196 research outputs found

    Investigating an age threshold for independence at postgraduate level

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    Algorithm Developments for Discrete Adjoint Methods

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    This paper presents a number of algorithm developments for adjoint methods using the 'discrete' approach in which the discretisation of the non-linear equations is linearised and the resulting matrix is then transposed. With a new iterative procedure for solving the adjoint equations, exact numerical equivalence is maintained between the linear and adjoint discretisations. The incorporation of strong boundary conditions within the discrete approach is discussed, as well as a new application of adjoint methods to linear unsteady flow in turbomachinery

    Standarisasi Brand Pakaian dalam Pertemanan (Studi Kasus Mahasiswa Sosiologi Agama Tahun 2019)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat bagaiamana bentuk standarisasi brand pakaian dalam pertemanan mahasiswa Sosiologi Agama tahun 2019. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Universitas Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung. Saat ini perkembangan industri fashion banyak manarik perhatian semua golongan mulai dari usia muda hingga dewasa, salah satunya Mahasiswa Sosiologi Agama tahun 2019. Cara berpakaian mahasiswa saat ini selalu mengikuti gaya modern dengan menggunakan pakaian-pakaian yang berbrand dan trend yang sedang muncul, kegiatan konsumsi tersebut dapat menyababkan pola hidup Konsumerisme. Factor gaya hidup seorang mahasiswa dapat berpengaruh terhadap pola konsumsi, terutama konsumsi pakaian di mana saat ini  konsumsi pakaian yang pada awalnya dilakukan  sebagai kebutuhkan berubah menjadi sebuah keinginan sesaat atau hawa nafsu yang tidak terbatas. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Sumber data yang diperoleh berdasarkan dari data primer dan sekunder. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa standarisasi brand pakaian muncul dalam kelompok pertemanan disebebakan karena adanya kesamaan selera pakaian, obrolan dan keinginan untuk diakui oleh orang lain. Beberapa mahasiswa membeli pakaian dengan brand tertentu keinginan, kenyamanan dan nilai atau value yang didapatkan ketika menggunakan pakaian dengan brand tersebut. Abstract This study aims to see how the standardization of clothing brands forms in the friendship of Sociology of Religion students in 2019. This research was conducted at Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah University, Tulungagung. Currently, the development of the fashion industry has attracted the attention of all groups, from young people to adults, one of them is the Sociology of Religion Students in 2019. The way students dress today always follows modern styles by using branded clothes and emerging trends, these consumption activities can lead to a consumerist lifestyle. Factors in a student's lifestyle can affect consumption patterns, especially consumption of clothing where currently consumption of clothing that was originally done as a necessity turns into a momentary desire or unlimited lust. The method used in this study is a qualitative research method with a case study approach. Sources of data obtained based on primary and secondary data. The results of this study indicate that standardization of clothing brands appears in friendship groups due to similarities in clothing tastes, conversations, and the desire to be recognized by others. Some students buy clothes with certain brands of desire, comfort and value or value that is obtained when wearing clothes with that brand.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat bagaiamana bentuk standarisasi brand pakaian dalam pertemanan mahasiswa Sosiologi Agama tahun 2019. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Universitas Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung. Saat ini perkembangan industri fashion banyak manarik perhatian semua golongan mulai dari usia muda hingga dewasa, salah satunya Mahasiswa Sosiologi Agama tahun 2019. Cara berpakaian mahasiswa saat ini selalu mengikuti gaya modern dengan menggunakan pakaian-pakaian yang berbrand dan trend yang sedang muncul, kegiatan konsumsi tersebut dapat menyababkan pola hidup Konsumerisme. Factor gaya hidup seorang mahasiswa dapat berpengaruh terhadap pola konsumsi, terutama konsumsi pakaian di mana saat ini  konsumsi pakaian yang pada awalnya dilakukan  sebagai kebutuhkan berubah menjadi sebuah keinginan sesaat atau hawa nafsu yang tidak terbatas. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Sumber data yang diperoleh berdasarkan dari data primer dan sekunder. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa standarisasi brand pakaian muncul dalam kelompok pertemanan disebebakan karena adanya kesamaan selera pakaian, obrolan dan keinginan untuk diakui oleh orang lain. Beberapa mahasiswa membeli pakaian dengan brand tertentu keinginan, kenyamanan dan nilai atau value yang didapatkan ketika menggunakan pakaian dengan brand tersebut. Abstract This study aims to see how the standardization of clothing brands forms in the friendship of Sociology of Religion students in 2019. This research was conducted at Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah University, Tulungagung. Currently, the development of the fashion industry has attracted the attention of all groups, from young people to adults, one of them is the Sociology of Religion Students in 2019. The way students dress today always follows modern styles by using branded clothes and emerging trends, these consumption activities can lead to a consumerist lifestyle. Factors in a student's lifestyle can affect consumption patterns, especially consumption of clothing where currently consumption of clothing that was originally done as a necessity turns into a momentary desire or unlimited lust. The method used in this study is a qualitative research method with a case study approach. Sources of data obtained based on primary and secondary data. The results of this study indicate that standardization of clothing brands appears in friendship groups due to similarities in clothing tastes, conversations, and the desire to be recognized by others. Some students buy clothes with certain brands of desire, comfort and value or value that is obtained when wearing clothes with that brand

