723 research outputs found

    Reemplazo de la estabilización tartárica por frío en las bodegas: El uso de carboximetil celulosa, poliaspartato de potasio y resinas intercambiadoras de iones

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    El tratamiento de los vinos antes del embotellado para evitar la precipitación de las sales del ácido tartárico es un paso importante y común durante la producción del vino. La estabilización en frío es el tratamiento de estabilización más utilizado, y aunque ha demostrado ser efectiva, presenta algunas desventajas significativas. Estas son las razones por las cuales se están introduciendo otros productos y metodologías en las bodegas. Algunas de estas nuevas técnicas implican la reducción de la concentración de ácido tartárico y/o potasio en los vinos. Otras son técnicas aditivas y utilizan coloides protectores o inhibidores de la cristalización de las sales. En este estudio, se han tratado con carboximetilcelulosa, con poliaspartado de potasio y con resina de intercambio iónico vinos blancos, rosados y dos tipos diferentes de vinos tintos. Se estudiaron las características enológicas y cromáticas de los vinos y se evaluaron también sensorialmente. Los resultados indican que las características sensoriales y cromáticas se mantuvieron en los vinos (en comparación con un vino de control no tratado) con el uso de la carboximetilcelulosa y el poliaspartato, no detectándose diferencias en la mayoría de los casos en una prueba sensorial triangular en el caso de la carboximetilcelulosa y siendo los vinos tratados con poliaspartato de potasio evaluados positivamente

    Handgrip and knee extension strength as predictors of cancer mortality: A systematic review and metaâ analysis

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    Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/145272/1/sms13206.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/145272/2/sms13206_am.pd

    Larval Development in Tropical Gar (Atractosteus tropicus) Is Dependent on the Embryonic Thermal Regime: Ecological Implications under a Climate Change Context

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    In ectotherm species, environmental temperature plays a key role in development, growth, and survival. Thus, determining how temperature affects fish populations is of utmost importance to accurately predict the risk of climate change over fisheries and aquaculture, critical to warrant nutrition and food security in the coming years. Here, the potential effects of abnormal thermal regimes (24, 28 and 32 C; TR24, TR28, and TR32, respectively) exclusively applied during embryogenesis in tropical gar (Atractosteus tropicus) has been explored to decipher the potential consequences on hatching and growth from fertilization to 16 days post-fertilization (dpf), while effects on skeletal development and body morphology were explored at fertilization and 16 dpf. Egg incubation at higher temperatures induced an early hatching and mouth opening. A higher hatching rate was obtained in eggs incubated at 28 C when compared to those at 24 C. No differences were found in fish survival at 16 dpf, with values ranging from 84.89 to 88.86%, but increased wet body weight and standard length were found in larvae from TR24 and TR32 groups. Thermal regime during embryogenesis also altered the rate at which the skeletal development occurs. Larvae from the TR32 group showed an advanced skeletal development, with a higher development of cartilaginous structures at hatching but reduced at 16 dpf when compared with the TR24 and TR28 groups. Furthermore, this advanced skeletal development seemed to determine the fish body morphology. Based on biometric measures, a principal component analysis showed how along development, larvae from each thermal regime were clustered together, but with each population remaining clearly separated from each other. The current study shows how changes in temperature may induce craniofacial and morphological alterations in fish during early stages and contribute to understanding the possible effects of global warming in early development of fish and its ecological implications.Versión del edito

    Larval Development in Tropical Gar (Atractosteus tropicus) Is Dependent on the Embryonic Thermal Regime: Ecological Implications under a Climate Change Context

