17 research outputs found

    The Mediterranean Island Wetlands (MedIsWet) inventory: strengths and shortfalls of the currently available floristic data

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    MedIsWet (Conservation of the island wetlands of the Mediterranean Basin) is a MAVA funded project which aims at investigating all seasonal or permanent island wetlands both natural and artificial, with a minimum extent of 0.1 hectares. More than 16,000 wetlands from almost all the Mediterranean, including islands from France, Italy, Malta, Croatia, Cyprus, Tunisia, Turkey, Greece and Spain were mapped. Over 2,500 of them were inventoried in the field and more than 500 scientific contributions catalogued. In total, more than 35,000 plant occurrences were uploaded, in a standardised and comparable way, on the national open-source web portals. These can be related to the recorded threats, uses and other spatially retrievable information. Here, we show strengths and shortfalls of the already available information about the floristic records. Although further improvements are needed, we discuss how these data can be used for research and policy actions and to develop conservation projects

    Dietary suppression of MHC class II expression in intestinal epithelial cells enhances intestinal tumorigenesis

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    Little is known about how interactions of diet, intestinal stem cells (ISCs), and immune cells affect early-stage intestinal tumorigenesis. We show that a high-fat diet (HFD) reduces the expression of the major histocompatibility complex class II (MHC class II) genes in intestinal epithelial cells, including ISCs. This decline in epithelial MHC class II expression in a HFD correlates with reduced intestinal microbiome diversity. Microbial community transfer experiments suggest that epithelial MHC class II expression is regulated by intestinal flora. Mechanistically, pattern recognition receptor (PRR) and interferon-gamma (IFNγ) signaling regulates epithelial MHC class II expression. MHC class II-negative (MHC-II−) ISCs exhibit greater tumor-initiating capacity than their MHC class II-positive (MHC-II+) counterparts upon loss of the tumor suppressor Apc coupled with a HFD, suggesting a role for epithelial MHC class II-mediated immune surveillance in suppressing tumorigenesis. ISC-specific genetic ablation of MHC class II increases tumor burden cell autonomously. Thus, HFD perturbs a microbiome-stem cell-immune cell interaction that contributes to tumor initiation in the intestine

    A mutagenicity and cytotoxicity study on Limonium effusum aqueous extracts by Allium, Ames and MTT tests

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    Nowadays plants or plant extracts have become very important for alternative medicine. Plants and their extracts have many therapeutical advantages but some of them are potentially toxic, mutagenic, carcinogenic and teratogenic. Root, stem and leaf parts of Limonium effusum were used in this study and this species is an endemic species for Turkey. Mutagenic and cytotoxic effects of root, stem and leaf aqueous extracts were observed with Allium, Ames and MTT tests. Allium root growth inhibition test and mitotic index studies showed that aqueous extracts have dose-dependent toxic effects. Chromosome aberration studies indicated that especially sticky chromosome, anaphase-telophase disorder and laggard chromosome anomalies were highly observed. Ames test performed with Limonium effusum root aqueous extracts, showed weak mutagenic effects in Salmonella typhimurium TA98 strain with S9. MTT test based on mitochondrial activity indicated that most of the aqueous extracts have cytotoxic effects. This study aimed to determine the possible mutagenic and cytotoxic effects of L. effusum aqueous extracts by using bacterial, plant and mammalian cells. This research showed that some low concentrations of the L. effusum extracts have inhibited cytotoxic effects but high concentrations have induced cytotoxicity. On the other hand only a weak mutagenic activity was identified by Ames test with TA98 S9(+).В настоящее время растения или экстракты растений стали очень важными для альтернативной медицины. Растения и их экстракты имеют много терапевтических преимуществ, однако некоторые из них являются потенциально токсичными, мутагенными, канцерогенными и тератогенными. Корни, стебли и листья Limonium effusum, эндемичного вида Турции, были изучены в этой работе. Мутагенные и цитотоксические эффекты водных экс-трактов корней, стеблей и листьев Limonium effusum были изучены с помощью Allium-теста, теста Эймса и МТТ-теста. Тест на ингибирование роста корней лука и определение митотического индекса показали, что водные экстракты имеют дозозависимый токсичный эффект. При изучении хромосомных аберраций обнаружено большое количество таких аномалий, как слипшиеся хромосомы, нарушения анафазы-телофазы и отставшие хромосомы. Тест Эймса, проведенный на водных экстрактах корней Limonium effusum, показал слабо выраженный мутагенный эффект по отношению к Salmonella typhimurium, штамм TA98 с S9. МТТ-тест, основанный на митохондриальной активности, показал, что большинство экстрактов имели цитотоксические эффекты. Цель этого исследования изучить возможные мутагенные и цитотоксические эффекты водных экстрактов L. effusum с использованием бактериальных, растительных клеток и клеток млекопитающих. Определенные низкие концентрации экстрактов L. effusum ингибировали цитотоксические эффекты, а высокие концентрации индуцировали цитотоксичность. Слабая мутагенная активность была определена только при помощи теста Эймса с TA98 S9(+)

    MicroRNAs in adrenal tumors: relevance for pathogenesis, diagnosis, and therapy.

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    Several lines of evidence support the relevance of microRNAs in both adrenocortical and adrenomedullary (pheochromocytomas) tumors. Significantly differentially expressed microRNAs have been described among benign and malignant adrenocortical tumors and different forms of pheochromocytomas that might affect different pathogenic pathways. MicroRNAs can be exploited as markers of malignancy or disease recurrence. Besides tissue microRNAs, novel data show that microRNAs are released in body fluids, and blood-borne microRNAs can be envisaged as minimally invasive markers of malignancy or prognosis. MicroRNAs might even serve as treatment targets that could expand the rather-limited therapeutic repertoire in the field of adrenal tumors. In this review, we present a critical synopsis of the recent observations made in the field of adrenal tumor-associated microRNAs regarding their pathogenic, diagnostic, and potential therapeutic relevance