    Different degrees of career success: social origin and graduates’ education and labour market trajectories

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    Most research on social inequalities in higher education (HE) graduates’ labour market outcomes has analysed outcomes at one or two points in time, thus providing only snapshots of graduates’ occupational destinations. This study contributes to the existing literature by examining the education and labour market trajectories of degree holders across their life course and how these trajectories vary by social class of origin. We analyse data from the 1970 British Cohort Study and employ sequence analysis, followed by cluster analysis, to identify HE graduates’ typical trajectories. We assess the degree of social inequalities in the chance of following more or less advantaged pathways from age 16 up to the age of 42 and the extent to which these inequalities are explained by differences in higher education experiences. The results show that graduates from lower social classes of origin have more diverse and less stable trajectories, are less likely to enter top-level jobs in their 20s and more likely to enter and remain in lower social classes than their more socially advantaged counterparts. The age at which people graduate from HE emerges to be a key factor in explaining some of these patterns. Interestingly, HE factors - such as class of degree, fields of study and type of university attended - only partially explain social class differences. Our research provides new insights into the dynamic nature of inequalities among graduates showing that not only does the final destination matter but also the timing and sequencing of spells within the trajectories are important

    Kadar Sisa Chlor Dan Kandungan Bakteri E.coli Perusahaan Air Minum Tirta Moedal Semarang Sebelum Dan Sesudah Pengolahan

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisa kadar sisa chlor dan kandungan bakteri E.coli yang ada dalam air hasil PDAM tirta moedal Semarang sebelum dan sesudah proses pengolahan Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional, bila berdasarkan pendekatan waktunya merupakan penelitian cross sectional. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan selama 8 hari dengan besar sampel sebanyak 32 sampel, baik sampel air sebelum dan sampel air sesudah pengolahan di PDAM Tirta Moedal Semarang.Hasil penelitian kandungan bakteri E.coli sebelum pengolahan adalah 922,56 dan sesudah pengolahan adalah 7,28/ 100 ml sampel air, sedangkan kadar sisa chlor sebelum adalah 0,00 dan sesudah pengolahan adalah 0,13. Hasil uji statistik yang digunakan adalah Uji t sampel berpasangan yaitu suatu uji statistik untuk mengetahui perbedaan antara kandungan bakteri E.coli dan kadar sisa chlor sebelum dan sesudah pengolahan serta Uji korelasi Pearson untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kandungan bakteri E.coli dan kadar sisa chlor sesudah pengolahan. Dari hasil uji statistik diperoleh p = 0,000 dengan ά = 0,05, pada kandungan bakteri E.coli dan kadar sisa chlor terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna antara kandungan bakteri E.coli dan kadar sisa chlor sebelum dan sesudah pengolahan. Ada hubungan antara kadar sisa chlor dan kandungan bakteri E.coli sesudah pengolahan. Namun demikian, kualitas air hasil PDAM tirta moedal Semarang belum memenuhi persyaratan kualitas sesuai dengan standar kualitas air minum.Dari hasil penelitian disarankan bahwa pengelola PDAM tirta moedal Semarang agar menambah pembubuhan koagulan dan filtrasi serta mengawasi jaringan perpipaan karena kandungan bakteri E.coli masih tinggi, kepada masyarakat yang memanfaatkan air hasil olahan PDAM tirta moedal Semarang agar memasaknya terlebih dahulu. Mengingat air hasil PDAM tirta moedal Semarang sangat tergantung pada kualitas air bakunya, maka perlu dilakukan pemeriksaan secara berkala


