109 research outputs found

    Passive case detection of malaria in Ratanakiri Province (Cambodia) to detect villages at higher risk for malaria

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    Additional file 9. Spatial clusters of villages with significantly higher risk of falciparum malaria cases from 2010 to 2014 in Ratanakiri Province. Only significant clusters are showed. RR: Relative risk. LLR: Log likelihood ratio

    Mycobacteria in Terrestrial Small Mammals on Cattle Farms in Tanzania

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    The control of bovine tuberculosis and atypical mycobacterioses in cattle in developing countries is important but difficult because of the existence of wildlife reservoirs. In cattle farms in Tanzania, mycobacteria were detected in 7.3% of 645 small mammals and in cow's milk. The cattle farms were divided into “reacting” and “nonreacting” farms, based on tuberculin tests, and more mycobacteria were present in insectivores collected in reacting farms as compared to nonreacting farms. More mycobacteria were also present in insectivores as compared to rodents. All mycobacteria detected by culture and PCR in the small mammals were atypical mycobacteria. Analysis of the presence of mycobacteria in relation to the reactor status of the cattle farms does not exclude transmission between small mammals and cattle but indicates that transmission to cattle from another source of infection is more likely. However, because of the high prevalence of mycobacteria in some small mammal species, these infected animals can pose a risk to humans, especially in areas with a high HIV-prevalence as is the case in Tanzania

    Leptospira Serovars for Diagnosis of Leptospirosis in Humans and Animals in Africa: Common Leptospira Isolates and Reservoir Hosts

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    The burden of leptospirosis in humans and animals in Africa is higher than that reported from other parts of the world. However, the disease is not routinely diagnosed in the continent. One of major factors limiting diagnosis is the poor availability of live isolates of locally circulating Leptospira serovars for inclusion in the antigen panel of the gold standard microscopic agglutination test (MAT) for detecting antibodies against leptospirosis. To gain insight in Leptospira serovars and their natural hosts occurring in Tanzania, concomitantly enabling the improvement of the MAT by inclusion of fresh local isolates, a total of 52 Leptospira isolates were obtained from fresh urine and kidney homogenates, collected between 1996 and 2006 from small mammals, cattle and pigs. Isolates were identified by serogrouping, cross agglutination absorption test (CAAT), and molecular typing. Common Leptospira serovars with their respective animal hosts were: Sokoine (cattle and rodents); Kenya (rodents and shrews); Mwogolo (rodents); Lora (rodents); Qunjian (rodent); serogroup Grippotyphosa (cattle); and an unknown serogroup from pigs. Inclusion of local serovars particularly serovar Sokoine in MAT revealed a 10-fold increase in leptospirosis prevalence in Tanzania from 1.9 % to 16.9 % in rodents and 0.26% to 10.75 % in humans. This indicates that local serovars are useful for diagnosis of human and animal leptospirosis in Tanzania and neighbouring countries

    Injections, cocktails and diviners: therapeutic flexibility in the context of malaria elimination and drug resistance in Northeast Cambodia.

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    BACKGROUND: Adherence to effective malaria medication is extremely important in the context of Cambodia's elimination targets and drug resistance containment. Although the public sector health facilities are accessible to the local ethnic minorities of Ratanakiri province (Northeast Cambodia), their illness itineraries often lead them to private pharmacies selling "cocktails" and artemether injections, or to local diviners prescribing animal sacrifices to appease the spirits. METHODS: The research design consisted of a mixed methods study, combining qualitative (in-depth interviews and participant observation) and quantitative methods (household and cross-sectional survey). RESULTS: Three broad options for malaria treatment were identified: i) the public sector; ii) the private sector; iii) traditional treatment based on divination and ceremonial sacrifice. Treatment choice was influenced by the availability of treatment and provider, perceived side effects and efficacy of treatments, perceived etiology of symptoms, and patient-health provider encounters. Moreover, treatment paths proved to be highly flexible, changing mostly in relation to the perceived efficacy of a chosen treatment. CONCLUSIONS: Despite good availability of anti-malarial treatment in the public health sector, attendance remained low due to both structural and human behavioral factors. The common use and under-dosage of anti-malaria monotherapy in the private sector (single-dose injections, single-day drug cocktails) represents a threat not only for individual case management, but also for the regional plan of drug resistance containment and malaria elimination

