58 research outputs found

    Alrededor del ideal de hombre : el motivo del perdón en la réécriture del siglo XVI de "Gran conquista de Ultramar"

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    En este artículo se presenta el motivo del perdón en la reescritura española de la obra Gran conquista de Ultramar del siglo XVI en relación con el funcionamiento de este motivo en la Ilíada de Homero. Este estudio ayuda a mostrar los caminos que siguen los héroes de los textos analizados para acercarse al ideal de hombre. Se presenta la visión del hombre noble que sabe perdonar. Ese perdón puede referirse tanto a Dios, a los demás, como a si mismo. Tal actitud revela el deseo del héroe de acercarse a la perfección del ser humano

    Effects of transferrin on aromatase activity in porcine granulosa cells in vitro.

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    Proliferating cells have an absolute requirement for iron, which is delivered by transferrin with subsequent intracellular transport via the transferrin receptor. Recent studies have reported that transferrin plays a crucial role in the local regulation of ovarian function, apart from its iron-binding characteristic. Therefore, the present study was undertaken to explore the possible role of transferrin in porcine granulosa cells function by examining its influence on aromatase activity, the most important indicator of follicular cell differentiation. In the first series of studies, pig granulosa cells isolated from small, immature follicles were cultured in the presence of transferrin alone (10 microg/ml or 100 microg/ml) or with the addition of FSH (100ng/ml). The second series of studies was undertaken to determine transferrin-stimulated granulosa cells ability to aromatize exogenous testosterone (1x10(-7)M). One hour after the establishment of cultures an aromatase inhibitor CGS16949A was added to test its influence on estradiol production. After 48 hours, cultures were terminated and cells were processed for immunocytochemical staining of aromatase. Media were frozen for further estradiol level analysis. Positive immunostaining for aromatase was found in all granulosa cell cultures. The intensity of immunostaining was always stronger in cultures supplemented with FSH whereas the addition of transferrin had no effect. Granulosa cells in vitro synthesized the highest amount of estradiol after the addition of FSH and exogenous testosterone as measured radioimmunologically. Concomitant treatment with FSH and transferrin caused an inhibition of FSH-stimulated aromatase activity. The production of estradiol also declined in the presence of FSH, testosterone and transferrin. This study demonstrates that transferrin had a dose-dependent inhibitory effect on FSH-stimulated aromatase activity, which was confirmed by radioimmunoassay. Our results indicate that transferrin may be an important factor in the regulation of granulosa cell diferentiation

    Effects of pre- and post- natal exposure to flutamide on connexin 43 expression in testes and ovaries of prepubertal pigs

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    The aim of this study was to show whether connexin43 (C×43) expression in gonads is affected by an anti-androgen action. To perform this test, pigs were prenatally (on gestational days 20–28 and 80–88; GD20, GD80) and postnatally (on days 2–10 after birth; PD2) exposed to flutamide, which was given in five doses every second day and its effect was observed in prepubertal gilts and boars. Morphology and expression of C×43 was investigated in testes and ovaries by means of routine histology, immunohistochemistry, Western blotting, and RT-PCR. In boars exposed to flutamide varying degrees of seminiferous tubule abnormality, including reduced number of Sertoli cells, tubules with severely dilated lumina and multinucleated germ cells were observed, whereas in gilts, the administration of flutamide at GD20 resulted in delayed folliculogenesis. Only follicles at the preantral stage were observed. Qualitative analysis of immunohistochemical staining for C×43 was confirmed by quantitative image analysis, where the staining intensity was expressed as relative optical density of diaminobenzidine deposits. After flutamide exposure, statistically significant increase in C×43 signal intensity was observed between interstitial tissue of GD20 and control pigs (**P<0.01), between seminiferous tubules of PD2 and control boars (**P<0.01) and between theca cells of GD80, of PD2 and control gilts (**P<0.01). In contrast, statistically significant decrease in C×43 signal intensity was found between granulosa cells of GD20, of PD2 and control gilts (**P<0.01 and *P<0.05, respectively) and between theca cells of GD20 and control gilts (**P<0.01). Since we demonstrated changes in gonad morphology and in the expression of C×43 at the level of protein of prepubertal boars and gilts, it seems possible that flutamide, through blocking androgen action, causes delayed gonadal maturation in later postnatal life and, among other factors, may be involved in the regulation of C×43 gene expression in pig gonads

