36 research outputs found


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    Penambahan zat pengawet berbahaya, formalin, pada bahan pangan telah terjadi di Indonesia. Deteksi formalin dengan larutan Schiff yang relatif murah dan mudah dilakukan pada ikan bandeng laut (Chanos chanos) yang dipapar dengan formalin dengan konsentrasi 0,03% (300 ppm), 0,04% (400 ppm), dan 0,05% (500 ppm) selama 1 jam.Sensitivitas dan spesifisitas Schiff untuk deteksi formalin dipelajari. Efek formalin terhadap ikan diamati baik pH, organoleptik dan gambaran histopatologi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa larutan Schiff sangat sensitif dan spesifik (masing-masing sensitivitas dan spesifisitasnya 100%) untuk mendeteksi formalin dengan konsentrasi minimal 0,05%. Nilai pH ikan baik perlakuan maupun kontrol tidak berbedajauh. Nilai organoleptik menurun seiring dengan peningkatan konsentrasi formalin. Formalin berpengaruh pada gambaran histopatologi insang, tetapi tidakpada lambung, kulit, dan daging. Formalin menyebabkan ruptur lamellae, hiperplasia sel radang, dan hipertropi epitel insang.Kata kunci: formalin, Schiff, sensitifitas, spesifisitas, histopatolog

    Kajian Epidemiologi Infeksi Bovine Viral Diarrhea (BVD) pada Sapi Perah di Kabupaten Sleman Yogyakarta

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    Sapi perah merupakan hewan ruminansia yang menghasilkan susu untuk konsumsi sehari hari masyarakat Indonesia karena mengandung sumber kalsium yang baik bagi tubuh. Namun, saat ini kendala yang dihadapi oleh peternak adalah menurunnya produksi susu sapi perah sehingga menyebabkan kerugian ekonomi yang cukup besar. Salah satu penyakit yang menyebabkan penurunan produksi susu pada sapi perah adalah Bovine Viral Diarrhea (BVD). Bovine Viral Diarrhea telah menyebar di seluruh dunia termasuk di Indonesia. Pemerintah Indonesia belum menetapkan kebijakan vaksinasi BVD. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui seroprevalensi dan faktor resiko mengenai infeksi Bovine Viral Diarrhea (BVD) di tingkat peternak di Kabupaten Sleman Yogyakarta. Metode penelitian ini adalah dengan melakukan wawancara terhadap peternak melalui kuesioner dan metode sampling yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah teknik sampling tahapan ganda serta dianalisis secara univariat dan bivariat. Sampel penelitian ini adalah 96 peternak terpilih yang memiliki sapi perah dan dilakukan pengujian Bovine Viral Diarrhea (BVD) dengan metode Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) antibodi. Berdasarkan analisis univariat, diperoleh seroprevalensi penyakit BVD pada sapi perah sebesar 56,25%. Berdasarkan analisis bivariate, hasil yang diperoleh adalah tidak terdapat hubungan antara variabel yang diuji dengan adanya penyakit BVD pada sapi perah di Kabupaten Sleman, yang ditunjukkan dengan nilai p_value > 0.05

    Kajian Kasus-kontrol Avian Influenza Pada Unggas di Jawa Timur, Jawa Tengah dan Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta= A Case-control Study on Avian Influenza in Poultry in East Java, Central Java and Yogyakarta Special Province.

