243 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Stabilised-Earth (Tek) Block for Housing Provision and Construction in Ghana

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    Lack of patronage of locally developed building materials has resulted in huge housing deficit and expensive housing construction in Ghana. Housing appears not to be serving as social good in Ghana. The new housing environments in Ghana are characterized by hitherto lesser known and exotic building materials. Through mapping of case study areas and ethno-narratology (narrative) approaches within the qualitative methodological paradigm, selected urban and rural communities were surveyed. Users’ perception of their houses and housing environments built of TEK blocks are presented in this paper. This paper speculates that TEK blocks as earth based building material can contribute to the alleviation of housing problems if there are conscious efforts of nationwide adoption of coordinated programmes and efforts

    Building Material Preferences in Warm-Humid and Hot-Dry Climates in Ghana

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    This paper explores building materials preferences in the warm-humid and hot-dry climates in Ghana. Using a combination of closed and open-ended questionnaires, a total of 1281 participants (473 adults and 808 youth) were recruited in Ghana in a two-month survey in Kumasi and Tamale representing the warm-humid and hot-dry climates respectively. Sampling was purposive. The sample elements were chosen because they typically represented the communities of our case studies. Through hypothesis testing, the Pearson Chi-square results indicate a significant positive association between aesthetics and study areas (χ2 =155.65; df =4; N =1278; p < 0.05) with an asymptotic significance level of 0. 000 (p = 0. 0005). The findings indicate aesthetics generally appear to be major considerations instead of climatic considerations in the choice of building materials in Kumasi and Tamale. This paper concludes that, the preference for building materials in Ghana points to neglect of climatic considerations due to aesthetics influences and apparent lack of enforcement of building rules and regulations. This paper recommends a review of the National Building Regulations-Legislative Instruments 1630 to reflect current trends in architecture and building developments.Keywords: Aesthetics, Building materials, Preference, Tropical climates, Ghan

    Success Indicators for Selfbuild Houses in two Ghanaian Cities

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    The recognition of success criteria for effective design and construction management purposes has been a topical issue in the housing construction industry for quite a while now. Yet, little is still known of the success indicators for SelfBuild houses, although these constitute the dominant mode of housing supply in many developing countries such as Ghana. To this effect, structured questionnaires were used to elicit from homeowners in two Ghanaian cities the importance they attach to a number of variables as determinants of success for Selfbuild houses, and the data analyzed using scale ranking and one-sample t-test. The analyses revealed that; adequate ventilation for thermal comfort (ranked no. 1), health and safety in the home (ranked no.2), quality of materials (ranked no. 3), quality of workmanship (ranked no. 4) and adequate daylight into rooms ranked (no. 5) are the main determinants of success in Selfbuild houses. The criteria cost and time received the lowest rankings of 10th and 11th respectively suggesting that while these traditional measures could be very important, in the long term they are not issues that Selfbuild homeowners might be particularly concerned about. The findings especially those relating to ventilation, health and safety in the home, quality of materials and adequate daylight are critical for dissemination to all construction professionals/practitioners regarding design decisions and choice of construction materials for Selfbuild houses in a tropical country like Ghana

    Service quality practices and students satisfaction towards the Department of Communication Design

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    The increase in the number of tertiary institutions in Ghana offering Communication Design calls for a review of activities in the premium Department of Communication Design in Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology. Grounded in service qualitytheory, the study examined students' perceptions and satisfaction relationships among five key variables related to satisfaction with service quality: assurance, tangibles, reliability, empathy and responsibility. The design employed for the study was survey. A total of 400 questionnaire were randomly distributed, out of which 260 were returned during the end of the second semester of the 2014/2015 academic year. The instrument used for the study was adapted from Cronin and Taylor's Service Quality Questionnaire.The instrument consisted of two parts; Part A consisted of items o respondent's biodata while Part B comprised of 22 items which elicited responses from student's perceived satisfaction. The results of the study using the factorial analysis technique indicated that students had negative perceptions and satisfaction about service delivery in the department. The findings suggest that there is a missing link between the deapartment and students. Baesd on these findings, the researchers recommend that there should be an avenue where students can address their concerns without malice, and also ensure that these concerns are given the maximum consideration

    The Prospects and Challenges of Information Retrieval by University Students: A case study of Post Graduate Students of the University of Ghana, Legon

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    The poor performance of students in the various universities has been attributed to the inability of students to effectively retrieve information for academic work. The purpose of the study was to investigate the prospects and challenges of information retrieval among university students. The survey research method was used to investigate the awareness and use of information retrieval systems, document retrieved and its relevance to student’s information need, challenges of information retrieval among students and future expectation of information retrieving skills by students. Three student faculties in the University of Ghana, Legon participated in the study. A questionnaire consisting of 29 items was used as an instrument for collecting data. The findings reveal that students from all the faculties considered are highly aware of the information retrieval systems. However, there was no relationship between awareness of information retrieval systems and faculties. The study also shows that the use of information retrieval tools to retrieve relevant information depends on the information needs of the student. The study recommends that information retrieval skills training programme should be embedded in the curriculum and undertaken at an appropriate time and supported by academic staff of the University. In addition, the University administrators should ensure students studying subjects without an emphasis upon technology receive sufficient information retrieval skills training so that they are not prejudiced against due to subject chosen. Also, ensure that information retrieval skills training are pitched at a level which is appropriate to the individual needs of the student.Teaching/Communication/Extension/Profession,

