190 research outputs found

    A Measurement Tool for Investigating the Volcanic Activity

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    Video surveillance systems are consolidated techniques for monitoring eruptive phenomena in volcanic areas. Along with these systems, which use standard video cameras, people working in this field sometimes make use of infrared cameras providing useful information about the thermal evolution of eruptions. Real-time analysis of the acquired frames is required along with image storing to analyze and classify the activity of volcanoes. Human efforts are hence required to perform monitoring tasks. In this paper a new strategy is presented, which aims to improve the performance of surveillance systems in terms of human-independent image processing. The proposed methodology is based on real time thermo graphic analysis of the area considered. The tool developed provides information about the activity being monitored

    Determination of the critical state of granular materials with triaxial tests

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    Abstract While the Critical State Locus (CSL) determined from triaxial compression tests is commonly adopted for the constitutive modelling of soil, the validity of the locus for other stress paths needs to be proved. Several authors have tried to experimentally verify whether the classical CSL representation in the stress invariants – void ratio space could be considered as unique or should depend on the loading direction, but the question is still being debated and a unique conclusion has not been convincingly drawn. In order to clarify this issue, compression and extension triaxial tests are performed on granular materials with different characteristics, namely, two homogeneously distributed sands and an assembly of steel spheres prepared under different initial conditions. The procedure for identifying the CSL is reviewed and indicates the limitations arising from strain localization (shear bands and necking). All the tests show that the materials head to systematically different traces in the e-p′ and p′-q planes when sheared under triaxial compression and extension. Searching for the reasons for this phenomenon, small samples of sand are subjected to the same tests quantifying the whole strain field with X-ray tomography and a digital image correlation. This analysis reveals an inhomogeneous pattern of deformation that is strongly affected by the presence of the two rigid frictional bases and the flexible side membrane, even for the samples deforming in an apparently uniform manner. The different localization observed for the compression and extension tests justifies the dependence of the CSL on the stress path seen on the global scale. On the other hand, a unique trace of the CSL is obtained in the volumetric e-p′ plane when the void ratio is measured limitedly to the zones affected by the largest distortion

    Smart virtual sensors for real-time assessment of Volcanic activity

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    Monitoring is mandatory in hazardous areas with active volcanoes. South Italy countries are seriously affected by continuous risk of volcanic ash emissions, explosions and eruptions. In particular, Mt. Etna and Stromboli volcanoes requires great efforts by the scientific community to develop efficient monitoring systems. Several tasks in surveillance are already being managed by authority; anyway, innovative techniques are required to improve the performance of the monitoring task which is mandatory to improve the quality of public safety. Synergy between competence on geophysical and engineer disciplines must be reinforced to develop monitoring systems aimed to increase information needed to promptly manage crisis arising from volcanic activities. In this paper an innovative monitoring system is proposed. The system is based on smart virtual sensors, which assures real-time management of the volcanic activity by providing a large amount of information on the time evolution of the observed phenomena. The system performs in two parallel tasks: the first aims to optimise the amount of the recorded data by a smart real-time processing of the gathered images and gives very rough set of information on the ongoing events (explosions, eruptions, ash emissions, etc.), while the second task is aimed to a deep analysis of the recorded data to compute statistic indexes characterizing the evolution of the volcanic activity observed (area, height, width, aspect ratio, magma flow rate, etc.). The prototype of the proposed system is composed by a thermal camera sensor and a PC-based environment for data analysis. In particular, two computation tools were developed in the LabVIEW environment which provide the above mentioned information on the ongoing activity along with a smart processing of the acquired data. The system will be aimed to give useful information to the surveillance authority which, on the basis of the obtained results, can suitably manage the incoming events

    Development in Web-based Laboratory Sessions

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    The laboratory experiments can help the undergraduate students to gain a better understanding the theoretical problem. This paper proposes an educational tool made up a user-friendly interface controlling experimental boards and instrumentation device with a new approach based on FieldPointTM module and the web publishing tool of the LabVIEW. The proposed system allows students to improve their knowledge in the field of optical sensing devices, virtual instrumentation, data acquisition systems, and signal processing

    Zircon as a provenance tracer: Coupling Raman spectroscopy and Usingle bondPb geochronology in source-to-sink studies

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    Usingle bondPb zircon geochronology is one of the most widely used techniques in sedimentary provenance analysis. Unfortunately, the ability of this method to identify sediment sources is often degraded by sediment recycling and mixing of detritus from different source rocks sharing similar age signatures. These processes create non-unique zircon Usingle bondPb age signatures and thereby obscure the provenance signal. We here address this problem by combining detrital zircon Usingle bondPb geochronology with Raman spectroscopy. The position and width of the Raman signal in zircon scales with its degree of metamictization, which in turn is sensitive to temperature. Thus, combined U-Pb + Raman datasets encode information about the crystallization history of detrital zircons as well as their thermal history. Using three borehole samples from Mozambique as part of a source-to-sink study of interest for hydrocarbon exploration, we show that zircon populations with similar Usingle bondPb age distributions can exhibit different Raman signatures. The joint U-Pb + Raman analysis allowed us to identify three different annealing trends, which were linked to specific thermal events. Thus we were able to differentiate a dominant Pan-African Usingle bondPb age peak into several sub-populations and highlight the major effect of Karoo tectono-magmatic events. In our case study, we used Raman also as a means to systematically identify all zircon grains in heavy-mineral mounts, resulting in considerable time savings. Raman spectroscopy is a non-destructive and cost-effective method that is easily integrated in the zircon Usingle bondPb dating workflow to augment the resolution power of detrital zircon Usingle bondPb geochronology

    Alcohol Septal Ablation for Hypertrophic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy: A Contemporary Reappraisal

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    Percutaneous alcohol septal ablation (ASA) is an effective and minimally invasive therapeutic strategy to resolve left ventricular outflow tract obstruction (LVOTO) in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy who remain symptomatic on maximally tolerated medical therapy. First performed by Sigwart in 1994, the procedure consists in determining an iatrogenic infarction of the basal interventricular septum to reduce LVOTO and alleviate symptoms. Since its first description, numerous studies have demonstrated its efficacy and safety, proposing ASA as a valid and attractive alternative to surgical septal myectomy. The success rate of the intervention is profoundly affected by patient selection and centre experience. In this review, we sought to summarise current evidence on ASA, describing the procedure and proposing a cardiomyopathy team-based approach to resolve clinical disputes in clinical practice

    Micro-scale investigation of unsaturated sand in mini-triaxial shearing using X-ray CT

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    peer reviewedThis paper explores the micro characteristics of unsaturated sand in triaxial shearing by using X-ray computed tomography (X-ray CT). To obtain higher resolution, a mini-triaxial set-up is designed in which the sample is miniaturised to 1 cm in diameter and 2 cm long, allowing scans with a pixel size of 9 μm. Samples are sheared in the mini-triaxial set-up at different constant suction levels (therefore, different degree of saturation). In the meanwhile, the samples are scanned by X-ray CT at various deformation stages, about 0, 2, 5, 10 and 15% axial strain. The three-dimensional (3D) reconstructed image is trinarised based on a region growing technique, which gives access to the microstructure of the solid, liquid and air phases. Then, the 3D image is subdivided into representative volume elements, with length ≈3·8D50, which gives local information of degree of saturation and porosity. It is observed that the sample dilates and water drains out during triaxial test under constant suction condition. The local study shows that the porosity increase and water desaturation are more significant in the middle part of the sample, especially for a higher suction value. This work allows the emphasis of the coupling between dilatancy on shearing (highlighted by the evolution of local porosity) and the evolution of the local degree of saturation in unsaturated granular materials
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