82 research outputs found

    An Innovative Approach in Post Combustion Carbon Capture and Sequestration towards Reduction of Energy Penalty in Regeneration of Solvent

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    India as a fast growing economy is pursuing strategic knowledge mission for focused research in the area of climate change. Our R&D in Carbon Capture & Sequestration (CCS) will be initially focused on post combustion carbon capture on coal fired power plants. India is 3rd largest emitter of world after China and US with a share of 6.9% in global emission of CO2, however, India’s per capita GHG emission is only 1.6 MT per annum (MTPA) which is well below the world average 7.5 MTPA. National Mission on Strategic Knowledge for Climate Change aims to develop a better understanding of Climate Science impacts and challenges. The planning commission has announced the Government’s interest in adding a ninth mission i.e. ‘Clean Coal Technologies mission’ that would include Carbon Capture & Sequestration. As regards Carbon Capture & Sequestration (CCS) on coal fired power plants in India is concerned, an innovative concept of integrating solar thermal for steam production will pave way for reducing energy penalty in regeneration of solvents from a level of over 15% to around 05%. This chapter deals with an innovative approach of CCS in which the major issues of energy penalty reduction have been taken care of through use of Solar Steam Generation, through concentrated solar plant (CSP) with 24 × 7 thermal energy storage (TES)

    Machine learning methods trained on simple models can predict critical transitions in complex natural systems

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    Forecasting sudden changes in complex systems is a critical but challenging task, with previously developed methods varying widely in their reliability. Here we develop a novel detection method, using simple theoretical models to train a deep neural network to detect critical transitions—the Early Warning Signal Network (EWSNet). We then demonstrate that this network, trained on simulated data, can reliably predict observed real-world transitions in systems ranging from rapid climatic change to the collapse of ecological populations. Importantly, our model appears to capture latent properties in time series missed by previous warning signals approaches, allowing us to not only detect if a transition is approaching, but critically whether the collapse will be catastrophic or non-catastrophic. These novel properties mean EWSNet has the potential to serve as an indicator of transitions across a broad spectrum of complex systems, without requiring information on the structure of the system being monitored. Our work highlights the practicality of deep learning for addressing further questions pertaining to ecosystem collapse and has much broader management implications

    Učinak dodatka kondenziranih tanina putem obroka od mješavine lišća Ficus infectoria i Psidium guajava na antioksidacijski status eritrocita, imunosni odgovor i želučano-crijevne obliće u janjadi (Ovis aries)

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    This experimental study was carried out to assess the effect of condensed tannins (CT) through a leaf meal mixture of Ficus infectoria and Psidium guajava, on erythrocytic antioxidant status, immune response and gastrointestinal nematodes in lambs. Twenty-four non-descript lambs were randomly divided into four groups, consisting of six lambs in each, in a completely randomized block design, and randomly allocated to 4 dietary treatments: CT-0, CT-1, CT-1.5 and CT-2 containing 0, 1, 1.5 and 2.0 percent CT, respectively. The erythrocytic antioxidant status was monitored in all lambs at 0, 45, 90, 135, 180 days of feeding, however, humoral and cell mediated immune responses were determined at the end of the feeding trial. Hemoglobin was found to be highest (P<0.05) in CT-1.5 followed by CT-1, CT-2 and CT-0, respectively. CT supplementation significantly (P<0.05) improved the antioxidant status, as indicated by increased levels of glutathione peroxidase, catalase, reduced glutathione, glutathione-S-transferase, superoxide dismutase, total thiol and protein bound thiol group and decreased lipid peroxidase in the lambs. Supplementation of CT significantly (P<0.05) improved the cell mediated immune response in lambs. The fecal egg counts (FEC) in lambs were significantly (P<0.01) higher in the control group (CT-0), followed by CT-1, CT-1.5 and CT-2. The pooled fecal cultures of the lambs revealed that the majority of the infective larvae were from Haemonchus contortus. The FEC in the control was significantly higher (P<0.05) throughout the study period compared to the CT-1.5 and CT-2 groups. It may be concluded that dietary supplementation of CT (1-2%) through LMM improved the erythrocytic antioxidant status and immune response, and reduced FEC in lambs.Istraživanje je provedeno u svrhu procjene učinka kondenziranih tanina (KT), dodanih putem obroka od mješavine lišća Ficus infectoria i Psidium guajava, na antioksidacijski status eritrocita, imunosni odgovor i želučano-crijevne obliće u janjadi. Dvadeset i četiri janjeta slučajnim su odabirom bila razvrstana u četiri skupine po šest janjadi u svakoj skupini. Randomiziranim kompletnim blok-dizajnom i nasumičnim pridjeljivanjem formirane su četiri skupine s različitim udjelom KT u obroku: skupina KT-0 (0% KT), skupina KT-1 (1%), skupina KT-1,5 (1,5%) i skupina KT-2 (2%). Kod sve janjadi praćen je antioksidacijski status eritrocita 0., 45., 90., 135. i 180. dan hranidbe, a na kraju istraživanja određen je humoralni i stanični imunosni odgovor. Najviša razina (P<0,05) haemoglobina utvrđena je u skupini KT-1,5 nakon koje su slijedile skupine KT-1, KT-2 i KT-0. Dodani je KT signifikantno (P<0,05) poboljšao antioksidacijski status janjadi što su pokazale povišene razine glutation-peroksidaze, katalaze, zatim redukcija razine glutationa, glutation-S-transferaze, superoksid-dismutaze, ukupnog tiola i protein vezane tiol skupine kao i sniženje razine lipidne peroksidaze. Dodavanje KT signifikantno je (P<0,05) poboljšalo stanični imunosni odgovor janjadi. Broj jaja u fecesu bio je signifikantno (P<0,01) viši u kontrolnoj skupini (KT-0) janjadi nakon koje su slijedile skupine KT-1, KT-1,5 i KT-2. Skupne kulture iz fecesa janjadi pokazale su da većina invazivnih larvi pripada vrsti Haemonchus contortus. Broj jaja u fecesu kontrolne skupine janjadi bio je tijekom cijeloga istraživanog razdoblja signifikantno povišen (P<0,05) u odnosu na skupine KT-1,5 i KT-2. Može se zaključiti da je dodavanjem mješavine lišća s 1 – 2% KT u obroku kod janjadi poboljšan antioksidacijski status eritrocita i imunosni odgovor te smanjen broj prazitskih jajašaca u fecesu

