28 research outputs found

    Anosmia pada COVID-19: Studi Neurobiologi

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    Abstract— A few months ago there was Covid-19 virus outbreak by SARS-CoV-19 virus which has clinical manifestations, one of which is Anosmia. Anosmia cause patient was experienced smell’s decreasing which causes psychological problems that loss of comfort and appetite. This condition may also cause imunity’s decreasing in patient. Anosmia in Covid-19 patients could be temporary, if the body's immune system is maintained in good condition, one of the factors is continuing provide healthy and nutritious food intake, even though in tasteless conditions. Therefore, this article can be used as an educational material for the public, how to understand the neurobiological conditions of anosmia in Covid-19, further to avoid depressed due to loss of taste which could be lead to loss appetite. Keywords: Covid-19, Anosmia, Neurobiology Abstrak— Beberapa bulan lalu telah terjadi penyebaran wabah virus Covid-19 oleh SARS-CoV-19 virus yang memiliki manifestasi klinis salah satunya adalah Anosmia. Kondisi anosmia menyebabkan kondisi pasien mengalami penurunan daya penciuman yang menyebabkan gangguan psikologis berupa kehilangan rasa nyaman dan kehilangan napsu makan. Kondisi ini sudah barang tentu akan menyebabkan penurunan daya imunitas pasien. Anosmia pada pasien Covid-19 bersifat sementara, apabila daya imunitas tubuh tetap dijaga dalam keadaan baik, salah satu faktornya adalah tetap memberikan asupan makan sehat dan bergizi, meskipun dalam kondisi tasteless. Oleh karena itu, dengan adanya artikel ini dapat digunakan sebagai bahan edukasi kepada khalayak, bagaimana memahami kondisi anosmia pada Covid-19 secara neurobiologi, sehingga dapat menghindarkan rasa depresi karena kehilangan rasa akan makaman yang dapat menyebabkan turunnya napsu makan. Kata kunci: Covid-19, Anosmia, Neurobiolog

    Peningkatan Layanan Kesehatan pada Masyarakat dengan Profesi Tenaga Profesional Massage Care Melalui Pengetahuan Muskuloskeletal

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    Background of Study : Massage care services are complementary health services that are used to improve the quality of health conditions. Application of massage care services produce positive contribution for reducing pain, depression, and increasing immune system. Massage care services in private business have been performed by non-level therapists, with a good technical understanding but do not yet have theoretical basis to support the level of professionalism. Knowledge’s provision of musculoskeletal’s functional anatomy expected to increase the therapist's professionalism, which has an impact on improving the quality of public health services. Methods : This study used an experimental design, cross-sectional approach, pre-test post-test control group design. The population and sample of this study are massage care’s therapists in Surabaya. Data were analyzed using Pearson correlation test and paired sample t-test to describe the relationship between gender (JK), education level (TP) and knowledge of musculoskeletal’s functional anatomy (AFM). Results : The results of the Pearson correlation test show a negative correlation between JK and TP on AFM (p>0.05; CI 95%). Meanwhile, the results of the different paired sample t-test showed that there were differences between pre-test (PRE) and post-test (POS) of AFM after the intervention. (p<0.05; CI 95%). Conclusion : Improving the complementary health services through massage care to the community, possible to do by providing material for strengthening the theoretical basis for selecting massage techniques through knowledge’s provision of musculoskeletal’s functional anatomy


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    Formaldehyde had some degree of toxicity in the human body as a cadaver preservation solution. Recent studies showed that moderate formaldehyde levels in cadavers could neutralize SARS-CoV-2. However, other effects of formaldehyde levels in the air are not yet known on bacteria. This study aims to determine the optimal level of formaldehyde that can be used to neutralize bacteria and is safe for humans. This study used a post-test control group design with formaldehyde level as the independent variable and bacterial colonization as the dependent variable. The results showed that the mean levels of formaldehyde with the bacterial colony respectively were P1 (1.378±0.716; 0.40±0.10), P2 (0.347±0.038; 1.40±0.10), P3 (0.137±0.006; 2.40 ±0.10), P4 (0.042±0.005; 3.32±0.09), and P5 (0.009±0016; 4.40±0.10). The statistical analysis results revealed a value of p0.05, which indicated that the higher the formaldehyde level, the higher the ability to neutralize bacterial activity. The study concluded the optimum level for neutralizing bacterial activity safe for humans is about 0347±0038 mg/m3