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    This article belongs to the Special Issue Current Advances and Challenges in Fisheries and Aquaculture Science: Feature Papers for the New Journey of Fishes[EN] In ectotherm species, environmental temperature plays a key role in development, growth, and survival. Thus, determining how temperature affects fish populations is of utmost importance to accurately predict the risk of climate change over fisheries and aquaculture, critical to warrant nutrition and food security in the coming years. Here, the potential effects of abnormal thermal regimes (24, 28 and 32 °C; TR24, TR28, and TR32, respectively) exclusively applied during embryogenesis in tropical gar (Atractosteus tropicus) has been explored to decipher the potential consequences on hatching and growth from fertilization to 16 days post-fertilization (dpf), while effects on skeletal development and body morphology were explored at fertilization and 16 dpf. Egg incubation at higher temperatures induced an early hatching and mouth opening. A higher hatching rate was obtained in eggs incubated at 28 °C when compared to those at 24 °C. No differences were found in fish survival at 16 dpf, with values ranging from 84.89 to 88.86%, but increased wet body weight and standard length were found in larvae from TR24 and TR32 groups. Thermal regime during embryogenesis also altered the rate at which the skeletal development occurs. Larvae from the TR32 group showed an advanced skeletal development, with a higher development of cartilaginous structures at hatching but reduced at 16 dpf when compared with the TR24 and TR28 groups. Furthermore, this advanced skeletal development seemed to determine the fish body morphology. Based on biometric measures, a principal component analysis showed how along development, larvae from each thermal regime were clustered together, but with each population remaining clearly separated from each other. The current study shows how changes in temperature may induce craniofacial and morphological alterations in fish during early stages and contribute to understanding the possible effects of global warming in early development of fish and its ecological implicationsSIThis work was partially funded by “Study of the digestive physiology in larvae and juveniles of tropical gar (Atractosteus tropicus) based on histological, biochemical and molecular techniques” project (Ref. CB-2016-01-282765) from the National Council for Science and Technology (CONACyT) of Mexico. I.F. acknowledges the funding from the MICIU and the European Social Fund, “The European Social Fund invests in your future” through the Ramón y Cajal (Ref. RYC2018-025337-I) contract from the Plan Estatal de Investigación Científica y Técnica e Innovación 2017–2020Authors also thanks the support from the RED LARVAplus “Estrategias de desarrollo y mejora de la producción de larvas de peces en Iberoamérica” (117RT0521) funded by the Programa Iberoamericano de Ciencia y Tecnología para el Desarrollo (CYTED

    Remediación de suelos contaminados con hidrocarburos empleando sustancias húmicas de vermicomposta

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    La biorremediación utilizando sustancias húmicas es una de las técnicas recientes y prometedoras para la restauración de suelos contaminados por hidrocarburos, pero existe poca información sobre su comportamiento en los diversos tipos de suelo. Por estas razones, esta investigación tuvo como objetivo evaluar la remoción de hidrocarburos totales del petróleo o HTP en tres suelos con diferentes texturas (S1, S2 y S3) y tratados con enmiendas orgánicas de vermicomposta (cascarillas de cacao, Theobroma cacao; arroz, Oriza sativa; bagazo de caña, Saccharum officinarum; estiércol de vaca) y sustancias húmicas comerciales (humato de potasio). Se planteó un diseño experimental multifactorial aleatorio (3 × 3 × 2), constituido por tipo de suelo, enmienda orgánica (sin vermicomposta, con vermicomposta orgánica, con sustancias húmicas comerciales), y carga microbiana (con microorganismos, sin microorganismos). Los resultados fueron analizados mediante las pruebas ANOVA-Tukey en el programa Statgraphics Centurion TM V.18 (α = 0.05) con el fin de evaluar diferencias significativas entre los tratamientos. Los resultados muestran que S2 con vermicomposta orgánica tuvo la mayor remoción (86% de HTP) luego de 60 días de incubación, en comparación con el tratamiento con sustancias húmicas comerciales, relacionándose con la baja biodisponibilidad de microorganismos. Este comportamiento también se observó en S3, el cual tuvo un porcentaje de remoción de HTP de 77.52 y 63.4%. Finalmente, la tasa de crecimiento celular fue mejor en S2 con sustancias húmicas comerciales. Se obtuvo un crecimiento promedio de 94×104 UFC g-1 de suelo durante los 60 días de evaluación del experimento, y un máximo de 98×105 UFC g-1 de suelo a los 45 días de tratamiento. Se concluye que el uso de vermicomposta es adecuada para suelos arcillosos, ya que las tasas de degradación son mayores en ellos. Además, representan una alternativa de menor costo que los tratamientos sintéticos y de revalorización de residuos orgánicos

