1,092 research outputs found


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    Anemia adalah kondisi dimana sel darah merah menurun atau menurunnya hemoglobin, sehingga kapasitas daya angkut oksigen untuk kebutuhan organ-organ vital pada ibu dan janin menjadi berkurang, sehingga saat hamil, ibu hamil rentan terkena anemia. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan praktek ibu hamil penyebab anemia, dengan subjek penelitian adalah ibu hamil yang menderita anemia diwilayah kerja Puskesmas Bangetayu Kota Semarang. Penelitian kuantitatif ini menggunakan pendekatan cross sectional study dengan jumlah populasi penelitian sebanyak 153 orang dan sampel penelitian 60 responden. Analisis yang digunakan yaitu analisis univariat dan analisis bivariat menggunakan uji chi square. Dalam penelitian ini rata-rata responden memiliki kisaran umur 26 – 35 tahun (56.7%) dengan usia kehamilan mayoritas usia kehamilan nya K2 (55.0%). Rata-rata responden memiliki jumlah anak < 3 anak. Dalam penelitian ini rata-rata responden memiliki pendidikan terakhir adalah pendidikan tinggi SMA (53.3%). Rata-rata pekerjaan responden adalah sebagai ibu rumah tangga (73.3%) dengan penghasilan rata-rata responden adalah UMR rendah (65.5%). Dari uji statistik dengan chi square test menunjukkan adanya hubungan antara pengetahuan dengan praktek ibu hamil yang menyebabkan anemia dengan þ-value sebesar 0,009 ≤ α (0,05). Sedangkan Umur þ-value sebesar 1.948 ≥ α (0,05), usia kehamilan þ-value sebesar 0.378 ≥ α (0,05), jumlah anak þ-value sebesar 1.873 ≥ α (0,05), pendidikan þ-value sebesar 1.125 ≥ α (0,05), pekerjaan þ-value sebesar 0.927 ≥ α (0,05), penghasilan þ-value sebesar 1.187 ≥ α (0,05), sikap þ-value sebesar 0, 585 ≥ α (0,05), sarana dan prasarana þ-value sebesar 1,000 ≥ α (0,05), dan dukungan lingkungan social þ-value sebesar 0,131 ≥ α (0,05). Dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa umur, usia kehamilan, jumlah anak, pendidikan terakhir, pekerjaan, penghasilan, sikap, sarana dan prasarana, dan dukungan lingkungan social adalah variable yang tidak berhubungan dalam penelitian ini Kata Kunci: Pengetahuan, Sikap, Praktek, Anemia Ibu Hami

    Ketentuan pidana bagi pelaku perkawinan yang tidak dicatatkan dalam pandangan kyai Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) Kota Malang

