103 research outputs found

    The influence of microclimate on the inside glass objects

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    Tato diplomovĂĄ prĂĄce se zabĂœvĂĄ problematikou vlivu prosklenĂ­ na vnitƙnĂ­ mikroklima objektĆŻ. PƙedevĆĄĂ­m jsem se zaměƙila na stĂ­nĂ­cĂ­ součinitel a na rĆŻznĂ© vlivy, kterĂ© ho ovlivƈujĂ­. V diplomovĂ© prĂĄci dĂĄle najdeme i pĆŻvod a sloĆŸenĂ­ slunečnĂ­ho záƙenĂ­, vznik tepelnĂ© zĂĄtÄ›ĆŸe a lom světla. V dalĆĄĂ­ části diplomovĂ© prĂĄce jsem se zaměƙila na nĂĄvrh dvou variant stĂ­nĂ­cĂ­ho součinitele a jeho dopadu na tepelnou zĂĄtÄ›ĆŸ tělocvičny, sportovnĂ­ haly a s tĂ­m spojenĂ© potƙebnĂ© změny. PoslednĂ­ část tĂ©to prĂĄce se věnuje experimentĂĄlnĂ­mu měƙenĂ­ slunečnĂ­ radiace dopadajĂ­cĂ­, prochĂĄzejĂ­cĂ­ oknem na fyzickĂ©m reĂĄlnĂ©m modelu. Z naměƙenĂœch hodnot jsme určili reĂĄlnĂœ stĂ­nĂ­cĂ­ součinitel a nĂĄsledně ho aplikovali v pƙedeĆĄlĂ© části tĂ©to prĂĄce.This master thesis deals with the influence of glazing on the microclimate inside buildings. In particular, I focused on the shading coefficient and the various factors that affect it. The thesis also concentrates on the origin and composition of the solar radiation, the formation of thermal stress and refraction. In the next part of the thesis, I focused on designing two variants of shielding factor and its impact on the thermal load of gym, sports hall and the related necessary changes. The last part of the thesis deals with experimental measurements of incident solar radiation passing through the window into real physical model. From the measured values, we determined realistic shading coefficient and then applied it in the previous section of this thesis.

    Detached house with shop of cloths and haberdashery in Praha - LibuĆĄ

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    BakaláƙskĂĄ prĂĄce je projekt vĂ­cepodlaĆŸnĂ­ho rodinĂ©ho domu s prodejnou textilu v Praze - LibuĆĄi. DĆŻm je určen pro dvě rodiny. prodejna textiluje umĂ­stěna v 1NP a je funkčně zcela nezĂĄvislĂĄ na provozu rodinnĂ©ho domu. Vstup prodejny je situovĂĄn do hlavnĂ­ ulice. Vstup do obytnĂ© části je z ulice vedlejĆĄĂ­.PobytovĂ© mĂ­stnosti jsou orientovĂĄny na jihozĂĄpad. Objekt mĂĄ stěny z keramickĂœch tvĂĄrnic Porotherm, strop a schodiĆĄtě jsou ĆŸelezobetonovĂĄ monolitickĂĄ. Projek byl zpracovĂĄn ve vĂœukovĂ© verzi programu Autocad, sdutie byly zpracovĂĄny v programu Archicad. Pƙi zpracovĂĄnĂ­ byl kladen dĆŻraz na architektonickĂ© a dispozičnĂ­ ƙeĆĄenĂ­, statickĂ© poĆŸadaky a bezpečnost pƙi uĆŸĂ­vĂĄnĂ­.The bachelor thesis is a project of a multi-storey detached house with shop of cloth and haberdashery in Prague. The house is designed for two families. The shop is located in the 1st floor and is functionally completely independent of the operation of the residential part. The entrance of the shop is located on the main street. The entrance to the residential part is on side street. The rooms are oriented to the southwest. The building has walls made of ceramic blocks Porotherm, the ceiling and the stairs are monolithic reinforced concrete. The project was worked out in a training version of Autocad, the editions were processed in the Archicad program. During processing the emphasis was on architectural and layout solutions, static requirements and safety in use.