    Bhabha Scattering with Radiated Gravitons at Linear Colliders

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    We study the process e+- e- -> e+- e- +- missing energy at a high-energy e+- e- collider, where the missing energy arises from the radiation of Kaluza-Klein gravitons in a model with large extra dimensions. It is shown that at a high-energy linear collider, this process can not only confirm the signature of such theories but can also sometimes be comparable in effectiveness to the commonly discussed channel e+- e- -> gamma +- missing energy, especially for a large number of extra dimensions and with polarized beams. We also suggest some ways of distinguishing the signals of a graviton tower from other types of new physics signals by combining data on our suggested channel with those on the photon-graviton channel.Comment: 16 pages, LaTex, 8 figures embedded, typos, report no and references correcte

    Wireless Communication Networks for Gas Turbine Engine Testing

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    A new trend in the field of Aeronautical Engine Health Monitoring is the implementation of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) for data acquisition and condition monitoring to partially replace heavy and complex wiring harnesses, which limit the versatility of the monitoring process as well as creating practical deployment issues. Using wireless technologies instead of fixed wiring will fuel opportunities for reduced cabling, faster sensor and network deployment, increased data acquisition flexibility and reduced cable maintenance costs. However, embedding wireless technology into an aero engine (even in the ground testing application considered here) presents some very significant challenges, e.g. a harsh environment with a complex RF transmission environment, high sensor density and high data-rate. In this paper we discuss the results of the Wireless Data Acquisition in Gas Turbine Engine Testing (WIDAGATE) project, which aimed to design and simulate such a network to estimate network performance and de-risk the wireless techniques before the deployment

    Summary of the Activities of the Working Group I on High Energy and Collider Physics

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    This is a summary of the projects undertaken by the Working Group I on High Energy Collider Physics at the Eighth Workshop on High Energy Physics Phenomenology (WHEPP8) held at the Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai, January 5-16, 2004. The topics covered are (i) Higgs searches (ii) supersymmetry searches (iii) extra dimensions and (iv) linear collider.Comment: summary of Working Group I at the Eighth Workshop on High Energy Physics Phenomenology (WHEPP8), I.I.T., Mumbai, January 5-16, 200

    Macrophages retain hematopoietic stem cells in the spleen via VCAM-1

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    Splenic myelopoiesis provides a steady flow of leukocytes to inflamed tissues, and leukocytosis correlates with cardiovascular mortality. Yet regulation of hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) activity in the spleen is incompletely understood. Here, we show that red pulp vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 (VCAM-1)[superscript +] macrophages are essential to extramedullary myelopoiesis because these macrophages use the adhesion molecule VCAM-1 to retain HSCs in the spleen. Nanoparticle-enabled in vivo RNAi silencing of the receptor for macrophage colony stimulation factor (M-CSFR) blocked splenic macrophage maturation, reduced splenic VCAM-1 expression and compromised splenic HSC retention. Both, depleting macrophages in CD169 iDTR mice or silencing VCAM-1 in macrophages released HSCs from the spleen. When we silenced either VCAM-1 or M-CSFR in mice with myocardial infarction or in ApoE[superscript −/−] mice with atherosclerosis, nanoparticle-enabled in vivo RNAi mitigated blood leukocytosis, limited inflammation in the ischemic heart, and reduced myeloid cell numbers in atherosclerotic plaques

    Rate-Induced Transitions in Networked Complex Adaptive Systems: Exploring Dynamics and Management Implications Across Ecological, Social, and Socioecological Systems

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    Complex adaptive systems (CASs), from ecosystems to economies, are open systems and inherently dependent on external conditions. While a system can transition from one state to another based on the magnitude of change in external conditions, the rate of change -- irrespective of magnitude -- may also lead to system state changes due to a phenomenon known as a rate-induced transition (RIT). This study presents a novel framework that captures RITs in CASs through a local model and a network extension where each node contributes to the structural adaptability of others. Our findings reveal how RITs occur at a critical environmental change rate, with lower-degree nodes tipping first due to fewer connections and reduced adaptive capacity. High-degree nodes tip later as their adaptability sources (lower-degree nodes) collapse. This pattern persists across various network structures. Our study calls for an extended perspective when managing CASs, emphasizing the need to focus not only on thresholds of external conditions but also the rate at which those conditions change, particularly in the context of the collapse of surrounding systems that contribute to the focal system's resilience. Our analytical method opens a path to designing management policies that mitigate RIT impacts and enhance resilience in ecological, social, and socioecological systems. These policies could include controlling environmental change rates, fostering system adaptability, implementing adaptive management strategies, and building capacity and knowledge exchange. Our study contributes to the understanding of RIT dynamics and informs effective management strategies for complex adaptive systems in the face of rapid environmental change.Comment: 25 pages, 4 figures, 1 box, supplementary informatio