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    Kajian kasus-kontrol yang dirancang untuk menyidik kejadian avian influenza (Al) dan mencari hubungannya dengan faktor resiko penyakit, telah dilakukan terhadap 218 dusun di Jawa Timur, Jawa Tengah dan Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Sebagai kasus (109 dusun) adalah dusun yang pernah dilaporkan atau sedang mengalami kasus AI, dan kontrol (109 dusun), adalah dusun yang dilaporkan belum pernah mengalami, tetapi dekat dengan dusun kasus. Kuesioner digunakan untuk menjaring variabel yang diperkirakan berasosiasi dengan kejadian AI. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan Chi Square (x2) dan odds ratio (OR). Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa faktor adanya hewan pengerat (OR = 1,90), faktor adanya burung liar (OR = 24,00), faktor pekerja pulang sehabis kerja (OR = 2,65), dan faktor sektor III (OR = 1,79) mempunyai asosiasi karat dengan kejadian AI di suatu dusun, sedangkan beberapa faktor biosekuriti berasosiasi lemah (OR = 1,0 â 1,5) terhadap kejadian Al. Kata kunci: kasus-kontrol, avian influenza, odds ratio A subvillage based case-control study was conducted in the province of East Java, Central Java and Yogyakarta Special Province to investigate the association between the occurence of avian influenza (Al) in poultry and its possible risk factors. A total of 109 subvillage previously reported as having AI cases was chosen as cases and 109 AI free subvillages located next to each case subvillage were selected as controls. Possible associated factors were obtained by means of a questionnaire. The data were subsequently analized using x2 and odds ratio for possible association. The results showed strong association between AI cases and the existence of rodents (OR = 1,90), wild birds (OR = 24,00), and small commercial farms (OR = 1,79). Biosecurity factors gave weaks association (OR = 1,0 â 1,5) with AI cases. Key words: case-control, avian influenza, odds rati

    Regulatory elements of stx2 gene and the expression level of Shiga-like toxin 2 in Escherichia coli O157:H7

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    AbstractBackground/PurposeShiga-like toxin (Stx) is an important factor in the pathogenesis of Escherichia coli O157:H7 infection and is responsible for some severe complications. Stx2 is usually associated with hemolytic uremic syndrome in humans. Its expression is regulated by elements located upstream of the stx2 gene, including stx2-promoter sequence, ribosome binding site, and the antiterminator q gene. The present study aimed to find the correlation between regulatory elements and the expression level of Stx2 in two local isolates of E. coli O157:H7.MethodsTwo local E. coli O157:H7 strains SM-25(1) and KL-48(2), originating from human and cattle feces, respectively, and an E. coli reference strain, ATCC 43894, were investigated. The complete stx2 gene covering the sequences of promoter, ribosome binding site, and open reading frame and q gene of each strain was analyzed. The magnitude of Stx2 production was detected with a reverse passive latex agglutination method and Stx mediated cellular damage was determined with the Vero cell assay.ResultsA comparison of the complete stx2 gene contained stx2-promoter, ribosome binding site, and q genes of two local strains KL-48(2) and SM25(1), and the E. coli ATCC 43894 showed that the amino acid sequences were identical. Both local isolates were Stx negative in the reverse passive latex agglutination test and nontoxic in the Vero cell assay.ConclusionThe expression level of Shiga-like toxin of the two local isolates of E. coli O157:H7 did not only depend on the regulatory elements of the stx2 gene

    Rapid testing of antibiotic residues to increase food safety awareness of animal origin

