149 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACTPsychological well being is one of the psychological conditions experienced by students that affects their learning, especially when outbreaks of new corona viruses (COVID 19). The purpose of this study was to determine the Psychological well being students in undergoing online lectures (in networks) to prevent the spread of corona virus. This study uses a qualitative research method, which is descriptive by using interviews and documentation analysis of WhatsApp Group (WAG) conversations, to students majoring in Islamic Counseling, as many as 30 students of Islamic Counseling. The results revealed that students were more comfortable in attending face-to-face lectures than undergoing online lectures


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    Proses pendidikan bangku perkuliahan  berbeda dengan lembaga pendidikan di sekolah menengah ataupun sekolah dasar karena materi  pelajaran yang diberikan pada mahasiswa lebih luas dibandingkan materi pelajaran yang diberikan di sekolah menengah ataupun sekolah dasar.  mahasiswa juga harus belajar untuk menyiapkan diri tidak hanya bisa mengerjakan tugas tetapi juga dalam menghadapi ujian. Mahasiswa sering menunda-nunda tugas yang diberikan oleh dosen untuk jangka waktu seminggu. Kebanyakan mahasiswa akan mengerjakan tugasnya ketika waktu yang telah ditentukan semakin dekat. Tugas-tugas yang sebenarnya bisa selesai lebih cepat dari deadline justru tidak segera dikerjakan karena merasa bila dikerjakan lebih cepat atau dengan Sistem Kebut Semalam ”SKS” tidak akan berpengaruh terhadap hasil penilaian. Dosen pun tidak akan memberikan reward untuk tugas yang selesai lebih cepat. Sehingga kegiatan atau pekerjaan lain yang kurang penting (menonton televisi maupun bioskop, nongkrong, main game dengan teman sebaya) justru didahulukan karena lebih memberikan kepuasan diri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui prokrastinasi akademik mahasiswa dalam mengerjakan tugas. Penelitian  yang digunakan yaitu penetian kuantitatif menggunakan metode survei sebanyak 40 mahasiswa. Hasil penelitian yang peneliti lakukan didapatkan bahwa tingkat prokrastinasi akademik mahasiswa Jurusan Bimbingan Konseling Islam rendah


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    More modern market make it easy for consumers for fulfil his life needs. Swalayan is a form of modern market that are much in demand by consumers. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of price and place on purchasing decisions. Where independent variables are price and place, influence purchasing decisions as the dependent variable. The population used in this study is the consumer of Swalayan Jodoh Center Batam, with a sample of 100 respondents used as consumers of Swalayan Jodoh Center Batam. The sampling method uses purposive sampling methods and data collection techniques using questionnaires. This type of research is quantitative research. Quantitative analysis includes validity, reliability, classical assumption test, multiple linear analysis, determination coefficient (R2), f test and t test. The data from this study were processed using SPSS version 20.0. The results of this study are price has a negative and not significant influence on purchasing decisions, place has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions. While simultaneous results, price and place have a significant influence on Swalayan Jodoh Center Batam purchasing decisions

    ANALISIS KESULITAN BELAJAR MAHASISWA DALAM KULIAH ONLINE (Studi pada Mahasiswa Bimbingan Konseling Islam UIN Imam Bonjol Padang)

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    ABSTRACTLearning difficulties is a condition in which a person cannot learn properly, because there are certain disorders. In the learning process students are often found to have difficulty in learning, which affects the learning outcomes achieved. Learning difficulties are caused by various factors, both internal and external factors. The purpose of this study is to find out in detail and comprehensively the difficulties of student learning in online lectures. The research method used is qualitative research. The data source is 60 students majoring in Islamic Counseling Guidance. Data collection is done through online media utilizing 2 (two) WhatsApp groups. The results obtained were that most students said that they did not understand what the lecturer explained, the limited learning resources (such as books that were not available), it was difficult to discuss with friends because many friends did not understand either, there was no practice for lectures that should have been practical, limited time given by lecturers to complete assignments, many disturbances both from the learning environment that is not conducive or other tasks given by parents. A small number of students said that they did not have an android mobile phone, so they borrowed a parents or olders handphone, and it was difficult to get internet access


