56 research outputs found


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    The paper gives the comparative results of chemoprevention against prostate cancer (PC) in 189 patients with benign prostate hyperplasia with a prostate-specific antigen (PSA) level of 2.5 to 10.0 ng/ml during 4‑year combined (avodart + omnic) or monotherapy with either drug. Biopsy revealed PC in 14.3 % of the patients treated with avodart and in 29.0 % of those who received omnic monotherapy (p < 0.05). In the avodart groups, the incidence rate of aggressive PC was almost twice the rate in the omnic monotherapy group. The long-term avodart therapy was safe with a stable reduction in the baseline levels of PCA and dihydrotestosterone, and conversely, any PSA rise and even an episodic fall in free PSA ratio are indications for transrectal multifocal prostate biopsy.В работе приведены сравнительные результаты химиопрофилактики рака предстательной железы (РПЖ), проведенной 189 больным доброкачественной гиперплазией предстательной железы с уровнем простатспецифического антигена (ПСА) от 2,5 до 10,0 нг/мл в процессе 4‑годичной комбинированной (аводарт + омник) и монотерапии аводартом или омником. РПЖ выявлен по результатам биопсии у 14,3 % больных, лечившихся аводартом, и у 29,0 % получавших монотерапию омником (р < 0,05). Частота агрессивного РПЖ в группах пациентов, принимавших аводарт, была почти в 2 раза меньшей, чем при монотерапии омником. Длительное лечение аводартом безопасно при стабильном снижении базового уровня ПСА и дигидротестостерона, и наоборот, любое повышение содержания ПСА и даже эпизодическое снижение коэффициента свободного ПСА являются показаниями для трансректальной мультифокальной биопсии предстательной железы

    Assessing the influence of cardiovascular risk factors on the severity of erectile dysfunction: a multivariate statistical analysis

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    Introduction. The American Heart Association identifies 7 major factors that affect the condition of the vascular wall: smoking, blood pressure, total cholesterol, glucose, body mass index, physical activity, and diet. The vascular wall lesions most often manifest clinically as vasculogenic erectile dysfunction (ED). Consequently, evaluating patients for the presence of the above risk factors can not only help in the treatment of ED, but can also significantly increase the chances of early detection of cardiac pathology.Purpose of the study. To assess cardiovascular disorder markers’ role in prognosing of the presence or absence of ED and its severity.Materials and methods. The study included 40 patients aged 33 – 60 years. Erectile function was assessed using the device «Androscan – MIT» ("Minimally invasive technologies" LLC, Moscow, Russian Federation) and the IIEF-15 questionnaire. Statistical data processing was carried out using Statistica 12 («StatSoft Inc.», Tusla, CA, USA) и IBMÒ SPSS Statistics 26 («SPSS: An IBM Company», IBM SPSS Corp., Armonk, NY, USA).Results. For patients with more severe ED, a greater deviation of the parameters studied from normal is typical. The most significant impact on the detection of different ED degrees using the device «Androscan – MIT» had TC, HDL, LDL, RP, BMI, triglycerides и HbA1c levels. Based on the androscanning data, a classification tree with two branches (branching conditions — the level of TC and LDL) and four terminal vertices (depending on the degree of ED) was obtained. There were no classification errors predicting ED degrees, which in this case indicates the good significance of the mathematical prediction. Only IIEF-15 scores had the greatest impact on ED detection using IIEF-15. The only condition for branching when constructing classification trees was the number of IIEF-15 points (two branches with three terminal vertices were obtained).Conclusion. Cardiovascular risk factors are predictors of vascular ED, detected by androscanning, while the widespread IIEF-15 questionnaire remains completely dependent on subjective feelings of patients without relying on laboratory and instrumental research methods

    Ancient evolutionary origin of vertebrate enteric neurons from trunk-derived neural crest

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    The enteric nervous system of jawed vertebrates arises primarily from vagal neural crest cells that migrate to the foregut and subsequently colonize and innervate the entire gastrointestinal tract. Here we examine development of the enteric nervous system in the basal jawless vertebrate the sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) to gain insight into its evolutionary origin. Surprisingly, we find no evidence for the existence of a vagally derived enteric neural crest population in the lamprey. Rather, labelling with the lipophilic dye DiI shows that late-migrating cells, originating from the trunk neural tube and associated with nerve fibres, differentiate into neurons within the gut wall and typhlosole. We propose that these trunk-derived neural crest cells may be homologous to Schwann cell precursors, recently shown in mammalian embryos to populate post-embryonic parasympathetic ganglia, including enteric ganglia. Our results suggest that neural-crest-derived Schwann cell precursors made an important contribution to the ancient enteric nervous system of early jawless vertebrates, a role that was largely subsumed by vagal neural crest cells in early gnathostomes

