767 research outputs found

    Fonctionnement hydrologique d'un interfluve sédimentaire de la plaine côtière ancienne de Guyane Française

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    Le fonctionnement hydrologique de la plaine côtière ancienne de Guyane française constitue une des contraintes majeures à sa mise en valeur agricole, du fait de l'existence de périodes d'excès d'eau prolongées.L'objectif de cet article est d'analyser, sur un interfluve caractéristique de la plaine côtière ancienne, la forme et la dynamique de la nappe et ses sources d'alimentation en relation avec la variabilité des propriétés physiques des sols.Sur le plan expérimental, le travail est conduit à partir d'un suivi hydrologique in situ des fluctuations de la nappe observées sur 21 stations et d'une caractérisation de la variabilité spatiale de la conductivité hydraulique des sols par la méthode du trou de tarière à charge variable. Sur le plan de la modélisation, l'identification de la répartition spatiale de la recharge sur l'interfluve est déterminée par une modélisation inverse. Les suivis montrent d'une part la rapidité de réponse de la nappe aux pluies et d'autre part des temps de présence de la nappe en surface variables selon les sols. La modélisation conforte l'hypothèse d'isolement hydraulique de l'interfluve. La dynamique de la nappe est directement reliée aux entrées pluviométriques et dans une moindre mesure aux sols. La variabilité spatiale de la recharge est par ailleurs sous la dépendance de la topographie et de l'hétérogénéité spatiale de la conductivité hydraulique. Enfin, une estimation du ruissellement de surface souligne son importance sur l'interfluve.Les résultats obtenus montrent que l'engorgement des sols de la plaine côtière est sous la dépendance directe des processus hydrologiques observés à l'échelle de chaque interfluve. La prédiction des zones à excès d'eau marqué et des zones où la recharge est homogène peut être envisagée à partir de la connaissance de la topographie et de la distribution des sols. Sur le plan agronomique et pour les sols à forte contrainte hydrique, la mise en place de systèmes de drainage permettant leur mise en valeur agricole est à considérer.The hydrological behaviour of the old coastal plain in French Guyana causes intense soil waterlogging, which is a major constraint to the agricultural development of this area. The old coastal plain presents a succession of similar old offshore bars (Fig. 1). To elucidate the factors affecting groundwater fluctuations in the plain, the hydrological behaviour of one typical bar was studied. This paper presents the results of the survey of the bar and of the identification of groundwater recharge by inverse modelling. It also investigates the relationships between the spatial variability of recharge rates, the topography, and the soil distribution over the bar to provide means for extrapolation to the whole plain.A bar, covering 0.16 km2, was chosen for the present study (Fig. 2). The maximum relief of the bar is 5 m and its general elevation lies between 2 and 7 m above sea level. The bar is drained by two convergent thalwegs. An important lateral and vertical soil differentiation was observed over a depth of approximately 1 m. Four main soil types (FAO/UNESCO classification) were identified at specific positions on the bar: podzols on the top, ferralsols on the upper slope, alluvial gleysols on the thalwegs and planosolic soils on the mid slope and between ferralsols and podzols. Ferralsols exhibit a progressive increase of clay content with increasing depth. The other soil types present sandy horizons with an irregular textural discontinuity (TD) located at a depth of 70 to 100 cm. Underneath the textural discontinuity lies a sandy clay marine alluvium, which is heterogeneous, ferrallitized and hydromorphic, with lenses of sand and clay. An impervious clay layer (NI) occurs at the base of the bar at an average height of 2 m above sea level. The climate is equatorial and has two marked seasons, wet and dry. Rain is mostly confined to the period November-July, but with a maximum from May to July. Mean annual rainfall is 2700 mm.A network of 21 piezometers was set up at the various topographic and pedological situations (Fig. 3). Six sampling sites were also equipped with tensiometers and access tubes for neutron probes. Groundwater monitoring lasted for three years from 1983 to 1986. The variability of soil hydraulic conductivity over the bar was measured by the auger hole method at the intersections of a 50 m square grid and at 25 m away from a few such intersections. A geostatistical analysis was performed and kriged maps of hydraulic conductivity were produced (Figs. 4 and 5). The comparison between the kriged maps and the soil map indicates that ferralsols exhibit higher conductivities than the other soils.Groundwater monitoring showed three main points. First, a fast response of groundwater fluctuations to rainfall was observed on the bar, which suggests that the hydrology of the bar is little influenced by contributions from neighbouring bars or from the Precambrian basement situated upgradient. Second, time length of soil saturation varied markedly over the bar and was related to the soil types (Fig. 7). Lastly, the observed spatial variability of the hydraulic conductivities and the evolution of water table levels indicate the possibility of a variable distribution of recharge over the bar.The deterministic flow model used for this study, WATASI (WAter TAble SImulation, Wolsack, 1982) is based on a Darcy-Dupuit hydraulic schematization. It is an integrated finite element and multilayer groundwater model with square cells of variable size. Here, three layers were considered: one representing the topsoil, from surface to the textural discontinuity, the second representing the sandy clayey alluvium, lying over the impervious layer, and the third representing the thalwegs surrounding the interfluve (Fig. 10). All layers were divided into cells whose length was either 25 m or 50 m. For the purpose of recharge identification, according to the results of the survey, the cells were grouped in six zones of homogeneous slope and soil type, with each zone assumed to exhibit constant recharge. Calibration of the parameters of the model and identification of recharge over the six zones were conducted over three periods, one exhibiting steady state flow and the two others transient flow, by minimizing the difference between the measured and simulated hydraulic heads. The results obtained by the simulation approach are:- No assumption of lateral inflow is necessary to simulate properly the evolution of hydraulic heads (Figs. 11 and 13); thus groundwater recharge only originates from the seepage of rainfall through the soil cover of the bar. - The spatial variability of recharge appears to follow firstly the slope distribution, and secondly the soil distribution: zones of high recharge correspond to zones of limited waterlogging and vice versa (Figs. 12 and 14). - The estimated rates of recharge are small in comparison to rainfall, and soil water budget calculations demonstrate the existence of large runoff rates. It can be concluded that the waterlogging of soils on the old coastal plain is mainly caused by the hydrological processes at the scale of each bar. Thus, for improving the agricultural suitability of the soils on the plain, local drainage of the waterlogged soils should be sufficient. To predict over the plain which zones should be drained, information on topography and soil distribution can be used as there are good correlations between the variability of these parameters and the variability in groundwater recharge and water table depths

