46 research outputs found

    Gospodarka oparta na wiedzy: niespełnione obietnice i problem umiejętności

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    Praca prezentuje krytyczne podejście do sposobów ujmowania kompetencji w socjologii, zwłaszcza zaś do przejmowanego przez część socjologów dyskursu gospodarki opartej na wiedzy. Wedle tego dyskursu kompetencje pracowników nowoczesnych branż gospodarki pozwalają zrealizować ideał pracownika elastycznego (nie krępowanego przez sztywne formy biurokratycznych organizacji), mającego zasadniczy wpływ na przedmiot i sposób wykonywania własnej pracy oraz rozliczanego ze swej pracy wedle kryteriów merytorycznych. W pracy przekonuję, że dyskurs ten nie przystaje do rzeczywistości - wskazywane przezeń oficjalne wzory działania są fałszywe. W rozdziale pierwszym omawiam pokrótce dyskurs gospodarki opartej na wiedzy, wskazując na brak empirycznych dowodów, że gospodarka oparta na wiedzy rzeczywiście istnieje. W rozdziale drugim przedstawiam zasadnicze problemy socjologii związane z definiowaniem kompetencji, przede wszystkim na przykładzie pojęcia kompetencji obywatelskich. W rozdziale trzecim omawiam zasadnicze opcje teorii działania - paradygmat strukturalistyczny (na przykładzie Talcotta Parsonsa) oraz interpretatywny (na przykładzie Herberta Blumera i Alfreda Schutza) oraz próbę połączenia tych dwóch paradygmatów (teoria działania Jeffreya Alexandra). Służy to stworzeniu par excellence socjologicznego ujęcia kompetencji, wedle którego kompetencje to nie cecha jednostki lecz pewien wzór skutecznego działania. W rozdziale czwartym omawiam teorię dyferencjacji i dedyferencjacji jako jedną z teorii zmiany społecznej mającą dobre - jak twierdzę - zastosowanie w analizie przemian wzorów działania. Wreszcie w rozdziale piątym pokazuję przykłady rozmijania się oficjalnych (zgodnych z dyskursem gospodarki opartej na wiedzy) i nieoficjalnych wzorów działania w nowoczesnych przedsiębiorstwach.The main purpose of the text is a critique of existing sociological approaches to competencies, mainly of the discourse of „knowledge economy” (to which some sociologists subscribe). According to that discourse the competencies of workers in hi-tech enterprises enable the fulfillment of an ideal of a flexible worker (who is not bound by strict forms of bureaucratical organizations), a worker who controls his work and who is being evaluated on basis of his or hers merit. In my view that discourse doesn’t fit with social reality – it describes official patterns of action which are false. In first chapter I discuss briefly the idea od knowledge economy and I point out lack of empirical evidence for the existence of such economy. In second chapter I present main shortcomings of existing sociological approaches to the concept of competencies, mainly by using the example of civic or citizen competencies. Chapter 3 contains a discussion of main paradigms of theory of social action – the structuralist paradigm (Talcott Parsons) and the interpretative paradigm (Herbert Blumer, Alfred Schutz), as well as the integrative approach (Jeffrey Alexander’s theory of social action). Main goal of this chapter is to propose a strictly sociological understanding of competencies, according to which competencies aren’t a property of individual but rather a pattern of effective action. In chapter 4 I present basic view of differentiation and de-differentiation theory, because – as I set out to show – this particular theory of social change can be useful as a tool for an analysis of change in patterns of action. Finally in Chapter 5 I present some examples of mismatch of official (and concurrent with the discourse of knowledge economy) patterns of action and unofficial patterns of action in modern enterprises

