1,105 research outputs found

    Contribution of LANDSAT-4 thematic mapper data to geologic exploration

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    The increased number of carefully selected narrow spectral bands and the increased spatial resolution of thematic mapper data over previously available satellite data contribute greatly to geologic exploration, both by providing spectral information that permits lithologic differentiation and recognition of alteration and spatial information that reveals structure. As vegetation and soil cover increase, the value of spectral components of TM data decreases relative to the value of the spatial component of the data. However, even in vegetated areas, the greater spectral breadth and discrimination of TM data permits improved recognition and mapping of spatial elements of the terrain. As our understanding of the spectral manifestations of the responses of soils and vegetation to unusual chemical environments increases, the value of spectral components of TM data to exploration will greatly improve in covered areas

    Geologic exploration: The contribution of LANDSAT-4 thematic mapper data

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    The major advantages of the TM data over that of MSS systems are increased spatial resolution and a greater number of narrow, strategically placed spectral bands. The 30 meter pixel size permits finer definition of ground features and improves reliability of the photointerpretation of geologic structure. The value of the spatial data increases relative to the value of the spectral data as soil and vegetation cover increase. In arid areas with good exposure, it is possible with careful digital processing and some inventive color compositing to produce enough spectral differentiation of rock types and thereby produce facsimiles of standard geologic maps with a minimum of field work or reference to existing maps. Hue-saturation value images are compared with geological maps of Death Valley, California, the Big Horn/Wind River Basin of Wyoming, the area around Cement, Oklahoma, and Detroit. False color composites of the Ontario region are also examined

    Elevating microRNA-122 in blood improves outcomes after temporary middle cerebral artery occlusion in rats.

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    Because our recent studies have demonstrated that miR-122 decreased in whole blood of patients and in whole blood of rats following ischemic stroke, we tested whether elevating blood miR-122 would improve stroke outcomes in rats. Young adult rats were subjected to a temporary middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) or sham operation. A polyethylene glycol-liposome-based transfection system was used to administer a miR-122 mimic after MCAO. Neurological deficits, brain infarction, brain vessel integrity, adhesion molecule expression and expression of miR-122 target and indirect-target genes were examined in blood at 24 h after MCAO with or without miR-122 treatment. miR-122 decreased in blood after MCAO, whereas miR-122 mimic elevated miR-122 in blood 24 h after MCAO. Intravenous but not intracerebroventricular injection of miR-122 mimic decreased neurological deficits and brain infarction, attenuated ICAM-1 expression, and maintained vessel integrity after MCAO. The miR-122 mimic also down-regulated direct target genes (e.g. Vcam1, Nos2, Pla2g2a) and indirect target genes (e.g. Alox5, Itga2b, Timp3, Il1b, Il2, Mmp8) in blood after MCAO which are predicted to affect cell adhesion, diapedesis, leukocyte extravasation, eicosanoid and atherosclerosis signaling. The data show that elevating miR-122 improves stroke outcomes and we postulate this occurs via downregulating miR-122 target genes in blood leukocytes

    Controlling chaos in a Lorenz-like system using feedback

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    We demonstrate that the dynamics of an autonomous chaotic laser can be controlled to a periodic or steady state under self-synchronization. In general, past the chaos threshold the dependence of the laser output on feedback applied to the pump is submerged in the Lorenz-like chaotic pulsation. However there exist specific feedback delays that stabilize the chaos to periodic behavior or even steady state. The range of control depends critically on the feedback delay time and amplitude. Our experimental results are compared with the complex Lorenz equations which show good agreement

    A forensic acquisition and analysis system for IaaS

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    Cloud computing is a promising next-generation computing paradigm that offers significant economic benefits to both commercial and public entities. Furthermore, cloud computing provides accessibility, simplicity, and portability for its customers. Due to the unique combination of characteristics that cloud computing introduces (including on-demand self-service, broad network access, resource pooling, rapid elasticity, and measured service), digital investigations face various technical, legal, and organizational challenges to keep up with current developments in the field of cloud computing. There are a wide variety of issues that need to be resolved in order to perform a proper digital investigation in the cloud environment. This paper examines the challenges in cloud forensics that are identified in the current research literature, alongside exploring the existing proposals and technical solutions addressed in the respective research. The open problems that need further effort are highlighted. As a result of the analysis of literature, it is found that it would be difficult, if not impossible, to perform an investigation and discovery in the cloud environment without relying on cloud service providers (CSPs). Therefore, dependence on the CSPs is ranked as the greatest challenge when investigators need to acquire evidence in a timely yet forensically sound manner from cloud systems. Thus, a fully independent model requires no intervention or cooperation from the cloud provider is proposed. This model provides a different approach to a forensic acquisition and analysis system (FAAS) in an Infrastructure as a Service model. FAAS seeks to provide a richer and more complete set of admissible evidences than what current CSPs provide, with no requirement for CSP involvement or modification to the CSP’s underlying architecture

    A treatment planning intercomparison of proton and intensity modulated photon radiotherapy.