    Brassica oleracea var. italica extract reducing free radicals and inflammation initiated by an exposure to cigarette smoke

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    Introduction: Herbal extracts are often administered to cigarette smokers to prevent excessive free radicals. These include Brassica oleracea var. Italica, known to contain high antioxidant flavonoids and selenium micronutrients. Therefore, this study aims to determine the efficacy of Brassica oleracea var extract. italica in reducing the free radicals and inflammation present in experimental animals exposed to cigarette smoke. Design and Methods: This research was conducted based on an experimental method using a randomized controlled trial (RCT) for 21 days. The animals used were divided into six groups (negative control, positive control, and four treatments). Particularly, the positive control and treatment groups were exposed to cigarette smoke for 2 minutes, twice a day, at 50 PPM CO levels. The treatment groups were administered the extract at different doses (0.5 ml; 0.75 ml; 1 ml; 1.25 ml), before assessing the blood level of malondialdehyde and C-Reactive Protein. Result: The results showed the tendency for exposure to smoke to increase the number of free radicals and stimulate inflammation responses in the body (P<0,05). In addition, a strong correlation between variables was established (p=0.000; r=0.713). Conclusions: Broccoli extracts (Brassica oleracea L. var. Italica) administration has the potential to cause a decline in the two aspects, including free radicals and inflammation responses resulting from exposure to cigarette smoke

    Permainan Toba dalam Meningkatkan Pengetahuan Ante Natal Care di Desa Ranggeh, Kecamatan Gondang Wetan, Pasuruan

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    Jumlah kematian bayi di Indonesia masih terbilang cukup tinggi walaupun sudah mengalami penurunan setiap tahunnya. Berbagai faktor yang mempengaruhi di masyarakat dapat menjadi penyebab peningkatan kematian bayi. Salah satu faktor terpenting adalah tingkat pengetahuan calon ibu terhadap pemantauan kesehatan bayi atau Ante Natal Care (ANC) sejak di dalam kandungan. Semua hal tersebut telah tercantum dalam buku Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak (KIA) yang diterbitkan oleh Kementerian Kesehatan, namun tidak semua calon ibu mampu memahami dan mengerti. Pendekatan lain dibutuhkan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman calon ibu melalui permainan yang dilakukan secara bersama. Permainan TOBA dilakukan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan Ante Natal Care (ANC) pada ibu usia subur di Desa Ranggeh, Kecamatan Gondang Wetan, Kabupaten Pasuruan. Permainan tersebut berisi materi Ante Natal Care yang terdapat pada buku Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak (KIA) dan diikuti oleh 30 partisipan ibu usia subur. sebelum dan sesudah permainan akan dilakukan pre-post test untuk membandingkan tingkat pengetahuan. Hasil evaluasi yang dilakukan sebelum dan sesudah mengikuti permainan TOBA memperlihatkan adanya peningkatan nilai tes pada seluruh partisipan. Kegiatan permainan TOBA dapat digunakan sebagai salah satu alternatif dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan Ante Natal Care yang terhadap buku Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak (KIA), sehingga diharapkan mampu menumbuhkan kesadaran dan pemahaman kepada calon ibu

    Video Edukasi Perawatan Luka

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    Video pembelajaran berisikan tentang prosedur pembelajaran cara perawatan luka. Perawatan luka merupakan salah satu keterampilan atau kompetensi dasar yang harus dimiliki oleh lulusan Tenaga Kesehatan. Materi perawatan luka ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kemampuan siswa baik dalam pengetahuan, keterampilan maupun sikap di dalam memberikan asuhan keperawatan khususnya perawatan luka. Video pembelajaran ini mencantumkan tentang melakukan perawatan luka dengan benar dan dapat melakukan penggantian dressing dengan benar. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zj8z-x4kPN