    Schwann Cell Precursors Generate the Majority of Chromaffin Cells in Zuckerkandl Organ and Some Sympathetic Neurons in Paraganglia

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    In humans, neurosecretory chromaffin cells control a number of important bodily functions, including those related to stress response. Chromaffin cells appear as a distinct cell type at the beginning of midgestation and are the main cellular source of adrenalin and noradrenalin released into the blood stream. In mammals, two different chromaffin organs emerge at a close distance to each other, the adrenal gland and Zuckerkandl organ (ZO). These two structures are found in close proximity to the kidneys and dorsal aorta, in a region where paraganglioma, pheochromocytoma and neuroblastoma originate in the majority of clinical cases. Recent studies showed that the chromaffin cells comprising the adrenal medulla are largely derived from nerve-associated multipotent Schwann cell precursors (SCPs) arriving at the adrenal anlage with the preganglionic nerve fibers, whereas the migratory neural crest cells provide only minor contribution. However, the embryonic origin of the ZO, which differs from the adrenal medulla in a number of aspects, has not been studied in detail. The ZO is composed of chromaffin cells in direct contact with the dorsal aorta and the intraperitoneal cavity and disappears through an autophagy-mediated mechanism after birth. In contrast, the adrenal medulla remains throughout the entire life and furthermore, is covered by the adrenal cortex. Using a combination of lineage tracing strategies with nerve- and cell type-specific ablations, we reveal that the ZO is largely SCP-derived and forms in synchrony with progressively increasing innervation. Moreover, the ZO develops hand-in-hand with the adjacent sympathetic ganglia that coalesce around the dorsal aorta. Finally, we were able to provide evidence for a SCP-contribution to a small but significant proportion of sympathetic neurons of the posterior paraganglia. Thus, this cellular source complements the neural crest, which acts as a main source of sympathetic neurons. Our discovery of a nerve-dependent origin of chromaffin cells and some sympathoblasts may help to understand the origin of pheochromocytoma, paraganglioma and neuroblastoma, all of which are currently thought to be derived from the neural crest or committed sympathoadrenal precursors

    Oriented clonal cell dynamics enables accurate growth and shaping of vertebrate cartilage

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    Cartilaginous structures are at the core of embryo growth and shaping before the bone forms. Here we report a novel principle of vertebrate cartilage growth that is based on introducing transversally-oriented clones into pre-existing cartilage. This mechanism of growth uncouples the lateral expansion of curved cartilaginous sheets from the control of cartilage thickness, a process which might be the evolutionary mechanism underlying adaptations of facial shape. In rod-shaped cartilage structures (Meckel, ribs and skeletal elements in developing limbs), the transverse integration of clonal columns determines the well-defined diameter and resulting rod-like morphology. We were able to alter cartilage shape by experimentally manipulating clonal geometries. Using in silico modeling, we discovered that anisotropic proliferation might explain cartilage bending and groove formation at the macro-scale

    Микрореологические свойства крови и капиллярный кровоток при артериальной гипертензии и сахарном диабете второго типа: исследование оптическими методами in vitro и in vivo