    Quantum networks theory

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    The formalism of quantum theory over discrete systems is extended in two significant ways. First, tensors and traceouts are generalized, so that systems can be partitioned according to almost arbitrary logical predicates in a robust manner. Second, quantum evolutions are generalized to act over network configurations, in such a way that nodes be allowed to merge, split and reconnect coherently in a superposition. The hereby presented mathematical framework is anchored on solid grounds through numerous lemmas. Indeed, one might have feared that the familiar interrelations between the notions of unitarity, complete positivity, trace-preservation, non-signalling causality, locality and localizability that are standard in quantum theory be jeopardized as the partitioning of systems becomes both logical and dynamical. Such interrelations in fact carry through, albeit two new notions become instrumental: consistency and comprehension.Comment: 43 pages, 10 figures; v2: generalised main de

    Graph subshifts

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    We propose a definition of graph subshifts of finite type that can be seen as extending both the notions of subshifts of finite type from classical symbolic dynamics and finitely presented groups from combinatorial group theory. These are sets of graphs that are defined by forbidding finitely many local patterns. In this paper, we focus on the question whether such local conditions can enforce a specific support graph, and thus relate the model to classical symbolic dynamics. We prove that the subshifts that contain only infinite graphs are either aperiodic, or feature no residual finiteness of their period group, yielding non-trivial examples as well as two natural undecidability theorems.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    The deep-sea macrobenthos on the continental slope of the northwestern Mediterranean Sea: a quantitative approach

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    As part of the ECOMARGE operation (J.G.O.F.S. France), macrobenthic assemblages in the Toulon Canyon were described and quantified on the basis of sampling carried out between 250 and 2000 m depth on the Mediterranean continental slope. Results show that Mediterranean bathyal assemblages are made up mainly of continental shelf eurybathic species. The qualitative and quantitative composition of populations varies with depth on the slope and also varies with station position at equivalent depth, whether on the flanks or in the canyon channel. Various analyses have provided evidence on the factors responsible for this population distribution pattern. No single factor emerges as predominant, but rather a group of factors, which are related to the nature and origin of sediments and more particularly their grain size distribution, geochemical composition and mode of transportation and sedimentation (benthic nepheloid or originating from the water column), act in conjunction to determine the pattern. Comparison with ocean continental slopes shows that in the Mediterranean Sea the absence of tidal current modifies the trophic structure of the macrobenthic assemblages, which are characterized by a dominance of surface and subsurface deposit feeders as compared to a dominance of suspension feeders and carnivores in the upper and median part of the slope in the ocean. Surface dumping of dredge spoil at the canyon head and channelling of waste induces an increase of organic matter and pollutant concentrations in sediment from the upper part of the canyon channel but does not give rise to any marked population degradation

