1,526 research outputs found

    Phonological markedness, acquisition and language pathology: what is left of the Jakobsonian legacy?

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    International audienceThis chapter looks at some of the phonological theses put forward by Roman Jakobson (1941/1968) concerning language acquisition and language impairment. We argue, with special reference to the French language and on the basis of aphasiological data, that the notion of markedness, which played a central role in Jakobson's work, is still relevant. If built into our representational machinery, markedness can provide an insightful account of the development of phonology and its destructuring and restructuring in various types of aphasia

    Relation between respiratory variations in pulse oximetry plethysmographic waveform amplitude and arterial pulse pressure in ventilated patients.

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    IntroductionRespiratory variation in arterial pulse pressure is a reliable predictor of fluid responsiveness in mechanically ventilated patients with circulatory failure. The main limitation of this method is that it requires an invasive arterial catheter. Both arterial and pulse oximetry plethysmographic waveforms depend on stroke volume. We conducted a prospective study to evaluate the relationship between respiratory variation in arterial pulse pressure and respiratory variation in pulse oximetry plethysmographic (POP) waveform amplitude.MethodThis prospective clinical investigation was conducted in 22 mechanically ventilated patients. Respiratory variation in arterial pulse pressure and respiratory variation in POP waveform amplitude were recorded simultaneously in a beat-to-beat evaluation, and were compared using a Spearman correlation test and a Bland-Altman analysis.ResultsThere was a strong correlation (r2 = 0.83; P < 0.001) and a good agreement (bias = 0.8 +/- 3.5%) between respiratory variation in arterial pulse pressure and respiratory variation in POP waveform amplitude. A respiratory variation in POP waveform amplitude value above 15% allowed discrimination between patients with respiratory variation in arterial pulse pressure above 13% and those with variation of 13% or less (positive predictive value 100%).ConclusionRespiratory variation in arterial pulse pressure above 13% can be accurately predicted by a respiratory variation in POP waveform amplitude above 15%. This index has potential applications in patients who are not instrumented with an intra-arterial catheter

    Cirkadijalni ritam, disanje i ponašanje hipogejskih i epigejskih repaša

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    Comparisons of circadian rhythmicity, behavior, and metabolism between surface and cavedwelling salamanders enable elucidation of evolutionary trends in these processes. The obligate cave-dwelling proteid Proteus anguinus did not show any apparent daily rhythm of activity or resting metabolic rate. In contrast, the surface-dwelling salamandrid Euproctus asper had a circadian SMR and activity cycle. These circadian rhythms possessed an endogenous component. The lives of both salamanders studied were characterized by long periods of inactivity punctuated by bouts of foraging or exploratory/predatory behavior. Proteus anguinus had reduced resting metabolic and spontaneous activity rates (considerably lower than most surface-dwelling amphibians), and therefore appears to be a good example of a vertebrate as a low-energy system. The low metabolic and activity rates of P. anguinus are interpreted as adaptations to a subterranean existence where poor and discontinuous food supplies and/or intermittent hypoxia may be present for long periods.Usporedbe cirkadijalnog ritma, ponašanja i metabolizma kod površinskih i špiljskih proteida omogućuju rasvjetljavanje evolucijskih trendova u tim procesima. Obligatorni stanovnik špilja, proteid Proteus anguinus, nije pokazivao nikakav vidljiv dnevni ritam aktivnosti ili posebni metabolizam prilikom odmora. Naprotiv, salamandrid Euproctus asper koji boravi na površini, imao je cirkadijalni SMR i ciklus aktivnosti. Ti cirkadijalni ritmovi imali su endogenu komponentu. Životi obaju proučavanih životinja bili su karakterizirani dugim periodima neaktivnosti, prekidanih hranjenjem ili izviđačkim/predatorskim ponašanjem. Proteus anguinus imala je smanjen metabolizam tijekom odmaranja i tijekom spontane aktivnosti (znatno niži od većine površinskih vodozemaca), pa se čini dobrim primjerom kralježnjaka kao niskoenergetskog sustava. Niske vrijednosti metabolizma i aktivnosti P. anguinus interpretiraju se kao prilagodbe na život u podzemlju, gdje je u duljim periodima prisutna slaba i nekontinuirana opskrba hranom i/ili hipoksija

