12 research outputs found

    Potential Role of Propolis Flavonoid on Malondialdehyde and Superoxide Dismutase Levels on Endometriosis

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    Endometriosis is a prevalent gynecological condition that affects around 10% of women within the reproductive age group globally. Recent research indicates that oxidative stress plays a significant role in the development of endometriosis. The present administration of progestin hormone treatment has been shown to induce additional oxidative stress, which is characterized by elevated levels of oxidative stress indicators, including malondialdehyde (MDA), and a reduction in the enzymatic antioxidant superoxide dismutase (SOD). The presence of hormonal imbalances in conjunction with these alterations fosters an environment conducive to the metastasis of endometrial cells. This process initiates inflammatory pathways, angiogenesis, and the formation of lesions and tumors, ultimately exacerbating the state of endometriosis. Research findings indicate that propolis has inherent antioxidant properties, characterized by a high concentration of flavonoid components and phenolic acids. Propolis contains active compounds that have the ability to trap free radicals by forming more stable molecules. Propolis has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and immunomodulatory characteristics, hence potentially enhancing the patient's oxidative stress state, mitigating morbidity, and reducing the duration of hospitalization. This research aims to assess the possible impact of flavonoids found in propolis on the treatment of endometriosis

    Protease from Courgette (Luffa Acutangula L (Roxb)): Isolation, Purification, and Some Characteristics

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    The Courgette or oyong (Luffa acutangula L. (Roxb)) is member of Cucurbitaceae mainly used as vegetable. Beside used as vegetables, courgette aslo used as keratolytic agent. This fact is supposed that this vegetables contain protease. This research is succeed to purified courgette’s protease by four step. That was precipitate by 70% ammonium sulphate saturation, purification using DEAE cellulose ion exchange chromatography and gel filtration chromatography using sephadex G-100 and G-75. Purified courgette’s protease had 81,922 U/mg for specific activity and 34 kDa molecular weight. This enzyme had the characteristic such as activated optimally at 37oC, pH 7 and 10 minute duration time. This enzyme activity can decrease by PMSF and H2O2, its remarkable that courgette protease is serine protease and had the thiol group in its structure. The ability to digest food proteins materials like boiled meat and boiled white egg by courgette protease proves that the courgette protease enzyme is could be used in enzyme replacement therapy in mild digestion problem.&nbsp


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    Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) and rice bran oil (RBO) on glycemic control and lipid profiles in patients with type-2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Methods: Ten patients with T2DM received 15 ml/day of EVOO or RBO. Levels of fasting blood glucose (FBG), postprandial blood glucose (PBG), total cholesterol (TC), low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol (LDL-C), high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol (HDL-C), and triglycerides (TGs) were measured. RBO or EVOO was administered for 4 consecutive weeks. During a 2-week interval, the treatment was not administered. After this washout period, a crossover design was implemented by exchanging EVOO supplementation with RBO supplementation and vice versa for 4 consecutive weeks. Results: Changes in levels of FBG, PBG, TC, LDL-C, and TGs were not significantly different in the two groups. However, significantly decreased the levels of HDL-C were observed in both groups. Conclusion: RBO and EVOO had no significant influence on levels of FBG or PBG

    Correlation of Beta Carotene and Nutrition Status With Malondialdehyde Levels in Breastfeeding Mother

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    Background : Malondialdehyde (MDA), one of the products of polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) peroxidation detected in breast milk (BM). MDA levels depicted BM’s oxidative status. BM oxidative balance could prevent oxidative stress in babies. MDA could be influenced by antioxidant food source such as beta carotene as well as body mass index (BMI).Objective: To analyze beta carotene intake and BMI and their correlation with BM MDA levels in nursing motherMethods: Eighty breastfeeding mothers who were 20–40 years old, came to Cilincing and Grogol Petamburan Public Health Centre February–April 2019 and had 1–6 months old babies were enrolled in this cross-sectional study. The BM was extracted in the next day. Mothers were asked to empty one of the breast 2 hours prior to extraction. Beta carotene intake was assessed using semi quantitative food frequency (SQ-FFQ). Body weight and height was measured on the first day. The BM MDA levels were assessed using thiobarbituric acid reactive substance (TBARS) assay. The correlation of beta carotene intake and MDA as well as BMI and MDA was assessed using Spearman test with level of significance of p<0.05.Results: Subject’s median age was 27 (20-35) years old, median BMI was 23.21 (15.25-39.55) kg/m2. Beta carotene’s median intake was 8039.8 (1697.7–34028) mg/day with 72.5% of the subjects were considered low intake. BM MDA level’s median was 1.953 (0.739-4.928) nmol/ml. Beta carotene intake (r = 0.247, p = 0.027) and BMI (r = 0.285, p = 0.010[DN4] ) had a weak correlation with BM MDA level.Conclusion: The beta carotene intake and the BMI of the subjects correlate significantly with the BM MDA level. It showed that the mother’s intake and body composition contribute to the oxidant level in BM, therefore influenced the level of oxidative stress transferred to the babies