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    INDONESIA: Praktek perkawinan telah berjalan demikian lama, seumur dengan generasi manusia itu sendiri yakni sejak zaman Nabi Adam a.s hingga di zaman modern yang dinamikanya terus mengalami banyak perubahan. Aturan-aturan tentang perkawinanpun juga telah mengalami banyak perubahan sejalan dengan perkembangan zaman tersebut. Begitu pula dengan praktek perkawinan di Indonesia, yang diatur dalam Undang-undang dan harus dicatatkan. Berawal dari maraknya praktek nikah sirri di Indonesia, baru-baru ini Negara Indonesia diramaikan dengan adanya RUU Hukum Materiil Peradilan Agama Bidang Perkawinan, atau disebut dengan Rancangan Undang-Undang Nikah Sirri. Dalam pembahasan Rancangan Undang-Undang tersebut, yang telah menuai kontroversi adalah adanya suatu upaya pemidanaan bagi para pelaku nikah sirri. Berangkat dari persoalan di atas, penelitian ini bertujuan ingin mengetahui pendapat dari kyai NU di Kota Malang terhadap pelaku perkawinan yang tidak dicatatkan dan adanya upaya pemidanaan bagi pelaku perkawinan yang tidak dicatatkan. Persoalan diatas peneliti masukkan dalam jenis penelitian field research. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah kualiatif deskriptif. Untuk memperoleh data, maka peneliti menggunakan metode wawancara dan dokumentasi. Data yang diperoleh, kemudian diolah dengan menggunakan teknik Editing, Classifying, Verifying, Analysing, dan Concluding. Dari data yang terkumpul, maka bisa disimpulkan bahwa para kyai NU di Kota Malang memandang bahwa perkawinan yang tidak dicatatkan di Indonesia adalah perkawinan yang sah secara syari’at namun bukan perkawinan yang baik. Dengan alasan, bahwa perkawinan yang baik adalah perkawinan yang bertujuan untuk terciptanya keluarga yang sakinah, mawaddah wa rohmah, dan untuk mewujudkannya harus disesuaikan dengan konteks dimana pelaku hidup dan tinggal. Sedangkan ketentuan pemidanaan bagi pelaku perkawinan yang tidak dicatatkan dianggap oleh kyai NU di Kota Malang sebagai usaha untuk menertibkan masyarakat dan memberikan perlindungan bagi kaum perempuan. Akan tetapi para kyai NU tidak sepakat kalau sampai para pelaku perkawinan yang tidak dicatatkan itu harus dipidanakan. Sesungguhnya perkawinan itu dalam wilayah perdata dan pemberlakuan sanksi perdata sudah cukup untuk mewujudkannya. Namun para kyai pesantren Kota Malang berbeda pendapat terkait bentuk sanksinya. ENGLISH: The practice of marriage has been running for so long, the rest of the generations of man himself that since Prophet Adam to the modern times that the continuing dynamical to experience many changes with the development era. So, the marriage practices in Indonesia which is set by law and must be recorded. Originated from the rampant practice of Nikah Sirri in Indonesia, was recently in Indonesian the plan of statute with the material justice field of religious marriage, or it is called Nikah Sirri. In the discussion of legislation draft, which has drawn controversy is the existence of a punishment for the performer Nikah Sirri. From this problem, this research aims to find out and describe the opinions and view of Islamic teacher of NU on the performer of not recorded marriage and the effort of punishment for the performer of marriage that is not recorded. The researcher includes this problem in to field research design and uses descriptive quantitative approach. To collect the data, the researcher uses interviews and documentation methods. The data will process with the editing, classifying, verifying, analyzing and concluding technique. The research result can be concluded that the Islamic teacher of NU on Malang give some opinions and views that the marriage without the record is permitted on Islamic law but it not good marriage process. The reasons are, the good marriage process is the marriage that aimed into Sakinah, Mawaddah and Rahmah family. And the certainty of punishment to the performer into marriage that is not recorded, the Islamic teacher of NU have an opinion if it’s to organize the society and give be under the protection to woman. But they are not agreeing if given the punishment to the performer of Nikah Sirri. Because, the marriage is one of the domains of Islamic civil law and the consequence of the violation is on the Islamic law civil

    Population ecology and monitoring of the endangered Devils Hole pupfish

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    The federally endangered Devils Hole pupfish, Cyprinodon diabolis, is endemic to Devils Hole, a limestone cavern adjacent to Ash Meadows National Wildlife Refuge in Nye County, Nevada. Sampling of the Devils Hole pupfish must be non-obtrusive, thereby limiting researchers to visual observation methods. This thesis assesses current monitoring efforts of Devils Hole pupfish with the goal of improving trend detection. In addition, a population model is constructed from monthly length-frequency distributions with the dual goal of increasing understanding of Devils Hole pupfish life history characteristics and identifying vulnerable Devils Hole pupfish life history stages. This thesis is composed of three chapters. Specifically, suspected sources of error in SCUBA surveys of adult Devils Hole pupfish were evaluated in the first chapter. In the second chapter, statistical power was used to assess sampling effort allocation (e.g., the number of samples, subsamples, and sub-subsamples) for surveys of larval Devils Hole pupfish. Patterns of Devils Hole pupfish survival, growth, and recruitment were evaluated after constructing a simulation model from length-frequency distributions in the third chapter. The ability to detect trends in population abundance, together with a greater understanding of Devils Hole pupfish population dynamics, will help Devils Hole pupfish conservation by allowing managers develop testable hypotheses and evaluate management actions

    Kajian penyelenggaraan jalan raya disebabkan sink hole di Johor Bahru

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    Lubang benam merupakan lubang yang terbentuk di permukaan tanah akibat batuan dasarnya dilarutkan oleh air. Saiz dan kedalamannya pelbagai dari satu meter hingga beberapa puluh meter. Ianya terbentuk bermula dari pembentukan lohong atau gua di bawah tanah di kawasan yang lazimnya didasari oleh batu kapur. Pembinaan jalan raya memainkan peranan yang sangat penting dalam pertumbuhan ekonomi sesebuah negara dalam membinan jalinan atau perhubungan antara satu kawasan dengan kawasan yang lain. Ia membantu dalam meningkatkan kualiti hidup penduduknya dengan menyediakan infrastruktur sosioekonomi yang diperlukan. Bagaimanapun, jika permasalahan luban benam atau sink hole ini tidak ditanganni dengan cekap dan efisien, tahap prestasi industri pembinaan di Malaysia dilihat tidak memuaskan dan akan menyebabkan pembinaan projek awam sukar dilaksanakan dengan jayanya