    Teachers’ Workload in Polish Public Debates

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    The following paper presents findings of an analysis of public debates concerning teachers’ workload in Poland. The main conclusion states that the key subject of the aforementioned debates are the group interests of various actors participating in it. Debates concerning teachers’ workload is merely a pretext for delegitimizing other actors by stating that they do not attempt to serve the common good, but instead do what is good for them. In addition, on the basis of the debates analyzed it is possible to reconstruct a particular discourse concerning demands (of certain actors partaking in the debates) on the central government’ policymaking strategies.3719321012Studia Edukacyjn

    Antimony substituted lanthanum orthoniobate proton conductor - Structure and electronic properties

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    X‐ray and neutron diffraction have been utilized to analyze the crystalline and electronic structure of lanthanum orthoniobate substituted by antimony. Using X‐ray absorption spectroscopy and photoelectron spectroscopy, changes in the electronic structure of the material upon substitution have been analyzed. The structural transition temperature between fergusonite and scheelite phases for 30 mol% antimony substitution was found to be 15°C. Based on the neutron data, the oxygen nonstoichiometry was found to be relatively low. Moreover no influence on the position of the valence band maximum was observed. The influence of the protonation on the electronic structure of constituent oxides has been studied. Absorption data show that the incorporation of protonic defects into the lanthanum orthoniobate structure leads to changes in lanthanum electronic structure and a decrease in the density of unoccupied electronic states

    Le théorème d'ambiguïté et son extension à la logique intuitionniste

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    Doctorat en sciences mathématiques -- UCL, 199

    Verification and Improving the Heat Transfer Model in Radiators in the Wide Change Operating Parameters

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    Laboratory measurements and analyses conducted in a wide range of changes of water temperature and mass flow rate for different types of radiators allowed to provides limitations and assessment of the current radiators heat transfer model according to EN 442. The inaccuracy to determinate the radiator heat output according to EN 442, in case of low water mass flow rates may achieve up to 22.3% A revised New Extended Heat Transfer Model in Radiators NEHTMiRmd is general and suitable for different types of radiators both new radiators and radiators existing after a certain period of operation is presented. The NEHTMiRmd with very high accuracy describes the heat transfer processes not only in the nominal conditions—in which the radiators are designed, but what is particularly important also in operating conditions when the radiators water mass flow differ significantly from the nominal value and at the same time the supply temperature changes in the whole range radiators operating during the heating season. In order to prove that the presented new model NEHTMiRmd is general, the article presents numerous calculation examples for various types of radiators currently used. Achieved the high compatibility of the results of the simulation calculations with the measurement results for different types of radiators: iron elements (not ribbed), plate radiators (medium degree ribbed), convectors (high degree ribbed) in a very wide range of changes in the water mass flow rates and the supply temperature indicates that a verified NEHTMiRmd can also be used in designing and simulating calculations of the central heating installations, for the rational conversion of existing installations and district heating systems into low temperature energy efficient systems as well as to directly determine the actual energy efficiency, also to improve the indications of the heat cost allocators. In addition, it may form the basis for the future modification of the European Standards for radiator testing

    Models of Intuitionistic Tt and Nf

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    Let us define the intuitionistic part of a classical theory T as the intuitionistic theory whose proper axioms are identical with the proper axioms of T. For example, Heyting arithmetic HA is the intuitionistic part of classical Peano arithmetic PA. It's a well-known fact, proved by Heyting and Myhill, that ZF is identical with its intuitionistic part. In this paper, we mainly prove that TT, Russell's Simple Theory of Types, and NF, Quine's ''New Foundations,'' are not equal to their intuitionistic part. So, an intuitionistic version of TT or NF seems more naturally definable than an intuitionistic Version of ZF. In the first section, we present a simple technique to build Kripke models of the intuitionistic part of TT (with short examples showing bad properties of finite sets if they are defined in the usual classical way). In the remaining sections, we show how models of intuitionistic NF2 and NF can be obtained from well-chosen classical ones. In these models, the excluded middle win not be satisfied for some non-stratified sentences

    Über das Reaktionsprodukt aus Chinolin und ω-Chlor-azeto-brenzkatechin

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