1,571 research outputs found

    Effect of polymer properties and adherend surfaces on adhesion

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    High temperature polymer surface characteristics associated with joint strength were evaluated. Selected samples represented composite adherends, aluminum filler and fiber glass carrier cloth. Detailed analysis of fractured joint surfaces revealed unique characteristics typical of the specific adhesive formulations and test conditions. A fracture mechanism model was developed for correlating macroscopic shear strength and microstructure of fracture surfaces. Applications were made to unpublished data on polyimides and fluoropolymers

    A fundamental approach to adhesion: Synthesis, surface analysis, thermodynamics and mechanics

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    The effects of composites as adherends was studied. Several other variables were studied by fractography: aluminum powder adhesive filler, fiber glass cloth scrim or adhesive carrier, new adhesives PPQ-413 and LARC-13, and strength-test temperature. When the new results were juxtaposed with previous work, it appeared that complex interactions between adhesive, adherend, bonding, and testing conditions govern the observed strength and fracture-surface features. The design parameters likely to have a significant effect upon strength-test results are listed

    What Are Kinship Terminologies, and Why Do We Care? A Computational Approach to Analyzing Symbolic Domains

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    Kinship is a fundamental feature and basis of human societies. We describe a set of computational tools and services, the Kinship Algebra Modeler, and the logic that underlies these. These were developed to improve how we understand both the fundamental facts of kinship, and how people use kinship as a resource in their lives. Mathematical formalism applied to cultural concepts is more than an exercise in model building, as it provides a way to represent and explore logical consistency and implications. The logic underlying kinship is explored here through the kin term computations made by users of a terminology when computing the kinship relation one person has to another by referring to a third person for whom each has a kin term relationship. Kinship Algebra Modeler provides a set of tools, services and an architecture to explore kinship terminologies and their properties in an accessible manner

    A fundamental approach to adhesion: Synthesis, surface analysis, thermodynamics and mechanics

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    Various surface preparations for titanium 6-4 alloy were studied. An anodizing method was investigated, and compared with the results of other chemical treatments, namely, phosphate/fluoride, Pasa-Jell and Turco. The relative durability of the different surface treatments was assessed by monitoring changes in surface chemistry and morphology occasioned by aging at 505 K (450 F). Basic electron spectroscopic data were collected for polyimide and polyphenylquinoxaline adhesives and synthetic precursors. Fractographic studies were completed for several combinations of adherend, adhesive, and testing conditions

    Effect of polymer properties and adherend surfaces on adhesion

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    The surface properties associated with good adhesive joints were evaluated in terms of application of adhesive bonding in aerospace technology. The physical and chemical nature was determined of Ti and Al adherend surfaces after various surface treatments, and the effects on fracture surfaces of high temperature aging, and variations in amide, anhydride, and solvent during polymer synthesis. The effects were characterized of (1) high temperature during shear strength testing, (2) fiber-reinforced composites as adherends, (3) acid/base nature of adherends, (4) aluminum powder adhesive filler, and (5) bonding pressure

    Computational Study of Turbulent-Laminar Patterns in Couette Flow

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    Turbulent-laminar patterns near transition are simulated in plane Couette flow using an extension of the minimal flow unit methodology. Computational domains are of minimal size in two directions but large in the third. The long direction can be tilted at any prescribed angle to the streamwise direction. Three types of patterned states are found and studied: periodic, localized, and intermittent. These correspond closely to observations in large aspect ratio experiments.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Two Capture Techniques For American White Pelicans and Great Blue Herons

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    We describe two techniques for capturing American White Pelicans (Pelecanus erythrorhynchos), Great Blue Herons (Ardea herodias), and other large wading birds in aquatic habitats. One technique involved using #3 padded jaw leghold traps modified by replacing both factory coil springs with weaker #1.5 coil springs, to reduce the closing force of the jaws, and replacing the factory chain with a length of aircraft cable and an elastic shock cord, to minimize injury caused by lunging. The second technique involved using a modified portable rocket net that can be set in shallow water. We captured 142 American White Pelicans and 23 Great Blue Herons using these two techniques. We describe situations best suited for the optimum use of each technique. Both methods are humane and cost, labor, and time efficient

    Manado Wedding Resort “ Waterscape Architecture “

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    Manado Wedding Resort adalah sebuah wadah yang melayani akan kebutuhan saat akan melaksanakan pernikahan maupun setelah pernikahan.Wadah ini nantinya akan menjadi alternatif pemecah masalah bagi pasangan kekasih yang ingin menikah atau untuk liburan setelah pasca pernikahan.Waterscape Architecture merupakan tema yang diambil untuk meningkatkan kualitas perancangan. Tema ini berfungsi sebagai bentuk pemanfaatan air pada arsitektur. Air dapat menciptakan suasana beragam yang berpengaruh pada perasaan dan suasana hati manusia baik itu dari efek visual maupun efek suara. Kota Manado sebagai kota yang dominan kaya akan unsur air memenuhi kriteria dalam penerapan tema, serta kota Manado sebagai kota pariwisata banyak menarik turis lokal dan interlokal menjadikan kota Manado memiliki prospek lokasi yang tinggi dalam pembangunan resor

