31 research outputs found

    Experiencia española en el proyecto Go-Lab

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    El proyecto Go-Lab está financiado dentro del Programa FP7 de la Unión Europea y su principal objetivo es fomentar el área STEM en alumnos jóvenes preuniversitarios. Cuenta con una veintena de socios de más de 15 países y se articula en tres grandes ejes: pedagogía, tecnología y despliegue en centros educativos. Pedagógicamente se basa en el aprendizaje por indagación (Inquiry Based Learning [IBL]), aspecto que desarrolla utilizando laboratorios en línea, ya sean virtuales o remotos, para obtener el mayor efecto en profesores y alumnos de secundaria y bachiller. La aportación española ha sido la más relevante en lo que se refiere al despliegue del ecosistema Go-Lab en colegios, puesto que supone cerca de un 25% del total de profesores que lo desarrollan y lo implementan en sus centros de enseñanza. Go-Lab se ha extendido a un total de 281 escuelas españolas. Se ha observado que las aplicaciones de dicho ecosistema facilitan la experiencia necesaria a los alumnos, de manera que estos puedan ser protagonistas de su aprendizaje desde un rol creador e investigador, lo que promueve el acercamiento juvenil a las disciplinas STEM.El projecte Go-Lab està finançat dins del Programa FP7 de la Unió Europea i el principal objectiu que persegueix és el de fomentar l'àrea STEM en alumnes joves preuniversitaris.En formen part una vintena de socis de més de 15 països i s'articula en tres grans eixos: pedagogia, tecnologia i desplegament en centres educatius. Pedagògicament es basa en l'aprenentatge per investigació (Inquiry Based Learning [IBL]), aspecte que es desenvolupa utilitzant laboratoris en línia, ja siguin virtuals o remots, per obtenir l'efecte més gran possible en professors i alumnes de secundària i de batxillerat. L'article descriu aquests tres aspectes, fent un èmfasi especial en el procés de desplegament a Espanya i en els resultats que s'hi han obtingut. La contribució espanyola ha estat la més rellevant en referència al desenvolupament de l'ecosistema Go-Lab a les escoles, ja que representa prop del 25% del total de professors que el desenvolupen i que l'implementen als seus centres docents.Go-Lab s'ha estès a un total de 281 escoles espanyoles. S'ha observat que les aplicacions d'aquest ecosistema proporcionen l'experiència necessària als estudiants, perquè puguin ser protagonistes del seu aprenentatge des d'un paper creatiu i investigador, la qual cosa promou l'aproximació juvenil a les disciplines STEM.Go-Lab is a project funded by the European Union FP7 programme to promote STEM education in pre-university students. The project includes about 20 members from more than 15 different countries and is constructed around three central ideas: pedagogy, technology and deployment in schools. Pedagogically, the project is rooted in inquiry-based learning (IBL), which is developed using virtual or remote online laboratories to maximize the effect on secondary education teachers and students. This paper describes these three facets, putting special emphasis on the deployment process and the results achieved in Spain. The Spanish contribution has been the most relevant to the development of the Go-Lab ecosystem in schools, since it accounts for nearly 25% of the total number of teachers who develop and implement Go-Lab in their schools and involves a total of 281schools in the country. It has been observed that the Go-Lab ecosystem apps provide students the necessary experience to be protagonists of their learning through a creative and research role that promotes the youth approach to STEM disciplines

    Understanding teacher design practices for digital inquiry–based science learning: the case of Go-Lab

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    Designing and implementing online or digital learning material is a demanding task for teachers. This is even more the case when this material is used for more engaged forms of learning, such as inquiry learning. In this article, we give an informed account of Go-Lab, an ecosystem that supports teachers in creating Inquiry Learning Spaces (ILSs). These ILSs are built around STEM–related online laboratories. Within the Go-Lab ecosystem, teachers can combine these online laboratories with multimedia material and learning apps, which are small applications that support learners in their inquiry learning process. The Go-Lab ecosystem offers teachers ready–made structures, such as a standard inquiry cycle, alternative scenarios or complete ILSs that can be used as they are, but it also allows teachers to configure these structures to create personalized ILSs. For this article, we analyzed data on the design process and structure of 2414 ILSs that were (co)created by teachers and that our usage data suggest have been used in classrooms. Our data show that teachers prefer to start their design from empty templates instead of more domain–related elements, that the makeup of the design team (a single teacher, a group of collaborating teachers, or a mix of teachers and project members) influences key design process characteristics such as time spent designing the ILS and number of actions involved, that the characteristics of the resulting ILSs also depend on the type of design team and that ILSs that are openly shared (i.e., published in a public repository) have different characteristics than those that are kept private.</p

    3D Mapping Ukrainian Digital Education

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    This paper seeks to report on the current state and attitudes towards digital education in Ukraine. The paper introduces the developed 3D mapping of Ukrainian digital education. Moreover, it demonstrates the necessity of profound modification aimed at improving the quality and competitiveness of education, which causes changing the role of academic and teaching staff in Ukraine in accordance with contemporary world requirements. The comprehensive analysis of the state policies and regulatory framework in the field of digital skills and competences was performed. Among those we would like to mention the UNESCO recommendations on information and communication technology competence, the digital competence framework for citizens DigComp 2.0 and the digital competence framework for educators DigCompEdu, and requirements for digital literacy in the United States, in particular the standards of the International Society of Technology in Education (ISTE). As a result of the analysis of these reports and documents, questionnaires were developed for two groups of respondents – university academic and teaching staff as well as their students. The survey was conducted in six Ukrainian universities within the framework of the international Erasmus + project MoPED

    Game-Based Learning in Universities and Lifelong Learning: "UniGame: Social Skills and Knowledge Training" Game Concept

