cannot be assigned to secondary anisotropies produced at redshifts around z = 1. However, it could still have been generated at redshifts higher or lower, such as the integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect produced by the local structures. Other all-sky surveys, like the infrared WISE catalogue, could help to explore with a high sensitivity a redshift interval closer than the one probed with NVSS.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures. Some minor changes have been done from the original manuscript. This paper is accepted by MNRA

    Detecting Signals of Species’ Ecological Niches in Results of Studies with Defined Sampling Protocols: Example Application to Pathogen Niches

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    Ecological niches are increasingly appreciated as a long-term stable constraint on the geographic and temporal distributions of species, including species involved in disease transmission cycles (pathogens, vectors, hosts). Although considerable research effort has used correlative methodologies for characterizing niches, sampling effort (and the biases that this effort may or may not carry with it) considerations have generally not been incorporated explicitly into ecological niche modeling. In some cases, however, the sampling effort can be characterized explicitly, such as when hosts are tested for pathogens, as well as comparable situations such as when traps are deployed to capture particular species, etc. Here, we present simple methods for testing the hypothesis that non-randomness in occurrence or detection exists with respect to environmental dimensions (= a detectable signal of ecological niche); i.e., whether a pathogen occurs nonrandomly with respect to environment, given the occurrence and sampling of its host. We have implemented a set of R functions that presents an overall test for nonrandom occurrence with respect to a set of environmental dimensions, and, a posteriori, a set of exploratory tests that identify in which dimension(s) and in which direction or form the nonrandom occurrence is manifested. Our tools correctly detected signals of niche in most of our example cases. Although such signal may not be detectable in cases in which the niche of interest is broader than the universe sampled, such a possibility was correctly discarded in our analyses, preventing further interpretations. This kind of testing can constitute an initial step in a process that would conclude with development of a more typical ecological niche model. The particular advantage of the analyses proposed is that they consider the biases involved in sampling, testing, and reporting, in the context of nonrandom occurrence with respect to environment before proceeding to inferential and predictive steps

    Water as a scarce natural resource and streamlining its use for irrigation

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    Se hacen algunas reflexiones acerca del agua como recurso escaso que es en el ámbito planetario, así como sus principales usos, entre los que destaca el regadío. Tanto en España como en Andalucía los usos del agua para riego son los más importantes, pero lo que se ha pretendido destacar es su irracionalidad, puesto que en un porcentaje importante de las hectáreas con regadío, estas no generan valor añadido para pagar el coste del agua puesto en la parcela. Como el agua para riego se subvenciona en general y en un porcentaje muy importante, se producen problemas, ya sea, de escasez del recurso, de despilfarro por un consumo mayor al no instalar sistemas de riego que consumen menos agua, y de contaminación de los acuíferos. En el artículo se hace finalmente una reflexión acerca del ahorro de este recurso que se produciría si lo gestionamos mejor, y si de verdad acabamos implantando la Directiva Marco del Agua.This paper offers a critical overview of water, a scarce resource on our planet, and its main uses, predominantly for agricultural purposes. Both in Spain and in Andalucía, the major part of our water resources are used for irrigation. Yet there are irrational aspects of this use, as a very considerable proportion of the hectares being irrigated do not yield any additional value that would compensate the cost of the water destined to that terrain. Given that irrigation water is subsidized in general, when its use is problematic, we must address issues such as the scarcity of hydric resources, the wastefulness of excessive consumption without installing irrigation systems to consume less water, and the contamination of aquifers. Some final reflections are concerned with the protection of water resources and their improved management, including our real adherence to the Water Framework Directive

    A geothermal plant from a time-scale perspective

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    In recent years, geothermal energy use from low-temperature sandstone reservoirs has sharply increased. Nonetheless, the injection of heat-depleted geothermal fluids has not been an easy task because of well/formation damage and operational/economic issues. Sønderborg geothermal plant is a case example of heat-mining from a low-temperature reservoir. It is in the northeast of Sønderborg towards Augustenborg Fjord. The present work takes into consideration the regional and local geology of the Sønderborg area, construction of the wells, field experience and water chemistry. The main issues of the geothermal plant appear to be related to the construction of the wells and reinjection of the heat-depleted brine. Our water chemistry analysis and PHREEQC simulations indicate that geothermal brine was saturated with respect to carbonate and barite minerals. The excess of Ca2+ and SO42− ions could have led to the formation and precipitation of carbonate and sulfate scales. Moreover, the increment of iron concentration over time could suggest the ingress of oxygen and pitting corrosion due to the presence of halide ions