375 research outputs found
Occurrence of alert pathogens in patients hospitalised in the department of lung diseases
Wstęp: Zakażenia spowodowane przez patogeny wielolekooporne stają się coraz częściej wyzwaniem terapeutycznym dla klinicystów. Problem ten dotyczy również pacjentów z przewlekłymi chorobami płuc wymagających wielokrotnych hospitalizacji. Celem pracy była analiza częstości występowania patogenów alarmowych wyizolowanych od chorych oddziału chorób płuc, w podziale na trzy grupy: kwalifikowanych do przeszczepienia płuca, leczonych z powodu choroby nowotworowej oraz leczonych z powodu przewlekłych chorób płuc.Materiał i metody: Analiza dotyczyła wyników badań mikrobiologicznych 3950 materiałów pochodzących od 3521 chorych: w tym 200 chorych — kwalifikowanych do przeszczepienia płuca, 1292 — leczonych z powodu choroby nowotworowej i 2029 — leczonych z powodu przewlekłej choroby płuc.Wyniki: Zakażenia patogenem alarmowym stwierdzono u 155 spośród 3521 chorych (4.4%). Najczęściej izolowanym czynnikiem infekcyjnym był P. aeruginosa, który stanowił 27% wszystkich zakażeń, kolejno to A. Baumanii ESBL(−) (13%), S. pneumoniae (12%), E. cloacae ESBL(+) (10%), K. pneumoniae ESBL(+) (10%), S. aureus MRSA (8%), E. faecalis (7%), E. coli ESBL(+) (6%), S. maltophilia ESBL(+) (5%) i E. kobei ESBL(+) (2%). Patogeny alarmowe stwierdzono u 31 (15%) spośród 200 chorych kwalifikowanych do przeszczepienia płuc, 89 (4,4%) spośród 2029 chorych na przewlekłe choroby płuc i 35 (2.7%) spośród 1292 chorych leczonych z powodu choroby nowotworowej. Różnica pomiędzy częstością zakażeń w grupie chorych kwalifikowanych do przeszczepienia a pozostałymi grupami chorych była istotna statystycznie (p < 0.01). We wszystkich grupach chorych dominowało zakażenia P. aeruginosa. Stanowiło ono: w grupie chorych kwalifikowanych do przeszczepienia — 35%, w grupie chorych leczonych z powodu nowotworu — 29%, w grupie chorych z przewlekłą chorobą płuc — 22%.Wnioski: Zakażenie bakteriami alarmowymi dotyczyło ponad 4% chorych hospitalizowanych na oddziale chorób płuc w latach 2007−2011. Występowało ono istotnie częściej u chorych kwalifikowanych do przeszczepienia płuc niż w pozostałych dwóch grupach analizowanych chorych. We wszystkich grupach najczęściej izolowaną bakterią alarmową była pałeczka ropy błękitnej (27% wszystkich zakażeń).Introduction: Infections caused by multiple drug-resistant pathogens represent an increasingly often encountered challenge in clinical practice. The problem particularly applies to patients with chronic lung diseases resulting in multiple hospitalisations. The aim of this paper was to analyse the incidence of alert pathogens isolated from patients hospitalised in the department of lung diseases, who were divided into three groups: patients qualified for lung transplantation, patients treated for neoplastic diseases and patients with chronic lung diseases.Materials and methods: Analysis involved microbiological test results of 3950 samples obtained from 3521 patients divided into: 200 patients being qualified for lung transplantation, 1292 patients treated for neoplastic diseases and 2029 patients with chronic lung diseases.Results: Infection with alert pathogen was found in 155 of 3521 patients (4.4%). Most often isolated infectious agent was P. aeruginosa, which accounted for 27% of infections. Other pathogens were as follows A. baumanii ESBL(−) (13%), S. pneumoniae (12%), E. cloacae ESBL(+) (10%), K. pneumoniae ESBL(+) (10%), S. aureus MRSA (8%), E. faecalis (7%), E. coli ESBL(+) (6%), S. maltophilia ESBL(+) (5%) and E. kobei ESBL(+) (2%). Alert pathogens were found in 31 (15%) of 200 patients being qualified for lung transplantation, 89 (4.4%) of 2029 patients with chronic lung diseases and 35 (2.7%) of 1292 patients treated for neoplastic diseases. Difference between infection frequency in patients being qualified for lung transplantation and the remaining groups was statistically significant (p < 0.01). P. aeruginosa infection was the most frequent in all groups. It constituted 35% in patients being qualified for lung transplantation, 29% in patients treated for neoplastic diseases and 22% in patients with chronic lung diseases.Conclusions: Infections caused by alert pathogens were found in more than 4% of patients hospitalised in the department of lung diseases between 2007 and 2011. Their frequency was significantly higher in patients being qualified for lung transplantation than in other analysed groups. In all examined groups the most frequently isolated bacteria was P. aeruginosa (27% of all isolates)
Towards a data-subject-friendly interpretation of Article 82 GDPR
Published online: 21 October 2022Under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Article 82 is the only instrument to claim compensation resulting from data protection infringements. So far, it has not been interpreted by the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU or Court). To date, nine preliminary references on the interpretation of Article 82 have been made by national courts. On 6 October 2022, Advocate General (AG) Sánchez-Bordona delivered his Opinion in one of them – Case C-300/21 Ul v Österreichische Post. Since it will be the first CJEU judgment on this subject, it will have a profound impact on the further development of EU data protection law, in particular, its private enforcement
