79 research outputs found

    Didactic aspects of primary school teachers training in higher education institution

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    The article deals with the didactic conditions for application of situational training technology in vocational training of future elementary school teachers. Structural technology components of students training are defined in higher educational establishments. Different levels of the teacher’s readiness to the solution of pedagogical situations are revealed.Статья рассматривает дидактические аспекты подготовки будущих учителей начальной школы в высших учебных заведениях, применения технологии ситуационного обучения в профессиональной подготовке будущих учителей начальной школы. Освещены компоненты структурной технологии обучения студентов в ВУЗах

    Statue of the Goddess of Love in the Populist Discourse of the 1880s

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    The purpose of the research is to conceptualize the role of the statue of the goddess of love in the populist discourse of the 1880s. It is noted that in the era of the crisis of populism, the image of the marble Aphrodite-Venus was claimed as the antithesis of the social and ethical problem of “duty to the people” that had lost its relevance. The article for the first time ever compares the works of G. I. Uspensky and A. I. Ertel. It is shown that the writer Ertel, who declared his break with populism, saw in the ancient statue of Aphrodite the image of all-sufficient beauty, which the artist should return to, getting rid of the mirage of sociality. Unlike Ertel, G. I. Uspensky continued to consider the people as his “creditor” to the end of his life, and the intellectual person as a man obliged to sacrifice himself for the sake of “mass happiness”. For the first time, the influence of N. K. Mikhailovsky on the work of G. I. Uspensky, which was expressed on the scale of artistic synthesis by the author of “Vypryamilo” the evils and ulcers of civilization, is traced. It is indicated that in this case the substratum of populist ideas in “Vypryamilo” was dissolved in Uspensky’s religious-ecstatic revelation about the “bright future” of humanity. It is noted that the statue of Venus de Milo appeared in the essay of Uspensky as a new religious symbol - “prophecy” of the coming Resurrection. The author of the article comes to the conclusion that the crisis of populism was overcome in the essay “Vypryamilo” by a radical move beyond social life, to the “endless prospects” of divine-humanity

    An Intellectual and a Peasant in Gleb Uspensky’s Cycle “Peasant and Peasant Labor”: Dynamics of Interaction in Context of Idea of “Merging with People”

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    The cycle of essays by G. I. Uspensky “The Peasant and the Peasant Labor” in the aspect of the actual for Russian literature of the second half of the XIX — early XX centuries problems of relations between the people and the intellectuals are analyzed in the article. The crisis in the study of the “peasant” cycles of Uspensky, caused by the predominance of ideological interpretation, is stated. It is argued that Uspensky finds the key to understanding the peasantry not in the socio-economic conditions of his life, but in the field of aesthetics. The point of convergence, in which the peasant and the intellectual appear as equal subjects of communication, is, according to Uspensky, the aesthetic attitude to work. An implicit correspondence is established between peasant labor and the creative effort of the artist. Therefore, the intellectual turns out to be a necessary mediator in the process of the peasantry acquiring its own “voice”. It is proved that the aesthetic utopia in the cycle “Peasant and Peasant Labor” was crushed by the ethical maximalism of the writer. The peasant economy is represented by the Uspensky reasonably organized order, the anthroposphere, in which the working peasant was likened to the monarch and the Creator. In turn, the intellectual was declared an impostor, marked by the “antichrist” seal. In Uspensky’s creative consciousness, the aesthetic and ethical found themselves in a tragic and hopeless contradiction, and the prospect of “merging with the people” was illusory

    Infantilism of the People as the Theme of the Essay on the Prose of Writers-Populists

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    The essays of populist writers (G. I. Uspensky, N. N. Zlatovratsky, F. D. Nefedov, N. E. Karonin-Petropavlovsky) are explored in the article in the aspect of the theme of childhood for the first time. It is argued that in populist prose, peasant children were most often portrayed as doomed to death. Narodnik writers emphasized the attitude of the peasants themselves towards the infantile death, while noting their social and moral infantilism. It is stated that in populist prose, peasant children were most often portrayed as doomed to death. Narodnik writers emphasized the attitude of the peasants themselves towards the infantile death, while noting their social and moral infantilism. The article analyzes the cycle of Uspensky “From the village diary”, in which the writer considered the problem of guilt and responsibility of the people for their actions. It is proved that the innocence of the peasant was identified by Uspensky with children's innocence. As demonstrated in this article, the entire responsibility for social evil committed among the people, the Narodnik writers was placed on the Russian intelligentsia. They were set the task of spiritual support and practical assistance to the peasantry in the anti-human conditions of capitalism. Thus, the theme of childhood in the Narodnik discourse had a complex sociocultural content, due to the idea of the people as a child undergoing a difficult stage of growing up

    Russian Literary Classics (“The Power of the Earth” by G. I. Uspensky and “Bezhin Meadow” by I. S. Turgenev) in the Context of the Social Themes of Soviet Cinema of the 1930s