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    Background and Aim: Antibiotics are used to improve growth, reduce disease, and decrease mortality in animals grown for food. The government regulates and prohibits the use of antibiotics, in particular, the use of antibiotic growth promoter (AGP) in livestock; however, it is not yet known whether the use of antibiotics is in accordance with regulations so that there are no antibiotic residues in food of animal origin. To ensure food safety of animal origin and to raise awareness of food safety, it is necessary to detect antibiotic residues in fish, eggs, and chicken meat from Yogyakarta Special Province through monitoring and monitoring. To ensure food safety and regulatory compliance in food samples, antibiotic residue screening techniques are essential. A number of methods, such as time-consuming and costly chromatographic and spectroscopic methods, have been developed for the detection of antibiotic residues in food samples; however, not all laboratories have these facilities. Therefore, a rapid diagnosis of food of animal origin is required. The purpose of this study was to rapidly test antibiotic residues by using Premi®test kits (R-Biopharm AG, Germany) to increase awareness of food safety of animal origin. Materials and Methods: We tested 345 animal-based food samples from traditional markets, supermarkets, and central markets in five districts of Yogyakarta Special Province for antibiotic residues using rapid test kits and observation questionnaires to identify risk factors. Results: The presence of antibiotic residues in food-animal origin samples from the Yogyakarta region had an antibiotic residue level of 9.28% (32/345), consisting of fish samples 11.3% (18/97), eggs 15.65% (1/114), and chicken meat samples 0.87% (13/102). The highest percentage of samples positive for residual antibiotics was 21.9% (7/32) from supermarket meat samples. The highest amounts of antibiotic residues were found in fish samples collected from Sleman Regency, up to 25% (8/32), whereas in supermarket fish samples, there were as high as 18.8% (6/32). Conclusion: Antibiotic residues in animal-based food can be attributed to various factors, including product source, transportation conditions, and environmental conditions. The widespread distribution of antibiotic residues in fish comes from environmental conditions during maintenance, distribution, and retailing. Monitoring antibiotic residue prevalence in food-animal origins, particularly chicken meat, eggs, and fish, is crucial for improving animal food quality and safety

    Antimicrobial resistance characteristics of Extended Spectrum Beta Lactamase (ESBL)- producing Escherichia coli from dairy farms in the Sleman district of Yogyakarta province, Indonesia

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    Extended Spectrum Beta Lactamase (ESBL)-producing Escherichia coli (E. coli) infections are a global health challenge resulting from human contact with infected animals and contaminated farm environments. This study aims to identify antimicrobial resistance patterns of ESBL-producing E. coli isolated from dairy farms in the Sleman District of Yogyakarta Province, Indonesia. Ninety-three dairy farms with a history of antibiotic use in the previous 6 months were identified. Samples were collected from 6 different sources (feces, milk, wastewater, animal drinking water, feed and rinses of workers’ hands) on each farm during August through November 2020. These samples were cultured with conventional microbiological methods for the isolation of ESBL-producing E. coli. ESBL-producing E. coli was identified in one or more of the sources in 54% (50/93) of the dairy farms sampled. Fecal samples were the most commonly positive (25%) while wastewater, animal drinking water feed, milk and hand rinses were positive at 16%, 10%, 5%, 4% and 3% respectively. Colonies from each positive sample were screened for antibiotic susceptibility test using the Vitek-2 system. Resistance to trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole, tetracycline and gentamicin were found in 74%, 63% and 48% of the isolates, respectively. Multidrug resistant (MDR) was identified in 50% (63/127) of the isolates. In conclusion, ESBL-producing E. coli appears widespread in dairy farms using antibiotics and antimicrobial resistance among these bacteria is common in this study area. Further study of the risk of human transmission from contaminated cattle and their environments could benefit the national antimicrobial resistance strategic plans

    Detection of Antibiotic Residues in Chicken Meat and Eggs from Traditional Markets at Yogyakarta City Using Bioassay Method

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    Studies on antibiotic residues content in food of animal origin are currently needed to support veterinary public health programs. The present study was described bioassay method for the detection of antibiotic residues in chicken meat and eggs from traditional market at Yogyakarta City. A number of twenty-four chicken meat samples and 24 egg samples were taken from 8 traditional markets in Yogyakarta city. Samples were examined at Centre for Veterinary Wates, Yogyakarta, Indonesia using bioassay method for screening detection of penicillin, aminoglycoside, macrolide and tetracycline residues. This bioassay method using some bacteria, such as Bacillus stearothermophillus, B. cereus, B. subtilis, and Kocuria rizophila. A percentage of the results showed that 8.33% (2/24) samples of chickens tested positively contained the oxytetracycline antibiotic residues. Meanwhile, as much as 75% (18/24) samples of positive eggs contain penicillin antibiotic residues, positive residues of aminoglycoside amounted to 12.5% (3/24) and the positive residues of oxytetracycline also amounted to 12.5% (3/24)

    Epidemiologi Zoonosis di Indonesia

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