207 research outputs found

    Syntaxonomy and ecological differentiation of the pioneer vegetation of Ukraine. 1. Classes: Cakiletea maritimae, Ammophiletea, Crithmo-Staticetea, Crypsietea aculeatae, Therosalicornietea

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    Pioneer plant communities grow on newly-formed ecotopes of coastal and partially continental areas, on patches that have dried after the surface water flooding. They are affected by sea tides, wind-induced effect, salinity, denudation, accumulation and sharp changes in soil humidity. To these factors are added chemical and biological pollution, as well as anthropogenic pressure. Due to these reasons, such plant communities have a specific floristic composition, structure, functional regime and resilience mechanisms, which are different from coenoses of more stable habitats. On the basis of the analysis of more than 600 phytosociological relevés using TWINSPAN modified algorithm the current state of littoral and halophytic classes of pioneer vegetation in Ukraine has been established and their syntaxonomic structure identified. It has been determined that the level of pioneer phytocoenoses diversity in Ukraine is similar to that of Central Europe. The Cakiletea maritimae class is presented by 1 order, 1 alliance, and 4 associations; Ammophiletea – by 1 order, 1 alliance, and 8 associations; Crithmo-Staticetea – by 1 order, 2 alliances, and 3 associations; Crypsietea aculeatae – by 1 order, 3 alliances, and 4 associations, Therosalicornietea – by 1 order, 2 alliances, and 10 associations. Synoptic tables of vegetation classes are given and nine alliances are briefly characterized. Using DCA-ordination analysis of syntaxa in the association-rank level we identified that the main factors of ecological differentiation are soil humidity and aeration as well as the nitrogen content. For the pioneer plant communities, other significant impact factors are the extremality of environmental conditions, their unevenness and non-equilibrium, in particular, the mechanical action of the sea waves, the dynamic processes of denudation and accumulation, salinity, as well as the variability of damping during the year. This research contributes to the identification of the place of the distinguished syntaxa of Ukrainian pioneer vegetation in the European system

    Syntaxonomy and ecological differentiation of the pioneer vegetation of Ukraine. 2. Helichryso-Crucianelletea maritimae, Festucetea vaginatae, Koelerio-Corynephoretea canescentis classes

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    Pioneer psammophytic vegetation is usually developed on wind-drift sandy substrates such as arenas, spits, beaches, river terraces, and this vegetation occupies significant areas in all three natural zones of Ukraine. The Koelerio-Corynephoretea canescentis class was represented by 13 associations, 3 alliances and 1 order; Festucetea vaginatae class by 22 associations, 2 alliances and 1 order; Helichryso-Crucianelletea maritimae by 10 associations, 4 alliances and 1 order. The results of cluster analysis and synoptic tables of the classes are presented. 9 alliances are briefly described. Leading factors of territorial and ecological differentiation are identified. It was found that the territorial distribution of plant communities is influenced by the character of ecotope mesorelief, soil composition and humus horizon thickness, as well as the degree of eolian processes development. The main factors of their ecological differentiation are soil acidity, salt regime and ombroregime. Based on the results of DCA-ordination of syntaxa within certain vegetation classes, it was found that their distribution is influenced by factors that correlate with the environment-specific conditions. It has emerged that an ecological differentiation of syntaxa within Festucetea vaginatae is determined by the integrated effect of gradients, and soil salinity is leading among them. Temperature regime and climate continentality are leading factors in the distribution of syntaxa within the Koelerio-Corynephoretea canescentis class. The gradients of ombroregime and soil humidity have a significant impact. The distribution of communities of the Helichryso-Crucianelletea maritimae class in the ecological space is determined mainly by factors of variability of damping, ombroregime and climate continentality. The author’s syntaxonomic concept assumes the independence of the studied classes: Koelerio-Corynephoretea canescentis, Helichryso-Crucianelletea maritimae and Festucetea vaginatae, conside­ring that the leading factors of community differentiation of the Festucetea vaginatae and Koelerio-Corynephoretea canescentis classes are the origin (genesis) of sandy substrates, as well as soil acidity. Phytosociological analysis of a large number of relevés of coastal littoral vegetation also provides support for independence of the Helichryso-Crucianelletea maritimae and Ammophiletea classes diffe­rent floristically and ecologically. A review of the psammophytic vegetation of Ukraine will determine the place of the selected syntaxonomic units in the pan-European system


