48 research outputs found

    Keragaan USAhatani Varietas Unggul Baru (Vub) Padi Sawah dengan Pola Pengelolaan Tanaman Terpadu (Ptt):studi Kasus di Desa Aneuk Glee Kecamatan Indrapuri Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam

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    This research aims to determine the performance of new varieties of farm (VUB), lowland rice through an integrated approach to crop management (ICM) in the village of Gle Aneuk Indrapuri, Aceh Besar District. Field assessment is from cooperative farmers who have lowland rice varieties with treatment, such as Cimelati, Bondoyudo, Ciherang, Kalimas, VUTB Fatmawati and IR-64. In each of these rice varieties applied packages introduced PTT technology. The result indicates that reviewed the six varieties suitable for cultivated and developed. Judging from the performance of agronomic VUTB Fatmawati better compared with 5 other varieties. VUTB Fatmawati have the greatest production (7.75 tonnes / ha) with a profit-making Rp.6.074.750, -. Fatmawati lowland rice farming system with ICM pattern is more feasible to be developed because the RC has the largest ratio (2.09) compared with the varieties Cimelati (2,06), Kalimas (2,04), Bondoyudo (2,02), Ciherang (1,51) and varieties of IR-164 (1,39)

    Analgesic Activity Study of Ethanolic Extract of Callicarpa Longifolia Lamk. in Mice

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    Pain is a sensory and emotional feelings associated with tissue damage. Leaves kerehau recognized by people Dayak and Kutai as postpartum pain medication. Kerehau leaf has long been known by the public because many have efficacy in medicine. This research to determine the analgesic activity of ethanolic extract of leaves kerehau (Callicarpa longifolia Lamk.) on male white mice (Mus musculus). This is experimental research, randomized complete unidirectional pattern. The animals test were divided into 5 groups with each treatment of 5 mice. Group I (Na CMC 0.5% negative control), Group II (ibuprofen as a positive control), group III - V the ethanol extract of leaves kerehau dose of 150 mg , 300 mg and 600 mg/ Kg BW). Inductor pain acetic acid 0.5 % (ip). Observed number of writhing in mice for 1 hour and calculated percent analgesic . The results obtained in this study has efficacy as an analgesic with Strength of power dose I: 51.65 %, dose II: 65.40 %, and dose III: 75.98 %

    Corynebacterium species inhibit Streptococcus pneumoniae colonization and infection of the mouse airway

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    The stability and composition of the airway microbiome is an important determinant of respiratory health. Some airway bacteria are considered to be beneficial due to their potential to impede the acquisition and persistence of opportunistic bacterial pathogens such a

    Kesesuaian Pemeriksaan Aglutinasi Lateks Dengan BTA Mikroskopis untuk Mengidentifikasi Pasien Tuberkulosis

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    Pemeriksaan aglutinasi merupakan teknik pemeriksaan yang sederhana, cepat, murah, dan tidak memerlukan keahlian kusus dalam pemeriksaannya. Uji aglutinasi lateks merupakan suatu pemeriksaan berdasarkan reaksi aglutinasi yang terbentuk akibat interaksi antara antigen dan antibodi. Pemeriksaan yang paling sering dilakukan dilaboratorium kesehatan untuk mengidentifikasi Mycobacterium tuberculosis adalah pemeriksaan Bakteri Tahan Asam (BTA) mikroskopis. Tujuan: Mengetahui kesesuaian antara pemeriksaan aglutinasi lateks dan pemeriksaan BTA mikroskopis untuk mengidentifikasi pasien tuberkulosis. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan uji diagnostik aglutinasi lateks menggunakan antibodi poliklonal dengan rangcangan crossectional. Pemeriksaan dilakukan terhadap 100 orang pasien suspek tuberkulosis di Laboratorium Mikrobiologi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Andalas dari Januari 2018 sampai dengan Januari 2019. Sampel sputum direaksikan dengan reagen lateks dan diamati ada tidaknya terbentuk. Kesesuaian pemeriksaan uji aglutinasi lateks dibandingkan dengan pemeriksaan BTA mikroskopis. Hasil: Nilai koefisien kappa sebesar 0,473 (p=0,000) menunjukkan kesepatan antara pemeriksaan aglutinasi lateks dan BTA mikroskopis cukup (k 0,41-0,60). Simpulan: Uji aglutinasi lateks dengan pemeriksaan BTA mikroskopis untuk mengidentifikasi pasien tuberkulosis pada sampel sputum memiliki nilai kesepakatan yang cukup

    Identification of the Type of Human Papillomavirus (HPV) in Patients with Cervical Cancer

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    Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is the most significant risk factor for the cause of cervical cancer. The purpose of this study for identification of HPV types 16, 18, 31, 33, 45 and 52 in cervical cancer patients. HPV is a row of high-risk HPV types that can cause cervical cancer. Total sample of 78 diisolat DNA derived from FFPE, cervical smears and cervical cancer fresh tissue obtained from Dr. Dr. M. Djamil, Padang and hospitals. Arifin Achmad, Pekanbaru. HPV DNA detection is done by using Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) using universal primers GP5 +/6 +. HPV types were identified by PCR with specific primers. Total sample types obtained with concentrations varying between 0.9 to 645 ng / ml with purity DNA in accordance with the specified purity for PCR amplification. The results of the study of 78 patients with cervical cancer samples, 42 samples (54%) identified HPV DNA. HPV type 18 is more dominant and followed by HPV type 16 as compared to the other types, namely the percentage of 40.4% and 28.5%. HPV type 45 (7.1%), HPV type 52 (2.3%) and HPV 31 and HPV type 33 was not detected