    Playing to Live: Outcome Evaluation of a Community-Based Psychosocial Expressive Arts Program for Children During the Liberian Ebola Epidemic

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    Background. This paper reviews the efficacy of a community psychosocial arts program focused on building mental health capacity within post-Ebola Liberia. The aim of this paper was to evaluate the outcome effects of two groups using pre- and post-treatment data. We hypothesized that there would be a difference in symptoms pre- and post-treatment, and the longer program would yield more significant results. Methods. There was a total of 870 child participants. Of 40 sites, 24 were selected for a 5-month treatment (TG1) while the remaining 16 sites received 3 months of treatment (TG2). Paired t tests and a mixed-model analysis of variance (ANOVA) were used to analyse pre- and post-psychological stress symptoms (PSS) for samples from both groups. Results. Separately, treatment group 1 (TG1) and treatment group 2\u27s (TG2) paired t test yielded significant results (p \u3c 0.001) for the decrease of PSS. The mixed-model ANOVA found that there were significant differences in total pre- and post-test PSS and a significant difference in PSS means over time. Conclusions. Results indicated that there was a statistically significant decrease in reported symptoms in both treatment groups pre- to post-intervention and a significant difference in total symptoms over time. However, the findings do not indicate that the longer programming was statistically different compared to the shorter programming. The study presented had gaps in data, largely due to limits in research during the crisis. However, this paper provides a unique case study for challenges that can be faced for project evaluation in emergency settings

    Characterization of the Geophagic Materials and Their Associated Rocks and Soils from Anfoega, Ghana

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    This study was conducted to examine the physico-chemical and mineralogical properties of geophagic materials and their associated rocks and soils from Anfoega, Ghana. The geophagic materials were sampled from pits >10 m deep overlain by massive sandstones and shallow soils which were also sampled. The pH of the geophagic materials was strongly acid. The pH of the soils from the three sites was slightly to moderately acid, that of the fourth site was moderately acid in the surface but strongly acid in the lower layers. While the geophagic materials were enriched with clay, the soil samples contained high amounts of sand. The CEC of the geophagic materials (18.0 to 23.2 cmolc kg-1) was higher than that of the soils (5.3 to 22.6 cmolc kg-1). Thin sections of the rocks showed high amounts of quartz and accessory feldspars and sericite. The geophagic materials contained high amounts of clay (with >79% SiO2), quartz, feldspars and sericite. X-ray diffractograms of the geophagic materials, rocks and soils were dominated by quartz, kaolinite, muscovite and feldspars. The sialic minerals in the geophagic materials (shales) were probably leached from the overlying sandstones. The mineralogy of the soils indicated that they were formed in-situ from the underlying sandstones

    Assessing of growth, antioxidant enzymes, and phytohormone regulation in Cucurbita pepo under cadmium stress

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    One of the major problems worldwide is soil pollution by trace metal elements, which limits plant productivity and threatens human health. In this work, we have studied the effect of different concentrations of cadmium on Cucurbita pepo plants, evaluating different physiological and biochemical parameters: hormone signaling, metabolite concentration (malondialdehyde and hydrogen peroxide) and, in addition, the antioxidant enzyme activities of catalase and superoxide dismutase were evaluated. The production of biomass decreased under the Cd‐stress. The results showed that C. pepo accumulates higher amounts of Cd2+ in roots than in shoots and fruits. Cd2+ differently affected the content of endogenous phytohormones. Furthermore, data suggest an essential involvement of roots in the regulation of tolerance to trace elements. As a result, indole acetic acid content increased in roots of treated plants, indicating that this phytohormone can stimulate root promotion and growth under Cd‐stress. Similarly, salicylic acid content in roots and shoots increased in response to Cd2+, as well as abscisic acid levels in roots and fruits. In roots, the rambling accumulation pattern observed for jasmonic acid and salicylic acid suggests the lack of a specific regulation role against trace element toxicity. The activity of catalase and superoxide dismutase decreased, disrupted by the metal stress. However, the proline, malondialdehyde and hydrogen peroxide content significantly increased in Cd2+in all the analyzed tissues of the stressed plants. All these data suggest that C. pepo plants are equipped with an effective antioxidant mechanism against oxidative stress induced by cadmium up to a concentration of 500 μM

    Towards sustainable infrastructure development in Africa : design principles and strategies for lifespan-based building performance

