40 research outputs found

    Diverse Trafficking Patterns Due to Multiple Traffic Motifs in G Protein-Activated Inwardly Rectifying Potassium Channels from Brain and Heart

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    AbstractG protein-activated inwardly rectifying potassium channels (Kir3, GIRK) provide an important mechanism for neurotransmitter regulation of membrane excitability. GIRK channels are tetramers containing various combinations of Kir3 subunits (Kir3.1–Kir3.4). We find that different combinations of Kir3 subunits exhibit a surprisingly complex spectrum of trafficking phenotypes. Kir3.2 and Kir3.4, but not Kir3.1, contain ER export signals that are important for plasma membrane expression of Kir3.1/Kir3.2 and Kir3.1/Kir3.4 heterotetramers, the GIRK channels found in the brain and the heart, respectively. Additional motifs in Kir3.2 and Kir3.4 control the trafficking between endosome and plasma membrane. In contrast, the Kir3.3 subunit potently inhibits plasma membrane expression by diverting the heterotetrameric channels to lysosomes. Such rich trafficking behaviors provide a mechanism for dynamic regulation of GIRK channel density in the plasma membrane

    An Inhibitory Role of the G-Protein Regulator AGS3 in mTOR-Dependent Macroautophagy

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    Macroautophagy is a cellular process whereby the cell sequesters and recycles cytosolic constituents in a lysosome-dependent manner. It has also been implicated in a number of disorders, including cancer and neurodegeneration. Although a previous report that AGS3 over-expression promotes macroautophagy suggests a stimulatory role of AGS3 in this process, we have found that knock-down of AGS3, unexpectedly, also induces macroautophagy, indicating an inhibitory function of endogenous AGS3 in macroautophagy. Interestingly, AGS3 phosphorylation is decreased upon induction of mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR)-dependent macroautophagy. Moreover, unlike wild-type AGS3, over-expression of an AGS3 mutant lacking this modification fails to enhance macroautophagic activity. These observations imply that AGS3 phosphorylation may participate in the modulation of macroautophagy

    Identification of a Deubiquitinating Enzyme as a Novel AGS3-Interacting Protein

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    Activator of G protein Signaling 3 (AGS3) is a receptor-independent G protein activator that has been implicated in multiple biological events such as brain development, neuroplasticity and addiction, cardiac function, Golgi structure/function, macroautophagy and metabolism. However, how AGS3 is regulated is little known. We demonstrate here that AGS3 interacts with a ubiquitin specific protease USP9x, and this interaction is at least partially mediated through the C-terminal G protein regulatory domain of AGS3. Knockdown of USP9x causes a moderate reduction in the level of AGS3. In contrast, overexpression of either USP9x or its deubiquitinating domain UCH increases the amount of AGS3, whereas expression of the mutant UCH domain that lacks deubiquitinating activity does not have the same effect. As previously observed in AGS3 knockdown cells, the localization of several marker proteins of the late Golgi compartments is disturbed in cells depleted of USP9x. Taken together, our study suggests that USP9x can modulate the level of a subpopulation of AGS3, and this modulation plays a role in regulating the structure of the late Golgi compartments. Finally, we have found that levels of AGS3 and USP9x are co-regulated in the prefrontal cortex of rats withdrawn from repeated cocaine treatment. In conjunction with the above data, this observation indicates a potential role of USP9X in the regulation of the AGS3 level during cocaine-induced neuroplasticity

    Modulation of Cell Adhesion and Migration by the Histone Methyltransferase Subunit mDpy-30 and Its Interacting Proteins

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    We have previously shown that a subset of mDpy-30, an accessory subunit of the nuclear histone H3 lysine 4 methyltransferase (H3K4MT) complex, also localizes at the trans-Golgi network (TGN), where its recruitment is mediated by the TGN-localized ARF guanine nucleotide exchange factor (ArfGEF) BIG1. Depletion of mDpy-30 inhibits the endosome-to-TGN transport of internalized CIMPR receptors and concurrently promotes their accumulation at the cell protrusion. These observations suggest mDpy-30 may play a novel role at the crossroads of endosomal trafficking, nuclear transcription and adhesion/migration. Here we provide novel mechanistic and functional insight into this association. First, we demonstrate a direct interaction between mDpy-30 and BIG1 and locate the binding region in the N-terminus of BIG1. Second, we provide evidence that the depletion or overexpression of mDpy-30 enhances or inhibits cellular adhesion/migration of glioma cells in vitro, respectively. A similar increase in cell adhesion/migration is observed in cells with reduced levels of BIG1 or other H3K4MT subunits. Third, knockdown of mDpy-30, BIG1, or the RbBP5 H3K4MT subunit increases the targeting of Ξ²1 integrin to cell protrusions, and suppression of H3K4MT activity by depleting mDpy-30 or RbBP5 leads to increased protein and mRNA levels of Ξ²1 integrin. Moreover, stimulation of cell adhesion/migration via mDpy-30 knockdown is abolished after treating cells with a function-blocking antibody to Ξ²1 integrin. Taken together, these data indicate that mDpy-30 and its interacting proteins function as a novel class of cellular adhesion/migration modulators partially by affecting the subcellular distribution of endosomal compartments as well as the expression of key adhesion/migration proteins such as Ξ²1 integrin

    A role of histone H3 lysine 4 methyltransferase components in endosomal trafficking

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    Histone lysine methyltransferase complexes are essential for chromatin organization and gene regulation. Whether any of this machinery functions in membrane traffic is unknown. In this study, we report that mammal Dpy-30 (mDpy-30), a subunit of several histone H3 lysine 4 (H3K4) methyltransferase (H3K4MT) complexes, resides in the nucleus and at the trans-Golgi network (TGN). The TGN targeting of mDpy-30 is mediated by BIG1, a TGN-localized guanine nucleotide exchange factor for adenosine diphosphate ribosylation factor GTPases. Altering mDpy-30 levels changes the distribution of cation-independent mannose 6-phosphate receptor (CIMPR) without affecting that of TGN46 or transferrin receptor. Our experiments also indicate that mDpy-30 functions in the endosome to TGN transport of CIMPR and that its knockdown results in the enrichment of internalized CIMPR and recycling endosomes near cell protrusions. Much like mDpy-30 depletion, the knockdown of Ash2L or RbBP5, two other H3K4MT subunits, leads to a similar redistribution of CIMPR. Collectively, these results suggest that mDpy-30 and probably H3K4MT play a role in the endosomal transport of specific cargo proteins

    Formation and Function of Liquid-Like Viral Factories in Negative-Sense Single-Stranded RNA Virus Infections

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    Liquid–liquid phase separation (LLPS) represents a major physiochemical principle to organize intracellular membrane-less structures. Studies with non-segmented negative-sense (NNS) RNA viruses have uncovered a key role of LLPS in the formation of viral inclusion bodies (IBs), sites of viral protein concentration in the cytoplasm of infected cells. These studies further reveal the structural and functional complexity of viral IB factories and provide a foundation for their future research. Herein, we review the literature leading to the discovery of LLPS-driven formation of IBs in NNS RNA virus-infected cells and the identification of viral scaffold components involved, and then outline important questions and challenges for IB assembly and disassembly. We discuss the functional implications of LLPS in the life cycle of NNS RNA viruses and host responses to infection. Finally, we speculate on the potential mechanisms underlying IB maturation, a phenomenon relevant to many human diseases