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    Purpose. In order to optimize the intraoperative anesthesia tactics we used epidural anesthesia.Materials and methods. There were 40 patients. They were randomized into 2 groups of 20 people. Patients of I group performed analgosedation, group – II epidural analgesia.Results. The use of epidural anesthesia sol. 0.125% bupivacaine in the volume of 30 ml with the addition of 0.12 mg of sol. Buprenorphine provided adequate levels of both intra- and postoperative analgesia of balonplastics of obliterating atherosclerosis of the lower limbs.З метою оптимізувати інтраопераційну анестезіологічну тактику, для знеболювання було використано епідуральну аналгезію.Матеріали і методи. 40 пацієнтів були рандомізовано розподілені на дві групи по 20 осіб. Хворим І групи проводилась аналгоседація, ІІ групи – епідуральна анестезія.Результати. Застосування епідуральної анестезії розчином 0,125% бупівакаїну в об’ємі 30 мл з додавання 0,12 мг розчину бупренорфіну забезпечувало адекватний рівень як інтра-, так і післяопераційної аналгезії при балонопластиці облітеруючого атеросклерозу нижніх кінцівок

    Psychological and Pedagogical Aspects of the Development of Integrative Readiness of Future Specialists for Professional Activity

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    The need to develop an integrative readiness of future specialists is a relevant scientific problem. The reasons for this could be based on the fact that that the specialists-to-be were expected to be involved in the fierce competition for vacancies and areas of activity, have modern information and communication tools, i.e. have an integrative readiness for professional activity. Institutions do not, however, have a single integration (interdisciplinary) framework for training, do not provide a comprehensive educational information, technical tools, strategies and technologies of education, reasoned psychological and pedagogical conditions. According to the author, the integrative readiness of future specialists for professional activity is a system-personality formation that reflects the unity of theoretical and managerial training and practical ability of students to comprehensively apply regulatory, socio-economic, psychological and pedagogical methods and technologies for solving different problems. This readiness reflects the unity of the motivational inclination of future specialists to professional activity and knowledge of practical technologies for solving a wide range of professional problems in personal and business interactions. The research methodology is based on the concept of key competence, which provides systematization, classification of significant problems, development of a matrix of significant problems, and determination of overall strategy, management technology of professional training development process. Students and teachers can use research materials can be used by in educational and practical activities; developers of content, organizational forms and methods of professional training to improve the practical component of curricula and standards of their development

    Электромагнитные и тепловые процессы в преобразователях для коагуляции биологических тканей

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    В статті представлено модель біологічної тканини та алгоритм керування перетворювачем для високочастотної електрокоагуляції. Розглянуто особливості побудови моделі процесу нагріву біологічної тканини з урахуванням необхідних параметрів та допущень при розрахунках. Відображено основні принципи реалізації алгоритмів та законів керування для конкретних початкових умов. Даний підхід розглядається як основа для побудови алгоритмів керування перетворювачем для високочастотного з’єднання та перекриття судин.Around the world, studies in the field of minimally invasive radio frequency electrosurgery. One of the most progressive areas of high-frequency electrosurgery is the high-frequency welding and overlapping vessels. The paper presents a model of the biological tissue and the control algorithm for high-frequency electrosurgical inverter. The features of the model building process of heating of biological tissue with the necessary parameters and assumptions in the calculations. The main principles of the algorithms and control laws for specific initial conditions. The calculations and results were obtained.Во всем мире проводятся исследования в области малоинвазивной высокочастотной (ВЧ) электрохирургии. Одним из прогрессивных направлений высокочастотной электрохирургии является высокочастотная соединение и перекрытие сосудов. В статье представлена модель биологической ткани и алгоритм управления преобразователем для высокочастотной электрокоагуляции. Рассмотрены особенности построения модели процесса нагрева биологической ткани с учетом необходимых параметров и допущений при расчетах. Отражены основные принципы реализации алгоритмов и законов управления для конкретных начальных условий. Проведены расчеты и получены результаты

    Status of the superconducting 217 MHz CH-cavity

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