142 research outputs found

    Sparsity exploitation via discovering graphical models in multi-variate time-series forecasting

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    Graph neural networks (GNNs) have been widely applied in multi-variate time-series forecasting (MTSF) tasks because of their capability in capturing the correlations among different time-series. These graph-based learning approaches improve the forecasting performance by discovering and understanding the underlying graph structures, which represent the data correlation. When the explicit prior graph structures are not available, most existing works cannot guarantee the sparsity of the generated graphs that make the overall model computational expensive and less interpretable. In this work, we propose a decoupled training method, which includes a graph generating module and a GNNs forecasting module. First, we use Graphical Lasso (or GraphLASSO) to directly exploit the sparsity pattern from data to build graph structures in both static and time-varying cases. Second, we fit these graph structures and the input data into a Graph Convolutional Recurrent Network (GCRN) to train a forecasting model. The experimental results on three real-world datasets show that our novel approach has competitive performance against existing state-of-the-art forecasting algorithms while providing sparse, meaningful and explainable graph structures and reducing training time by approximately 40%. Our PyTorch implementation is publicly available at https://github.com/HySonLab/GraphLASS

    Performance Evaluation of Pre-foamed Ultra-lightweight Composites Incorporating Various Proportions of Slag

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    This research examines the feasibility of using a mixture of cement, fly ash, ground granulated blast-furnace slag, and river sand to manufacture pre-foamed ultra-lightweight composite (PULC). Four PULC specimens were prepared with the substitution of cement by slag at 0, 10, 20, and 30 % by weight. The engineering properties of PULC samples were evaluated through the tests of compressive strength, dry density, water absorption, drying shrinkage, and thermal conductivity. Besides, numerical simulation of heat transfer through the PULC brick wall and the microstructure observation were performed. The performance of PULC mixtures incorporating slag showed higher effectiveness than merely used cement. The substitution of 20 % cement by slag resulted in the highest compressive strength as well as the lowest value of water absorption of the PULC samples. Also, the efficiency of the thermal conductivity was in inverse proportion with the density of PULC specimens and it was right for water absorption and drying shrinkage. Moreover, numerical simulations showed that the temperature distribution values in the wall made by PULC material were smaller than in the wall made by the normal clay brick in the same position. Besides, the microstructure analysis revealed that the existence of slag generated a more dense structure of PULC samples with the addition of calcium-silicate-hydrate (C-S-H) gel, especially for a mix containing 20 % slag. Thus, the results of this study further demonstrated that a 20 % slag was the optimal content for the good engineering properties of the PULC samples

    Genome-wide association and pathway analysis of feed efficiency in pigs reveal candidate genes and pathways for residual feed intake

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    Residual feed intake (RFI) is a complex trait that is economically important for livestock production; however, the genetic and biological mechanisms regulating RFI are largely unknown in pigs. Therefore, the study aimed to identify single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), candidate genes and biological pathways involved in regulating RFI using Genome-wide association (GWA) and pathway analyses. A total of 596 Yorkshire boars with phenotypes for two different measures of RFI (RFI1 and 2) and 60k genotypic data was used. Genome-wide association analysis was performed using a univariate mixed model and 12 and 7 SNPs were found to be significantly associated with RFI1 and RFI2, respectively. Several genes such as XIRP2, TTC29, SOGA1, MAS1, GRK5, PROX1, GPR155 and ZFYVE26 were identified as putative candidates for RFI based on their genomic location in the vicinity of these SNPs. Genes located within 50 kilo base pairs of SNPs significantly associated with RFI and RFI2 (q-value ≤ 0.2) were subsequently used for pathway analyses. These analyses were performed by assigning genes to biological pathways and then testing the association of individual pathways with RFI using a Fisher’s exact test. Metabolic pathway was significantly associated with both RFIs. Other biological pathways regulating phagosome, tight junctions, olfactory transduction, and insulin secretion were significantly associated with both RFI traits when relaxed threshold for cut-off p-value was used (p ≤ 0.05). These results implied porcine RFI is regulated by multiple biological mechanisms, although the metabolic processes might be the most important. Olfactory transduction pathway controlling the perception of feed via smell, insulin pathway controlling food intake might be important pathways for RFI. Furthermore, our study revealed key genes and genetic variants that control feed efficiency that could potentially be useful for genetic selection of more feed efficient pigs

    Primary Evaluation on Growth Performances of Stress Negative Piétrain Pigs Raised in Hai Phong Province of Vietnam

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    peer reviewedThe present study was carried out on 19 stress negative Piétrain pigs (Pietrain ReHal), consisting of 13 gilts and 6 young boars imported from Belgium, raised in the livestock farm of Dong Hiep (Hai Phong) in order to evaluate growth performances and their adaptability in the North of Vietnam. Results showed that the average body weight of the whole herd at 2, 4, 5.5, and 8.5 months old was 19.05, 51.05, 85.82, and 119.47 kg, respectively. During the growing periods, except the first stage, the male grew faster than the female and the pigs of the CT genotype grew faster than those of CC genotype although the difference was not significant (P>0.05). The average daily gain (ADG) was 528.56 grams for the whole herd. The ADG was higher for the male (546.48 grams) than for the female (520.29 grams), and its was higher for the CT than the CC, but the difference was not statistically significant (P>0.05). The feed conversion ratio (FCR) was 2.69 kg. The estimated lean percentage at 8.5 months old was 64.08%. The results indicate that Piétrain stress negative pigs could develop well on the farm conditions in Hai Phong, Vietnam