    Neutralize Bacterial Activity With Anatomical Embalming Solutions

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    Formaldehyde had some degree of toxicity in the human body as a cadaver preservation solution. Recent studies showed that moderate formaldehyde levels in cadavers could neutralize SARS-CoV-2. However, other effects of formaldehyde levels in the air are not yet known on bacteria. This study aims to determine the optimal level of formaldehyde that can be used to neutralize bacteria and is safe for humans. This study used a post-test control group design with formaldehyde level as the independent variable and bacterial colonization as the dependent variable. The results showed that the mean levels of formaldehyde with the bacterial colony respectively were P1 (1.378±0.716; 0.40±0.10), P2 (0.347±0.038; 1.40±0.10), P3 (0.137±0.006; 2.40 ± 0.10), P4 (0.042 ± 0.005; 3.32 ± 0.09), and P5 (0.009 ± 0016; 4.40 ± 0.10). The statistical analysis results revealed a value of p<0.05, which indicated that the higher the formaldehyde level, the higher the ability to neutralize bacterial activity. The study concluded the optimum level for neutralizing bacterial activity safe for humans is about 0347±0038 mg/m3

    Video Edukasi Irigasi Mata

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    Video pembelajaran berisikan tentang prosedur pembelajaran melakukan Irigasi Mata akibat trauma kimia yang mengenai mata. Irigasi Mata pada trauma kimia mata merupakan salah satu tindakan untuk meminimalisir kerusakan akibat kontak bahan kimia pada permukaan mata dan merupakan salah satu ketrampilan yang sebaiknya dimiliki juga oleh lulusan Tenaga Kesehatan. Materi irigasi mata ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kemampuan siswa baik dalam pengetahuan, keterampilan maupun sikap di dalam memberikan asuhan keperawatan khususnya dalam penanganan trauma bahan kimia pada mata. https://repository.ubaya.ac.id/46720

    Video Edukasi Transportasi Korban

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    Video pembelajaran berisikan tentang prosedur pembelajaran cara melakukan teknik transportasi korban yang benar dalam keadaan kegawatan. Langkah - langkah teknik transportasi korban dipraktekkan dengan situasi jika ada dua atau tiga penolong. Teknik transportasi yang benar merupakan salah satu tindakan yang dilakukan untuk meminimalisir kerusakan organ tubuh yang lain. Materi teknik pertolongan korban merupakan ketrampilan yang seharusnya dimiliki oleh masyarakat awam, khususnya oleh lulusan tenaga kesehatan. Materi ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kemampuan siswa baik dalam pengetahuan, keterampilan maupun sikap di dalam memberikan asuhan keperawatan khususnya dalam melakukan transportasi korban dengan benar. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjP9sO7Trg