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    peer reviewedAbstract Purpose: A comparative treatment planning study has been undertaken between standard photon delivery techniques,b intensity modulated photon methods and spot scanned protons in order to investigate the merits and limitations of each of these treatment approaches. Methods: Plans for each modality were performed using CT scans and planning information for nine patients with varying indications and lesion sites and the results have been analysed using a variety of dose and volume based parameters. Results: Over all cases, it is predicted that the use of protons could lead to a reduction of the total integral dose by a factor three compared to standard photon techniques and a factor two compared to IM photon plans. In addition, in all but one Organ at Risk (OAR) for one case, protons are predicted to reduce both mean OAR dose and the irradiated volume at the 50% mean target dose level compared to both photon methods. However, when considering the volume of an OAR irradiated to 70% or more of the target dose, little difference could be shown between proton and intensity modulated photon plans. On comparing the magnitude of dose hot spots in OARs resulting from the proton and IM photon plans, more variation was observed, and the ranking of the plans was then found to be case and OAR dependent. Conclusions: The use of protons has been found to reduce the medium to low dose load (below about 70% of the target dose) to OARs and all non-target tissues compared to both standard and inversely planned photons, but that the use of intensity modulated photons can result in similar levels of high dose conformation to that afforded by protons. However, the introduction of inverse planning methods for protons is necessary before general conclusions on the relative efficacy of photons and protons can be drawn

    Simulation of truncated normal variables

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    We provide in this paper simulation algorithms for one-sided and two-sided truncated normal distributions. These algorithms are then used to simulate multivariate normal variables with restricted parameter space for any covariance structure.Comment: This 1992 paper appeared in 1995 in Statistics and Computing and the gist of it is contained in Monte Carlo Statistical Methods (2004), but I receive weekly requests for reprints so here it is

    Metastable chaos in the ammonia ring laser

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    We report experimental studies of metastable chaos in the far-infrared ammonia ring: laser. When the laser pump power is switched from above chaos threshold to slightly below, chaotic intensity pulsations continue for a varying time afterward before decaying to either periodic or cw emission. The behavior is in good qualitative agreement with that predicted by the Lorenz equations, previously used to describe this laser. The statistical distribution of the duration of the chaotic transient is measured and shown to be in excellent agreement with the Lorenz equations in showing a modified exponential distribution. We also give a brief numerical analysis and graphical visualization of the Lorenz equations in phase space illustrating the boundary between the metastable chaotic and the stable fixed point basins of attraction. This provides an intuitive understanding of the metastable dynamics of the Lorenz equations and the experimental system

    Avaliação de estratégias de produção em agricultura irrigada no perímetro de irrigação do Gorutuba.

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    Apresenta-se aqui o relatório de projeto de pesquisa, parcialmente financiado pelo Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico, CNPq, que teve como objetivo gerar uma base de informações para dar suporte a decisões relativas ao manejo da irrigação e ao planejamento para o perímetro de irrigação do Gorutuba. O relatório compreende o período de 10 de agosto de 2005 a 10 de agosto de 2007. Informações técnicas e econômicas de cinco culturas perenes e quinze anuais foram levantadas na literatura internacional, nacional e local e em relatórios do distrito de irrigação Gorutuba e da Codevasf. Séries históricas de dados de clima foram obtidas na Embrapa Milho e Sorgo. Amostras de solo foram coletadas em quatro propriedades representativas de pequeno e grande produtor e as análises físicas e químicas realizadas nos laboratórios da Embrapa. Os coeficientes técnicos dos custos de produção foram obtidos junto ao distrito de irrigação Jaíba, sendo considerados similares aos verificados no perímetro Gorutuba. Consideraram-se valores médios para os custos dos fatores de produção para o Norte de Minas Gerais, atualizados para dezembro de 2006. Consideraram-se os custos de água de irrigação praticados no perímetro e os preços de venda dos produtos foram ajustados com base em uma série histórica, corrigida pelo IPCA, obtida junto aos distritos de irrigação, Emater-MG e Codevasf e preços recebidos no Ceasa-MG, em diferentes épocas do ano. Os requerimentos totais de irrigação (RIT) e as produtividades relativas totais (YRT) foram obtidos mediante simulações com o modelo MCID. Posteriormente, essas informações foram empregadas nos estudos de otimização de padrão de cultivo, associados à análise de risco, na definição de coeficientes técnicos relativos à função objetivo e na definição de restrições no modelo de programação linear. Visando demonstrar a aplicação das ferramentas de otimização de padrão de cultivo e de requerimento de água, foram construídos dois modelos de programação linear (MPL), sendo que a cada um destes MPL ?s foi associada uma análise de risco. Para proceder as análises de risco empregou-se o programa P-Risco, no qual algumas variáveis de entrada e de saída são estocásticas, tendo a elas associada uma distribuição de probabilidade. Duas propriedades, uma de 200 ha e outra de 11 ha, foram utilizadas como estudos de caso, com base em cenários de produção hipotéticos. As análises demonstraram a capacidade das ferramentas propostas para o planejamento e para o auxílio à tomada de decisões em propriedades de perímetros irrigados.bitstream/item/61027/1/doc-73.pd