    Atlas radiographique et ostéologique du singe de nuit (Aotus trivirgatus)

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    Aotus trivirgatus, également connu sous le nom de singe de nuit, est un primate d’Amérique du Sud, utilisé comme modèle d’étude par l’homme en matière de recherche scientifique, notamment en virologie et en ophtalmologie. Cet atlas présente des clichés normaux du squelette et constitue une base de données de référence en matière d’anatomie radiographique de cet animal. Chaque radiographie est commentée et accompagnée de photographies légendées des structures osseuses concernées, facilitant la compréhension des clichés

    Complexity of fixed point counting problems in Boolean Networks

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    A Boolean network (BN) with nn components is a discrete dynamical system described by the successive iterations of a function f:{0,1}n{0,1}nf:\{0,1\}^n \to \{0,1\}^n. This model finds applications in biology, where fixed points play a central role. For example, in genetic regulations, they correspond to cell phenotypes. In this context, experiments reveal the existence of positive or negative influences among components: component ii has a positive (resp. negative) influence on component jj meaning that jj tends to mimic (resp. negate) ii. The digraph of influences is called signed interaction digraph (SID), and one SID may correspond to a large number of BNs (which is, in average, doubly exponential according to nn). The present work opens a new perspective on the well-established study of fixed points in BNs. When biologists discover the SID of a BN they do not know, they may ask: given that SID, can it correspond to a BN having at least/at most kk fixed points? Depending on the input, we prove that these problems are in P\textrm{P} or complete for NP\textrm{NP}, NPNP\textrm{NP}^{\textrm{NP}}, \textrm{NP}^{\textrm{#P}} or NEXPTIME\textrm{NEXPTIME}. In particular, we prove that it is NP\textrm{NP}-complete (resp. NEXPTIME\textrm{NEXPTIME}-complete) to decide if a given SID can correspond to a BN having at least two fixed points (resp. no fixed point).Comment: 43 page

    Identification of Burgers vectors along <111> in In-doped GaAs, by X-ray transmission topography andimage simulation.

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    International audienceLong dislocations with Burgers vectors along are unusual in f.c.c. lattices. X-ray topographs have beenobtained of as-grown GaAs crystals doped with 1020 atoms cm -3 of In, where the usual extinction criterion g.b = 0leads to this type of defect. However, for several g satisfying the condition g.b = 0 with b = a [111], the images of thesedislocations were still clearly visible. Comparison between experimental and computer-simulated X-ray topographicsections of these defects confirms the existence of Burgers vectors along

    Visual search in spatial neglect studied with a preview paradigm

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    Impaired visual search is a hallmark of spatial neglect. When searching for an unique feature (e.g., color) neglect patients often show only slight visual field asymmetries. In contrast, when the target is defined by a combination of features (e.g., color and form) they exhibit a severe deficit of contralesional search. This finding suggests a selective impairment of the serial deployment of spatial attention. Here, we examined this deficit with a preview paradigm. Neglect patients searched for a target defined by the conjunction of shape and color, presented together with varying numbers of distracters. The presentation time was varied such that on some trials participants previewed the target together with same-shape/different-color distracters, for 300 or 600 ms prior to the appearance of additional different-shape/same-color distracters. On the remaining trials the target and all distracters were shown simultaneously. Healthy participants exhibited a serial search strategy only when all items were presented simultaneously, whereas in both preview conditions a pop-out effect was observed. Neglect patients showed a similar pattern when the target was presented in the right hemifield. In contrast, when searching for a target in the left hemifield they showed serial search in the no-preview condition, as well as with a preview of 300 ms, and partly even at 600 ms. A control experiment suggested that the failure to fully benefit from item preview was probably independent of accurate perception of time. Our results, when viewed in the context of existing literature, lead us to conclude that the visual search deficit in neglect reflects two additive factors: a biased representation of attentional priority in favor of ipsilesional information and exaggerated capture of attention by ipsilesional abrupt onsets

    A lateral belt of cortical LGN and NuMA guides mitotic spindle movements and planar division in neuroepithelial cells

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    Knockdown or mislocalization of LGN complex components disrupts the stereotypic biphasic spindle movements regulating planar cell division and neuroepithelial structure in chick embryos