102 research outputs found

    Dyskryminacja rodzajowa w podręcznikach do języka angielskiego – raport z badań

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    The text is a presentation of my research results regarding the effectiveness of the recommendations contained in the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women adopted in Poland. According to this document all signs of gender inequality should have been removed before 1995. The research has shown the presence of gender discriminatory content in the form of no interaction between genders and between children and adults.Tekst stanowi prezentację wyników badań mających na celu analizę efektywności  zaleceń zawartych w Konwencji o Eliminacji Wszelkich Form Dyskryminacji Kobiet przyjętej przez Polskę. Zgodnie z tym dokumentem należało w latach 1987 – 1995 zweryfikować treści podręczników obowiązujących w szkołach podstawowych i średnich pod kątem nierówności płci. Przeprowadzone przeze mnie badania wykazały obecność treści dyskryminujące ze względu na płeć głównie w postaci braku interakcji między płciami oraz między dziećmi i dorosłymi

    Polish citizens' attitude and expectations towards the European Union communication strategy : analysis of surveys the publication

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    W publikacji Autorka przedstawia próby aktywizacji obywateli Unii Europejskiej w Internecie. Podsumowuje także działania przedstawicieli Unii Europejskiej związane z tworzeniem i realizacją unijnej strategii komunikowania w Internecie. Jednocześnie wskazuje na rezultaty tych działań, czyli zaangażowanie obywateli unijnych w debatę na temat funkcjonowania Unii Europejskiej. Próbuje odpowiedzieć na pytanie, dlaczego to zaangażowanie jest niewielkie i z czego ono może wynikać. Analizuje wyniki przeprowadzonej pod koniec 2014 roku ankiety na temat chęci komunikowania się i wyrażania swoich potrzeb przez obywateli polskich.The publication shows attempts of activation of the European Union citizens on the Internet. It also summarizes the activities of EU representatives related to the development and implementation of the EU communication strategy on the Internet. At the same time it indicates the effects of these actions - the involvement of EU citizens in the debate on the functioning of the European Union. The Author tries to answer the question why this engagement is low. She analyzes the results of the survey conducted at the end of 2014, about the readiness of the Polish citizens to communicate and express their needs

    Changing health behaviors under lockdown: the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on adult physical activity and well-being

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    Introduction. Obesity is recognized as one of the increasingly common diseases of civilization. It poses a great threat to the health and life of every person. Overweight and obesity have also been called a worldwide epidemic. Obesity is most often caused by prolonged positive energy balance: bad eating habits, low physical activity and other problems such as emotional. The current pandemic situation also promotes the incidence of overweight and obesity. Aim of the study. The main aim of the study was to investigate the impact of lockdown on the occurrence of overweight and obesity in adult population, while the specific aim was to investigate the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the level of physical activity among adults. Material and Methods. A total of 244 adults participated in the study on the impact of lockdown on overweight and obesity. The criterion for inclusion in the study was a correctly completed questionnaire. The questionnaire was properly completed by 237 respondents, who were then qualified for further analysis. The study was conducted during the fall and winter seasons using a proprietary survey questionnaire. Data analysis was carried out using Microsoft Excel 2010, and the results and conclusions of the scientific study were obtained from it. Results and Conclusions. The results of the study indicate that the respondents do not have enough knowledge about proper nutrition. In addition, it was found that their physical activity is decreasing and they are working more and more often remotely, which limits their movement during the day

    Interpreting myocardial perfusion scintigraphy using single-photon emission computed tomography. Part 1

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    This article discusses the protocol for myocardial perfusion scintigraphy performed with single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT). Indications for SPECT are listed with consideration given to the results of the increasingly more common angio-CT examinations of the coronary arteries (multislice computed tomography). The paper also presents basic information about interpreting the results, including the scores of left ventricle myocardial perfusion using the 17-segment polar map, and explains the concept of total perfusion deficit

    Fungal endocarditis complicated by shock in the course of long-term permanent cardiac pacing

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    The case is presented of a 52-year-old female patient who was diagnosed as having fungal endocarditis due to the Mucor species infection. The patient had had permanent cardiac pacing for 23 years. She was admitted to the hospital with symptoms of sepsis, and TTE revealed the development of vegetations on the pacemaker leads. Cardiac surgery with removal of the infected system was performed and a new pacemaker with an epicardial lead was implanted. After the surgery the patient’s clinical course was complicated by multiple organ dysfunction syndrome and septic shock, which was resistant to traditional treatment. Administration of human recombinant activated protein C (Xigris) improved organ function and enabled selective antifungal therapy to be continued. The patient was discharged from hospital 48 days later in a good condition

    Conjugated linoleic acids in the therapy of selected diseases — facts and controversies

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    Sprzężone kwasy linolowe (CLA) są grupą wielonienasyconych kwasów tłuszczowych wzbudzających zainteresowanie badaczy ze względu na swoje potencjalne właściwości przeciwnowotworowe, przeciwmiażdżycowe, zapobiegające otyłości oraz modulujące odpowiedź immunologiczną. Korzystne prozdrowotne efekty wynikające z suplementacji CLA zaobserwowano w odniesieniu do dwóch izomerów cis-9, trans- 11 oraz trans-10, cis-12 lub ich mieszanin. Pomimo licznych dowodów pochodzących z badań eksper ymentalnych do chwili obecnej brakuje przekonywujących danych pochodzących z badań klinicznych, które w jednoznaczny sposób potwierdziłyby możliwości wykorzystania CLA u ludzi.Conjugated linoleic acids are a group of essential polyunsaturated fatty acids widely know for their health properties. Studies show the potential use of CLA in atherosclerosis, obesity, cancers prevention. PUVA also favourable influence immune system modulation. Beneficial effects of CLA, particularly emphasized, are observed for isomers cis-9, trans-11 and trans-10, cis-12 or combined. Despite of numerous data from experimental studies there is a lack of clinical studies confirming the potential use in human