    The Effects of Physical Exercise on Spatial Learning and Serotonin Levels in the Brain of Adult Rats

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    Physical exercise can enhance tryptophan transport into the brain so that it will also increase serotonin levels in the brain. Therefore, it may influence many brain functions, such as learning and memory. This study aimed to determine the effect of physical exercise on spatial learning and serotonin levels in the brain of adult male Wistar rats. Biochemistry Laboratory of Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia was the study place which conducted in January–April 2013. Sixteen adult male rats randomly divided into two groups, the control group, and the treatment group. Physical exercise for the treatment group for four weeks using the animal treadmill at 15 m/min in speed for 15 minutes in the 1st week and 25 minutes for the next three weeks. Learning and memory test using water-E maze apparatus once a week. At the end of the exercised period, animals were sacrificed, and the brains were isolated. The measurement of serotonin and tryptophan levels was done using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The results showed that physical exercise improved animals performance in learning and memory test, exercised group made fewer errors at third and fourth week (p<0.05). Serotonin levels in the brain of exercised group was significantly higher than that in control group (p<0.05). These results indicated that the enhancement of serotonin levels in the brain induced by physical exercise is involved in improving spatial learning and memory.   PENGARUH LATIHAN FISIK TERHADAP KEMAMPUAN BELAJAR SPASIAL DAN KADAR SEROTONIN PADA OTAK TIKUS DEWASA Latihan fisik diketahui dapat meningkatkan transpor triptofan melewati sawar otak sehingga dapat meningkatkan kadar serotonin di otak. Oleh karena itu, latihan fisik berperan memengaruhi berbagai fungsi otak termasuk proses belajar dan memori. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh latihan fisik aerobik dengan intensitas yang ringan terhadap kemampuan belajar spasial serta kadar serotonin pada otak tikus Wistar dewasa. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Laboratorium Biokimia, Departemen Biokimia & Biologi Molekuler, Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta periode Januari–April 2013. Enam belas ekor tikus jantan dewasa dibagi secara acak menjadi dua kelompok, yaitu kelompok kontrol dan kelompok perlakuan. Latihan fisik diberikan kepada kelompok perlakuan selama 4 minggu menggunakan animal treadmill dengan kecepatan 15 m/menit selama 15 menit pada minggu pertama dan 25 menit pada 3 minggu berikutnya. Uji belajar dan memori dengan perangkat water-E maze dilakukan satu kali/minggu. Setelah masa latihan fisik selesai, hewan coba dikorbankan dan jaringan otak diisolasi. Pengukuran kadar serotonin dan triptofan pada otak dilakukan menggunakan kromatografi cair kinerja tinggi (KCKT). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jumlah kesalahan yang dilakukan oleh kelompok perlakuan lebih sedikit secara signifikan pada uji belajar dan memori ke-3 dan ke-4 (p<0,05). Kadar serotonin lebih tinggi secara signifikan pada otak kelompok perlakuan (p<0,05). Hasil penelitian ini mengindikasikan bahwa peningkatan kadar serotonin pada otak yang diinduksi oleh latihan fisik aerobik intensitas ringan terlibat dalam meningkatkan kemampuan belajar dan memori spasial

    Karakteristik dan Peran Protein Ikat Folat (PIF)

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    Asam folat merupakan kelompok vitamin B. Asam folat terikat dengan suatu protein yang disebut protein ikat folat (PIF). PIF merupakan suatu glikoprotein dengan 222 residu asam amino dan berat molekul sekitar 31000 Dalton. Struktur tiga dimensi PIF dipertahankan oleh enam sampai delapan jembatan disulfida. PIF memiliki kemampuan mengikat asam folat dengan perbandingan ikatan 1:1 mol. Situs aktif PIF mengandung gugus imidazol atau gugus sulfhidril. Kofaktor ion kalsium tidak dibutuhkan PIF dalam mengikat asam folat. Di dalam tubuh, PIF berperan menghimpun, mengangkut, dan membantu penyimpanan, penggunaan serta pendistrubusian asam folat ke jaringan. PIF juga berperan mengurangi ekskresi asam folat di ginjal dan meningkatkan penyerapan asam folat di intestinum. Dalam bidang kedokteran PIF dapat dimanfaatkan untuk mengukur kadar asam folat serum dengan metode analog ELISA