    Antibody responses to a Cryptosporidium parvum rCP15/60 vaccine

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    Cryptosporidium parvum is a zoonotic apicomplexa-protozoan pathogen that causes gastroenteritis and diarrhoea in mammals worldwide. The organism is transmitted by ingestion of oocysts, which are shed in faeces, and completes its lifecycle in a single host.^1^ C. parvum is ubiquitous on dairy operations worldwide and is one of the leading causes of diarrhoea in calves on these farms.^2,3^ Here, for the first time, we describe the antibody response in a large group of cows to a recombinant C. parvum oocyst surface protein (rCP15/60) vaccine and the antibody response in calves fed rCP15/60-immune colostrum produced by these vaccinated cows. Results of recent genotype surveys indicate that calves are the only major reservoir for C. parvum infections in humans.^4^ Human C. parvum infections are particularly prevalent and often fatal in neonates in developing countries and to immunocompromised people, such as AIDs patients.^4^ Drug therapy against cryptosporidiosis is limited and not wholly efficacious in either humans or calves^5^, making development of an effective vaccine of paramount importance. To date, there is no commercially available effective vaccine against C. parvum, although passive immunization utilizing different zoite surface (glyco)proteins has showed promise.^6-9^ All cows we vaccinated produced an antibody response to the rCP15/60 vaccine and the magnitude of response correlated strongly with the subsequent level of antibody in their colostrum. All calves fed rCP15/60-immune colostrum showed a dose-dependent absorption of antibody. Our results demonstrate that vaccination of cows with rCP15/60 successfully induces antibodies against CP15/60 in their serum and colostrum and that these antibodies are then well absorbed when fed to neonatal calves. With further research, this C. parvum vaccine may well be a practical method of conferring passive protection to calves against cryptosporidiosis. Furthermore, a specifically targeted immune-colostrum may be valuable in protection and treatment of immunocompromised human patients with cryptosporidiosis

    Taman Wisata Danau Lota Di Moronge Optimalisasi Kawasan Tepian Danau

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    Kawasan perairan merupakan kawasan yang sangat berpengaruh terhadap keberlanjutan kehidupan.Air merupakan kebutuhan utama, karena air adalah salah satu faktor penggerak berbagai jenis pekerjaan/ kegiatan.Dari berbagai aspek ini, kawasan perairan memiliki karakter tersendiri yang menarik sehingga, tidak heran kawasan ini sangat diminati.Dari sinilah mula-mula munculnya konsep waterfront, baik di pantai, sungai, danau dan terpisah dengan daratan atau berada di tengah-tengah daratan.Masing-masing memiliki keunikan yang khas.Lama-kelamaan kawasan itu berkembang, hingga menjadi sentra aktivitas yang ramai. Optimalisasi kawasan tepian danau Lota ini, merupakan wujud perhatian terhadap potensi-potensi yang belum di kembangkan. Selain itu, mengingat daerah Kabupaten Kepulauan Talaud merupakan daerah yang sebagian besarnya adalah perairan baik itu laut, sungai, danau dan merupakan bagian perbatasan NKRI yang jika proses pengembangannya menggunakan konsep waterfront, bukan tidak mungkin tahun-tahun mendatang akan berhasil seperti yang sudah diterapkan pada Singapura, Sydney, dan Paris yang telah berhasil menggunakan konsep waterfront. Pengaruh paling utama terhadap perencanaan taman wisata danau Lota yang berkonsepkan optimalisasi kawasan tepian danau sebagai area waterfront merupakan sebuah konsep yang diharapkan kedepannya mampu merubah kualitas ekosistem serta lingkungan danau. Konsep ini memaksimalkan sebisa mungkin setiap bagian-bagian taman mampu mendapatkan view danau, dari berbagai sudut pandang tanpa ada bagian-bagian yang menghalangi view danaunya. Sehingga konsepnya bisa di capai, dan tentunya terus merawat dan menjaga pelestariannya termasuk dalam perencanaan taman wisata danau ini. Dengan demikian tidak hanya ada ruang terbuka saja sebagai fasilitas rekreasi yang disediakan namun, dengan adanya fasilitas ini kondisi danau bisa menjadi lebih baik lagi. Taman wisata danau Lota, merupakan satu langkah nyata untuk berbagai permasalahan yang timbul dan diharapkan mampu mengatasinya. Sehingga kehadiran taman wisata danau Lota tidak hanya sebatas pemenuhan kebutuhan akan fasilitas rekreasi saja tapi banyak dampak positifnya untuk danau, lingkungan sekitar serta masyarakat yang tinggal dan hidup di sekitarnya
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