    L'organisation de son propre travail : une Ă©tude du cours d'action de cadres de l'industrie - Organizing one's own work : A study of industrial managers' course of action

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    International audienceThis study analyses how managers organize their own work, within the framework of both situated cognition and course-of-action theory. The activity of two managers in a metallurgical plant was studied during a period of two consecutive working days. Two kinds of data were collected just before and after these two days : - Review of the traces of the managers' activities and of the tools they resorted to (diary entries, ordering of papers on the desk, etc.); - verbalizations of the managers regarding traces, tools and an activity journal (during the two days, managers scheduled each moment in tables). Courses-of-action were reconstituted and analyzed by identifying macro-sequences, macro-series, and sequential or serial episodes which constituted them. The results showed that the managers' activity was divided in short episodes, connected by five different types of bifurcation. The managers located the major part of their activity within several tens of macro-sequences, many of them extending far before and after the analyzed activity. These gave diachronic coherence to the short episodes. The managers' activity was partially anticipated. In their diary, items differed according to the different types of anticipated action (appointment or deadline vs temporally undetermined action). Synchronous communications were present in the most of activity sequences. These involved search for synchronization in the manager's activity by coping emergencies and exploiting opportunities perceived during the course of action. Finally, autonomy in the managers' work appears as constructing signification extended on a large temporal span, these signification organizing activity in an adaptable way.Cette étude analyse la manière dont des cadres organisent leur propre travail, dans l'optique théorique de la cognition située et de la théorie du cours d'action. L'activité de deux cadres d'un établissement industriel a été étudiée pendant deux jours consécutifs. Juste avant et après ces deux jours, deux types de données ont été collectées : un relevé des traces d'activité et des instruments utilisés par les cadres (items dans l'agenda, ordonnancement des papiers sur le bureau, etc.), et des verbalisations à partir de ces relevés et d'un journal d'activité. Les cours d'action ont été reconstitués et analysés en identifiant les épisodes, séquentiel ou sériels, qui les constituaient. Les résultats montrent que l'activité des cadres était fractionnée en épisodes courts. Les cadres situaient la majeure partie de leur activité au sein de plusieurs dizaines de macro-séquences, la plupart d'entre elles s'étendant largement avant et après les cours d'action analysés. Les différents épisodes étaient reliés par cinq catégories distinctes de transition. Ces activités étaient partiellement anticipées, ce qui se traduit dans les agendas par différentes catégories d'artefacts correspondant à différents types d'anticipation (détermination ou non d'un moment pour accomplir une activité). Une activité de communication synchrone était présente dans la plupart des épisodes, impliquant une recherche de synchronisations dans l'activité des cadres, en répondant à des urgences et en exploitant des opportunités perçues dans le cours d'action. Finalement, l'autonomie dans le travail des cadres se révèle sous la forme d'une construction de significations étendues sur un large empan temporel, ces significations organisant l'activité de manière flexible

    Beginning teacher's situated emotions : study about first classroom's experiences

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    International audienceThis paper both presents a framework for analyzing situated emotions and describes the evolution of two teachers' emotions during their first classroom experiences. Based on Peirce's three categories of experience (1931-1935), we categorized teachers' emotions into affective states, sentiments and emotions-types. The principal results show (a) the emotional flow during ordinary teaching situations, (b) the emergence of contradictory emotions related to phenomena of emotional hysteresis between the affective states and sentiments, (c) the typical character of their emotions related to dependence on the lesson plan and the need to maintain student activity, and (d) the importance of typicalization of emotions in learning to teach

    Interphonologie et représentations orthographiques. Le cas des catégories /b/ et /v/ chez des apprenants japonais de Français Langue Etrangère.

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    L'article essaie de clarifier l'apprentissage de catégories phonologiques dans une langue seconde quand cette dernière ne fait pas partie des catégories de la langue source. Il soulève aussi la question de l'orthographe et la façon dont elle peut interagir dans l'apprentissage pour des langues à longue tradition orthographique comme le japonais ou le français

    Sacrifice ratio dispersion within the Euro Zone:<br />What can be learned about implementing a Single Monetary Policy?