    "Bring mir etwas..." : Wallfahrtgeschenke

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    Alte und neue Wallfahrtsorte

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    Addig, amĂ­g a XX. szĂĄzad közepĂ©n, a nĂ©met nyelvterĂŒleten, majd az 1970-es Ă©vektƑl a skandinĂĄv orszĂĄgokban is fellendĂŒlt a bĂșcsĂșjĂĄrĂĄs kutatĂĄsa, addig ez a tĂ©makör, s egyĂĄltalĂĄn a nĂ©pi vallĂĄsossĂĄg vizsgĂĄlata a tĂĄrsadalomtudomĂĄnyok szigorĂș marxista ideolĂłgiĂĄjĂș orientĂĄciĂłja miatt Cseh- Ă©s MorvaorszĂĄgban, valamint SzlovĂĄkia terĂŒletĂ©n kutatatlan maradt. A vallĂĄsos nĂ©pmƱvĂ©szetre legfeljebb a teolĂłgiai fƑiskolĂĄkon fordĂ­tottak mellĂ©kesen figyelmet. Laikus munkĂĄk jelentek meg csupĂĄn. A vallĂĄsos nĂ©pĂ©let, egyĂĄltalĂĄn a vallĂĄs, a keresztĂ©nysĂ©g Ă©s mĂĄs vallĂĄsok irĂĄnti Ă©rdeklƑdĂ©s 1989 utĂĄn Ă©lĂ©nkĂŒlt m eg több tudomĂĄnyĂĄg felƑl is, de a vallĂĄsi nĂ©prajz, ellentĂ©tben a nĂ©met nyelvterĂŒlet orszĂĄgaival, Ă©s pl. MagyarorszĂĄggal nem vĂĄlt a nĂ©prajzon belĂŒl önĂĄllĂł, elkĂŒlönĂŒlt diszciplĂ­nĂĄvĂĄ. A bĂșcsĂșjĂĄrĂĄs kibontakozĂĄsa - a XIV-XVI. szĂĄzadi visszaesĂ©s utĂĄn - az 1620-as fehĂ©rhegyi csatĂĄval fĂŒggött össze, amely a protestĂĄns cseh nemessĂ©g veresĂ©gĂ©t hozta magĂĄval. A megkezdƑdƑ rekatolizĂĄciĂł felĂ©lesztette a rĂ©gi kegyhelyeket, Ășjakat hozott lĂ©tre, s hamarosan a kegyhelyek, szentkutak, kĂĄlvĂĄriĂĄk, remetesĂ©gek egĂ©sz sora hĂĄlĂłzta be az orszĂĄgot. A bĂșcsĂșjĂĄrĂłhelyek összetĂ©tele hasonlĂł volt EurĂłpa mĂĄs orszĂĄgaiĂ©hoz: legtöbb MĂĄria-kegyhely volt, majd Krisztus Ă©s SzenthĂĄromsĂĄg, Szent Anna, a nemzeti vĂ©dƑszentek, illetƑleg a gazdasĂĄgi Ă©let vĂ©dƑszentjeinek kegyhelyei következtek. A nagy eurĂłpai kegyhelyek, Loreto, Passau, Mariazell stb. fĂ­liĂĄciĂł is megtalĂĄlhatĂłk. A MĂĄria-ĂĄbrĂĄzolĂĄsok tĂĄrsadalmi jelentƑsĂ©ge azzal is dokumentĂĄlhatĂł, hogy azokat az egyes tartomĂĄnyok patrĂłnĂĄjĂĄvĂĄ emeltĂ©k. Ă­gy lett pl. a StarĂĄ Boleslav-i MĂĄria-relief a cseh korona orszĂĄgainak pallĂĄdiuma, a Szent TamĂĄs-Madonna pedig MorvaorszĂĄgĂ©. A csehorszĂĄgi helyzetet jĂłl pĂ©ldĂĄzza, hogy az egyetlen csodĂĄs esemĂ©nyrƑl mĂĄig nem lehet tudni, hogy az a kommunista hatĂłsĂĄgok provokĂĄciĂłja volt-e vagy a vallĂĄsos Ă©let csodĂĄs esemĂ©nye. A XX. szĂĄzad mĂĄsodik felĂ©nek bĂșcsĂșjĂĄrĂĄst formĂĄlĂł csodĂĄs esem Ă©nyei C sehszlovĂĄkia szlovĂĄkiai rĂ©szĂ©ben törtĂ©ntek: Turzovka (TurzĂłfalva, vagy TrencsĂ©n m.), LietmanovĂĄ (HĂĄrsĂĄd, vagy Szepes m.). Turzovka tipikus pĂ©ldĂĄja az egyhĂĄz ĂĄltal el nem ismert nĂ©pi bĂșcsĂșjĂĄrĂłhelyeknek, ahol az egyĂ©ni Ă©s kiscsoportos zarĂĄndoklatok dominĂĄlnak a szervezett tömeges zarĂĄndoklatok helyett, s amely az egyĂ©ni vallĂĄsossĂĄg mai ĂĄllapotĂĄnak is jelzƑje: az odavezetƑ erdei Ășt fĂĄin kĂ©pek, mƱvirĂĄgok, dĂ­szek fĂŒggnek, kĂŒlföldi kegyhelyekrƑl szĂĄrmazĂł kĂ©peslapok lĂĄthatĂłk. A turzovkai vallĂĄsossĂĄg „pogĂĄny, babonĂĄs" karaktere Ă©lesen szembenĂĄll az elsƑ pillantĂĄsra is nagyon szekularizĂĄlt vidĂ©kkel. Az utĂłbbi Ă©vtizedben azonban mĂĄr utazĂĄsi irodĂĄk is felvettĂ©k cĂ©lhelyeik közĂ©. A dĂ©l-morva ZaroSice ezzel szemben klasszikus pĂ©ldĂĄja a XVII. szĂĄzadtĂłl megszakĂ­tatlan bĂșcsĂșjĂĄrĂł helynek Ă©s hagyomĂĄnynak. Ez itt tömeges jellegƱ, s összefĂŒggĂ©sben van a rekatolizĂĄciĂłval. A XVII-XIX. szĂĄzadban a hely nagytĂĄji jelentƑsĂ©gƱvĂ© vĂĄlt. A XX. szĂĄzadi ideolĂłgiai tiltĂĄsok ellenĂ©re sem szƱnt meg, sƑt a „demonstratio catholica" helye lett a kommunista ideolĂłgiĂĄval szemben. A kegyhely kultuszĂĄban barokk-kori elemek is megƑrzƑdtek. Turzovka Ă©s Zarosice a spontĂĄn keletkezĂ©sƱ Ă©s a szervezett kegyhelyek tipikus pĂ©ldĂĄja

