55 research outputs found

    TaskGenX: A Hardware-Software Proposal for Accelerating Task Parallelism

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    As chip multi-processors (CMPs) are becoming more and more complex, software solutions such as parallel programming models are attracting a lot of attention. Task-based parallel programming models offer an appealing approach to utilize complex CMPs. However, the increasing number of cores on modern CMPs is pushing research towards the use of fine grained parallelism. Task-based programming models need to be able to handle such workloads and offer performance and scalability. Using specialized hardware for boosting performance of task-based programming models is a common practice in the research community. Our paper makes the observation that task creation becomes a bottleneck when we execute fine grained parallel applications with many task-based programming models. As the number of cores increases the time spent generating the tasks of the application is becoming more critical to the entire execution. To overcome this issue, we propose TaskGenX. TaskGenX offers a solution for minimizing task creation overheads and relies both on the runtime system and a dedicated hardware. On the runtime system side, TaskGenX decouples the task creation from the other runtime activities. It then transfers this part of the runtime to a specialized hardware. We draw the requirements for this hardware in order to boost execution of highly parallel applications. From our evaluation using 11 parallel workloads on both symmetric and asymmetric multicore systems, we obtain performance improvements up to 15×, averaging to 3.1× over the baseline.This work has been supported by the RoMoL ERC Advanced Grant (GA 321253), by the European HiPEAC Network of Excellence, by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (contracts TIN2015-65316-P), by the Generalitat de Catalunya (contracts 2014-SGR-1051 and 2014-SGR-1272), and by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 671697 and No. 779877. M. Moretó has been partially supported by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under Ramon y Cajal fellowship number RYC-2016-21104. Finally, the authors would like to thank Thomas Grass for his valuable help with the simulator.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Sampled simulation of task-based programs

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    © 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other worksSampled simulation is a mature technique for reducing simulation time of single-threaded programs. Nevertheless, current sampling techniques do not take advantage of other execution models, like task-based execution, to provide both more accurate and faster simulation. Recent multi-threaded sampling techniques assume that the workload assigned to each thread does not change across multiple executions of a program. This assumption does not hold for dynamically scheduled task-based programming models. Task-based programming models allow the programmer to specify program segments as tasks which are instantiated many times and scheduled dynamically to available threads. Due to variation in scheduling decisions, two consecutive executions on the same machine typically result in different instruction streams processed by each thread. In this paper, we propose TaskPoint, a sampled simulation technique for dynamically scheduled task-based programs. We leverage task instances as sampling units and simulate only a fraction of all task instances in detail. Between detailed simulation intervals, we employ a novel fast-forwarding mechanism for dynamically scheduled programs. We evaluate different automatic techniques for clustering task instances and show that DBSCAN clustering combined with analytical performance modeling provides the best trade-off of simulation speed and accuracy. TaskPoint is the first technique combining sampled simulation and analytical modeling and provides a new way to trade off simulation speed and accuracy. Compared to detailed simulation, TaskPoint accelerates architectural simulation with 8 simulated threads by an average factor of 220x at an average error of 0.5 percent and a maximum error of 7.9 percent.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    An Efficient OpenMP Loop Scheduler for Irregular Applications on Large-Scale NUMA Machines

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    International audienceNowadays shared memory HPC platforms expose a large number of cores organized in a hierarchical way. Parallel application programmers strug- gle to express more and more fine-grain parallelism and to ensure locality on such NUMA platforms. Independent loops stand as a natural source of paral- lelism. Parallel environments like OpenMP provide ways of parallelizing them efficiently, but the achieved performance is closely related to the choice of pa- rameters like the granularity of work or the loop scheduler. Considering that both can depend on the target computer, the input data and the loop workload, the application programmer most of the time fails at designing both portable and ef- ficient implementations. We propose in this paper a new OpenMP loop scheduler, called adaptive, that dynamically adapts the granularity of work considering the underlying system state. Our scheduler is able to perform dynamic load balancing while taking memory affinity into account on NUMA architectures. Results show that adaptive outperforms state-of-the-art OpenMP loop schedulers on memory- bound irregular applications, while obtaining performance comparable to static on parallel loops with a regular workload

