21 research outputs found


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    Aim: This paper aims to explain the added value increasing method of reject coal which has not utilized by the company. Methodology and Results: The method to increase added value in this study used the agglomeration process of briquettes form that changing composition by adding biomass. The biomass functions to minimize bottom ash produced from burning briquettes so that the briquettes burn entirely. Stages processes in this study consist of characterization, briquetting, physical test, and chemical test. Based on the analysis, reject coal still has a high calorific value of 5,929 cal/gr. Shapes and sizes that were not following needs of coal market or consumer due to reject coal to be a waste. Briquettes have been successfully produced and meet specification requirements based on applicable regulations in Indonesia. Besides physical properties, the briquette meet density requirements which are greater than or equal to 1 gr/cm3 and shatter index value is less than 0.5%. The gas emission test shows below threshold, which is CO 0-30 ppm, H2S 0-3.6 ppm, and NOx is not detected. After evaluation, it showed that by adding 30% biomass, ignition time could be decreased and remaining unburned briquettes or bottom ash was reduced as much as 68.68%. Conclusion, significance and impact study: The bio-coal briquettes is a strategic solution to environmental problems and alternative energy sources that are environmentally friendly, because CO and H2S emissions are still below the threshold, even for NOx not detected. Making Bio-coal briquettes as a solution to the utilization of reject coal mining waste to be used as an alternative energy source has been successfully carried out

    Studi Kelayakan Sumber Daya Air Baku Pulau Bintan – Tinjauan Aspek Kuantitas dan Kualitas

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    The raw water feasibility is based on three aspects, such as quantity, quality, and continuity. This study aims to assess the feasibility of raw water on Bintan Island in quantity and quality terms The method used is a comprehensive analysis of hydrological and hydrogeological functions and water quality. The result of study shows that rainwater abundance in study location is not optimally stored as ground water due to limited catchment area and storage capacity of aquifer media which are dominated by rock units with low to moderate graduation rates (80%). The hydrogeology of study site is also dominated by local low productivity aquifer areas (70%) which are indicated by shallow aquifer layers. Therefore, the existence of reservoirs or storage is very important. The calculations results in 2017 show that raw water production of PDAM Tirta Kepri is 3,521,855 m3/year. While the community needs on Bintan Island in the same year amounted to 7,957,803 m3/year. Quality aspect analysis shows that the quality of well is lightly polluted (WQI = 0.59), while surface water is moderately polluted (WQI = 1.01). The parameter that gives the difference from two sources is iron content. Gibbs diagram analysis results show the weathering process by rainwater which erodes the land surface of bauxite mine and dissolves iron and flows along with runoff and into reservoirs. The potential for high iron pollution will increase often as Bintan Island is designated as a Special Economic Zone. Industrial and service activities will trigger acid rain which will cause a decrease in the value of rain pH and the process of dissolving iron on rocks and soil surfaces will increase

    Estimasi Daya Dukung Sumber Daya Air di Pulau Kecil (Studi Kasus Pulau Pari)

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    Small islands are often promoted as a tourism destination in spite of the limited fresh water resources availability that they could retain for daily needs. In this context, efforts to provide fresh water resources sustainable in the small island are necessary to support the tourism destination purpose. This study aims to estimate the carrying capacity of the fresh water resources in Pari Island. The estimation method is the ratio between the fresh water availability and its demand by calculating the island size, aquifer thickness, annual rainfall, hydraulic conductivity or soil permeability, and the application of rainwater harvesting technology (RHT). The result shows that the carrying capacity of the fresh water resources without technological intervention in Pari Island is 2.05. Even though this score indicates the safe level, the measure has not taken the water quality into consideration yet. Expectedly, it could be improved by applying the RHT technology but it results in the carrying capacity score of 1.37 and 1.47 (conditionally safe) for the current state and 25-year future prediction respectively. This study recommends the improvements in tourism management by limiting the visitor number in order to support their sustainability for the local livelihood and Pari Island’s ecosystem conservation

    Pendeteksian Kerapatan Vegetasi dan Suhu Permukaan Menggunakan Citra Landsat Studi Kasus : Jawa Barat Bagian Selatan dan Sekitarnya

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    ABSTRAK Kerapatan vegetasi dan suhu permukaan merupakan informasi penting yang dibutuhkan kaitannya dengan isu pemanasan global. Informasi spasial ini dapat dihasilkan dengan memanfaatkan citra satelit sumberdaya, khususnya citra Landsat. Kemampuannya perlu dikaji agar tidak memberikan informasi yang tidak representatif, apalagi kalau suatu daerah kajian memiliki jenis penggunaan lahan yang heterogen. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui kemampuan transformasi NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) dan kemampuan band thermal di daerah yang bervariasi jenis penggunaan lahannya. Analisis yang digunakan yaitu analisis spasial dengan melakukan perbandingan antara informasi spasial penggunaan lahan dengan data sebaran kelas kerapatan vegetasi dan kelas suhu permukaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa NDVI mampu mempresentasikan kerapatan vegetasi dengan baik untuk berbagai macam jenis penggunaan lahan. Di sisi lain pendeteksian suhu permukaan menggunakan band thermal pada citra Landsat harus memperhatikan aspek penggunaan lahannya, untuk menghindari kesalahan interpretasi