    Town social house

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    DiplomovĂĄ prĂĄce je projekt novostavby společenskĂ©ho domu o 2 nadzemnĂ­ch a jedno podzemnĂ­m podlaĆŸĂ­. Projekt je zpracovĂĄn ve stupni pro provĂĄděnĂ­ stavby, se zaměƙenĂ­m stavebně-architektonickĂœm. SoučástĂ­ prĂĄce je ƙeĆĄenĂ­ stavebně-fyzikĂĄlnĂ­ a poĆŸĂĄrnĂ­.The thesis is a project to newbuild a city community centre (house) with 2 above ground and one underground floor. The project is being processed in a stage for construction, with a focus on building and architectural design. Part of the thesis is building-physical and fire-fighting solutions.

    Kyselé peptidåzy schistosom a krevsajících monogeneí

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    Krev je komplexnĂ­ směs bohatĂĄ na ĆŸiviny. NenĂ­ proto divu, ĆŸe si hematofĂĄgii osvojilo mnoho bezobratlĂœch, včetně mnoho parazitickĂœch helmintĆŻ. Obecně platĂ­, ĆŸe zpracovĂĄnĂ­ hemoglobinu (a i jinĂœch krevnĂ­ch proteinĆŻ) je u krevsajĂ­cĂ­ch helmintĆŻ zaloĆŸenĂ© na evolučně konzervovanĂ© sĂ­ti cysteinovĂœch a aspartickĂœch peptidĂĄz (napƙ. katepsiny L, B and D). NicmĂ©ně, některĂ© skupiny helmintĆŻ byly z tohoto hlediska opomĂ­jeny - velmi mĂĄlo informacĂ­ bylo znĂĄmo o vĂœskytu těchto enzymĆŻ u hematofĂĄgnĂ­ch monogeneĂ­. PƙedklĂĄdanĂĄ prĂĄce se proto zaměƙila na molekulĂĄrnĂ­ a biochemickĂ© vlastnosti peptidĂĄz, kterĂ© se mohou potenciĂĄlně podĂ­let na zpracovĂĄnĂ­ krve u monogenea Eudiplozoon nipponicum (Heteronchoinea, Diplozoidae), ektoparazita z ĆŸaber kapra obecnĂ©ho. V homogenĂĄtu a exkrečně/sekrečnĂ­ch produktech E. nipponcum pƙevaĆŸovala aktivita cysteinovĂœch aspartickĂœch endopeptidĂĄz, s aktivitou typu katepsinu L pƙevaĆŸujĂ­cĂ­ nad aktivitou typu katepsinu B a doplněnĂ© o aktivitu typu cathepsinu D (člĂĄnek 1). DĂĄle jsme zjistili, ĆŸe dospělec E. nipponicum exprimuje ĆĄirokou ĆĄkĂĄlu katepsinĆŻ L, kterĂ© majĂ­ odliĆĄnĂ© strukturĂĄlnĂ­ vlastnosti a tĂ­m pravděpodobně i odliĆĄnĂ© funkce. Vlastnosti a lokalizace dvou vysoce exprimovanĂœch EnCL naznačujĂ­ jejich roli pƙi trĂĄvenĂ­ proteinĆŻ hostitelskĂ© krve. Je pƙekvapivĂ©, ĆŸe pouze jedinĂœ katepsin B je...Blood is a complex nutrient-rich mixture. No wonder that haematophagy has been adopted as a feeding strategy by many invertebrates, including many parasitic helminths. In general, processing of haemoglobin (and other blood proteins) in blood-feeding helminths relies on an evolutionary conserved network of cysteine and aspartic peptidases (e.g., cathepsins L, B and D). However, some helminth taxa have been neglected from this point of view - very little information has been available about the occurrence of these enzymes in haematophagous monogeneans. Therefore, the presented thesis focuses on the molecular and biochemical characteristics of peptidases that maybe potentially involved in blood processing by the monogenean Eudiplozoon nipponicum (Heteronchoinea, Diplozoidae), an