    Households or hotspots? Defining intervention targets for malaria elimination in Ratanakiri Province, eastern Cambodia

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    Background. Malaria “hotspots” have been proposed as potential intervention units for targeted malaria elimination. Little is known about hotspot formation and stability in settings outside sub-Saharan Africa. Methods. Clustering of Plasmodium infections at the household and hotspot level was assessed over 2 years in 3 villages in eastern Cambodia. Social and spatial autocorrelation statistics were calculated to assess clustering of malaria risk, and logistic regression was used to assess the effect of living in a malaria hotspot compared to living in a malaria-positive household in the first year of the study on risk of malaria infection in the second year. Results. The crude prevalence of Plasmodium infection was 8.4% in 2016 and 3.6% in 2017. Living in a hotspot in 2016 did not predict Plasmodium risk at the individual or household level in 2017 overall, but living in a Plasmodium-positive household in 2016 strongly predicted living in a Plasmodium-positive household in 2017 (Risk Ratio, 5.00 [95% confidence interval, 2.09–11.96], P < .0001). There was no consistent evidence that malaria risk clustered in groups of socially connected individuals from different households. Conclusions. Malaria risk clustered more clearly in households than in hotspots over 2 years. Household-based strategies should be prioritized in malaria elimination programs in this region

    False positive circumsporozoite protein ELISA: a challenge for the estimation of the entomological inoculation rate of malaria and for vector incrimination

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The entomological inoculation rate (EIR) is an important indicator in estimating malaria transmission and the impact of vector control. To assess the EIR, the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) to detect the circumsporozoite protein (CSP) is increasingly used. However, several studies have reported false positive results in this ELISA. The false positive results could lead to an overestimation of the EIR. The aim of present study was to estimate the level of false positivity among different anopheline species in Cambodia and Vietnam and to check for the presence of other parasites that might interact with the anti-CSP monoclonal antibodies.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Mosquitoes collected in Cambodia and Vietnam were identified and tested for the presence of sporozoites in head and thorax by using CSP-ELISA. ELISA positive samples were confirmed by a <it>Plasmodium </it>specific PCR. False positive mosquitoes were checked by PCR for the presence of parasites belonging to the Haemosporidia, Trypanosomatidae, Piroplasmida, and Haemogregarines. The heat-stability and the presence of the cross-reacting antigen in the abdomen of the mosquitoes were also checked.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Specimens (N = 16,160) of seven anopheline species were tested by CSP-ELISA for <it>Plasmodium falciparum </it>and <it>Plasmodium vivax </it>(Pv210 and Pv247). Two new vector species were identified for the region: <it>Anopheles pampanai </it>(<it>P. vivax</it>) and <it>Anopheles barbirostris </it>(<it>Plasmodium malariae</it>). In 88% (155/176) of the mosquitoes found positive with the <it>P. falciparum </it>CSP-ELISA, the presence of <it>Plasmodium </it>sporozoites could not be confirmed by PCR. This percentage was much lower (28% or 5/18) for <it>P. vivax </it>CSP-ELISAs. False positive CSP-ELISA results were associated with zoophilic mosquito species. None of the targeted parasites could be detected in these CSP-ELISA false positive mosquitoes. The ELISA reacting antigen of <it>P. falciparum </it>was heat-stable in CSP-ELISA true positive specimens, but not in the false positives. The heat-unstable cross-reacting antigen is mainly present in head and thorax and almost absent in the abdomens (4 out of 147) of the false positive specimens.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The CSP-ELISA can considerably overestimate the EIR, particularly for <it>P. falciparum </it>and for zoophilic species. The heat-unstable cross-reacting antigen in false positives remains unknown. Therefore it is highly recommended to confirm all positive CSP-ELISA results, either by re-analysing the heated ELISA lysate (100°C, 10 min), or by performing <it>Plasmodium </it>specific PCR followed if possible by sequencing of the amplicons for <it>Plasmodium </it>species determination.</p