    Asam Folat: Peran dalam Metabolisme dan Metode Pemeriksaan

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    Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui peran asam folat dalam metabolisme dan metode pemeriksaan asam folat serum. Metode: Artikel ini dibuat dengan mengumpulkan sumber rujukan dari Sinta, Google Scholar, Pubmed, dan ScienceDirect.  Artikel-artikel yang berisi mengenai asam folat (folic acid) atau folat (folate) dan metode pemeriksaan  asam folat (folate detection method, folate analysis method) tahun 2005-2020 dikumpulkan kemudian dibahas dan ditarik kesimpulan secara umum. Hasil: Bentuk aktif asam folat, tetrahidrofolat, berperan dalam metabolisme purin, pirimidin (timin), dan metionin dengan cara mendonorkan unit satu karbon (metil, metilen, metenil, formimino atau formil). Kadar asam folat serum normal adalah 6-20 ng/ml. Beberapa metode digunakan untuk memeriksa kadar asam folat serum yakni mikrobiologi, HPLC dan protein binding assay. Metode mikrobiologi merupakan baku emas, tetapi membutuhkan waktu yang lama, mudah terkontaminasi dan perlu tenaga mikrobiologi khusus.  Metode HPLC memberikan hasil yang lebih cepat, tetapi mahal dan kurang sensitif. Metode protein binding assay merupakan metode baru yang menggunakan protein ikat folat. Metode ini memiliki sensitivitas dan spesifisitas yang baik. Kekurangan pada metode ini adalah penyimpanan reagen dan kalibrasi. Kesimpulan: Asam folat dibutuhkan dalam metabolisme nukleotida dan asam amino. Metode pemeriksaan asam folat diharapkan dapat dikembangkan untuk pemeriksaan asam folat yang lebih sederhana, murah dan cepat

    Properties of Folate Binding Protein Purified from Cow’s Milk

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    Folic acid played an important role in the metabolism of the body. To measure the serum folic acid levels could use the folate binding protein (FBP) from cow’s milk with a technique analogous to ELISA. The aims of this study were to identify characteristics of FBP from cow’s milk and binding capacity of FBP to folic acid and to purify FBP from other whey protein passed through DEAE-cellulose chromatography column. Each of DEAE-cellulose peaks was passed in affinity chromatography column. FBP was released from affinity column with sodium acetate buffer pH 3.5. The purity of obtained FBP was demonstrated by a single spot in SDS-PAGE analysis and the estimated molecular weight of FBP was around 31 kDa. Our study indicated that 1 mol FBP bound 1 mol folic acid. Alkylation with iodoacetic acid decreased the binding capacity of FBP which suggested the presence of a–SH or imidazol group in its active site. The importance of disulfide bridge was proven by decreasing of folate binding capacity of FBP after -mercaptoethanol treatment. In contrary, the folate binding didn need Ca2+ ion, as indicated by EDTA test which gave the same result as control

    Effect of Rice Bran Oil on the Lipid Profile of Mild-Moderate Hypercholesterolemic Male Aged 19-55 year

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    Introduction: Adult individuals in Indonesia showed changes in diet and lack of physical activity, therefore increasing the risk of hypercholesterolemia and obesity. One of nutritional therapy for hypercholesterolemia is rice bran oil, which contains active substances that works synergistically in controlling lipid profile. The substances are gamma-orzanol, phytosterols, and vitamin E isomers (tocotrienol and tocopherol). Methods: A clinical trial was conducted for 4 weeks in City Hall of Jakarta on 20 males, age 19–55 years old, with mild-moderate hypercholesterolemia, to assess lipid profile improvement of the supplementation of rice bran oil 45 ml/days compared to 15 ml/days without changing eating patterns. Results: After 4 weeks of intervention, there was significant difference in total cholesterol level between both groups (p = 0.049). In the group that received 45 ml/days of rice bran oil, total cholesterol level decreased 14%, and in the group of 15 ml/days total cholesterol level decreased 7.8%. The reduction of LDL and triglycerides and the increase of HDL were not significantly different between both groups (p >0,05). There was no significant changes of body weight in both groups. Conclusion: This study showed that consumption of  45 ml/days rice bran oil led to better improvements in lipid profiles compare to 15 ml/days. It has been demonstrated that gamma oryzanol and plant sterols in rice bran oil have the capability to remove cholesterol from bile salt micelles, thus decreasing cholesterol absorption in intestine