ectoparasite inhabiting gills of common carp. We show that the most abundant haemoglobinolytic endopeptidase activities in soluble protein extracts and excretory/secretory products of E. nipponicum belong to the cysteine and aspartic classes, with cathepsin L-like activity predominating over cathepsin B-like activity and supplemented with cathepsin D-like activity (paper 1). Additionally, we found that E. nipponicum adults express a variety of cathepsins L with different structural characteristics and probably different...Department of ParasitologyKatedra parazitologieFaculty of SciencePƙírodovědeckĂĄ fakult

    Study of Influence Burning on Rise of Defects Vitreous Enamel Coatings

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    Import 05/08/2014Tato bakaláƙskĂĄ prĂĄce je zaměƙenĂĄ na studium povrchovĂœch Ășprav materiĂĄlu, sklovitĂœch smaltovĂœch povlakĆŻ a na jejich vlastnosti. DĂĄle se zaměƙíme na vypalovĂĄnĂ­ smaltu a vady smaltu, kterĂ© mohou pƙi vypalovĂĄnĂ­ vznikat. V Ășvodu bakaláƙskĂ© prĂĄce jsou popsĂĄny vlastnosti a popis sklovitĂœch smaltovĂœch povlakĆŻ. DĂĄle popisuje technologickĂœ zpĆŻsob vĂœroby a nanĂĄĆĄenĂ­ smaltĆŻ. V zĂĄvěru pojednĂĄvĂĄ o prostudovĂĄnĂ­ informacĂ­ pro zpracovĂĄnĂ­ prĂĄce a o zĂ­skĂĄnĂ­ informacĂ­ ohledně vad sklovitĂœch smaltovĂœch povlakĆŻ.This bachelor's thesis is focused on the study of surface modification of materials, vitreous enamel coatings and their attributes. Furthermore, we will focus on burn of the enamel and enamel defects that can appear in the process. In the introduction of the bachelorÂŽs thesis there are describes the attributes and description of vitreous enamel coatings. This thesis also describes a technological production method and applying enamels. In conclusion discusses about study of information for processing work and about obtaining information about the defects of vitreous enamel coatings.345 - Katedra mechanickĂ© technologiedobƙ


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    In presented work the influence of dielectric barrier thickness on the parameters of Diffuse Coplanar Surface Barrier Discharge was investigated. The discharge was operated at atmospheric pressure laboratory air. The electrical parameters of the system were studied both experimentally and using numerical simulations. The discharge pattern was studied as well using intensified CCD camera


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    The title compound, C15H18N4O3, was formed by the reaction of methanol with 5-ethyl-1,3-dimethyl­alloxazinium perchlorate. Its structure mimics those of possible flavin inter­mediates in flavoenzymes. The heterocyclic rings are substituted with methyl, ethyl and meth­oxy groups. The central tricyclic skeleton is bent due to the presence of an sp 3 C atom. There are weak inter­molecular C—H⋯O inter­actions in the structure, forming a three-dimensional network
