10 research outputs found

    A Fly-Through Mission Strategy Targeting Peptide as a Signature of Chemical Evolution and Possible Life in Enceladus Plumes

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    In situ detection of organic molecules in the extraterrestrial environment provides a key step towards better understanding the variety and the distribution of building blocks of life and it may ultimately lead to finding extraterrestrial life within the Solar System. Here we present combined results of two separate experiments that enable us to realize such in situ life signature detection from the deep habitats of the "Ocean World": a hydrothermal reactor experiment simulating complex organic synthesis and a simulated fly-through capture experiment of organic-bearing microparticles using silica aerogels, followed by subsequent analysis. Both experiments employ peptide as a plausible organics existing in Encleadus plume particles produced in its subsurface ocean. Recent laboratory hydrothermal experiments and a theoretical model on silica saturation indicated an on going hydrothermal reactions in subsurface Enceladus ocean. Given the porous chondritic origin of the core, it is likely that organic compounds originated by radiation chemistry such as amino acid precursors could have been provided, leached, and altered through widespread water-rock interactions. By using the same laboratory experimental setup from the latest water-rock interaction study, we performed amino acid polymerization experiments for 144 days and monitored the organic complexity changing over time. So far over 3,000 peaks up to the size of greater than 600 MW were observed through the analysis of capillary electrophoresis time-of-flight mass spectrometry (CE-TOF-MS) with an indication of amino acid derivatives and short peptides. Generally abiotic polymerization of enantiomeric amino acids results in forming stereoisomeric peptides with identical molecular weight and formula as opposed to homochiral biopolymers. Assuming Enceladus plume particles may contain a mixture of stereoisomeric peptides, we were able to distinguish 16 of the 17 stereoisomeric tripeptides as a test sample using capillary electrophoresis (CE) under optimized conditions. We further conducted Enceladus plume fly-through capture experiment by accelerating peptides soaked in rock particles up to a speed of 5.7 km/s and capturing with originally developed hydrophobic silica aerogels. Direct peptide extraction with acetonitrile-water followed by CE analysis led to detection of only but two stereoisomeric acidic peptide peaks, presenting the first run-through hypervelocuty impact sample analysis targeting peptides as key molecule to to understand the ongoing astrobiology on Enceladus

    Optimization of a Pre-MEKC Separation SPE Procedure for Steroid Molecules in Human Urine Samples

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    Many steroid hormones can be considered as potential biomarkers and their determination in body fluids can create opportunities for the rapid diagnosis of many diseases and disorders of the human body. Most existing methods for the determination of steroids are usually time- and labor-consuming and quite costly. Therefore, the aim of analytical laboratories is to develop a new, relatively low-cost and rapid implementation methodology for their determination in biological samples. Due to the fact that there is little literature data on concentrations of steroid hormones in urine samples, we have made attempts at the electrophoretic determination of these compounds. For this purpose, an extraction procedure for the optimized separation and simultaneous determination of seven steroid hormones in urine samples has been investigated. The isolation of analytes from biological samples was performed by liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) with dichloromethane and compared to solid phase extraction (SPE) with C18 and hydrophilic-lipophilic balance (HLB) columns. To separate all the analytes a micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography (MECK) technique was employed. For full separation of all the analytes a running buffer (pH 9.2), composed of 10 mM sodium tetraborate decahydrate (borax), 50 mM sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), and 10% methanol was selected. The methodology developed in this work for the determination of steroid hormones meets all the requirements of analytical methods. The applicability of the method has been confirmed for the analysis of urine samples collected from volunteers—both men and women (students, amateur bodybuilders, using and not applying steroid doping). The data obtained during this work can be successfully used for further research on the determination of steroid hormones in urine samples

    Membrane Vesicles of Pectobacterium as an Effective Protein Secretion System

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    Bacteria of genus Pectobacterium are Gram-negative rods of the family Pectobacteriaceae. They are the causative agent of soft rot diseases of crops and ornamental plants. However, their virulence mechanisms are not yet fully elucidated. Membrane vesicles (MVs) are universally released by bacteria and are believed to play an important role in the pathogenicity and survival of bacteria in the environment. Our study investigates the role of MVs in the virulence of Pectobacterium. The results indicate that the morphology and MVs production depend on growth medium composition. In polygalacturonic acid (PGA) supplemented media, Pectobacterium produces large MVs (100–300 nm) and small vesicles below 100 nm. Proteomic analyses revealed the presence of pectate degrading enzymes in the MVs. The pectate plate test and enzymatic assay proved that those enzymes are active and able to degrade pectates. What is more, the pathogenicity test indicated that the MVs derived from Pectobacterium were able to induce maceration of Zantedeschia sp. leaves. We also show that the MVs of β-lactamase producing strains were able to suppress ampicillin activity and permit the growth of susceptible bacteria. Those findings indicate that the MVs of Pectobacterium play an important role in host-pathogen interactions and niche competition with other bacteria. Our research also sheds some light on the mechanism of MVs production. We demonstrate that the MVs production in Pectobacterium strains, which overexpress a green fluorescence protein (GFP), is higher than in wild-type strains. Moreover, proteomic analysis revealed that the GFP was present in the MVs. Therefore, it is possible that protein sequestration into MVs might not be strictly limited to periplasmic proteins. Our research highlights the importance of MVs production as a mechanism of cargo delivery in Pectobacterium and an effective secretion system