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    Aim. To study microrheological properties of RBCs and capillary blood flow parameters using optical methods in patients with arterial hypertension (AH) and type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2).Methods. RBCs aggregation properties were evaluated in vitro using laser aggregometry and optical trapping. Сapillary nail refill was evaluated in vivo using nailfold digital capillaroscopy.Results. The aggregation of RBCs in patients suffering from AH was higher compared to healthy subjects who demonstrated a decrease in the aggregation time by 29±9%. A similar trend was observed in patients with AH and DM2. The comparison of the results obtained by different methods showed that patients with AH with a high capillary blood flow velocity measured in vivo reported a decrease in the aggregation index by 14±4% compared to patients with low velocity.Conclusion. The comparison of microrheological blood properties in patients with AH and AH+DM2 versus the control group showed statistically significant differences in the aggregation index that was higher in AH patients. These differences were more pronounced in patients with AH and DM2. The results obtained by in vitro and in vivo methods were consistent.Цель. Анализ агрегационных свойств эритроцитов и параметров капиллярного кровотока, измеренных различными оптическими методами, у пациентов с артериальной гипертензией (АГ) и сахарным диабетом второго типа (СД2).Материалы и методы. Измерения агрегационных свойств проводились invitro методами лазерной агре-гометрии и оптического захвата. Анализ кровотока в капиллярах ногтевого ложа испытуемых выполнен in vivo с использованием цифровой капилляроскопии.Результаты. Агрегация эритроцитов у пациентов с АГ повышена по сравнению со здоровыми испытуемыми: характерное время агрегации уменьшено на 29±9%. Эта же тенденция к усилению агрегации видна в группе пациентов с АГ и СД2. Сопоставление результатов, полученных с использованием различных методов измерения, показало, что в группе пациентов с АГ с повышенной скоростью кровотока, измеренной in vivo, индекс агрегации, измеренный invitro, снижен на 14±4% по сравнению с группой с пониженной скоростью.Заключение. Сравнение значений микрореологических параметров крови, характерных для групп пациентов с АГ, в том числе при наличии СД2, и здоровых доноров, показывает статистически значимые отличия: у пациентов с АГ агрегация эритроцитов повышена. Эти отличия выражены сильнее у пациентов с АГ и СД2. Кроме того, результаты, полученные различными оптическими методами in vitro и in vivo, согласуются между собой

    Сосудистые кальцинаты молочной железы как проявление системного атеросклероза

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    Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are socially significant diseases and one of the main causes of death among women. There are no effective and uniform screening methods to prevent the prevalence and mortality of CVD. Breast artery calcifications may be one of the available tools for CVD risk stratification. The pathogenesis of calcification of the middle vessel wall, known as Mönckeberg's arteriosclerosis, is different from the pathogenesis of coronary atherosclerosis that coronary arteries. However, research data supports a correlation between breast artery calcifications and risk factors for CVD. These factors include coronary atherosclerosis, detected by CT-coronarography.Purpose. To assess the prevalence of breast arterial calcification and to determine the association with cardiovascular risk factors, coronary artery calcification, atherosclerosis of brachiocephalic arteries and visceral branches of the abdominal aorta.Material and methods. 21 patients were hospitalized in the cardiology department. The patients underwent digital mammography to detect breast arterial calcifications. All patients also underwent CT coronary angiography with angiography of the abdominal aorta.Results. The use of the Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney W-test with an abnormal distribution showed a correlation between the breast arterial calcifications and the calcium index (p = 0.0028), coronary artery stenosis (p = 0.040), calcification of the thoracic aorta wall (p = 0.035) and stenosis of the visceral branches of the abdominal aorta (p = 0.037).Conclusions. The breast arterial calcifications correlates with a more frequent detection of calcifications in the walls of the coronary arteries and a higher calcium index.Сердечно-сосудистые заболевания (ССЗ) относятся к социально значимым заболеваниям и являются одной из основных причин смертности среди женщин. Отсутствие эффективных и унифицированных методов скрининга препятствует уменьшению заболеваемости и распространенности ССЗ и смертности от них. Сосудистые кальцинаты в молочной железе могут стать одним из доступных инструментов страти фикации риска ССЗ. Патогенез кальциноза средней оболочки артерий, известный как артериокальциноз Менкеберга, отличается от патогенеза атеросклероза интимы, возникающего в коронарных артериях. Тем не менее исследования подтверждают корреляцию между сосудистыми кальцинатами в молочной железе и факторами риска ССЗ. К таким факторам относится атеросклероз коронарных артерий, выявляемый с помощью КТ-коронарографии.Цель работы: изучение связи сосудистых кальцинатов в молочной железе с факторами риска сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний, атеросклерозом коронарных артерий, брахиоцефальных артерий и висцеральных ветвей брюшной аорты.Материал и методы. 21 пациентка, находящаяся на стационарном лечении в отделении кардиологии, была обследована на наличие сосудистых кальцинатов в молочных железах с помощью цифровой маммографии. Также всем пациенткам была выполнена КТ-коронарография с ангиографией брюшной аорты.Результаты. Применение W-критерия Уилкоксона–Манна–Уитни при ненормальном распределении показало взаимосвязь между наличием сосудистых кальцинатов в молочной железе и кальциевым индексом (р = 0,0028), стенозами коронарных артерий (р = 0,040), кальцинозом стенки грудной аорты (р = 0,035) и стенозами висцеральных ветвей брюшной аорты (р = 0,037).Заключение. Наличие кальцинатов в стенках сосудов молочных желез коррелирует с более частым выявлением кальцинатов в стенках коронарных артерий и более высоким кальциевым индексом