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    How to design effective learning opportunities? Why is learning by experience often more efficient than learning by studying? How to provide the learning experiences needed to respond to current challenges? Using computer games and games in general for educational purposes offers a variety of knowledge presentations and creates opportunities to apply the knowledge within a virtual world, thus supporting and facilitating learning processes. An innovative educational paradigm such as game-based learning, which is considered suitable for the given purpose, is described in this article. The connection of the collaborative social context of education with game-based learning is discussed in the first part of the paper. The second part of the paper introduces the game concept of "UniGame: Social Skills and Knowledge Training". Game ideas along the educational background of the UniGame game concept are outlined. UniGame scenarios presented and possible use cases should stimulate users to apply game-based learning approach in the future for their classes

    Secondary School Needs in Remote Experimentation and Instrumentation

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    The education in applied sciences, engineering, and technologies is one of the Key Competences for Lifelong Learning (2006/962/EC) and priority areas in the educational strategy in EU countries. It directly effects the industrial development. Recent surveys show that the occupational structure of EU employment of the engineering sector tends to shift towards knowledge- and skills-intensive jobs from 27.3%(2007) to 32.4%(2020) (CEDEFOP, Skills supply and demand in Europe. Medium-term forecast up to 2020 (2010)). Therefore, contemporary industry demands well-educated STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) graduates. Since studentsâ?? motivation to learn depends upon the knowledge and skills of the teachers, teachers should have access to high quality and real-life-based resources to build their competence, to support studentâ??s improvement, to familiarize with up-to-date research, development and industrial needs in STEM. This paper presents the study results on secondary school needs in development of remote experimentation and ICT competences in several EU countries. The survey was executed in frame of the project â??OLAREX: Open learning approach with remote experimentsâ? supported by EU Lifelong Learning Programme

    Secondary School Needs in Remote Experimentation and Instrumentation

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    Open learning approach with remote experiments

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    Edukologijos tyrimų institutasSocialinių mokslų fakultetasVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Aspects of Game- Based Learning

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    Abstract: How to design effective learning opportunities? Why is learning by experience often more efficient than learning by studying? How to provide the learning experiences needed to respond to current challenges? Using computer games and games in general for educational purposes offers a variety of knowledge presentations and creates opportunities to apply the knowledge within a virtual world, thus supporting and facilitating the learning process. An innovative education paradigm like game-based learning suitable for this purpose is described in this article. The connection of the collaborative social context of education with game-based learning is discussed

    Experiencia española en el proyecto Go-Lab

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    El proyecto Go-Lab está financiado dentro del Programa FP7 de la Unión Europea y su principal objetivo es fomentar el área STEM en alumnos jóvenes preuniversitarios. Cuenta con una veintena de socios de más de 15 países y se articula en tres grandes ejes: pedagogía, tecnología y despliegue en centros educativos. Pedagógicamente se basa en el aprendizaje por indagación (Inquiry Based Learning [IBL]), aspecto que desarrolla utilizando laboratorios en línea, ya sean virtuales o remotos, para obtener el mayor efecto en profesores y alumnos de secundaria y bachiller. La aportación española ha sido la más relevante en lo que se refiere al despliegue del ecosistema Go-Lab en colegios, puesto que supone cerca de un 25% del total de profesores que lo desarrollan y lo implementan en sus centros de enseñanza. Go-Lab se ha extendido a un total de 281 escuelas españolas. Se ha observado que las aplicaciones de dicho ecosistema facilitan la experiencia necesaria a los alumnos, de manera que estos puedan ser protagonistas de su aprendizaje desde un rol creador e investigador, lo que promueve el acercamiento juvenil a las disciplinas STEM.El projecte Go-Lab està finançat dins del Programa FP7 de la Unió Europea i el principal objectiu que persegueix és el de fomentar l'àrea STEM en alumnes joves preuniversitaris.En formen part una vintena de socis de més de 15 països i s'articula en tres grans eixos: pedagogia, tecnologia i desplegament en centres educatius. Pedagògicament es basa en l'aprenentatge per investigació (Inquiry Based Learning [IBL]), aspecte que es desenvolupa utilitzant laboratoris en línia, ja siguin virtuals o remots, per obtenir l'efecte més gran possible en professors i alumnes de secundària i de batxillerat. L'article descriu aquests tres aspectes, fent un èmfasi especial en el procés de desplegament a Espanya i en els resultats que s'hi han obtingut. La contribució espanyola ha estat la més rellevant en referència al desenvolupament de l'ecosistema Go-Lab a les escoles, ja que representa prop del 25% del total de professors que el desenvolupen i que l'implementen als seus centres docents.Go-Lab s'ha estès a un total de 281 escoles espanyoles. S'ha observat que les aplicacions d'aquest ecosistema proporcionen l'experiència necessària als estudiants, perquè puguin ser protagonistes del seu aprenentatge des d'un paper creatiu i investigador, la qual cosa promou l'aproximació juvenil a les disciplines STEM.Go-Lab is a project funded by the European Union FP7 programme to promote STEM education in pre-university students. The project includes about 20 members from more than 15 different countries and is constructed around three central ideas: pedagogy, technology and deployment in schools. Pedagogically, the project is rooted in inquiry-based learning (IBL), which is developed using virtual or remote online laboratories to maximize the effect on secondary education teachers and students. This paper describes these three facets, putting special emphasis on the deployment process and the results achieved in Spain. The Spanish contribution has been the most relevant to the development of the Go-Lab ecosystem in schools, since it accounts for nearly 25% of the total number of teachers who develop and implement Go-Lab in their schools and involves a total of 281schools in the country. It has been observed that the Go-Lab ecosystem apps provide students the necessary experience to be protagonists of their learning through a creative and research role that promotes the youth approach to STEM disciplines