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    International audienceThis article focuses on the comparison of sacrifice ratios as an indicator for structural dispersion within the euro area over the period 1972-2003. Estimates of the sacrifice ratio, defined as the cumulative output cost arising from permanent inflation reduction, are obtained using structural VAR models. Results from sub-period analysis as well as ten-year-period rolling estimates lead to two main conclusions. Firstly empirical evidence displays a recent increase in the average sacrifice ratio, which can be linked to the simultaneous decrease in the average inflation rate: this negative relationship between the initial level of inflation and the cost of disinflation can be seen as a justification for the choice of an inflation objective close to 2% for the European Central Bank (ECB) rather than a target of perfect price stability, potentially very damaging. Secondly, we can't provide evidence of any reduction in European sacrifice ratio dispersion, which would suggest that the nominal convergence triggered by the Maastricht Treaty didn't involve a true reduction of structural differences. It is likely to be a problem in the stance of a single monetary policy, since structural differences imply asymmetric responses of real national economies to the same monetary impulse

    L'organisation de son propre travail : une Ă©tude du cours d'action de cadres de l'industrie - Organizing one's own work : A study of industrial managers' course of action

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    Cette étude analyse la manière dont des cadres organisent leur propre travail, dans l'optique théorique de la cognition située et de la théorie du cours d'action. L'activité de deux cadres d'un établissement industriel a été étudiée pendant deux jours consécutifs. Juste avant et après ces deux jours, deux types de données ont été collectées : un relevé des traces d'activité et des instruments utilisés par les cadres (items dans l'agenda, ordonnancement des papiers sur le bureau, etc.), et des verbalisations à partir de ces relevés et d'un journal d'activité. Les cours d'action ont été reconstitués et analysés en identifiant les épisodes, séquentiel ou sériels, qui les constituaient. Les résultats montrent que l'activité des cadres était fractionnée en épisodes courts. Les cadres situaient la majeure partie de leur activité au sein de plusieurs dizaines de macro-séquences, la plupart d'entre elles s'étendant largement avant et après les cours d'action analysés. Les différents épisodes étaient reliés par cinq catégories distinctes de transition. Ces activités étaient partiellement anticipées, ce qui se traduit dans les agendas par différentes catégories d'artefacts correspondant à différents types d'anticipation (détermination ou non d'un moment pour accomplir une activité). Une activité de communication synchrone était présente dans la plupart des épisodes, impliquant une recherche de synchronisations dans l'activité des cadres, en répondant à des urgences et en exploitant des opportunités perçues dans le cours d'action. Finalement, l'autonomie dans le travail des cadres se révèle sous la forme d'une construction de significations étendues sur un large empan temporel, ces significations organisant l'activité de manière flexible.Cadres, Activité, Signification, Anticipation, Synchronisation, Cognition située

    Pour une analyse des énoncés en contexte : théories et pratique

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    This paper deals with the general question of how to study utterances or portions of utterances extracted from real texts. The tradition of teaching English linguistics in France is based on the assumption that the best examples are attested ones and should be analysed taking the co-text into account. Techniques and concepts have been developed within this tradition and have yielded interesting results which underlie teachers’expectations in examinations and ’concours’ (competitive exams forfuture teachers). I nevertheless wish to argue that the format of French ’concours’ like the CAPES and the frameworks which are usually privileged are too restrictive. I take as an example a relatively simple sentence Is that the mill? as used near the beginning of Hemingway’s novel For Whom the Bell Tolls. I attempt to produce as complete an analysis as I can of this sentence in its context. This demonstrates what linguists know, i.e. that any utterance is the result of the interplay ofmany complex structures operating in parallel. I also argue that a number of concepts we require appear to be absent from standard textbooks or guides to ’concours’ which are recommended to students in France. I plead for more theoretical openness towards a variety of models which can contribute to our understanding of language and of English in particular. I also plead for a cumulative approach to the teaching of linguistics. Many of the insights of traditional grammar, structuralism, generative grammar, “énonciativisme”, case grammar, cognitive grammar, etc., should be combined and not simply placed in a linear sequence wherein the latest model displaces everything that has gone on before
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