    Nursing care of Jewish Patients

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    Kostka Anna, Krzemińska Sylwia, Durlej-Kot Sylwia, Borodzicz Adriana, Chabowski Mariusz, Janczak Dariusz. Nursing care of Jewish Patients. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2017;7(7):986-997. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.979787 http://ojs.ukw.edu.pl/index.php/johs/article/view/4853 The journal has had 7 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education parametric evaluation. Part B item 1223 (26.01.2017). 1223 Journal of Education, Health and Sport eISSN 2391-8306 7 © The Authors 2017; This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, Poland Open Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper. Received: 01.07.2017. Revised: 10.07.2017. Accepted: 31.07.2017. Opieka pielęgniarska nad pacjentem Wyznania Żydowskiego Nursing care of Jewish Patients Anna Kostka¹, Sylwia Krzemińska², Sylwia Durlej-Kot¹, Adriana Borodzicz², Mariusz Chabowski¹, Dariusz Janczak¹ ¹ Zakład Specjalności Zabiegowych. Katedra Pielęgniarstwa Klinicznego. Wydział Nauk o Zdrowiu. Uniwersytet Medyczny im Piastów Śląskich we Wrocławiu ² Zakład Pielęgniarstwa Anestezjologicznego i Intensywnej Opieki. Katedra Pielęgniarstwa Klinicznego. Wydział Nauk o Zdrowiu. Uniwersytet Medyczny im Piastów Śląskich we Wrocławiu mgr Anna Kostka¹, dr n med. Sylwia Krzemińska², mgr Sylwia Durlej-Kot¹, mgr Adriana Borodzicz², dr n med. Mariusz Chabowski¹, prof. dr hab. n med. Dariusz Janczak¹ Streszczenie Każdy człowiek ma prawo do równego traktowania bez względu na kolor skóry, kulturę, pochodzenie czy religię. Osoby wyznające judaizm przestrzegają wielu zasad. Stosowanie odpowiedniej diety, przestrzeganie zasad czystości, modlitwa, odprawianie rytuałów jest dla nich bardzo ważne. Personel medyczny ma za zadanie zapewnić pacjentom bezpieczeństwo bez względu na istniejące różnice. Zrozumienie najważniejszych wartości, etyki i praktyk judaizmu przyczyni się do zapewnienia profesjonalnej opieki nad pacjentem wyznania żydowskiego. Odpowiednia komunikacja, zrozumienie i tolerancja są kluczowe dla stworzenia relacji z chorym, dzięki której możliwe będzie uzyskanie pożądanych efektów terapeutycznych i polepszenie jakości życia chorych. Słowa kluczowe: pielęgniarstwo transkulturowe, opieka wielokulturowa, Żydzi Summary Everyone has the right to equal treatment irrespective of color, culture, origin or religion. Jewish patients obey many rules. The use of proper diet, adherence to the principles of purity, prayer, performing rituals is very important for them. Medical staff is committed to providing patients with safety, regardless of the differences. Understanding the most important values, ethics and practices of Judaism will help to provide professional care for the patient of Jewish faith. Appropriate communication, understanding and tolerance are essential for creating a relationship with the patient, through which it will be possible to achieve the desired therapeutic effect and improve the quality of life of patients. Key words: transcultural nursing, multicultural care, Jewish patient

    Pregnancy-related cardiac non-elective hospitalizations and pregnancy outcomes. A tertiary referral cardiac center experience

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    Background: Pregnant women with cardiovascular diseases (CVD) and their offspring are at higher risk of morbidity and mortality.Aims: To provide data on pregnancy outcomes among women with different types of CVD requiring non-elective cardiac hospitalization in a tertiary referral cardiac center.Methods: We identified all records of non-elective hospitalizations of pregnant women hospitalized between January 2009 through March 2018, at our institution — a tertiary referral cardiac center. The incidence and types of cardiac complications during pregnancy, as well as the pregnancy and offspring outcomes, were determined.Results: One hundred and sixty-one out of 328 pregnancy-related hospitalizations in 140 pregnancies were non-elective. Cardiac complications occurred in 62 (44%) pregnancies, with the most frequent being episodes of arrhythmia (22.1% pregnancies), followed by heart failure exacerbations (6.4% pregnancies). Maternal mortality reached 2.1% and affected only women with primary cardiomyopathies (CMP). Offspring mortality was 2.8%. Newborns of mothers with cardiac complications had significantly lower Apgar scores and gestational age at delivery, compared to mothers without cardiac complications.Conclusions: In our series mortality and morbidity among pregnant women with CVD hospitalizations were high. An unfavorable maternal outcome mainly affected women with CMP. Offspring of mothers with cardiovascular complications are prone to have a lower gestational age and Apgar score