Consumer law entangled : comparative approaches in European private law after Aziz and Addiko Bank
Published: September 2023This paper argues that an EU-focused viewpoint is not sufficient to adequately characterize developments in European private law. It proposes to take a critical look at the core activity of national courts. The paper begins with a comparison between two consumer law cases decided by the European Court of Justice (ECJ): Aziz and Addiko Bank, showing that the same problem already solved in Aziz still existed at the national level years later (Addiko Bank). By presenting two reasonings, one of the second referring court and one of the ECJ, it is shown how consumer law is nationally entangled. In the second part, the paper proposes a solution, namely that the disentanglement can be achieved by conducting a comparative study of national case law through four lenses: spotlighting, comparing, functionalizing and Europeanizing. It is argued that such a comparative approach in European private law could facilitate moving beyond entanglements not perceivable solely from an EU-focused viewpoint. It would allow for a broader view of the efficacity of European private law from a bottomup perspective. And this perspective, in turn, would help in tackling some of the systemic shortcomings of European private law (including consumer law) developed on the basis of the ECJ case law
The implementation and analysis of parallel algorithm for finding perfect matching in the bipartite graphs
There exists a large number of theoretical results concerning parallel algorithms for the graph problems. One of them is an algorithm for the perfect matching problem, which is also the central part of the algorithm for finding a maximum flow in a net. We have attempted at implementing it on a parallel computer with 12 processors (instead of the theoretical 0(n^3.5m) processors). When pursuing this goal we have run into a number of practical problems. The aim of this paper is to discuss them as well as the experimental results of our implementation
Subaqueous geomorphology: options, tasks, needs
The purpose of the paper is to present the potentialities of current non-invasive methods for bottom surveys, including cartometric presentation of its relief and structure in both marine and inland reservoirs. The paper presents examples of results obtained in the Maritime Institute in Gdańsk during surveys carried out at the bottom of seas, lakes and rivers with the use of the same apparatus: primarily, a multibeam echosounder (MBES) to obtain a digital terrain model (DTM); a side-scan sonar (SSS) to obtain a general image of the nature of the bottom (its “roughness”); and seismic profiling (sub-bottom profiler, sediment echo sounder [SES]) to recognise the structure of the bottom. The obtained results constitute a necessary basis for carrying out further specialist surveys (non-invasive or invasive) when needed. Current bottom survey options that use MBES, SSS and SES may be treated as subaqueous equivalents of the subaerial potentialities of a land surface survey using LiDaR and GPR (Ground Penetration Radar)
Resistance to thyroid hormone with a mutation of the thyroid β receptor gene in an eight-month-old infant — a case report
Introduction: Resistance to thyroid hormone (RTHβ) is a rare syndrome of impaired tissue responsiveness to thyroid hormones (THs). The disorder has an autosomal dominant or recessive pattern of inheritance. Most of the reported mutations have been detected in the thyroid hormone receptor β gene (THRβ). Case report: Authors present an eight-month-old infant with poor linear growth, decreased body weight, tachycardia, positive family history, and neonatal features suggestive of RTHβ. Both our patient and his mother had elevated free thyroxine, free triiodothyronine, and non-suppressed thyrotropin (TSH) concentration. The fluorescent sequencing analysis showed a heterozygous mutation c.728G > A in TRβ gene. This pathogenic variant is known to be associated with THR. Conclusions: The clinical presentation of RTHb is variable, ranging from isolated biochemical abnormalities to symptoms of thyrotoxicosis or hypothyroidism. The syndrome should be suspected in patients with increased serum TH level, accompanied by a normal or elevated TSH concentration. The affected patients require individualised management.Introduction: Resistance to thyroid hormone (RTHβ) is a rare syndrome of impaired tissue responsiveness to thyroid hormones (THs). The disorder has an autosomal dominant or recessive pattern of inheritance. Most of the reported mutations have been detected in the thyroid hormone receptor β gene (THRβ).
