261 research outputs found

    The Position of the Languages of Eastern Indonesia

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    A Delphi Study of Aviation Maintenance Experts\u27 Recommendations for a Model School Curriculum

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    The program described in this paper is the essential first step in reviving and reinitiating the delivery of aviation maintenance technology instruction. The demand for aviation maintenance technicians (AMTs) is rapidly increasing and there is a need to provide as many as 679,000 AMTs over the next 20 years (Boeing, 2016). Given the high cost of certification, new aviation maintenance schools are unlikely to be certificated in the near future, and ramping up the existing schools to meet the anticipated demand is unlikely without incorporating attractive cost-effective measures such as competency-based and distance education. The purpose of this study is to develop a model curriculum for aviation maintenance technician schools (AMTSs) based upon three federal documents: {Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) on Aviation Maintenance Technician Schools, dated 10/02/2015, Advisory and Rulemaking Committees Review Part 147 (Aviation Maintenance Technician Schools Curriculum and Operating Requirements) dated 12/08/2008, and FAA AMT testing standards (draft dated 02/17/2017)}. The model encapsulates college credits and respective clock hour times associated with common subject area groupings within the guidelines of one college credit minimum for each course, approximately 1900 hours of instruction, and recommended objectives for each course. The Delphi methodology was used to collect data from a group of aviation maintenance technology education and regulatory experts

    Saa Notes

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    The present status of some Austronesian subgrouping hypotheses

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    SHAPE Project Hydros Innovation: Automatic Optimal Hull Design by Means of VPPApplications on HPC Platforms

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    Hydros is an Engineering & Research Swiss company founded in 2007 with several patented designs in the field of marine and sailing yachting. In recent years Hydros is exploring new market segments such as yachts and super-yachts hull design. The usage of HPC resources and open-source softwares can be a valuable tool in the massive shape design optimizations usually performed by Hydros. The main scope of the proposed SHAPE pilot was therefore to evaluate the feasibility of automatic optimal hull design on HPC infrastructure and the impact of such a workflow on the day-by-day work of Hydros personnel. To accomplish this task the project was subdivided into a set of steps including a preliminary validation of a 2DoF CFD analysis of an industrial hull design using open-source code, the scalability test of commercial and open-source CFD code for hull 2DoF modelling, the coupling of the CFD result into an existing CAD modification and optimization loop, and finally the running of a complete optimization loop for an industrial hull design using open-source code on the HPC platform and usability evaluation of the solution provided

    Improved preparation of 9-octadecenes

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    Organic synthesis of cis-9 and trans-9 octadecenes from oleyl alcohol and elaidyl alcohol, respectively, by conversion to tosylates followed by lithium aluminum hydride reductio

    Proto-Austronesian laterals and nasals

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    CONVENTION HOTEL Bintang 5 di Sleman

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    Kabupaten Sleman merupakan wilayah paling berkembang di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Sebagai salah satu kota berkembang di Pulau Jawa khususnya di Daerah Istimewa Sleman, merupakan pusat segala kegiatan baik ekonomi, perdagangan, jasa, industri dan pariwisata. Hal ini didukung dengan adanya Bandar Udara Adi Sucipto Yogyakarta serta Stasiun Tugu, Stasiun Lempuyangan dan Stasiun di Bandara Adi Sucipto.Hal tersebut yang menjadi salah satu penyebab, Sleman D.I.Yogyakarta memiliki potensi sebagai pusat bisnis eksklusif di Indonesia. Kabupaten Sleman sebagai pusat bisnis dan pariwisata di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta memberikan kesempatan kepada para investor untuk menanamkan modal di Kabupaten Sleman.Berdasarkan data dari Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Kabupaten Sleman pada tahun 2010-2014 terjadi peningkatan yang cukup pesat pada kunjungan wisatawan ke Kabupaten Sleman.Pada tahun 2010 terdapat 3.529.502 wisatawan yang berkunjung ke Kabupaten Sleman. Sedangkan berdasarkan data tahun 2014, jumlah kunjungan wisata meningkat hampir 2 kali lipat dengan jumlah 5.251.352 wisatawan berkunjung ke Kabupaten Sleman.. Sehingga dapat diproyeksikan untuk 10 tahun kedepan pada tahun 2025 jumlah kunjungan wisatawan baik domestik maupun asing ke Kabupaten Sleman mencapai ±10.000.000 wisatawan dengan jumlah wisatawan yang menginap di hotel berbintang sebanyak ±1.500.000 wisatawan. Berdasarkan data-data yang telah disebutkan di atas, setelah mengamati proyeksi jumlah kunjungan wisatawan ke Kabupaten Sleman dan proyeksi jumlah hotel di Kabupaten Sleman khususnya hotel bintang 5 pada tahun 2025 dapat disimpulkan bahwa Kabupaten Sleman masih membutuhkan dibangunnya hotel baru, khususnya Convention Hotel sebagai sarana akomodasi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan wisatawan bisnis dalam hal menginap dan juga dilengkapai dengan fasilitas penunjang bisnis dan hiburan untuk pelepas penat. Convention Hotel bintang lima hadir untuk memberikan alternative pada para pebisnis untuk menginap dan sekaligus melakukan pertemuan. Convention Hotel bintang lima yang direncanakan ini akan didesain dengan memperhatikan beberapa aspek penting yang mendukung terciptanya suatu hotel yang memiliki daya tarik sendiri, mendorong untuk menciptakan inovasi-inovasi tampilan, lokasi yang strategis, mengedepankan unsur budaya lokal Yogyakarta, guna menarik para pengunjung untuk menginap. Penyusun berusaha untuk merencanakan dan merancang suatu ide desain yang diwujudkan dalam Tugas Akhir dengan judul ”Convention Hotel bintang 5 di Slema

    Peran Komunikasi Keluarga dalam Mengantisipasi Kenakalan Remaja

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    The purpose of this research is to understand the role of family communication in anticipating juvenile delinquency. This study uses a qualitative descriptive research method. The research data was taken from interviews with 3 informants. The results of this study are that according to all informants, family communication is the most important thing, and the closeness between parents and children is the key to everything. The conclusion of this study is that in anticipating juvenile delinquency parents/families always prioritize communication between parents and their children. With in-depth heart-to-heart communication, as a parent, you will be able to understand what your child wants and vice versa, your child will understand what your parents want.   Keywords: Adolescents, Communication, Family &nbsp

    Psoriasis Dengan Pengobatan Metotreksat

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    Psoriasis is a chronic immune disease of the skin characterized by the accelerated exchange of epidermal cells and a faster-than-normal keratinization process. Psoriation has a variety of clinical manifestations, one of which is gutata psoriasis which has a distinctive image in the form of red spots rising like water droplets with a small diameter that usually does not exceed 1 cm, arises suddenly and disseminates. The case report is about psoriasis being administered with methotrexate. The patient comes with a major complaint in the form of a full-body itch that the patient has been feeling for more than 20 years. On dermatological status in the anterior et posterior thoracalis region, the brachii et antebrachii dextra et sinistra, the femoral region et crusis dextra et sinitra found hypopigmentation plaques with firm, multiple, milier-numular sizes. Patients are treated with methotrexate taken 3 tablets 1x a week, and folic acid 1x1 tablets