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    The dangerous Covid-19 pandemic has attacked all sectors of life in the world, including the education sector. As a result, teaching and learning activities (KBM) were originally at school, while the time through the learning system from home online. Aircraft structural assembly (PSPU) is one of the compulsory subjects whose KBM process is carried out online through Zoom meeting and Google Classroom. However, from the learning process, the participation and activeness of students is less and the average learning outcomes have not reached the minimum completeness criteria (KKM). One of the efforts to overcome these problems, namely by applying learning media in accordance with the characteristics of students and subjects taught. The purpose of this study was to determine the ability of early and late learning outcomes, as well as to improve student learning outcomes through the application of Kumoscpace media on PSPU subjects during the Covid-19 pandemic. The research method used is quasi-experimental design with pre-test post-test control group design. The experiment class uses Kumospace, while the control Class uses Zoom meeting. The results obtained showed the average value of pre-test experimental class of 51.58 and the control Class of 51.81. The average post-test in the experimental class is 85.53. In the control class is 78.47. The average N-Gain of the experimental class was 0.69 while the average N-Gain of the control class score was 0.53. Based on the test results of Independent sample t-test Sig value. (2 tailed) of 0.00 this means that there is a significant difference in the improvement of learning outcomes from the application of Kumospace media and there is a positive influence on the improvement of learning outcomes. Keywords: Learning outcomes, Quasi Experiment, Kumospace, Media, Zoom Meetin

    PRODUKSI BIOGAS SEBAGAI SUMBER ENERGI LISTRIK KAPASITAS 0,3 KW/HARI SELAMA 1 JAM (Analisa Laju Konsumsi Biogas (m3/menit)sebagai Bahan Bakar Genset Terhadap BebanListrik yang Digunakan)

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    Biogas is a renewable energy potential to reduce national energy dependence on fossils fuel. Biogas contain methane gas of 53,2% and calorific value of 528 cuft, so that biogas is considered capable of being used as fuel for the generator to be converted into electrical energy . This research aims to study the effects of changes in the electrical load to the amount of consumption of biogas from manure as well get optimum load on the ignition generators using biogas fuel. In this research was observed on the power load of 50 W , 100 W , 150 W , 200 W , 250 W , and 300 W to determine the consumption of biogas is used in the generator. From the calculations, the consumption of biogas in electricity load of 50 W, 100 W, 150 W, 200 W, 250 W, and 300 W is 0,0041 m3/min , 0,0064 m3/min, 0,0098 m3/min, 0,0867 m3/min, 0,0168 m3/min, and 0,0194 m3/min with duration of use for 4 minutes . As well as obtain optimum load on the generator ignition is on the power load of 300 W


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    Masker wajah merupakan sediaan kosmetika perawatan kulit wajah yang memiliki banyak manfaat positif untuk kulit sesuai dengan kebutuhan masing-masing kulit wajah.Penggunaan masker wajah bertujuan untuk mencegah keriput penuaan dini, membersihkan kotoran pada kulit wajah, dapat mengangkat sel-sel kulit mati, dan dapat mencerahkan warna kulit wajah.Wortel (Daucusucarota) memiliki banyak kandungan untuk kulit wajah salah satunya β-karoten.β-karoten yang terdapat pada wortel (Daucusocarota) memiliki manfaat dapat mencerahkan kulit wajah.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bahwa wortel (Daucus9carota) dapat digunakan sebagai bahan masker perawatan kulit wajah.Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah dengan menggunakan penelusuran pustaka berupa jurnal-jurnal atau artikel yang dapat dipertanggungjawabkan baik nasional maupun internasional terkait bahan wortel (Daucuslcarota) untuk pembuatan masker perawatan kulit wajah.Analisis penelitian menerapkan prosedur penelitian studi pustaka.Hasil pustakayang diperoleh menyatakan bahwa wortel (Daucus carota) dapat digunakan sebagai bahanmasker wajah dengan berbagai macam pengelolaan wortel berupa bubuk dengan dilakukannya pengeringan dan diekstrak dengan menggunakan pelarut etanol 96%. Bahan yang dapat digunakan berupa masker bubuk yaitu tepung beras, tepung ketan, dan madu sedangkan bahan  yang digunakan untuk pembuatan masker gel maupun clay yaitu kaolin, CMC-Na, dan PVA. Kata kunci: masker wajah, wortel (Daucus carota), β-karote

