29 research outputs found

    In silico transitions to multicellularity

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    The emergence of multicellularity and developmental programs are among the major problems of evolutionary biology. Traditionally, research in this area has been based on the combination of data analysis and experimental work on one hand and theoretical approximations on the other. A third possibility is provided by computer simulation models, which allow to both simulate reality and explore alternative possibilities. These in silico models offer a powerful window to the possible and the actual by means of modeling how virtual cells and groups of cells can evolve complex interactions beyond a set of isolated entities. Here we present several examples of such models, each one illustrating the potential for artificial modeling of the transition to multicellularity.Comment: 21 pages, 10 figures. Book chapter of Evolutionary transitions to multicellular life (Springer

    Rashevsky’s dream: A physico-mathematical foundation of history and culture

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    La famosa serie de ciencia ficción Fundación, escrita por Isaac Asimov, explora la idea de que el futuro de las sociedades no solo es predecible, sino que puede incluso ser diseñado. En el mundo de ficción de Asimov, se presenta una ciencia multidisciplinar llamada psicohistoria que combina las matemáticas, la psicología y la historia para predecir acontecimientos futuros. Nicolas Rashevsky, el padre de la biología matemática, dio credibilidad a la existencia de principios universales que sustenten la evolución cultural humana mediante modelos matemáticos. Su visión todavía no se ha realizado plenamente, ya que nuestra capacidad para predecir e incluso para diseñar la ingeniería necesaria es muy fragmentaria. Dos obstáculos importantes son la confusión con respecto al papel de los modelos matemáticos y las limitaciones de los conjuntos de datos actuales. Los avances recientes en la investigación sobre sistemas complejos, simulaciones computacionales y bases de datos a gran escala están allanando el camino para el desarrollo de una verdadera teoría matemática de la historia humana.; La famosa sèrie de ciència-ficció Fundació, escrita per Isaac Asimov, explora la idea que el futur de les societats no solament és predictible, sinó que fins i tot es pot dissenyar. En el món de ficció d’Asimov, es presenta una ciència multidisciplinària anomenada psicohistòria que combina les matemàtiques, la psicologia i la història per a predir esdeveniments futurs. Nicolas Rashevsky, el pare de la biologia matemàtica, va donar credibilitat a l’existència de principis universals que sustenten l’evolució cultural humana per mitjà de models matemàtics. La seua visió encara no s’ha realitzat plenament, ja que la nostra capacitat per a predir i fins i tot per a dissenyar l’enginyeria necessària és molt fragmentària. Dos obstacles importants són la confusió respecte al paper dels models matemàtics i les limitacions dels conjunts de dades actuals. Els avanços recents en la investigació sobre sistemes complexos, simulacions computacionals i bases de dades a gran escala estan aplanant el camí per al desenvolupament d’una vertadera teoria matemàtica de la història humana.; The popular science fiction series Foundation penned by Isaac Asimov explores the idea that the course of the future of societies is not only predictable but can be engineered as well. In Asimov’s fictional world, a multidisciplinary science called psychohistory combines mathematics, psychology, and history to predict future events. Nicolas Rashevsky, the father of mathematical biology, lent credibility to the existence of universal principles underpinning human cultural evolution using mathematical models. His vision remains to be fully realized, as our capacity to predict and even engineer is very fragmented. Two main obstacles are a misunderstanding of the role of mathematical models and the limitations of current datasets. Recent advances in complex systems research, computer-based simulations, and large-scale databases, are paving the way towards fully developing a mathematical theory of human history

    Efficient vasculature investment in tissues can be determined without global information

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    Cells are the fundamental building blocks of organs and tissues. Information and mass flow through cellular contacts in these structures is vital for the orchestration of organ function. Constraints imposed by packing and cell immobility limit intercellular communication, particularly as organs and organisms scale up to greater sizes. In order to transcend transport limitations, delivery systems including vascular and respiratory systems evolved to facilitate the movement of matter and information. The construction of these delivery systems has an associated cost, as vascular elements do not perform the metabolic functions of the organs they are part of. This study investigates a fundamental trade-off in vascularization in multicellular tissues: the reduction of path lengths for communication versus the cost associated with producing vasculature. Biologically realistic generative models, using multicellular templates of different dimensionalities, revealed a limited advantage to the vascularization of two-dimensional tissues. Strikingly, scale-free improvements in transport efficiency can be achieved even in the absence of global knowledge of tissue organization. A point of diminishing returns in the investment of additional vascular tissue to the increased reduction of path length in 2.5- and three-dimensional tissues was identified. Applying this theory to experimentally determined biological tissue structures, we show the possibility of a co-dependency between the method used to limit path length and the organization of cells it acts upon. These results provide insight as to why tissues are or are not vascularized in nature, the robustness of developmental generative mechanisms and the extent to which vasculature is advantageous in the support of organ function

    Fluorescein Transport Assay to Assess Bulk Flow of Molecules Through the Hypocotyl in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    The bulk transport of molecules through plant tissues underpins growth and development. The stem acts as a conduit between the upper and low domains of the plant, facilitating transport of solutes and water from the roots to the shoot system, and sugar plus other elaborated metabolites towards the non-photosynthetic organs. In order to perform this function efficiently, the stem needs to be optimized for transport. This is achieved through the formation of vasculature that connects the whole plant but also through connectivity signatures that reduce path length distributions outside the vascular system. This protocol was devised to characterize how cell connectivity affects the bulk flow of molecules traversing the stem. This is achieved by exposing young seedlings to fluorescein, for which no specific transporter is assumed to be present in A. thaliana, and assessing the relative concentration of this fluorescent compound in individual cells of the embryonic stem (hypocotyl) using confocal microscopy and quantitative 3D image analysis after a given exposure time