    Approximation solution for steel concrete beam accounting high-order shear deformation using trigonometric-series

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    Steel concrete beams have a reasonable structure in terms of using material and high load carrying capacity. This paper deals with an approximate solution based on a trigonometric series for the static of steel concrete beams. The displacement field is based on the higher-order theory using Reddy’s hypothesis. The governing equations are derived from variation principles. An approximate solution based on the representation of displacement fields by trigonometric series is developed to solve the static problem of steel concrete beams. In order to verify the accuracy of the present approximate solution, numerical results are compared with those of exact solutions using classical beam theory. The displacements and nominal stress distributions in the depth direction are obtained with various high of beams. The present approximate approach can accurately predict the displacements and stresses of steel concrete beams

    Approximation solution for steel concrete beam accounting high-order shear deformation using trigonometric-series

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    Steel concrete beams have a reasonable structure in terms of using material and high load carrying capacity. This paper deals with an approximate solution based on a trigonometric series for the static of steel concrete beams. The displacement field is based on the higher-order theory using Reddy’s hypothesis. The governing equations are derived from variation principles. An approximate solution based on the representation of displacement fields by trigonometric series is developed to solve the static problem of steel concrete beams. In order to verify the accuracy of the present approximate solution, numerical results are compared with those of exact solutions using classical beam theory. The displacements and nominal stress distributions in the depth direction are obtained with various high of beams. The present approximate approach can accurately predict the displacements and stresses of steel concrete beams

    Suppression of electrolyzed fertiliser solution (EFS) on Panama disease caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense on banana plantlets

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    Electrolyzed fertilizer solution (EFS) was produced by passing an irrigation solution through an electrolization chamber in order to suppress fungal disease caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense race 4 (Foc4) infecting banana plantlets. In the laboratory, EFS was prepared by electrolyzing solutions containing different amounts of potassium chloride and potassium nitrate. The results indicated a significant reduction in the conidial densities of Foc4 which was from 10 6 spores · ml –1 to a maximum of 10 1.3 spores · ml –1 and depended on the concentration of components in the input flow. Eventually the EFS produced from the lowest one was chosen to treat banana plantlets. Greenhouse experiments gave contradictory results of inoculated plantlets irrigated with or without EFS. The untreated banana plantlets virtually showed symptoms of infection such as discoloration of cross-cut corms, rapid wilting and dying within 60 days, while the treated ones kept their shapes and grew normally. The drastic fall in the microbial population in the rhizosphere of treated plants confirmed the activity of oxidation agents which is the major mechanism of disease suppression. The results suggest that further studies of EFS in the field as a potential technique in fighting Panama wilt in the banana industry are necessary

    Detection of quantitative trait loci affecting serum cholesterol, LDL, HDL, and triglyceride in pigs

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Serum lipids are associated with many serious cardiovascular diseases and obesity problems. Many quantitative trait loci (QTL) have been reported in the pig mostly for performance traits but very few for the serum lipid traits. In contrast, remarkable numbers of QTL are mapped for serum lipids in humans and mice. Therefore, the objective of this research was to investigate the chromosomal regions influencing the serum level of the total cholesterol (CT), triglyceride (TG), high density protein cholesterol (HDL) and low density protein cholesterol (LDL) in pigs. For this purpose, a total of 330 animals from a Duroc × Pietrain F2 resource population were phenotyped for serum lipids using ELISA and were genotyped by using 122 microsatellite markers covering all porcine autosomes for QTL study in QTL Express. Blood sampling was performed at approximately 175 days before slaughter of the pig.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Most of the traits were correlated with each other and were influenced by average daily gain, slaughter date and age. A total of 18 QTL including three QTL with imprinting effect were identified on 11 different porcine autosomes. Most of the QTL reached to 5% chromosome-wide (CW) level significance including a QTL at 5% experiment-wide (GW) and a QTL at 1% GW level significance. Of these QTL four were identified for both the CT and LDL and two QTL were identified for both the TG and LDL. Moreover, three chromosomal regions were detected for the HDL/LDL ratio in this study. One QTL for HDL on SSC2 and two QTL for TG on SSC11 and 17 were detected with imprinting effect. The highly significant QTL (1% GW) was detected for LDL at 82 cM on SSC1, whereas significant QTL (5% GW) was identified for HDL/LDL on SSC1 at 87 cM. Chromosomal regions with pleiotropic effects were detected for correlated traits on SSC1, 7 and 12. Most of the QTL identified for serum lipid traits correspond with the previously reported QTL for similar traits in other mammals. Two novel QTL on SSC16 for HDL and HDL/LDL ratio and an imprinted QTL on SSS17 for TG were detected in the pig for the first time.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The newly identified QTL are potentially involved in lipid metabolism. The results of this work shed new light on the genetic background of serum lipid concentrations and these findings will be helpful to identify candidate genes in these QTL regions related to lipid metabolism and serum lipid concentrations in pigs.</p