    Re-imagining malaria: heterogeneity of human and mosquito behaviour in relation to residual malaria transmission in Cambodia

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    BackgroundIn certain regions in Southeast Asia, where malaria is reduced to forested regions populated by ethnic minorities dependent on slash-and-burn agriculture, malaria vector populations have developed a propensity to feed early and outdoors, limiting the effectiveness of long-lasting insecticide-treated nets (LLIN) and indoor residual spraying (IRS). The interplay between heterogeneous human, as well as mosquito behaviour, radically challenges malaria control in such residual transmission contexts. This study examines human behavioural patterns in relation to the vector behaviour.MethodsThe anthropological research used a sequential mixed-methods study design in which quantitative survey research methods were used to complement findings from qualitative ethnographic research. The qualitative research existed of in-depth interviews and participant observation. For the entomological research, indoor and outdoor human landing collections were performed. All research was conducted in selected villages in Ratanakiri province, Cambodia.ResultsVariability in human behaviour resulted in variable exposure to outdoor and early biting vectors: (i) indigenous people were found to commute between farms in the forest, where malaria exposure is higher, and village homes; (ii) the indoor/outdoor biting distinction was less clear in forest housing often completely or partly open to the outside; (iii) reported sleeping times varied according to the context of economic activities, impacting on the proportion of infections that could be accounted for by early or nighttime biting; (iv) protection by LLINs may not be as high as self-reported survey data indicate, as observations showed around 40% (non-treated) market net use while (v) unprotected evening resting and deep forest activities impacted further on the suboptimal use of LLINs.ConclusionsThe heterogeneity of human behaviour and the variation of vector densities and biting behaviours may lead to a considerable proportion of exposure occurring during times that people are assumed to be protected by the distributed LLINs. Additional efforts in improving LLIN use during times when people are resting in the evening and during the night might still have an impact on further reducing malaria transmission in Cambodia

    Spatial clustering and risk factors of malaria infections in Ratanakiri Province, Cambodia

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    Background: Malaria incidence worldwide has steadily declined over the past decades. Consequently, increasingly more countries will proceed from control to elimination. The malaria distribution in low incidence settings appears patchy, and local transmission hotspots are a continuous source of infection. In this study, species-specific clusters and associated risk factors were identified based on malaria prevalence data collected in the north-east of Cambodia. In addition, Plasmodium falciparum genetic diversity, population structure and gene flows were studied.Method: In 2012, blood samples from 5793 randomly selected individuals living in 117 villages were collected from Ratanakiri province, Cambodia. Malariometric data of each participant were simultaneously accumulated using a standard questionnaire. A two-step PCR allowed for species-specific detection of malaria parasites, and SNPgenotyping of P. falciparum was performed. SaTScan was used to determine species-specific areas of elevated risk to infection, and univariate and multivariate risk analyses were carried out.Result: PCR diagnosis found 368 positive individuals (6.4%) for malaria parasites, of which 22% contained mixed species infections. The occurrence of these co-infections was more frequent than expected. Specific areas with elevated risk of infection were detected for all Plasmodium species. The clusters for Falciparum, Vivax and Ovale malaria appeared in the north of the province along the main river, while the cluster for Malariae malaria was situated elsewhere. The relative risk to be a malaria parasite carrier within clusters along the river was twice that outside the area. The main risk factor associated with three out of four malaria species was overnight stay in the plot hut, a human behaviour associated with indigenous farming. Haplotypes did not show clear geographical population structure, but pairwise Fst value comparison indicated higher parasite flow along the river.Discussion: Spatial aggregation of malaria parasite carriers, and the identification of malaria species-specific risk factors provide key insights in malaria epidemiology in low transmission settings, which can guide targeted supplementary interventions. Consequently, future malaria programmes in the province should implement additional specific policies targeting households staying overnight at their farms outside the village, in addition to migrants and forest workers