    Auto-tuned OpenCL kernel co-execution in OmpSs for heterogeneous systems

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    The emergence of heterogeneous systems has been very notable recently. The nodes of the most powerful computers integrate several compute accelerators, like GPUs. Profiting from such node configurations is not a trivial endeavour. OmpSs is a framework for task based parallel applications, that allows the execution of OpenCl kernels on different compute devices. However, it does not support the co-execution of a single kernel on several devices. This paper presents an extension of OmpSs that rises to this challenge, and presents Auto-Tune, a load balancing algorithm that automatically adjusts its internal parameters to suit the hardware capabilities and application behavior. The extension allows programmers to take full advantage of the computing devices with negligible impact on the code. It takes care of two main issues. First, the automatic distribution of datasets and the management of device memory address spaces. Second, the implementation of a set of load balancing algorithms to adapt to the particularities of applications and systems. Experimental results reveal that the co-execution of single kernels on all the devices in the node is beneficial in terms of performance and energy consumption, and that Auto-Tune gives the best overall results.This work has been supported by the University of Cantabria with grant CVE-2014-18166, the Generalitat de Catalunya under grant 2014-SGR-1051, the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness under contracts TIN2016-76635-C2-2-R (AEI/FEDER, UE) and TIN2015-65316-P. The Spanish Government through the Programa Severo Ochoa (SEV-2015-0493

    Evaluation of OpenMP for the Cyclops multithreaded architecture

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    Multithreaded architectures have the potential of tolerating large memory and functional unit latencies and increase resource utilization. The Blue Gene/Cyclops architecture, being developed at the IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, is one such systems that offers massive intra-chip parallelism. Although the BG/C architecture was initially designed to execute specific applications, we believe that it can be effectively used on a broad range of parallel numerical applications. Programming such applications for this unconventional design requires a significant porting effort when using the basic built-in mechanisms for thread management and synchronization. In this paper, we describe the implementation of an OpenMP environment for parallelizing applications, currently under development at the CEPBA-IBM Research Institute, targeting BG/C. The environment is evaluated with a set of simple numerical kernels and a subset of the NAS OpenMP benchmarks. We identify issues that were not initially considered in the design of the BG/C architecture to support a programming model such as OpenMP. We also evaluate features currently offered by the BG/C architecture that should be considered in the implementation of an efficient OpenMP layer for massive intra-chip parallel architectures.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Optimistic Parallelism on GPUs

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    Abstract. We present speculative parallelization techniques that can exploit parallelism in loops even in the presence of dynamic irregulari-ties that may give rise to cross-iteration dependences. The execution of a speculatively parallelized loop consists of five phases: scheduling, com-putation, misspeculation check, result committing, and misspeculation recovery. While the first two phases enable exploitation of data paral-lelism, the latter three phases represent overhead costs of using specu-lation. We perform misspeculation check on the GPU to minimize its cost. We perform result committing and misspeculation recovery on the CPU to reduce the result copying and recovery overhead. The scheduling policies are designed to reduce the misspeculation rate. Our program-ming model provides API for programmers to give hints about potential misspeculations to reduce their detection cost. Our experiments yielded speedups of 3.62x-13.76x on an nVidia Tesla C1060 hosted in an Intel(R) Xeon(R) E5540 machine.

    Optimizing NANOS OpenMP for the IBM Cyclops multithreaded architecture

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    In this paper, we present two approaches to improve the execution of OpenMP applications on the IBM Cyclops multithreaded architecture. Both solutions are independent and they are focused to obtain better performance through a better management of the cache locality. The first solution is based on software modifications to the OpenMP runtime library to balance stack accesses across all data caches. The second solution is a small hardware modification to change the data cache mapping behavior, with the same goal. Both solutions help parallel applications to improve scalability and obtain better performance in this kind of architectures. In fact, they could also be applied to future multi-core processors. We have executed (using simulation) some of the NAS benchmarks to prove these proposals. They show how, with small changes in both the software and the hardware, we achieve very good scalability in parallel applications. Our results also show that standard execution environments oriented to multiprocessor architectures can be easily adapted to exploit multithreaded processors.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    On the benefits of tasking with OpenMP

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    Tasking promises a model to program parallel applications that provides intuitive semantics. In the case of tasks with dependences, it also promises better load balancing by removing global synchronizations (barriers), and potential for improved locality. Still, the adoption of tasking in production HPC codes has been slow. Despite OpenMP supporting tasks, most codes rely on worksharing-loop constructs alongside MPI primitives. This paper provides insights on the benefits of tasking over the worksharing-loop model by reporting on the experience of taskifying an adaptive mesh refinement proxy application: miniAMR. The performance evaluation shows the taskified implementation being 15–30% faster than the loop-parallel one for certain thread counts across four systems, three architectures and four compilers thanks to better load balancing and system utilization. Dynamic scheduling of loops narrows the gap but still falls short of tasking due to serial sections between loops. Locality improvements are incidental due to the lack of locality-aware scheduling. Overall, the introduction of asynchrony with tasking lives up to its promises, provided that programmers parallelize beyond individual loops and across application phases.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft