11 research outputs found

    Traduire l'expression «soi-disant» en polonais: le cas des copies d'étudiants

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    Students' translations into Polish of the French expression soi disant (found in the "Frantext" programme) are considered on two Ievels: that of linguistic means used (modalisers, antonymous modality, apparent reported speech, verb expressions of the type: vouloir/paraitre/passer pour and ways of quoting another discourse (possibility of using explicite/implicite). The semantic and contrastive approach appears to be useful in the description of Polish words (e.g. niejako), particularly difficult from the point of view of the theory of combinations.Translatio

    L’intĂ©gration du discours direct dans le rĂ©cit en français et en polonais

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    The integration of direct speech into narratives in French and in Polish The present paper states how the choice of the introductory verb and the form of the quoting discourse are determined by the tenor of the quoted utterance, the linguistic context and the kind of narrative text. The same three factors explain some of the prominent features shown by the translations of press texts vs. literary texts. In the first case, the kind of text is essential (as neutral verbs mówić, powiedzieć are frequently used in Polish press articles, undertranslation often occurs in the process of translation from the French). In the second case, namely of the literary texts, the modification of the quoted utterance and the choice of the introductory verb depend mainly on how the translator did reconstruct the situation of enunciation

    L’analyse du discours des Ă©lections prĂ©sidentielles en Pologne

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    Le discours des Ă©lections prĂ©sidentielles est en Pologne un objet de description depuis 1990. Dans les sciences politiques et de la communication, la sociologie et la rhĂ©torique, il est toujours situĂ© par rapport au langage de la propagande communiste dans les annĂ©es soixante-dix/quatre-vingt. L’analyse du discours des prĂ©sidentielles est centrĂ©e sur les dĂ©bats tĂ©lĂ©visĂ©s entre les candidats, elle est interdisciplinaire, emprunte ses outils Ă  la rhĂ©torique et se prĂ©occupe de la dimension Ă©thique de la communication politique.The discourse of Polish presidential election campaigns has been studied in Poland since the 1990s. Investigators in the fields of political science, communication science, sociology and rhetoric always compare it with the speech used in Communist propaganda in the 1970s and 1980s. The analysis of the discourse used during the presidential elections concentrates on the televised debate between candidates, is interdiciplinary in scope, draws on the tools of rhetoric and attaches great importance to the ethical dimension of political communication.El discurso de las campañas presidenciales polacas constituye en Polonia un objeto de estudio desde el principio de los años noventa. Las ciencias polĂ­ticas y de la comunicaciĂłn, la sociologĂ­a y la retĂłrica suelen tomar como punto de referencia el lenguaje de la propaganda comunista de los años 1970-1980. El anĂĄlisis del discurso de las campañas presidenciales se centra en los debates televisivos entre los candidatos, es interdisciplinario, toma las herramientas de la retĂłrica y se preocupa por la dimensiĂłn Ă©tica de la comunicaciĂłn polĂ­tica

    L’intĂ©gration du discours direct dans le rĂ©cit en français et en polonais

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    The integration of direct speech into narratives in French and in Polish The present paper states how the choice of the introductory verb and the form of the quoting discourse are determined by the tenor of the quoted utterance, the linguistic context and the kind of narrative text. The same three factors explain some of the prominent features shown by the translations of press texts vs. literary texts. In the first case, the kind of text is essential (as neutral verbs mówić, powiedzieć are frequently used in Polish press articles, undertranslation often occurs in the process of translation from the French). In the second case, namely of the literary texts, the modification of the quoted utterance and the choice of the introductory verb depend mainly on how the translator did reconstruct the situation of enunciation

    La circulation du discours: le dit d’origine Ă©nonciative indĂ©terminĂ©e en français et en polonais

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    Circulation of the speech: Speech of unspecified enunciation in French and in PolishThe article deals with different approaches towards the description of utterances of undefined origin rumours, gossips, anonymous accounts, etc.. Depending on theoretical assumptions, these utterances either may be classified as the examples of specific accounting speech or they stay unclassified. On the basis of L. Rosier’s conception of “discourse circulation” circulation du discours, the phenomenon of anonymous, unkind or untrue remarks pronounced behind one’s back was analysed: the social use of potin gossip vs. the one of plotka in both French and Polish were compared, in particular their linguistic aspects and specific stocks of phrases lexical, phraseological and others were examined. Though many similarities were observed, some cultural differences were also registered. This point of view was described not only in relation to other theories proposed in linguistics in France J. Authier-Revuz, Z. Guentcheva but also against discourse analysis S. Moirand.Circulation of the speech: Speech of unspecified enunciation in French and in PolishThe article deals with different approaches towards the description of utterances of undefined origin rumours, gossips, anonymous accounts, etc.. Depending on theoretical assumptions, these utterances either may be classified as the examples of specific accounting speech or they stay unclassified. On the basis of L. Rosier’s conception of “discourse circulation” circulation du discours, the phenomenon of anonymous, unkind or untrue remarks pronounced behind one’s back was analysed: the social use of potin gossip vs. the one of plotka in both French and Polish were compared, in particular their linguistic aspects and specific stocks of phrases lexical, phraseological and others were examined. Though many similarities were observed, some cultural differences were also registered. This point of view was described not only in relation to other theories proposed in linguistics in France J. Authier-Revuz, Z. Guentcheva but also against discourse analysis S. Moirand

    Postawa wypowiadaniowa opozycji wprowadzona wyznacznikiem mais – ujęcie kontrastywne francusko-polskie

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    Le connecteur mais au dĂ©but d’une rĂ©plique dans le dialogue et ses Ă©quivalents polonais sont considĂ©rĂ©s comme des marqueurs de l’attitude Ă©nonciative (Anscombre 2009). L’analyse a montrĂ© qu’en polonais l’opposition est souvent intensifiĂ©e et le connecteur ale/ aleĆŒ est facultatif. L’opposition peut aussi ĂȘtre affaiblie, l’interprĂ©tation dĂ©pend des expressions telles que lecz, co tam, co ty, etc. Dans la traduction du polonais en français, presque systĂ©matiquement mais est ajoutĂ© au dĂ©but de la rĂ©plique, ce qui aussi montre des contraintes discursives spĂ©cifiques pour les deux langues. L’approche contrastive a dĂ©montrĂ© que l’approche de mais comme marqueur de l’attitude Ă©nonciative d’opposition permet d’expliquer d’une maniĂšre plus gĂ©nĂ©rale et systĂ©matique le rĂŽle de ses Ă©quivalents polonais, qui dans le texte, rĂ©alisent divers aspects de ses fonctions sĂ©mantico-pragmatiques.The French connective mais at the beginning of a reply in a dialogue and its Polish counterpart are regarded as indicating enunciative attitude (attitude Ă©nonciative, Anscombre 2009). Analysis shows that in Polish texts an opposed position is frequently strengthened by the addition of several words and the connective ale/aleĆŒ at the beginning of a reply is then facultative, or it can be weaker and then other markers (lecz, co tam, co ty, etc.) are decisive for understanding the text. In translating into French, translators often add the word mais at the beginning of a reply. Contrastive analysis showed that the use of mais is much more systematic and general than the Polish words which give varying degrees of complexity at the semantic-pragmatic level.Francuski konektor mais na początku repliki w dialogu i jego polskie odpowiedniki ukazane są jako wyznaczniki postawy wypowiadaniowej (jak proponuje to Anscombre 2009). Analiza wykazaƂa, ĆŒe w języku polskim często opozycję intensyfikują rozmaite wyraĆŒenia, a konektor ale/aleĆŒ jest na początku repliki fakultatywny. Opozycja moĆŒe być teĆŒ osƂabiona, interpretacja zaleĆŒy zaƛ od wyraĆŒeƄ takich jak lecz, co tam, co ty itp. W tƂumaczeniu z języka polskiego na francuski często mais jest wprowadzane na początku repliki. Ujęcie kontrastywne wykazaƂo ĆŒe ujęcie mais jako wyznacznika postawy wypowiadaniowej pozwala wyjaƛnić w sposĂłb bardziej ogĂłlny i systematyczny rolę ekwiwalentĂłw polskich, ktĂłre w tekƛcie oddają rozmaite aspekty jego funkcji semantyczno-pragmatycznych

    Translation of the expression soi-disant into Polish: a case of students' calques

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    Students' translations into Polish of the French expression soi disant (found in the "Frantext" programme) are considered on two Ievels: that of linguistic means used (modalisers, antonymous modality, apparent reported speech, verb expressions of the type: vouloir/paraitre/passer pour and ways of quoting another discourse (possibility of using explicite/implicite). The semantic and contrastive approach appears to be useful in the description of Polish words (e.g. niejako), particularly difficult from the point of view of the theory of combinations

    Some features of the translation of the direct speech from French to Polish: the enunciative frame and the connector mais at the beginning of a reply

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    L’article prĂ©sente la traduction des sĂ©quences au discours direct, du français vers le polonais, dans quelques romans. L’analyse porte sur le verbe dire dans le discours citant et sur mais au dĂ©but d’une rĂ©plique. Dans le texte d’arrivĂ©e, le discours citant tend Ă  enrichir sĂ©mantiquement les circonstances de l’énonciation rapportĂ©e par le verbe qui en prĂ©cise les diffĂ©rents aspects et par le dĂ©placement des Ă©lĂ©ments du rĂ©cit. La rĂ©fĂ©rence Ă  la situation d’énonciation n’explicite pas, comme en français, de paramĂštres de l’acte d’énonciation, p.ex. l’interlocuteur. Les rĂ©pliques introduites par mais se caractĂ©risent dans le texte traduit par les expressions liĂ©es Ă  l’interaction, et ”l’attitude Ă©nonciative” (notion de J.-C. Anscombre) d’opposition, exprimĂ©e par divers moyens, est intensifiĂ©e ou affaiblie par rapport au texte du dĂ©part. Les phĂ©nomĂšnes sus-mentionnĂ©s sont interprĂ©tĂ©s comme des manifestations de la crĂ©ativitĂ© du traducteur, qui influent surtout sur la fonction rĂ©fĂ©rentielle et celle expressive.This article is devoted to the Polish translation of sequences of direct speech in selected French novels. The words under analysis are the verb dire as well as mais. In the case of introductory discourse there is a tendency to enrich the semantic circumstances of the generation of the speech act quoted. There is often a verb specifying the various aspects of this act, the context of the verb is sometimes expanded as well to include elements drawn from the narrative. In the Polish version appears a reference to the situation where in original French the parameters of the act of speaking (for example, the interlocutor), are indicated explicite. Replies starting with mais bring into the translation a wide range of expressions related to the interaction and the “enunciative attitude” (the concept of J.-C. Anscombre) of the opposition is expressed by a whole range of measures and in the Polish language is strengthened or weakened. The observed phenomenon is interpreted as a manifestation of the creativity of the translator, especially affecting the referential and expressive function of the target [email protected] WarszawskiAnscombre J.-C., 2009, « Des adverbes d’énonciation aux marqueurs d’attitude Ă©nonciative : le cas de la construction tout + adjectif », Langue française 161, 59–80.Becher V., 2010, « Toward a More Rigorous Treatment of the Explicitation Hypothesis », in : Translation Studies, “trans–kom” 3, 1, 1–25, http://www.transkom.eu/ihv_03_01_2010.html (consultĂ© le 17 juin 2015)Bourne J., 2002, «He said, she said. Controling illocutionary force in the translation of literary dialogue », Target 14, 2, 241–261.Chevalier J-C., Delport M.-F., 1995, ProblĂšmes linguistiques de la traduction, L’horlogerie de Saint JĂ©rĂŽme, Paris.Danon-Boileau L., 1982, Produire le fictif, Paris.Dostie G., 2004, Pragmaticalisation et marqueurs discursifs. Analyse sĂ©mantique et traitement lexicographique, Bruxelles.Ducrot O., 1980, Dire et ne pas dire, Paris, deuxiĂšme Ă©dition corrigĂ©e et augmentĂ©e.Durrer S., 1994, Le dialogue romanesque. Style et structure, GenĂšve.Dutka A., 1992, « A propos des morphĂšmes proches de ale ‘mais’ en polonais dans l’approche argumentative », Kwartalnik Neofilologiczny 39, 1, 27–44.Dutka A., 1993, « Les connecteurs argumentatifs en polonais », in : Dittmar N., Reich A. (Ă©d.), Modality in Language Acquisition. ModalitĂ© et acquisition des langues, Berlin, 97–109.Dutka-MaƄkowska A., 2010, « Le discours direct rapportĂ© en français et en polonais dans des textes littĂ©raires », in : Dutka-MaƄkowska A., Giermak-ZieliƄska T. (Ă©d.), Des mots et du texte aux conceptions de la description linguistique, Varsovie, 141–148.Dutka-MaƄkowska A., 2012, « Le discours autre dans la retraduction de Madame Bovary en polonais », in : Kacprzak A., Gajos M. (Ă©d.), PluralitĂ© des cultures : chances ou menaces ?, Ɓask, 117–127.Dutka-MaƄkowska A., (sous presse), « L’attitude Ă©nonciative d’opposition introduite par mais – l’approche contrastive français-polonais », Roczniki Humanistyczne.GƂowiƄski M. et alii, 2008, SƂownik terminĂłw literackich, WrocƂaw.Gournay L., 2013, « Traduction des Ă©noncĂ©s en incise du discours direct : l’apport de la linguistique contrastive », ELA. Études de linguistique appliquĂ©e 172, 397–413.Guillemin-Flescher J., 1986, « Le linguiste devant la traduction », Fabula 7, 59–68.Guillemin-Flescher J., 2003, « ThĂ©oriser la traduction », Revue Française de Linguistique AppliquĂ©e 2, 8, 7–18.Hanote S., 2004, « Des introducteurs de discours aux indices de frayage », in : Lopez-Munoz J.-M., Marnette S., Rosier L. (Ă©d.), Le discours rapportĂ© dans tous ses Ă©tats, Paris, 538–548.Kerbrat-Orecchioni C., 2005, Le discours en interaction, Paris.Mossberg M., Jansson Ghadiri K., 2010, « Les verbes introducteurs dans le incises de citation : Ă©tude contrastive français-suĂ©dois », Studia Neophilologica 82, 69–90.Nita R., 2006, « ‘...’ ironise un professeur vs ‘...’, says a teacher ou Sur les dĂ©rives du discours direct dans la traduction des verbes introducteurs. Etude contrastive français, anglais, roumain », in : Delesse C. (Ă©d.), Discours rapportĂ©(s). Approche(s) linguistique(s) et/ou traductologique(s), Arras, 173–195.Poncharal B., 2003, La reprĂ©sentation des paroles au discours indirect libre en anglais et en français, Paris.Rabatel A., 2014, « Empathie, points de vue, mĂ©ta-reprĂ©sentation et dimension cognitive du dialogisme », ELA. Études de linguistique appliquĂ©e 173, 27–45.Bourdin F., 2010, Le secret de Clara, Paris/2005, Sekret Clary, trad. J. Polachowska, Warszawa.Chwin S., 2003, ZƂoty pelikan, GdaƄsk/2009, Le PĂ©lican d’or, trad. F. Laurent, Belval.Duras M., 1958, Moderato cantabile, Paris/1998, Moderato cantabile, trad. Z. Cesul, Warszawa.Flaubert G., 1857/2014, Madame Bovary, Paris/2005, Pani Bovary. Z obyczajĂłw prowincji, trad. R. Engelking, GdaƄsk (BovE)/2008, Pani Bovary, trad. A.MiciƄska, KrakĂłw (BovM).Makine A., 2000, Le crime d’Olga Arbelina, Paris/1999, Zbrodnia Olgi Arbeliny, trad. M. HoƂdyƄska, Warszawa.Mauriac F., 1925/1978, Le dĂ©sert de l’amour, in : Mauriac F., Oeuvres romanesques et thĂ©atrĂąles complĂštes, Paris, t. 1, p. 737–862/1958, Pustynia miƂoƛci, trad. S. ZgĂłrska, Warszawa.QueffĂ©lec Y., 1985, Les noces barbares, Paris/1999, BarbarzyƄskie zaƛlubiny, trad. M. Cebo, Warszawa.Schmitt E.-E., 2007, Odette Toulemonde et autres histoires, Paris/2009, Odette i inne historie miƂosne, trad. J. Brzezowski, KrakĂłw.SempĂ©/Goscinny, 2007, Le Petit Nicolas et les copains, Paris/1979, MikoƂajek i inne chƂopaki, trad. B. Grzegorzewska, Warszawa.Zola E., 1978, Nana, Paris/1987, Nana, trad. Z. Karczewska-Markiewicz, Warszawa.125-1401512514