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    Motor linier merupakan salah satujenis mesin elektrik yang bekerja denganmenghasilkan gerak linier. Padaperkembangannya penggunaan motor liniermulai dikenal dan digunakan pada beberapaaplikasi industri dan angkutan masal. Gerakyang dihasilkan motor linier juga digunakanpada aplikasi ropeless elevator. Elevator jenis initidak lagi bergantung pada konversi gerak putarmenjadi gerak linier. Hal ini berakibat padapeningkatan efesiensi dan keandalan elevator.Kebanyakan motor linier digunakan padaaplikasi gerak linier yang horizontal. Oleh sebabitu, penggunaan pada gerak vertikal harusdiperhatikan ketahanannya. Hal itu dikarenakanketika elevator berhenti harus mampu menahanberat penumpang yang sudah naik maupunpenumpang baru. Untuk itulah, penelitian inidilakukan. Pada penelitian ini, akan diambilmotor linier jenis permanent magnet linearsynchronous motor (PMLSM) dengan coil beradapada bagian stator. Linier motor jenis inimemiliki kemampuan untuk menghasilkan gayayang besar serta bagian translator memiliki beratyang ringan.Dari penelitian ini diketahui karakteristik motorlinier, yaitu hubungan arus dari sumber yangditerapkan pada elevator motor linier adalahberbanding lurus terhadap beban yang mampuditahan oleh motor linier dalam keadaan diamatau berhenti.Kata kunci: motor linier, ropeless elevator,PMLS

    Pregnancy Outcome in Infertility Patient with Endometriosis Cyst after Laparoscopic Cystectomy

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    Objective: To investigate about the rate of pregnancy in women who had undergone laparoscopic cystectomy. Methods: This was a retrospective study. Data were taken from the medical records of patients with infertility in Fatmawati Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia. Data then analyze to know is there any association between age, infertility duration, bilaterality of the cyst, tubal patensy, r-AFS stage with pregnancy rate. Results: A total of 64 subjects were recruited in this study. There were 23 subjects (35.9%) that got pregnant within one year after undergoing laparoscopic procedure. Those who were 35 years old or less had a greater chance to get pregnant (p = 0.01, OR = 6.75), duration of infertility ï‚£ 3 years had a greater chance to get pregnant with OR = 3.2 and p value = 0.032, r-AFS stage II and III had a greater chance to get pregnant to with (p = 0.04, OR = 3.25 and 4.25). Conclusion: The pregnancy rate after laparoscopic procedure is 35.9% in this study. There are correlation between age, duration of infertility, and r-AFS staging with pregnancy rate. [Indones J Obstet Gynecol 2018; 6-1: 34-38] Keywords: endometriosis, infertility, laparoscopy, pregnanc

    Is natural orifice specimen extraction surgery really safe in radical surgery for colorectal cancer?

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    Scop: Chirurgia rectală robotică este în prezent o procedură nouă pentru cancerele rectale. Extracția eșantionului cu orificiu natural transanal (NOSE) este o tehnică nouă de îndepărtare a specimenului din cavitatea abdominală prin anus, în loc de o incizie suplimentară după o intervenție chirurgicală colorectală laparoscopică sau robotică. Siguranța NOSE rămâne controversată. Acest studiu și-a propus să investigheze siguranța precoce a NOSE transanal în tratamentul cancerului de colon sigmoid și rectal superior din următoarele aspecte: caracteristici clinice și patologice, indicatori inflamatori și imunitari și complicații postoperatorii. Prezentare de caz: O femeie de 61 de ani, diagnosticată anterior cu cancer rectal, cu antecedente de 6 luni de hematochezie și alternanta diaree-constipatie. Diagnosticul de cancer rectal a fost pus pe baza biopsiei colonoscopice care a confirmat un nodul circumferenţial neregulat de adenocarcinom bine diferenţiat la 10 cm de marginea anală. Rezecția anterioară joasă asistata robotic, urmata de extracția specimenului transanal a fost efectuată după obținerea consimțământului informat. Procedura a fost efectuată cu succes și pacienta a avut o evolutie postoperatorie fără complicații. Diagnosticul patologic postoperator a evidențiat un adenocarcinom moderat diferențiat de 4x4x0,6 cm3 și margine circumferențiala libera. Concluzii: Rezectia de rect robotica plus extractia transanala a specimenului pentru cancerul rectal poate fi efectuata în siguranță și poate fi o abordare eficientă în contrast cu abordarea deschisă sau laparoscopică.Background: Robotic rectal surgery is currently a novel procedure for rectal cancers. Transanal natural orifice specimen extraction (NOSE) is a novel technique to remove the specimen from the abdominal cavity through the anus instead of an additional incision following laparoscopic or robotic colorectal surgery. The safety of NOSE remains controversial. This study aimed to investigate the early safety of transanal NOSE in the treatment of sigmoid colon and upper rectal cancer from the follow aspects: clinical and pathological characteristics, inflammatory and immune indicators and postoperative complications. Case presentation: A 61-year-old women, previously diagnosed with rectal cancer with came 6 months history of hematochezia and altered bowel habit. A diagnosis of rectal cancer was made in view of colonoscopic biopsy which confirmed an irregular circumferential lump of well differentiated adenocarcinoma at 10 cm from the anal verge. Robotic low anterior resection (LAR) plus transanal natural orifice specimen extraction (NOSE) was performed after obtaining informed consent. The procedure was performed successfully and the patient convalesced nicely without any complications. The postoperative pathological diagnosis revealed a 4x4x0.6 cm3 moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma and circumferential clearance. Conclusions: Robotic LAR plus transanal NOSE for rectal cancer can be performed safely and may be an effective approach in contrast to open or laparoscopic approach