    Body composition, nutritional profile and muscular fitness affect bone health in a sample of schoolchildren from Colombia: The Fuprecol Study

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    This is the final version of the article. Available from the publisher via the DOI in this record.The objective of the present study is to investigate the relationships between body composition, nutritional profile, muscular fitness (MF) and bone health in a sample of children and adolescents from Colombia. Participants included 1118 children and adolescents (54.6% girls). Calcaneal broadband ultrasound attenuation (c-BUA) was obtained as a marker of bone health. Body composition (fat mass and lean mass) was assessed using bioelectrical impedance analysis. Furthermore height, weight, waist circumference and Tanner stage were measured and body mass index (BMI) was calculated. Standing long-jump (SLJ) and isometric handgrip dynamometry were used respectively as indicators of lower and upper body muscular fitness. A muscular index score was also computed by summing up the standardised values of both SLJ and handgrip strength. Dietary intake and degree of adherence to the Mediterranean diet were assessed by a 7-day recall questionnaire for food frequency and the Kidmed questionnaire. Poor bone health was considered using a z-score cut off of ≤−1.5 standard deviation. Once the results were adjusted for age and Tanner stage, the predisposing factors of having a c-BUA z-score ≤−1.5 standard deviation included being underweight or obese, having an unhealthy lean mass, having an unhealthy fat mass, SLJ performance, handgrip performance, and unhealthy muscular index score. In conclusion, body composition (fat mass and lean body mass) and MF both influenced bone health in a sample of children and adolescents from Colombia. Thus promoting strength adaptation and preservation in Colombian youth will help to improve bone health, an important protective factor against osteoporosis in later life.: We would like to acknowledge to Bogota District Education Department for supporting data collection for this study. The authors also thank the participating Bogota District students, teachers, schools, and staff. The “FUPRECOL Study” was possible given the financial support provided by the Instituto Colombiano para el Desarrollo de la Ciencia y la Tecnología “Francisco José de Caldas” COLCIENCIAS (Contract Number 671-2014 Code 122265743978). Also, during the completion of this paper, AG-H was visiting researchers at the University of Rosario (CEMA, Bogotá, Colombia), supported with grants awarded by Proyectos Basales y Vicerrectoría de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación” (Universidad de Santiago de Chile, USACH)

    Management of Glyphosate-Resistant Weeds in Mexican Citrus Groves: Chemical Alternatives and Economic Viability

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    Glyphosate is a cheap herbicide that has been used to control a wide range of weeds (4–6 times/year) in citrus groves of the Gulf of Mexico; however, its excessive use has selected for glyphosate-resistant weeds. We evaluated the efficacy and economic viability of 13 herbicide treatments (glyphosate combined with PRE- and/or POST-emergence herbicides and other alternative treatments), applied in tank-mixture or sequence, to control glyphosate-resistant weeds in two Persian lime groves (referred to as SM-I and SM-II) of the municipality of Acateno, Puebla, during two years (2014 and 2015). The SM-I and SM-II fields had 243 and 346 weeds/m2, respectively, composed mainly of Bidens pilosa and Leptochloa virgata. Echinochloa colona was also frequent in SM-II. The glyphosate alone treatments (1080, 1440, or 1800 g ae ha−1) presented control levels of the total weed population ranging from 64% to 85% at 15, 30, and 45 d after treatment (DAT) in both fields. Mixtures of glyphosate with grass herbicides such as fluazifop-p-butyl, sethoxydim, and clethodim efficiently controlled E. colona and L. virgata, but favored the regrowth of B. pilosa. The sequential applications of glyphosate + (bromacil + diuron) and glufosinate + oxyfluorfen controlled more than 85% the total weed community for more than 75 days. However, these treatments were between 360% and 390% more expensive (1.79 and 1.89 /dayha1ofsatisfactoryweedcontrol,respectively),comparedtotherepresentativetreatment(glyphosate1080gaeha1=USD/day ha−1 of satisfactory weed control, respectively), compared to the representative treatment (glyphosate 1080 g ae ha−1 = USD 29.0 ha−1). In practical and economic terms, glufosinate alone was the best treatment controlling glyphosate resistant weeds maintaining control levels >80% for at least 60 DAT ($1.35/day ha−1). The rest of the treatments, applied in tank-mix or in sequence with glyphosate, had similar or lower control levels (~70%) than glyphosate at 1080 g ae ha−1. The adoption of glufosiante alone, glufosinate + oxyfluorfen or glyphosate + (bromacil + diuron) must consider the cost of satisfactory weed control per day, the period of weed control, as well as other factors associated with production costs to obtain an integrated weed management in the short and long term