    La terre promise dans le roman "Gálvez en la frontera" de Jorge Martínez Reverte

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    The theme of promised land will be presented as a part of the phenomenon of Moroccan immigration in Spanish literature of the 21th century on an example of the novel "Gálvez en la frontera" of Jorge Martínez Reverte. This paper will ilustrate conflicting relations between Moroccan ans Spanish society. It will also present an image and the perception of the Other in the context of coexistence of Moroccan and Spanish culture. The analysis will also clash with the reality experienced by immigrants, as a confrontation with his own ideas about Spain as a paradise.Le leitmotiv de la terre promise sera présenté en tant que partie intégrante du phénomène de l`immigration marocaine dans la littérature espagnole du XXIe siècle à partir de l`exemple du roman "Gálvez en la frontera" de Jorge Martínez Reverte. Cette analyse va montrer les relations contradictoires entre les sociétés marocaine et espagnole, ainsi que l`image et la perception de l`Autre dans le cadre de la coexistence de ce deux cultures. Le choc entre la réalité vécue par les immigré et leur illusion sur l`Espagne comme paradis sera également abordé

    Financial analysis of the capital group CD Projekt over the years 2016-2019

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    Analizę finansową określić można jako narzędzie analityczne usprawniające podejmowanie decyzji w jednostce. Dzięki niej szansa na popełnienie błędu w procesie decyzyjnym ulega zmniejszeniu. Oczywiście przy jej wykonywaniu trzeba zachować odpowiednią staranność i postępować zgodnie z wybraną metodą. Badanie to należy przeprowadzić w oparciu o dane finansowe. Główne źródło tych informacji stanowi sprawozdanie finansowe. Analiza może być wykorzystywana zarówno przez interesariuszy wewnętrznych jaki i zewnętrznych. Niniejsze opracowanie ma na celu wskazanie wartości poznawczej analizy finansowej z perspektywy podejmowania decyzji przez potencjalnego inwestora. Aby potwierdzić czy faktycznie inwestor może wykorzystać analizę do podejmowania decyzji wykonano trójstopniowe badanie. Przeprowadzone rozumowanie składało się z trzech części: analizy sytuacji kapitałowej, majątkowej, a także wskaźnikowej. Badanie pozwoliło potwierdzić założoną hipotezę, zgodnie z którą interesariusz zewnętrzny dzięki analizie finansowej danych zawartych w sprawozdaniu finansowym jest w stanie podjąć trafną i racjonalną ekonomicznie decyzję dotyczącą potencjalnych inwestycji.Financial analysis can be defined as an analytical tool for improving decision-making in an entity. It reduces the chance of making a mistake in the decision-making process. Of course, when performing it, it is necessary to exercise due diligence and follow the chosen method. The audit should be performed on the basis of financial data. The main source of this information is the financial statements. The analysis can be used by both internal and external stakeholders. This study aims to indicate the cognitive value of financial analysis from the perspective of decision-making by a potential investor. In order to confirm whether in fact an investor can use the analysis for decision-making, a three-stage study was performed. The study consisted of three parts: the analysis of the capital situation, assets, as well as indexes. The study allowed us to confirm the hypothesis that an external stakeholder, thanks to the financial analysis of the data contained in the financial statements, is able to make an accurate and economically rational decision regarding a potential investment

    Interculturalism in the School of Translators of Toledo as the impact on cultural as scientific exchange between the Muslim East and the Christian West

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    The School of Translators of Toledo which took place between the 12th and 13th century, contributed to spread of cultural texts of Orient to a wider audience in Europe and to strengthen scientific cooperation between the cultural world of Christian West and Muslin East. A figure of Other became a mediator opening cultural circles and a kind of a link between these two different civilization areas. On of the examples supporting interculturalism is a way of translating a text by a number of multilingual translators simultaneously

    Game Engine for Windows platform

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    Celem niniejszej pracy było zaprojektowanie architektury silnika gier wykorzystując przy tym architekturę bazującą na komponentach. Omówienie różnych bibliotek pomocnych przy implementacji silnika gier. Podjęto się również implementacji przedstawionej architektury na platformie systemowej MS Windows z wykorzystaniem DirectX 11 oraz języka C++ 11.The purpose of these thesis was design of game engine architecture with using component based architecture. It was discussed some libraries witch can be helpful while implementing game engine. It was also implementation of presented architected on the MS Windows sys-tem platform with using C++ 11 programing language and DirectX 11 library