    Rainfall Variability and Landuse Conversion Impacts to Sensitivity of Citarum River Flow

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    The objective of this study is to determine the sensitivity of Citarum river flow to climate change and land conversion. It will provide the flow information that required in the water resources sustainability. Saguling reservoir is one of the strategic reservoirs, which 75% water is coming from the inflow of Upper Citarum measured at Nanjung station. Climate variability was identified as rainfall variability. Sensitivity was calculated as the elasticity value of discharge using three-variate model of statistical approach. The landuse conversion was calculated used GIS at 1994 and 2004. The results showed that elasticity at the Nanjung station and Saguling station decreased from 1.59 and 1.02 to 0.68 and 0.62 respectively. The decreasing occurred in the before the dam was built period (1950-1980) to the after reservoirs operated period (1986-2008). This value indicates that: 1) Citarum river flow is more sensitive to rainfall variability that recorded at Nanjung station than Saguling station, 2) rainfall character is more difficult to predict. The landuse analysis shows that forest area decrease to ± 27% and built up area increased to ± 26%. Those implied a minimum rainfall reduction to± 8% and minimum flow to ± 46%. Those were caused by land conversion and describing that the vegetation have function to maintain the base flow for sustainable water resource infrastructure

    PENENTUAN BOD, ZN, DAN NO3-N DI WADUK SAGULING PADA SETIAP PEMBAGIAN KELAS TAHUN BERDASARKAN DISKRIT MARKOV 3 DAN 5 KELAS (Determination of BOD, ZN, and NO3-N Concentrations in Saguling Reservoir on Each Year Class Division Based on Discrete Markov’s 3 and 5 Class)

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    ABSTRAKWaduk Saguling adalah salah satu dari tiga Waduk Kaskade Citarum yang berlokasi di Kabupaten Bandung. Kondisi kualitas air Waduk Saguling cenderung menunjukkan penurunan, baik disebabkan pencemaran oleh limbah industri, domestik, perikanan, peternakan, dan berbagai aktivitas lainnya di sekitar DAS Citarum Hulu. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah mengimplementasikan model konseptual pencemaran air dimana konsentrasi pencemar bergantung pada kuantitas air yang berkarakteristik acak sehingga penelitian pencemaran air dilakukan menggunakan pendekatan diskrit Markov. Dalam penelitian ini, konsentrasi pencemar merupakan fungsi dari waktu, dalam hal ini waktu ditunjukkan dalam tahun yang akan dibagi atau dikelompokkan berdasarkan Diskrit Markov 3 kelas menjadi kondisi kering, normal, dan basah dan berdasarkan Diskrit Markov 5 kelas menjadi kondisi sangat kering, kering, normal, basah, dan sangat basah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi pencemar memiliki nilai yang tinggi pada tahun sangat kering dan nilai yang rendah pada tahun sangat basah. BOD di Pos Nanjung, Pos Muara Ciminyak, dan Pos Intake Turbin secara berturut-turut pada tahun sangat kering adalah 58,62; 11,94 dan 12,81 mg/L. Konsentrasi Zn di Pos Nanjung, Pos Muara Ciminyak, dan Pos Intake Turbin secara berturut-turut pada tahun sangat kering adalah 0,11; 0,028; dan 0,030 mg/L. Konsentrasi NO3-N di Pos Nanjung, Pos Muara Ciminyak, dan Pos Intake Turbin secara berturut-turut pada tahun sangat kering 3,56 ; 1,91 ; dan 1,74 mg/L. BOD di Pos Nanjung, Pos Muara Ciminyak, dan Pos Intake Turbin secara berturut-turut pada tahun sangat basah adalah 17,91; 5,86; dan 9,01 mg/L. Konsentrasi Zn di Pos Nanjung, Pos Muara Ciminyak, dan Pos Intake Turbin secara berturut-turut pada tahun sangat basah adalah 0,034; 0,011; dan 0,012 mg/L. Konsentrasi NO3-N di Pos Nanjung, Pos Muara Ciminyak, dan Pos Intake Turbin secara berturut-turut pada tahun sangat basah adalah 2,67; 1,26; dan 1,29 mg/L.AbstractSaguling is one of the three reservoirs of Citarum Cascade located in Bandung Regency, West Java Province. Water quality conditions in Saguling reservoir tend to decrease, either due to pollution by industrial waste, domestic, fisheries, livestock, and also other events around Citarum upstream watershed. The purpose of this research is to implement the conceptual model of water pollution which pollutant concentrations depend on the quantity of water which has random characteristic. Study of water pollution in this research was conducted using Markov discrete approach. In this study, the concentration of pollutants is a function of time where time was indicated of year the the observation years (1999-2013) was divided or grouped by Discrete Markov 3 classes become dry, normal, and wet conditions and also based on Discrete Markov 5 class becomes very dry, dry, normal and wet and very wet conditions. The results showed that the concentrations of pollutants have a high value in a very dry condition and low value at a very wet condition. BOD concentration in Nanjung Station, Muara Ciminyak Station, Turbine Intake Station consecutively in very dry condition was 58.62; 11.94; and 12.81 mg/L. Concentration of Zn in Nanjung Station, Muara Ciminyak Station, and Turbine Intake Station consecutively in very dry condition was 0.11; 0,028; and 0,030 mg/L. NO3-N concentration in Nanjung Station, Muara Ciminyak Station, and Turbine Intake Station consecutively in very dry condition was 3.56; 1.91; and 1.74 mg/L. BOD concentration in Nanjung Sation, Muara Ciminyak Station, and Turbine Intake Station consecutively in a very wet condition was 17.91; 5.86; and 9.01 mg/L. Concentration of Zn in Nanjung Station, Muara Ciminyak Station, and Turbine Intake Station consecutively in very wet condition was 0,034; 0,011; and 0.012 mg/L. NO3-N concentration in Nanjung Station, Muara Ciminyak Station, and Turbine Intake Station consecutively in very wet condition was 2.67; 1.26; and 1.29 mg/L.