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    ABSTRAK   Aditya, Dwi Martha Nur. 2013. Pengaruh Etnis Terhadap Keterampilan Metakognitif, Hasil Belajar, dan Retensi Siswa Pada Pembelajaran Pemberdayaan Berpikir Melalui Pertanyaan (PBMP) Dipadu Think Pair Share (TPS) Kelas X di SMAN 1 Gondanglegi. Skripsi. Jurusan Biologi FMIPA Universitas Negeri Malang, Pembimbing: (1) Prof. Dr. A. D. Corebima, M. Pd., (2) Prof. Dr. Hj. Siti Zubaidah, M. Pd.   Kata Kunci:   Pemberdayaan Berpikir Melalui Pertanyaan (PBMP), Think Pair Share (TPS), keterampilan metakognitif, hasil belajar biologi, retensi.               Manusia merupakan makhluk yang memiliki perbedaan individu antar se-sama. Perbedaan tersebut diantaranya perbedaan kaum minoritas, etnis/ras, agama, jenis kelamin, kondisi ekonomi, daerah asal/usul, ketidakmampuan fisik/ mental, dan umur. Daerah Kabupaten Malang Selatan, Gondanglegi merupakan salah satu wilayah yang memiliki keragaman perbedaan etnis yaitu Jawa dan Madura. SMAN 1 Gondanglegi dalam pembelajaran menerapkan pembelajaran behavioristik yang belum mampu mengembangkan penalaran dan jalinan komunikasi antar siswa yang memiliki perbedaan etnis. Pembelajaran Biologi seharusnya menggunakan strategi pembelajaran kooperatif dan memberdayakan penalaran siswa yang tepat yaitu dengan strategi pembelajaran Pemberdayaan Berpikir Melalui Pertanyaan (PBMP) dipadu Think Pair Share (TPS) untuk dapat meningkatkan keterampilan metakognitif, hasil belajar, dan retensi siswa. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen semu (quasi experiment) dengan rancangan Pretest Posttest Nonequivalent Group Design. Data yang diperoleh di-analisis menggunakan statistic Inferensial Anakova. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan tidak ada pengaruh perbedaan etnis terhadap keterampilan metakognitif, hasil belajar, dan retensi siswa di SMAN 1 Gondanglegi. Taraf signifikansi hasil uji anakova keterampilan metakognitif siswa sebesar 0,953; hasil belajar sebesar 0,628; retensi keterampilan metakognitif 0,717; retensi hasil belajar 0,923. Etnis tidak mempengaruhi keterampilan meta-kognitif, hasil belajar siswa, dan retensi siswa, akan tetapi terdapat peningkatan. Peningkatan keterampilan metakognitif etnis Jawa sebesar 193,03%, sedangkan pada siswa etnis Madura sebesar 197,85%. Peningkatan hasil belajar etnis Jawa 161,81%, sedangkan pada siswa etnis Madura sebesar 176,18%. Peningkatan retensi keterampilan metakognitif etnis Jawa sebesar etnis Jawa sebesar 2,43%, sedangkan pada siswa etnis Madura mengalami penurunan sebesar 2,89%. Retensi hasil belajar siswa etnis Jawa mengalami penurunan sebesar 16,79%, sedangkan pada siswa etnis Madura sebesar 17,32%. Perbedaan etnis tidak mempengaruhi keterampilan metakognitif, hasil belajar, dan retensi siswa. Penerapan pem-belajaran kooperatif PBMP + TPS serta stereotype masing-masing etnis mampu memberikan dukungan positif dalam kegiaan pembelajaran. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan pembahasan, disarankan agar pengajar dapat menerapkan strategi pembelajaran PBMP +TPS untuk memberdayakan dan meningkatkan keterampilan metakognitif, hasil belajar, dan retensi siswa.   ABSTRACT   Aditya, Dwi Martha Nur. 2013. The effect of  Ethnic influences Metacognitive Skills, Student Achievement, and Retention of Students with Thinking Empowering by Questioning (TEQ) Combined Think Pair Share (TPS) of Students Grade X in Gondanglegi 1st Senior High School. Thesis, Biology Departement of Mathemathics and Science Faculty State University of Malang. Advisors: (1) Prof. Dr. A. D. Corebima, M. Pd., (2) Prof. Dr. Hj. Siti Zubaidah, M. Pd.,   Keywords: Thinking Empowering by Questioning (TEQ), Think Pair Share (TPS), metacognitive skill, Biology’s student achievement,  retention.               Humans are one of the creatures who have individual differences between people. Such differences include differences of minorities, ethnic / racial, religious, gender, economic condition, place of origin / origin, disability / mental, and age. South Malang regency, Gondanglegi is one area that has a diversity of ethnic differences: Java and Madura. Gondanglegi 1st Senior High School was using behavioristic in learning to apply the learning that has not been able to develop reasoning and lines of communication between students who have different ethnicities. Biology lesson should be used cooperative learning strategies and empowering students proper reasoning that the learning strategy Thinking Empowering by Questioning (TEQ) combined Think Pair Share (TPS) to improve metacognitive skills, students achievement, and student’s retention. This experiment is a quasi experimental with pretest posttest Nonequivalent Group Design. Data were analyzed using the statistics of Anacova.  Results of data analysis showed that there was no significant effect of ethnic differences on metacognition skills, student achievement, and retention. of students in Gondanglegi 1st Senior High School. Significance level of the test results of metacognitive skills is 0,953; students achievement is 0,628; metacognitive skills retention is 0,717; retention of student achievement 0,923. Ethnicity has not affect the metacognitive skills, student achievement, and student retention, but there can be increased. Javanese metacognitive skills enhancement for 193.03%, while the ethnic Madurese students at 197.85%. Improved students achievement Javanese 161.81%, while the ethnic Madurese students at 176.18%. Increased retention of metacognitive skills Javanese Javanese of 2.43%, while the ethnic Madurese students has decreased by 2.89%. Retention of student students achievement Javanese decreased by 16.79%, while the ethnic Madurese students at 17.32%. Ethnic differences do not affect the metacognitive skills, students achievement, and student retention. Implementation of cooperative learning TEQ + TPS and ethnic stereotyping each capable of providing positive support in the learning activities. Based on the results of research and discussion, it is suggested that teachers can implement instructional strategies TEQ + TPS to empower and enhanced metacognitive skills, students achievement, and student’s retention