    Network-based approaches to quantify multicellular development

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    Multicellularity and cellular cooperation confer novel functions on organs following a structure–function relationship. How regulated cell migration, division and differentiation events generate cellular arrangements has been investigated, providing insight into the regulation of genetically encoded patterning processes. Much less is known about the higher-order properties of cellular organization within organs, and how their functional coordination through global spatial relations shape and constrain organ function. Key questions to be addressed include: why are cells organized in the way they are? What is the significance of the patterns of cellular organization selected for by evolution? What other configurations are possible? These may be addressed through a combination of global cellular interaction mapping and network science to uncover the relationship between organ structure and function. Using this approach, global cellular organization can be discretized and analysed, providing a quantitative framework to explore developmental processes. Each of the local and global properties of integrated multicellular systems can be analysed and compared across different tissues and models in discrete terms. Advances in high-resolution microscopy and image analysis continue to make cellular interaction mapping possible in an increasing variety of biological systems and tissues, broadening the further potential application of this approach. Understanding the higher-order properties of complex cellular assemblies provides the opportunity to explore the evolution and constraints of cell organization, establishing structure–function relationships that can guide future organ design

    A quantitative morphospace of multicellular organ design in the plant Arabidopsis

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    Organ function emerges from the interactions between their constituent cells. The investigation of cellular organization can provide insight into organ function following structure-function relationships. Here, we investigate the extent to which properties in cellular organization can arise "for free" as an emergent property of embedding cells in space versus those that are actively generated by patterning processes. Default cellular configurations were established using three-dimensional (3D) digital tissue models. Network-based analysis of these synthetic cellular assemblies established a quantitative topological baseline of cellular organization, granted by virtue of passive spatial packing and the minimal amount of order that emerges for free in tessellated tissues. A 3D cellular-resolution digital tissue atlas for the model plant species Arabidopsis was generated, and the extent to which the organs in this organism conform to the default configurations was established through statistical comparisons with digital tissue models. Cells in different tissues of Arabidopsis do not conform to random packing arrangements to varying degrees. Most closely matching the random models was the undifferentiated shoot apical meristem (SAM) from which aerial organs emanate. By contrast, leaf and sepal tissue showed the greatest deviation from this baseline, suggesting these to be the most "complex" tissues in Arabidopsis. Investigation of the patterning principles responsible for the gap between these tissues and default patterns revealed cell elongation and the introduction of air spaces to contribute toward additional organ patterning complexity. This work establishes a quantitative morphospace to understand the principles of organ construction and its diversity within a single organism

    Global Topological Order Emerges through Local Mechanical Control of Cell Divisions in the Arabidopsis Shoot Apical Meristem

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    The control of cell position and division act in concert to dictate multicellular organization in tissues and organs. How these processes shape global order and molecular movement across organs is an outstanding problem in biology. Using live 3D imaging and computational analyses, we extracted networks capturing cellular connectivity dynamics across the Arabidopsis shoot apical meristem (SAM) and topologically analyzed the local and global properties of cellular architecture. Locally generated cell division rules lead to the emergence of global tissue-scale organization of the SAM, facilitating robust global communication. Cells that lie upon more shorter paths have an increased propensity to divide, with division plane placement acting to limit the number of shortest paths their daughter cells lie upon. Cell shape heterogeneity and global cellular organization requires KATANIN, providing a multiscale link between cell geometry, mechanical cell-cell interactions, and global tissue order

    Accurate and versatile 3D segmentation of plant tissues at cellular resolution

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    Quantitative analysis of plant and animal morphogenesis requires accurate segmentation of individual cells in volumetric images of growing organs. In the last years, deep learning has provided robust automated algorithms that approach human performance, with applications to bio-image analysis now starting to emerge. Here, we present PlantSeg, a pipeline for volumetric segmentation of plant tissues into cells. PlantSeg employs a convolutional neural network to predict cell boundaries and graph partitioning to segment cells based on the neural network predictions. PlantSeg was trained on fixed and live plant organs imaged with confocal and light sheet microscopes. PlantSeg delivers accurate results and generalizes well across different tissues, scales, acquisition settings even on non plant samples. We present results of PlantSeg applications in diverse developmental contexts. PlantSeg is free and open-source, with both a command line and a user-friendly graphical interface

    Plant behaviour in response to the environment : information processing in the solid state

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    Information processing and storage underpins many biological processes of vital importance to organism survival. Like animals, plants also acquire, store and process environmental information relevant to their fitness, and this is particularly evident in their decision-making. The control of plant organ growth and timing of their developmental transitions are carefully orchestrated by the collective action of many connected computing agents, the cells, in what could be addressed as distributed computation. Here, we discuss some examples of biological information processing in plants, with special interest in the connection to formal computational models drawn from theoretical frameworks. Research into biological processes with a computational perspective may yield new insights and provide a general framework for information processing across different substrates