    Le discours direct libre en français et en polonais — approches et problùmes de traduction

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    FREE DIRECT SPEECH IN FRENCH AND IN POLISH — APPROACHES AND PROBLEMS OF TRANSLATIONFree direct speech discours direct libre is a form of quotation based on interpretation, and although it currently is of interest to French researchers, the definition and characteristics of this concept is questionable. Polish researchers do not recognize it as a category. In its canonical form, exhibiting the updating of the quoted discourse and the lack of discourse of the quoting person, it occurs in literary texts in different variants. It is similar in the case of target texts in Polish, where several types of modification of the structure of the original text can be considered as creative solutions of the translator.FREE DIRECT SPEECH IN FRENCH AND IN POLISH — APPROACHES AND PROBLEMS OF TRANSLATIONFree direct speech discours direct libre is a form of quotation based on interpretation, and although it currently is of interest to French researchers, the definition and characteristics of this concept is questionable. Polish researchers do not recognize it as a category. In its canonical form, exhibiting the updating of the quoted discourse and the lack of discourse of the quoting person, it occurs in literary texts in different variants. It is similar in the case of target texts in Polish, where several types of modification of the structure of the original text can be considered as creative solutions of the translator

    Discours présidentiels et de présidentielles

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    Ce numĂ©ro spĂ©cial de notre revue est entiĂšrement consacrĂ© aux discours prĂ©sidentiels et de prĂ©sidentielles. Il s’agit de proposer une recension de recherches prenant pour objets les discours de titulaires de la fonction prĂ©sidentielle ou ceux de personnes de tout statut intervenant dans la compĂ©tition prĂ©sidentielle, que ce soit pour y participer ou pour en rendre compte. Une sĂ©rie d’articles courts, signĂ©s de spĂ©cialistes reconnus, traite de la France, mais aussi d’autres pays dont le premier personnage de l’État est Ă©lu au suffrage universel, comme l’Argentine, les États-Unis, la Pologne ou le Portugal. Ces synthĂšses seront utiles aux spĂ©cialistes, mais aussi Ă  quiconque voudra prendre quelque distance vis-Ă -vis de l’actualitĂ© immĂ©diate. This Special issue of our journal is entirely devoted to presidential speeches and presidential electoral campaigns. It proposes a research recension taking as objects speeches of holders of the presidential office or those of various categories who intervene in the presidential contest, whether to take part in it or to report about it. A series of short articles, signed by recognised experts, will deal with France, but also other countries whose head of the state is elected by universal suffrage, such as Argentina, the United States, Poland and Portugal. These syntheses will be useful to specialists but also to whoever will take some distance towards the immediate news. 112, nĂșmero especial de nuestra revista : es totalmente dedicado a los discursos presidenciales y de las elecciones presidenciales. Se trata de proponer una reseña de investigaciones cuyo objetos son los discursos de los titulares de la funciĂłn presidencial o los de las personas de todo tipo de estatuto que intervienen en la competiciĂłn presidencial, como participantes o para comunicar informaciĂłn. Una serie de artĂ­culos cortos, firmados por especialistas reconocidos, tiene como objeto Francia, pero tambiĂ©n otros paĂ­ses cuyo primer representante del Estado es elegido al sufragio universal, como Argentina, Estados Unidos, Polonia o Portugal. Estas sĂ­ntesis no son solamente Ăștiles para los especialistas, pero para el que quiere tambiĂ©n tomar alguna distancia con la actualidad inmediata