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    Societies and economies the world over develop on the wheels of infrastructure. In Africa, it accounts for about one-third to one-half of all public investment (Kessides, 1993). Significant about infrastructure in general, however is the fact that they have very long lives. Consequently, their impact on capital investment, resource utilization, the quality of the environment and overall quality of human life can be very significant. It is important therefore that they meet performance requirements in terms of economic, ecological and social sustainability. By the same token, their long lifespan fraught the design task with enormous amount of uncertainties, compounding the already ill-defined nature of design problems. Given that change is importune, and the fact that it is impracticable to foresee all the changes that will occur over time, a defining characteristic of all infrastructure will be the capacity to respond to change. Focusing on the case of buildings, this paper presents a discussion on some design principles and strategies which assure responsiveness to change and hence sustainable performance. Although the concepts have been advocated for over half a century now, studies show that they still remain marginal to the design profession. To clarify the concepts for research questioning and extension of knowledge, this paper seeks to examine their basic tenets with the view to harmonize the core principles and strategies. A literature review method is used with examples from field observations where necessary. The paper first attempts to review and harmonize these principles, and highlights the practical usefulness. It then highlights the implications for research and development in building technology as well as technology capacity building for sustainable infrastructure development in Africa

    Складові компоненти раціону дрібних тварин за ожиріння та їх біологічна роль

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    Obesity is a medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to the extent that it may have a negative effect on health. The daily ration of an adult cat must contain 40–45% of proteins, 20–25% of fats, 25–30% of carbohydrates. Low- fat diets are recommended to cats with overweight. Necessary amino acids are in the diet of cats with excess weight. Taurine is a sulfonic acid, which synthesizes in the body of animals and humans from the amino acid of cysteine. It plays an essential role in the digestion and assimilation of fats and lipids. The need for cats in taurine is due to their limited ability to synthesize taurine from amino acids that contain sulfur, as well as the fact that it holds bile acids. The latter is very important because cats do not produce bile acid salts associated with glycine, even in the case of taurine deficiency. Taurine has many fundamental biological roles, such as conjugation of bile acids, antioxidation, osmoregulation, membrane stabilization, and modulation of calcium signaling. It is essential for cardiovascular function, and development and function of skeletal muscle, the retina, and the central nervous system. The deficiency of taurine leads to degeneration of the retina and blindness, deafness, cardiomyopathy, disorders in the functioning of the immune and reproductive systems, suppression of neonatal growth, and the occurrence of birth defects. The recommended amount for a cat per day is 100–200 mg. L-Tryptophan is an α-amino acid that is used in the biosynthesis of proteins. Together with vitamin B6, magnesium and niacin, tryptophan is responsible for the serotonin production in the brain (a mediator that regulates the activity of nerve cells and transmits signals between them). Also, tryptophan is involved in the production of hemoglobin and affects the reproductive function of animals. The recommended amount for a cat per day is 0.3 g/1000 kcal of energy value (EV). DL-methionine is a synthetic analog of natural methionine. Methionine is an essential amino acid for animals. As the substrate for other amino acids such as cysteine and taurine, and the important antioxidant glutathione, methionine plays a critical role in the metabolism and health of many species, including humans. Methionine is a source of sulfur that forms the keratin protein. Keratin is simply necessary for the health of the hair, skin, and claws of the animal. The recommended amount for a cat per day (methionine + cystine) is 1.5 g/1000 kcal EV. Nowadays the problem of overweight in small domestic animals, in particular in cats and dogs, is becoming more widespread. In order to prevent the spread of obesity, therapeutic rations should be balanced by all indicators, such as proteins, fats, carbohydrates, amino acids, minerals, and vitamins.Ожиріння – хронічне рецидивуюче захворювання, яке характеризується надлишковим накопиченням жирової тканини в організмі, обумовлене порушенням обміну речовин. В основі його лежить позитивний енергетичний баланс, тобто надходження енергії з калоріями їжі перевищує енерговитрати. У добовому раціоні дорослої кішки обов’язково мають міститися: 40–45% білків, 20–25% жирів, 25–30% вуглеводів. Кішкам, що мають надлишкову вагу, рекомендовані раціони з низьким вмістом жиру. Необхідні амінокислоти в раціоні кішок з надмірною вагою. Таури́н – сульфокислота, що синтезується в організмі тварин та людини з амінокислоти цистеїну; відіграє суттєву роль у процесі травлення і засвоєння жирів та ліпідів. Потреба кішок в таурині пов’язана з їх обмеженою здатністю синтезувати таурин із амінокіслот, які містят сіру, а також з тим, що його утримують жовчні кислоти. Рекомендована кількість для кішки на добу: 100–200 мг. L-триптофан – незамінна амінокислота, на основі якої утворюються інші речовини, які беруть участь в роботі живого організму. Рекомендована кількість для кішки на добу: 0,3 г/1000 ккал енергетичної цінності (ЕЦ). DL-метіонін – це синтетичний аналог природного метіоніну. Метіонін – незамінна для тварин амінокислота. Метіонін – джерело сірки, яка формує білок кератин. Кератин необхідний для здоров’я волосяного, шкірного покриву і кігтів тварини. Рекомендована кількість для кішки на добу (метионін + цистин): 1,5 г/1000 ккал ЕЦ. Отже, для дрібних домашніх тварин з надлишковою вагою, зокрема у котів та собак, з метою запобігання поширення ожиріння терапевтичні та лікувальні раціони повинні бути відповідно збалансованими, особливо за  такими складовими компонентами, як: протеїни, жири, вуглеводи, амінокислоти, мінеральні речовини, вітаміни