    Insights Into De Novo Fes-Cluster Biogenesis Via The Eukaryotic Fes-Cluster (isc) Pathway In Vitro

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    Fe-S clusters are iron-containing cofactors utilized by numerous proteins within several biological pathways essential to life. In eukaryotes, the primary pathway for Fe-S cluster production is the iron-sulfur cluster (ISC) pathway. The eukaryotic ISC pathway, localized primarily within the mitochondria, has been best characterized within Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In yeast, de novo Fe-S cluster formation is accomplished through coordinated assembly of the substrates iron and sulfur on the primary scaffold assembly protein “Isu1”. The sulfur used for cluster assembly is provided by the cysteine desulfurase “Nfs1”, a protein that works in union with its accessory protein “Isd11”. Frataxin “Yfh1” helps direct cluster assembly by serving as a modulator of Nfs1 activity, by assisting in the delivery of Fe(II) to Isu1, or through a combination of roles. This work describes and optimizes an in vitro method for generating an Fe-S cluster on the scaffold Isu1. Further in vitro studies on the yeast ISC system have been limited, however, due to the inherent instability of recombinant Isu1, a molecule prone to degradation and aggregation. To circumvent Isu1 stability issues, this research demonstrates successful cross-reactivity between the fly Isu1 ortholog, “fIscU”, and yeast ISC in vitro and in vivo. This strategy could facilitate novel experimentation of the yeast ISC pathway in the future. This work also isolates complexes formed between recombinant yeast Nfs1-Isd11, Nfs1-Isd11-Isu1, and Nfs1-Isd11-Isu1-Yfh1, and characterizes their activity related to substrate binding and cluster assembly. Complexed Isu1, as isolated within Nfs1-Isd11-Isu1 and Nfs1-Isd11-Isu1-Yfh1 complexes, demonstrates inhibited Fe-S cluster biogenesis without the addition of exogenous apo-Isu1. This suggests a mechanism for de novo Fe-S cluster formation on Isu1 that is similar to recent observations from bacterial ISC. Lastly, evidence is provided that suggests that frataxin can function as an allosteric activator of Nfs1 in vitro

    Study on Effects of Nanosilica Sand Addition on Physical and Mechanical Properties of Polypropylene (PP)

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    Problem that arises for attention is polymer degradation issue. Polymer degradation is a change in the properties - tensile strength, colour, shape - of a polymer or polymer based product under the influence of one or more environmental factors. These changes are usually undesirable, such as changes during use, cracking and depolymerisation of products or, more rarely, desirable, as in biodegradation or deliberately lowering the molecular weight of a polymer for recycling. It was found that the addition of nanoparticles in polypropylene will increase the performance of mechanical properties of the composites. The improvement mechanical and physical properties of PP will improve all plastic products in industry such as bottle, dustbin, pipe, jug and chair. Objective of this project is to study on effects of nanosilica sand addition on physical and mechanical properties of polypropylene (PP). One of the physical properties that need to be studied is density and the mechanical properties are tensile strength, Young's modulus and flexural strength. To examinate the applicability of the study, the silica sand nanoparticles with average particle size of less than lOOnm was produced by several stages of ball mill and heating combinations. PP matrix composites with 5, 10, 15 and 20 wt% of silica sand nanoparticles were developed. The silica sand will be grounded to nanoparticles by using ball mill with zirconium ball as grinding media. The mixing of nanosilica sand with PP was carried using internal mixer. After mixing the granular shape of the mixed particles were produced using granular machine. The resultant particles were moulded into dog-bone-shaped tensile bars (ASTM D638-97) with an injection molding machine. Tensile and densities properties of the composites were measured. Based on the result obtained, there was an increasing trend in Young modulus. The tensile strength decreased. An increasing trend of density also was obtained with the increasing content of silica sand nanoparticles in PP. However an improvement in flexural strength was observed. From experimental values, PP matrix with 20% addition of nanosilica could be proposed as the optimum mixture ratio. In this project, although pure PP recorded the highest tensile strength value, common experimental trend in polymer nanocomposites can be observed from 5% to 20% particle addition. The effects of silica sand nanoparticles in PP increased its density and flexural strength but slightly decreased its tensile strength

    Visual word recognition in bilinguals and monolinguals: behavioural and ERP investigations of the role of word frequency, lexicality and repetition

