475 research outputs found

    The 1996 research assessment exercise : the library and information management panel

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    Reports on the 1996 Research Assessment Exercise (RAE), the fourth such exercise aimed at providing funding councils of UK universities (including former polytechnics) with the necessary data to rate the quality of UK academic research for predetermined units of assessment in order to fund research selectively. Previous RAEs were conducted in 1986, 1989, and 1992 (for a report of the 1992 RAE see JOLIS 26 (3) Sep 94, 141-7 (LISA ref. 9409765)). Reports generally on the work of the Library and Information Management Panel in agreeing criteria specific to their assessment task, particularly the five principal modes of publication: research monographs; articles in scholarly periodicals; refereed conference papers; published research reports; and book chapters. Discusses the methodology used by the Panel, research submissions received and the overall results

    Disparate dispersal limitation in Geomalacus slugs unveiled by the shape and slope of the genetic–spatial distance relationship

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    Long‐term dispersal ability is a key species’ trait constraining species ranges and thus large‐scale biodiversity patterns. Here we infer the long‐term dispersal abilities of three Geomalacus (Gastropoda, Pulmonata) species from their range‐wide genetic–spatial distance relationships. This approach follows recent advances in statistical modelling of the analogous pattern at the community level: the distance decay in assemblage similarity. While linear relationships are expected for species with high long‐term dispersal abilities, asymptotic relationships are expected for those with more restricted mobility. We evaluated three functional forms (linear, negative exponential and power‐law) for the relationship between genetic distance (computed from mitochondrial cox1 sequences, n = 701) and spatial distance. Range fragmentation at present time and at the Last Glacial Maximum was also estimated based on the projection of climatic niches. The power‐law function best fit the relationship between genetic and spatial distances, suggesting strong dispersal limitation and long‐term population isolation in all three species. However, the differences in slope and explained variance pointed to disparities in dispersal ability among these weak dispersers. Phylogeographic patterns of Geomalacus species are thus largely driven by the same major process (i.e. dispersal limitation), operating at different strengths. This strong dispersal limitation results in geographic clustering of genetic diversity that makes these species highly vulnerable to genetic erosion due to climate changThe authors were supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through grant CGL2016‐76637‐P and fellowship IJCI‐2014‐20881 to CG‐RS

    Deformed Skyrme Crystals

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    The Skyrme crystal, a solution of the Skyrme model, is the lowest energy-per-charge configuration of skyrmions seen so far. Our numerical investigations show that, as the period in various space directions is changed, one obtains various other configurations, such as a double square wall, and parallel vortex-like solutions. We also show that there is a sudden "phase transition" between a Skyrme crystal and the charge 4 skyrmion with cubic symmetry as the period is gradually increased in all three space directions.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures. To be published in JHE

    A chiral crystal in cold QCD matter at intermediate densities?

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    The analogue of Overhauser (particle-hole) pairing in electronic systems (spin-density waves with non-zero total momentum QQ) is analyzed in finite-density QCD for 3 colors and 2 flavors, and compared to the color-superconducting BCS ground state (particle-particle pairing, QQ=0). The calculations are based on effective nonperturbative four-fermion interactions acting in both the scalar diquark as well as the scalar-isoscalar quark-hole ('σ\sigma') channel. Within the Nambu-Gorkov formalism we set up the coupled channel problem including multiple chiral density wave formation, and evaluate the resulting gaps and free energies. Employing medium-modified instanton-induced 't Hooft interactions, as applicable around μq0.4\mu_q\simeq 0.4 GeV (or 4 times nuclear saturation density), we find the 'chiral crystal phase' to be competitive with the color superconductor.Comment: 14 pages ReVTeX, including 11 ps-/eps-figure

    Evaluación de la competencia clínica de tutores de residentes de medicina familiar y comunitaria