Case report: Authors present an eight-month-old infant with poor linear growth, decreased body weight, tachycardia, positive family history, and neonatal features suggestive of RTHβ. Both our patient and his mother had elevated free thyroxine, free triiodothyronine, and non-suppressed thyrotropin (TSH) concentration. The fluorescent sequencing analysis showed a heterozygous mutation c.728G > A in TRβ gene. This pathogenic variant is known to be associated with THR.
Conclusions: The clinical presentation of RTHb is variable, ranging from isolated biochemical abnormalities to symptoms of thyrotoxicosis or hypothyroidism. The syndrome should be suspected in patients with increased serum TH level, accompanied by a normal or elevated TSH concentration. The affected patients require individualised management
Are Psychosocial Consequences of Obesity and Hyperandrogenism Present in Adolescent Girls with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome?
The objective of this study was to evaluate whether body weight status and clinical hyperandrogenism may influence social competencies and psychological gender features in adolescent girls. Design and Participants. In 104 adolescent girls, psychological gender inventory (PGI) and social competencies questionnaire (SCQ) (assessing social abilities in three aspects: intimacy (I), social exposure (SE), and assertiveness (AS)) were performed. Subjects were divided into four subgroups: G1—24 nonobese girls without hyperandrogenism, G2—18 obese girls without hyperandrogenism, G3—30 nonobese hyperandrogenic girls, and G4—32 obese girls with hyperandrogenism. Results. There were no significant differences in all parts of SCQ and PGI between the study and control groups. The feminine woman type dominated in all groups; in G3 and G4, masculine woman type appeared more often than in G1 and G2 (13.3% and 12.5% versus 4.0% and 0.0%, resp.). In G4, positive relationship between BMI z-score and SCQ (, ) was found. In G1, the relationship was opposite (, ). Hirsutism correlated negatively with SCQ (, ), I (, ), and AS (, ) only in G1; in other groups, this relationship was insignificant. In G4, higher testosterone level was associated with lower SCQ (, ) and AS (, ). In G2, testosterone concentration correlated positively with SCQ (, ), SE (, ), and AS (, ). Conclusion. In adolescent girls, neither body weight nor clinical features of hyperandrogenism seem to be the source of evaluated disorders in psychological functioning
Chromosomal evolution of the PKD1 gene family in primates
Correction to Kirsch S, Pasantes J, Wolf A, Bogdanova N, Münch C, Pennekamp P, Krawczak M, Dworniczak B, Schempp W: Chromosomal evolution of the PKD1 gene family in primates. BMC Evolutionary Biology 2008, 8:263 (doi:10.1186/1471-2148-8-263
Cilia at the node of mouse embryos sense fluid flow for left-right determination via Pkd2
Unidirectional fluid flow plays an essential role in the breaking of left-right (L-R) symmetry in mouse embryos, but it has remained unclear how the flow is sensed by the embryo. We report that the Ca2+ channel Polycystin-2 (Pkd2) is required specifically in the perinodal crown cells for sensing the nodal flow. Examination of mutant forms of Pkd2 shows that the ciliary localization of Pkd2 is essential for correct L-R patterning. Whereas Kif3a mutant embryos, which lack all cilia, failed to respond to an artificial flow, restoration of primary cilia in crown cells rescued the response to the flow. Our results thus suggest that nodal flow is sensed in a manner dependent on Pkd2 by the cilia of crown cells located at the edge of the node.CREST of the Japan Science and Technology Corporation; NIH [P30 DK090744]; Human Frontier Science Program [ST00246/2003C]; Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft [PE 853/2]; Japan Society for the Promotion of Science; American Heart Association [R10682]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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