    Children’s Worth School: Psychological Well-Being of High School Students in Padang

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    This study aimed to reveal the condition of a child-friendly school as seen from the psychological well-being students in school. Lately there have been various harassment incidents that have befallen students and their own culprit; this is allegedly related to their discomfort at school. Interviews and observations were employed in this study.  The participants which were the public high school students were recruited and determined by snowball sampling. The results showed that, generally, students experienced problems; first, psychological well-being was disrupted due to the following reasons: (1)  learning environment which included incomplete classroom and extracurricular activities facilities; (2) teachers’ attribute which included attitudes toward students, show less affection, appreciation and sometimes like to force the will; and (3) inadequate teaching and learning aspects which included poor lesson plans and dense of teaching and learning material. Second, psychological well-being felt by students generally in schools is related to: (1) the atmosphere in the classroom: friendly and not grumpy teachers, fun teachers in explaining the lesson; (2) understanding and easygoing friends who are comfortable to communicate with, and (3) the atmosphere outside the classroom, friendly waiters in the canteen and a comfortable and quiet library

    Efektivitas Pengelolaan Sampah oleh Kelompok Swadaya Masyarakat Randu Makmur Kecamatan Patikraja Kabupaten Banyumas

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    Penelitian ini berjudul “Efektivitas Pengelolaan Sampah oleh Kelompok Swadaya Masyarakat Randu Makmur Kecamatan Patikraj Kabupaten Banyumas”. Judul tersebut dilatarbelakangi karena KSM Randu Makmur menjadi salah satu KSM yang menampung sampah paling banyak di Kabupaten Banyumas, selain itu KSM Randu Makmur juga menjadi KSM percontohan di Kabupaten Banyumas dalam proses pengelolaan sampah karena sampah berhasil dikelola dan tidak meninggalkan timbulan sampah. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini yaitu untuk mendeskripsikan efektivitas organisasi KSM Randu Makmur dalam pengelolaan sampah di TPST Kedungrandu Kecamatan Patikraja Kabupaten Banyumas. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kuantitatif deskriptif. Pengumpulan data digunakan melalui penyebaran kuesioner (angket), observasi dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah distribusi frekuensi, mean (rata-rata) dan crosstabulation (tabulasi silang). Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pada indikator pencapaian tujuan dapat dikatakan efektif ditunjukan dengan nilai rata-rata indikator pencapaian tujuan sebesar 3,46. Hal ini ditunjukan dengan kegiatan pengelolaan sampah oleh KSM Randu Makmur yang tidak meninggalkan timbulan sampah setiap harinya, dengan kata lain sampah di KSM Randu Makmur dapat dikelola dengan baik. Sedangkan pada indikator integrasi dapat dikatakan cukup efektif ditunjukan dengan nilai rata-rata indikator integrasi sebesar 3,06. Hal ini dikarenakan belum optimalnya KSM Randu Makmur dalam memberikan sosialisasi akan pentingnya pengelolaan sampah kepada masyarakat. Kemudian pada indikator adaptasi dapat dikatakan efektif ditunjukan dengan nilai rata-rata indikator adaptasi sebesar 3,44. Hal ini dikarenakan dalam kegiatan pengelolaan sampah, KSM Randu Makmur memiliki ketersediaan sarana dan prasarana serta sumber daya manusia yang cukup memadai
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