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    ObjetivoDescribir la primera experiencia de una evaluación clínica objetiva y estructurada (ECOE) a tutores de residentes realizada en la comunidad autónoma de AndalucíaDiseñoObservacional descriptivoEmplazamientoUnidad Docente de Medicina Familiar y Comunitaria de HuelvaParticipantesTutores de residentes de medicina familiar y comunitariaMediciones principalesLos componentes competenciales que se consensuaron y ponderaron fueron los siguientes: anamnesis, exploración física, comunicación,habilidades técnicas, manejo, atención a la familia y actividades preventivas. La selección de las 10 situaciones clínicas de las que constaba la prueba se realizó utilizando unos criterios de priorización según la prevalencia, gravedad clínica, importancia de la prevención y del diagnóstico precoz, complejidad del caso, evaluación de la capacidad resolutiva del médico y simplicidad evaluativaResultadosRealizaron la ECOE 13 tutores. La edad media ± desviación estándar de los participantes fue de 42,8 ± 3,64 años. La prueba tuvo un coeficiente de fiabilidad (alfa de Cronbach) de 0,73. Por lo que se refiere a los resultados por participantes, la media global fue de 73 ± 6,2. Al analizar los resultados para los diferentes componentes competenciales, los mejores resultados se obtuvieron en la atención a la familia, la comunicación y las habilidades técnicasConclusionesLas pruebas de evaluación clínica objetiva y estructurada pueden ser útiles para la valoración de los tutores, con el objetivo de orientar su formación en los puntos débiles e incluso para, en un futuro no muy lejano, servir como instrumento para acreditar y reacreditar a los tutores de residentes de medicina familiar y comunitariaObjectivesWe show the first experience of the application of an objetive and structured clinical evaluation (OSCE) procedure to family medicine trainers, that has been carried out in Andalucia. The objective is to use a competence evaluation instrument that, in the short term, will be used not only for trainer accreditation but also for other public sanitary professionalsParticipantsTutors of family and commnity medicine residentsDesignObservational descriptiveSettingEducational unity of family medicinePrincipal measurementsThe competencial components to be assessed are the following: anamnesis, physical exploration, communication, technical skill, management, family attention y preventive activities. The clinical situations were selected using the following priority criteria: prevalence, clinical gravity, prevention and early diagnosis importance, case complexity, doctor's capacity of evaluation and simplicityResultsThirteen family medicine trainers took part in the OSCE. Their average age was 42.8±3.6 years. The test had an overall reliability coefficient (Cronbach's alpha) of 0.73. The overall mean score of the participants was 73±6.2. The best results about the competencial components were family attention, communication and technical skillConclusionsThe OSCE can be a convenient tool for family medical trainer evaluation, helping to orientate their education in the weak points and, in the near future, it can also be used as an instrument do accredit family medicine trainer

    Skyrme Crystal In A Two-Dimensional Electron Gas

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    The ground state of a two-dimensional electron gas at Landau level filling factors near ν=1\nu =1 is a Skyrme crystal with long range order in the positions and orientations of the topologically and electrically charged elementary excitations of the ν=1\nu=1 ferromagnetic ground state. The lowest energy Skyrme crystal is a square lattice with opposing postures for topological excitations on opposite sublattices. The filling factor dependence of the electron spin-polarization, calculated for the square lattice Skyrme crystal, is in excellent agreement with recent experiments.Comment: 3 pages, latex, 3 figures available upon request from [email protected]

    Chiral Unitary Approach To The N*N*pi, N*N*eta Couplings For The N*(1535) Resonance

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    Using a chiral unitary model in which the negative parity nucleon resonance NN(1535)N^\ast \equiv N^\ast(1535) is generated dynamically by means of the Bethe Salpeter equation with coupled meson baryon channels in the S=0S = 0 sector, we have obtained the π0NN\pi^0 N^\ast N^\ast and ηNN\eta N^\ast N^\ast couplings. The π0NN\pi^0 N^\ast N^\ast coupling has smaller strength and the same sign as the π0NN\pi^0 N N coupling. This rules out the mirror assignment of chiral symmetry where the ground state nucleon NN and the negative parity resonance NN^\ast are envisaged as chiral partners in the baryon sector.Comment: 30 pages, 15 figures (ps files). The new version discusses pi-N scattering around the N*(1535) resonanc