    Removal Efficiency of Total Chrome (Cr-T) from Textile Industry Wastewater PT. X with Sodium Bentonite Using the Adsorption Method

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    As much as 10-50% of dye wastewater from the dyeing process is discharged directly into the environment. Chromium is the metal most often found in textile industry wastewater, one of which comes from dyes of the Congo Red type, so processing is required. One of the treatments to remove total chromium from textile industry wastewater is adsorption, with sodium bentonite as an adsorbent. This study aimed to determine the optimum efficiency and processing of total chromium using sodium bentonite as an adsorbent with a batch system and to determine the appropriate type of isotherm. The method used to test total chromium was the standard addition method which was then measured using an AAS (Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry). The variables studied were the effect of wastewater pH, sodium bentonite and grain size of wastewater on the efficiency of total chromium removal. The types of isotherms tested are Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms. In removing total chromium with sodium bentonite, optimum conditions were obtained at pH 8 with a grain size of 80 mesh and a volume of 50% wastewater with a removal efficiency of 98.08%. The appropriate isotherm model for sodium bentonite is the Freundlich isotherm

    Diferensiasi Sumber Pencemar Sungai Menggunakan Pendekatan Metode Indeks Pencemaran (IP) (Studi Kasus: Hulu DAS Citarum)

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    ABSTRAK Hingga saat ini pencemaran air masih menjadi persoalan krusial di berbagai negara, khususnya di negara-negara berkembang termasuk Indonesia. Evaluasi tingkat pencemaran air secara berkala merupakan salah satu bentuk upaya dalam sistem pengelolaan sumberdaya air. Metode Indeks Pencemaran (IP) merupakan salah satu metode analisis kualitas air yang diaplikasikan di Indonesia. Metode ini merupakan perhitungan relatif antara hasil pengamatan terhadap baku mutu yang berlaku. Sebagai metode indeks komposit, IP terdiri atas indeks rata-rata dan indeks maksimum. Indeks maksimum dapat memberikan indikator unsur kontaminan utama penyebab penurunan kualitas air. Unsur utama dapat dihubungkan dengan sumber pencemar, apakah dari domestik maupun, non domestik (industri). Studi kasus dilakukan di hulu DAS Citarum (segmen Wangisagara-Nanjung) menggunakan data historikal tahun 2002 s.d. 2010. Hasil penelitian tersebut menunjukkan bahwa fecal coliform, sulfida, dan fenol merupakan tiga unsur utama penurunan kualitas Sungai Citarum. Fecal coliform adalah parameter tipikal dalam limbah domestik. Fenol adalah parameter tipikal dalam limbah industri. Sedangkan sulfida bisa berasal dari domestik maupun industri. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan telah terjadi diferensiasi polutan dari sumber domestik saja menjadi domestik dan non domestik setelah tahun 2005

    Dampak Perubahan Iklim (Curah Hujan) Terhadap Keberlanjutan Infrastruktur Sumber Daya Air

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    The aims of this study is to describe the climate elasticity of stream flow level. That is neededrelated with the design criterion of water resources infrastructure evaluation as like WaterSupply System and reservoir. The research is conducted in the Upper Citarum watershed withused statistical analysis approach using moving average method and tri variate model. Dataanalysis is done for 1986-2008. The result of analysis shows that climate change is portrayed asrainfall in the study area tended to decrease. Stream flow are measured at Maribaya station orNanjung station on the contrary (minimum stream flow tends to decrease; the maximum streamflow tends to increase). The climate elasticity of stream at Maribaya station or Nanjung stationis 64% and 76% respectively. The land use changes, from vegetation become built up on theconservation area in Bandung basin, to be one cause of stream flow extremes. In accordancewith the law of mass balance, the fraction of rainfalls that become runoff more than infiltratedso maximum stream flow increases while base flow decreased. These conditions are a threat towater resources infrastructure that requires continuity of water resources, both in quantity andquality. Therefore we need better control of water sources by direct / indirect and engineeringtechnology as a form of mitigation and adaptation to climate changeHal 158-17