    Sodium caseinate induces secretion of macrophage colony-stimulating factor from neutrophils

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    Abstract In this work we provide evidence that granulocytes produce macrophage colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF) in the band cell stage and secrete it upon sodium caseinate-mediated differentiation to polymorphonuclear cells. We identified M-CSF in an enriched population of myeloid band cells from murine bone marrow using a chromophorelabeled monoclonal anti-M-CSF antibody. An ELISA assay was then used to detect secreted M-CSF in culture supernatants of enriched band cells differentiated to mature neutrophils using sodium caseinate. Colony formation in vitro by the supernatants from differentiating band cells was blocked by anti-M-CSF, thus suggesting that this factor is the only one responsible for this activity. Our data imply that casein can modulate hematopoiesis possibly via M-CSF production. Finally we discuss the possibility whether this M-CSF in concert with G-CSF could establish a cellular communication network between macrophages and granulocytes allowing them to simultaneously arrive at the inflammatory site

    Prospective multicenter study of carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae from 83 hospitals in Spain reveals high in vitro susceptibility to colistin and meropenem

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    The aim of this study was to determine the impact of carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae (CPE) in Spain in 2013 by describing the prevalence, dissemination, and geographic distribution of CPE clones, and their population structure and antibi- otic susceptibility. From February 2013 to May 2013, 83 hospitals (about 40,000 hospital beds) prospectively collected nondupli- cate Enterobacteriaceae using the screening cutoff recommended by EUCAST. Carbapenemase characterization was performed by phenotypic methods and confirmed by PCR and sequencing. Multilocus sequencing types (MLST) were determined for Kleb- siella pneumoniae and Escherichia coli. A total of 702 Enterobacteriaceae isolates met the inclusion criteria; 379 (54%) were CPE. OXA-48 (71.5%) and VIM-1 (25.3%) were the most frequent carbapenemases, and K. pneumoniae (74.4%), Enterobacter cloacae (10.3%), and E. coli (8.4%) were the species most affected. Susceptibility to colistin, amikacin, and meropenem was 95.5%, 81.3%, and 74.7%, respectively. The most prevalent sequence types (STs) were ST11 and ST405 for K. pneumoniae and ST131 for E. coli. Forty-five (54.1%) of the hospitals had at least one CPE case. For K. pneumoniae, ST11/OXA-48, ST15/OXA-48, ST405/ OXA-48, and ST11/VIM-1 were detected in two or more Spanish provinces. ST11 isolates carried four carbapenemases (VIM-1, OXA-48, KPC-2, and OXA-245), but ST405 isolates carried OXA-48 only. A wide interregional spread of CPE in Spain was ob- served, mainly due to a few successful clones of OXA-48-producing K. pneumoniae (e.g., ST11 and ST405). The dissemination of OXA-48-producing E. coli is a new finding of public health concern. According to the susceptibilities determined in vitro, most of the CPE (94.5%) had three or more options for antibiotic treatment