    The role of the frozen section examination in the diagnosis of the thyroid nodules

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    Universitatea de Medicină și Farmacie Victor Babeș Timișoara, România, Al XIII-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” și al III-lea Congres al Societății de Endoscopie, Chirurgie miniminvazivă și Ultrasonografie ”V.M.Guțu” din Republica MoldovaIntroducere: Diagnosticul diferențial preoperator sau intraoperator între leziunile tiroidiene benigne și maligne este de o importanță majoră pentru decizia chirurgicală intraoperatorie. Acest studiu analizează corelația dintre rezultatul examenului extemporaneu și rezultatul examinării histopatologice la parafină în cazul nodulilor tiroidieni. Material si metode: Acesta a fost un studiu retrospectiv asupra a 330 de cazuri cu patologie tiroidiană, operate în cadrul Clinicii 2 de Chirurgie a Spitalului Clinic Județean de Urgență Timișoara din 2011 până în 2014, la care s-au efectuat atât examen extemporaneu intraoperator (EXT) cât și examen histopatologic la parafină în cadrul Departamentului de Anatomo-patologie al aceluiași spital. Rezultate: Din cele 330 de cazuri studiate, examenul EXT a stabilit diagnosticul în 244 (73,9%) cazuri și la 86 (26.1%) cazuri diagnosticul a fost incert, cu o sensibilitate de 93,33%, specificitate de 95,81%, în timp ce precizia a ajuns la 95,66%. Două sute douazeci și nouă (84,8%) au fost tumori benigne, iar 15 (27,3%) au fost tumori maligne. La examenul histopatologic, din 86 cazuri incerte 51 (59,3%) au fost benigne, 30 (34,8%) maligne și 5 (5,8%) au ramas neclare. Concluzii: Rezultatele noastre cu metoda EXT sunt echivalente cu cele disponibile în literatura de specialitate cu specificitate, sensibilitate si precizie foarte bune. În cazul în care investigațiile preoperatorii evidențiază noduli unilaterali, EXT a fost util pentru decizia intraoperatorie între lobectomie și tiroidectomie totală, evitând lobectomia inutilă sau reintervenția.Introduction: Preoperative or intraoperative differential diagnosis between benign and malignant thyroid lesions is of utmost importance for the surgical intraoperative decision. This study analyses the correlation between the frozen-section result and the result of the histopathologic paraffin examination in cases of thyroid nodules. Material and methods: This was a retrospective study upon 330 cases with thyroid pathology, operated on in the 2nd Surgical Clinic of the Clinical County Emergency Hospital of Timisoara from 2011 to 2014, that had both intraoperative frozen-section (FS) and postoperative paraffin histologic examination performed by the Pathology Department of the same hospital. Results: Of 330 cases studied, FS examination set the diagnosis in 244 (73.9%) cases and no diagnosis (uncertain) in 86 (26.1%), with a sensitivity of 93.33%, specificity of 95.81%, while accuracy reached 95.66%. Two hundred twenty-nine (84.8%) were benign tumors and 15(27.3%) were malignant tumors. At the histopathologic examination, from 86 uncertain cases 51 (59.3%) were benign, 30(34.8%) malignant and 5 (5.8%) remained unclear. Conclusions: Our results with FS method are equivalent to those available in the literature with very good specificity, sensitivity and accuracy. In cases in which the preoperative investigations show unilateral nodules, FS was still useful for the intraoperative decision between lobectomy and total thyroidectomy, avoiding inutile lobectomy or reoperation

    On the Feasibility of Interoperable Schemes in Hand Biometrics

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    Personal recognition through hand-based biometrics has attracted the interest of many researchers in the last twenty years. A significant number of proposals based on different procedures and acquisition devices have been published in the literature. However, comparisons between devices and their interoperability have not been thoroughly studied. This paper tries to fill this gap by proposing procedures to improve the interoperability among different hand biometric schemes. The experiments were conducted on a database made up of 8,320 hand images acquired from six different hand biometric schemes, including a flat scanner, webcams at different wavelengths, high quality cameras, and contactless devices. Acquisitions on both sides of the hand were included. Our experiment includes four feature extraction methods which determine the best performance among the different scenarios for two of the most popular hand biometrics: hand shape and palm print. We propose smoothing techniques at the image and feature levels to reduce interdevice variability. Results suggest that comparative hand shape offers better performance in terms of interoperability than palm prints, but palm prints can be more effective when using similar sensors