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    This thesis investigated visual word recognition in bilinguals and monolinguals through the effects of word frequency, lexicality and repetition. The first series of experiments focused on whether bilinguals can suppress lexical access in a non-target language and the role of task demands in L1 and L2 lexical access. The next series of experiments further investigated the role of task demands, list composition and repetition in monolinguals. The ERP data show, for the first time, that in bilinguals, lexical access occurs in the non-target language, supporting the notion of a nonselective lexical access. Delayed lexicality effects in ERPs for L2 compared to L1 suggested a delay in lexical access for L2 in late bilinguals, although behavioural data showed a similar word frequency effect to L1. These conflicting responses have not been anticipated by current models of bilingual visual word recognition. However, monolingual data make clear that lexical effects can be modulated by task demands and list composition in behavioural responses. In monolinguals, the slower processing of less familiar items was enhanced by item repetition only when the task required a lexical decision and words and word-like letter strings were presented. Lastly, this thesis has demonstrated that current models of visual word recognition have not fully implemented these elements and have not predicted response times distribution or ERPs. Future models of visual word recognition should incorporate these elements to be able to characterise lexical access in bilinguals and monolinguals


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    Artikel ini bertujuan mengulas sejarah Isra’ Mi’raj Nabi Muhammad dalam sudut pandang historis dan rasional. Dari sudut pandang historitas, artikel ini mengulas tentang latar belakang terjadinya Isra’ Mi’raj, alasan-alasan terjadinya Isra’ Mi’raj, dan persiapan-persiapan yang dilakukan Nabi Muhammad sebelum Isra’Mi’raj. Diuraikan juga kejadian-kejadian yang disaksikan Nabi dalam Isra’ dan Mi’raj. Dalam sudut pandang rasionalitas, artikel ini bertujuan untuk menyajikan posibilitas kajian rasional peristiwa Isra’ dan Mi’raj. Artikel ini menemukan bahwa dari sudut pandang historis, Isra’ dan Mi’raj adalah peristiwa yang sangat penting bagi sosok Nabi Muhammad sendiri maupun ummat Islam. Dalam perspektif rasionalitas, peristiwa Isra’ Mi’raj tidak perlu dicocok-cocokkan dengan temuan santifik karena kurang relevan, dan menunjukkan pemaksaan pencocokan. Setidaknya aspek spiritualitas Islam atau tasawuf falsafi paling layak meninjau rasionalitas Isra’ dan Mi’raj karena, dalam sudut pandang ini, mimpi para nabi dinilai sebagai kejadian nyata

    Reading Comprehension through Blended Learning at IAIN Samarinda

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    Due to the growing need for English reading in the academic world, learners' reading abilities must be improved in order to have a better understanding of English texts. If learners grow comfortable with reading strategies, they will become more motivated to read, which will result in more exposure to foreign language information. The researchers discovered that students who were taught using Blended Learning and mobile learning had increased reading abilities in English and a more favorable attitude toward Blended Learning in reading class. The study included both quantitative and qualitative approaches. The experiment is conducted by the administration of a test to collect data on learning outcomes, while the qualitative data is collected through the use of questionnaires and interviews. IAIN Samarinda's first semester sampled 32 students. The findings were analyzed using the t-test method. It was found based on the two scores and the t-value that there was a statistically significant increase in reading for learning to use a blended learning approach. Additionally, the questionnaire and student interview data about the perspective of blended learning in reading classrooms indicated that blended learning had a favorable influence. Blended learning may be utilized to assist learning in English language lessons. The advantages of blended learning as a supplement to secondary or foreign language education will benefit students

    Isu dan masalah sink hole terhadap penyelenggaraan jalan raya di Johor Bahru

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    Penyelenggaraan jalan adalah satu proses kerja-kerja yang terlibat bagi tujuan mengekalkan keadaan jalan seperti keadaan asalnya dari segi ciri-ciri geometri dan juga kekuatan strukurnya (Salleh, 2011). Selain itu, penyelenggaraan jalan merupakan kerja-kerja menjaga dan memperelokkan jalan dan bahagian-bahagian jalan yang telah siap dibina. Penyelenggaraan jalan juga melibatkan lain- lain struktur binaan yang terdapat pada jalan raya dan jalan yang mengalami kadar kerosakan yang bermula setelah siap dibina dan mula digunakan. Kerja-kerja penyelenggaraan dijalankan bagi mengawal kerosakan, menjamin jalan yang dibina boleh mencapai jangka hayat yang lama, menjaga jalan raya untuk kegunaan trafik dan memperbaiki perjalanan sistem trafik (JKR, 2009)
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