    Pragmatic cluster-randomized trial of home-based preventive treatment for TB in Ethiopia and South Africa (CHIP-TB)

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    Background Each year, 1 million children develop TB resulting in over 200,000 child deaths. TB preventive treatment (TPT) is highly effective in preventing TB but remains poorly implemented for household child contacts. Home-based child contact management and TPT services may improve access to care. In this study, we aim to evaluate the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of home-based contact management with TPT initiation in two TB high-burden African countries, Ethiopia and South Africa. Methods This pragmatic cluster randomized trial compares home-based versus facility-based care delivery models for contact management. Thirty-six clinics with decentralized TB services (18 in Ethiopia and 18 in South Africa) were randomized in a 1:1 ratio to conduct either home-based or facility-based contact management. The study will attempt to enroll all eligible close child contacts of infectious drug-sensitive TB index patients diagnosed and treated for TB by one of the study clinics. Child TB contact management, including contact tracing, child evaluation, and TPT initiation and follow-up, will take place in the childs home for the intervention arm and at the clinic for the control arm. The primary outcome is the cluster-level ratio of the number of household child contacts less than 15 years of age in Ethiopia and less than 5 years of age in South Africa initiated on TPT per index patient, comparing the intervention to the control arm. Secondary outcomes include child contact identification and the TB prevention continuum of care. Other implementation outcomes include acceptability, feasibility, fidelity, cost, and cost-effectiveness of the intervention. Discussion This implementation research trial will determine whether home-based contact management identifies and initiates more household child contacts on TPT than facility-based contact management.This project is funded by UNITAID and IMPAACT4TB. NSA salary is supported by the National Institutes of Health (K23HD096973). The Aurum Institute, 29 Queens Rd, Parktown, Johannesburg, 2194, South Africa is the sponsor of the trial. The funder had no role in the writing of this manuscript after concept approva

    An Analysis of Vascular Access Thrombosis Events From the Proactive IV irOn Therapy in hemodiALysis Patients Trial

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    INTRODUCTION: Treatment of anemia in dialysis patients has been associated with increased risk of vascular access thrombosis (VAT). Proactive IV irOn Therapy in hemodiALysis Patients (PIVOTAL) was a clinical trial of proactive compared with reactive i.v. iron therapy in patients requiring hemodialysis. We analyzed the trial data to determine whether randomized treatment arm, alongside other clinical and laboratory variables, independently associated with VAT. METHODS: In PIVOTAL, 2141 adult patients were randomized. The type of vascular access (arteriovenous fistula [AVF], arteriovenous graft [AVG], or central venous catheter [CVC]) was recorded at baseline and every month after randomization. The associations between clinical and laboratory data and first VAT were evaluated in a multivariate analysis. RESULTS: A total of 480 (22.4%) participants experienced VAT in a median of 2.1 years of follow-up. In multivariable analyses, treatment arm (proactive vs. reactive) was not an independent predictor of VAT (hazard ratio [HR] 1.13, P = 0.18). Diabetic kidney disease (HR 1.45, P < 0.001), AVG use (HR 2.29, P < 0.001), digoxin use (HR 2.48, P < 0.001), diuretic use (HR 1.25, P = 0.02), female sex (HR 1.33, P = 0.002), and previous/current smoker (HR 1.47, P = 0.004) were independently associated with a higher risk of VAT. Angiotensin receptor blocker (ARB) use (HR 0.66, P = 0.01) was independently associated with a lower risk of VAT. CONCLUSION: In PIVOTAL, VAT occurred in nearly 1 quarter of participants in a median of just >2 years. In this post hoc analysis, randomization to proactive i.v. iron treatment arms did not increase the risk of VAT

    The placebo effect in the motor domain is differently modulated by the external and internal focus of attention

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    Among the cognitive strategies that can facilitate motor performance in sport and physical practice, a prominent role is played by the direction of the focus of attention and the placebo effect. Consistent evidence converges in indicating that these two cognitive functions can influence the motor outcome, although no study up-to-now tried to study them together in the motor domain. In this explorative study, we combine for the first time these approaches, by applying a placebo procedure to increase force and by manipulating the focus of attention with explicit verbal instructions. Sixty healthy volunteers were asked to perform abduction movements with the index finger as strongly as possible against a piston and attention could be directed either toward the movements of the finger (internal focus, IF) or toward the movements of the piston (external focus, EF). Participants were randomized in 4 groups: two groups underwent a placebo procedure (Placebo-IF and Placebo-EF), in which an inert treatment was applied on the finger with verbal information on its positive effects on force; two groups underwent a control procedure (Control-IF and Control-EF), in which the same treatment was applied with overt information about its inefficacy. The placebo groups were conditioned about the effects of the treatment with a surreptitious amplification of a visual feedback signalling the level of force. During the whole procedure, we recorded actual force, subjective variables and electromyography from the hand muscles. The Placebo-IF group had higher force levels after the procedure than before, whereas the Placebo-EF group had a decrease of force. Electromyography showed that the Placebo-IF group increased the muscle units recruitment without changing the firing rate. These findings show for the first time that the placebo effect in motor performance can be influenced by the subject\u2019s attentional focus, being enhanced with the internal focus of attention