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    The article discusses the influence of the poetics of Russian literary classics of the 19th century on Soviet cinema of the 1930s, the collectivization of which was an acute social theme. It is emphasized that the visualization of the “dilapidated” village, against which the conflict unfolded in the films of A. P. Dovzhenko, “Earth” (1930) and “Bezhin Meadow” by S. M. Eisenstein (1935-1937), required aesthetically convincing artistic images that Soviet filmmakers found in the works of Uspensky and Turgenev. It is proved that the universal meanings of the classic literary work provided a high degree of artistic generalization, without which it would be impossible to create a socialist myth of a bright future. It is alleged that allusions to the “power of the earth” formulated by the Assumption mythology have expanded the image in the film “Earth”, where the struggle with the fists appeared as one of the episodes in the universal plot about the principle of being. The function of quotes from Turgenev’s Bezhina Meadows is commented on: they translated the collision of the collective farm drama in the film of Rzheshevsky-Eisenstein into the category of mysteries about the resurrection. The authors of the article come to the conclusion that contact with cinema revealed a common feature of Russian classics - the presence of a mystery plot plan that ensures the integrity of Russian culture with a sharp ideological opposition of its creators


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    Purpose: to identify current features and health trends of the population of older age groups to define needs and optimize the delivery of care. Materials and Methods. Bibliographic, medical-statistical and information-analytical methods were used in the study. The scientific base of the study was a multi-disciplinary health institution. Data on morbidity, disease prevalence, disability, mortality of the population aged 60 years and older during 2014–2018 were analyzed. Results. Trends in the prevalence of diseases in the elderly population by 15.8 % and primary incidence – by 18.2 % were identified. The leading causes of access to health care facilities and their dynamics over a four-year period were found out. The increase in the number of people is caused by an increase in the incidence of first detected diseases of the nervous system (by 204.5 %), musculoskeletal system (by 180.2 %), respiratory organs (by 78.8 %) and the genitourinary system (by 36.7 %), which requires increased preventive measures and improved quality of treatment. The positive and negative shifts in the health status of elderly patients, including disability and mortality rates, were comprehensively evaluated, which outlines priority goals for improving the care of older patients. Conclusions. The identified features and trends of the health status of the population aged 60 and over, served in a multidisciplinary healthcare institution, are the basis for clarifying problem situations, existing challenges, identifying priority needs and forecasting them for the future, prioritizing health improvement tasks.Мета: встановити сучасні особливості та тенденції здоров’я населення старших вікових груп для виявлення потреб та оптимізації надання медичної допомоги. Матеріали і методи. При виконанні дослідження використано бібліографічний, медико-статистичний та інформаційно-аналітичний методи. Науковою базою дослідження був багатопрофільний заклад охорони здоров’я. Проаналізовано дані про захворюваність, поширеність хвороб, інвалідність, смертність населення віком 60 років і старше впродовж 2014–2018 рр. Результати. Виявлено тенденції до збільшення поширеності хвороб серед населення літнього віку на 15,8 % та первинної захворюваності – на 18,2 %. Встановлено головні причини звернень до закладу охорони здоров’я та їх динаміку впродовж чотирирічного періоду. Збільшення звернень населення зумовлено зростанням частоти вперше виявлених захворювань нервової системи (на 204,5 %), кістково-м’язової системи (на 180,2 %), органів дихання  (на 78,8 %) та сечостатевої системи (на 36,7 %), що потребує посилення профілактичних заходів та підвищення якості лікування. Комплексно оцінено позитивні та негативні зміни в стані здоров’я пацієнтів літнього віку, включаючи показники інвалідизації та смертності, на основі яких окреслено пріоритетні завдання з удосконалення медичного обслуговування пацієнтів старших вікових груп. Висновки. Визначені особливості та тенденції стану здоров’я населення старших вікових груп, яких обслуговують в багатопрофільному закладі охорони здоров’я, є підґрунтям для з’ясування проблемних ситуацій, існуючих викликів, встановлення першочергових потреб та їх прогнозування на перспективу, пріоритизації завдань щодо удосконалення медичного обслуговування населення літнього віку


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    The aim: to investigate changes in the interpretation of the content of the characteristics of the quality of medical care and medical service; to propose practical approaches to the formation of modern quality criteria and indicators in health care institutions. Materials and methods: sources of scientific literature from the databases PubMed, NICE, according to the selected research topic, were selected as research materials; methods: bibliosemantic; analysis and generalization of the obtained data. Results. Classic characteristics of quality – safety, quality of resources, quality of the medical care process, treatment outcome, patient satisfaction, timeliness, fairness, efficiency – are reviewed over time and acquire additional or radically changed content. The selection of relevant quality characteristics is important for health care managers to define quality criteria and indicators according to the requirements of the local context. In addition to the traditional components of infectious safety and the safety of medical interventions, the safety criterion is today complemented by the components of radiation, environmental, epidemic, physical, informational, and terrorist safety. Safety also refers to the ability of professionals to avoid, prevent and reduce harmful interventions or risks to themselves and the environment. Patient-centeredness must include respect for the relationship not only between physician and patient, but also between the patient and all providers of health care for that patient. Effective, safe health care is reflected in a culture of excellence that includes collaboration, communication, compassion, competence, advocacy, respect, accountability and reliability. The most relevant criteria and indicators of the quality of medical care must be developed in accordance with the structure of innovative organizational models of academic health care centers, where scientific, clinical and educational activities are integrated. This requires the formation of end-to-end quality criteria and indicators that cover all activities of academic centers. Conclusions: criteria and indicators of the quality of medical care and medical service are constantly supplemented with new components, in accordance with the achievements of medical science and practice. The transformation of the organizational structures of medical care into academic centers, where scientific and educational activities are added to traditional medical practice, requires the development and introduction of end-to-end criteria for the quality of medical care