309 research outputs found

    Mutual Information for Free Fields

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    Treballs Finals de Grau de Física, Facultat de Física, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2024, Tutor: Pablo Bueno GómezThe entanglement entropy (EE) and mutual information (MI) of spatial regions in general conformal field theories contain universal information which can be used to characterize the corresponding theory. In this study, we perform lattice calculations of these quantities for free scalars and fermions in three spacetime dimensions, which allows us to probe some of these features. In particular, we verify the expected long- and short-distance behaviour of MI in each model, determining the relevant universal coefficients. Based on our results, we conjecture that the leading coefficient in the long-distance expansion of the MI is maximized when the regions are round disks. Additionally, we use the EE of regions with geometric singularities to compute the two-point function stress-tensor coefficient, CT , for a free scalar, obtaining an agreement of ∼ 97% with respect to the exact valu

    Arquitectura para el transporte de mercancías mediante UAS

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    This document proposes and theoretically develops an UAS network for goods delivery applications. Likewise, it dentifies its main organizational and technology difficulties, suggests possible solutions and determine the aspects that deserve particular attention from the competent authorities and the future researchers. The network presented has been specially designed to respond the needs of potential users which have been identified as companies b2c with a last-mile delivery in urban areas and companies b2b with a JIT storage strategy. This project also contemplates the current and future legislation to find necessary modifications and setting the network to legality. In this field solutions have been proposed based on sectorized STS and automatic flight plan validations. Moreover, this document reviews the required UAV’s characteristics to perform a goods delivery operation. Specifically, it assess the different implications of the employable power sources, presents the necessary protocols and control systems, and establish the optimum vehicle's frame according to each service and task. Besides, different VLL structures have also been proposed depending on the region where the network implementation intends to take place. These structures have been designed to provide the best solutions in terms of efficiency, capacity and safety. Lastly, this project presents algorithms and tactic and pre-tactic procedures to increase the efficiency and the safety, as well as to decrease the costs, the environmental footprint and the potential waiting times of the whole network. Due to the high theoretical content of this document, it lacks practicality to sumup all the distinct conclusions in this overview. Therefore, Chapter 5 has been added: a section exclusively created to lay out clearly and concisely the most important conclusions of this study.Aquest document planteja i desenvolupa de forma teòrica una arquitectura pel transport de mercaderies mitjançant UAS. De la mateixa manera, identifica quines son les principals dificultats organitzatives i tecnològiques actuals per dur-la a terme, proposa possibles solucions i determina quins aspectes mereixen especial atenció per part de les autoritats competents i dels futurs investigadors. L’arquitectura que aquí es presenta ha estat especialment dissenyada per respondre a les necessitats dels potencials usuaris finals, els quals han sigut identificats com empreses b2c que precisen de una last-mile delivery en zones urbanes i empreses b2b amb un model JIT d'emmagatzematge. Aquest projecte també considera la legislació vigent i futura per tal de detectar modificacions necessàries i ajustar l’arquitectura a la legalitat. En aquest àmbit es proposa i detalla solucions per les autoritats competents basades en STS per sectors i en validacions automàtiques de plans de vols. Així mateix, aquest document examina les característiques que precisa un UAV per realitzar les entregues de les mercaderies. Concretament estudia les implicacions de les diferents fonts d’alimentació empleables, presenta els protocols i sistemes necessaris pel control de les operacions i determina les estructures més òptimes dels vehicles segons el seu servei i missió. Per altra banda, també es proposen diferents estructures del VLL en funció de l’espai on es vulgui implementar l'arquitectura. Aquestes organitzacions estan dissenyades per oferir la millor solució possible des del punt de vista de l'eficiència, la capacitat i la seguretat. Finalment, aquest projecte planteja l’ús de diversos algoritmes i procediments tàctics i pre-tàctics per incrementar l'eficiència i la seguretat, així com per reduir els costos, la petjada mediambiental i els possibles temps d’espera del conjunt de tota l’arquitectura. Degut a l’alt contingut teòric d’aquest document, resulta poc pràctic i precís resumir les diferents conclusions dins d’aquest resum. Per això, s’inclou el Capítol 5: un apartat específicament dedicat a exposar de forma clara i concisa les conclusions més importants que s’extreuen d'aquest estudi.Este documento propone y desarrolla de forma teórica una arquitectura para el transporte de mercancías mediante UAS. Asimismo, identifica cuales son las principales dificultades organizativas y tecnológicas para llevarla a cabo, propone posibles soluciones y determina qué aspectos merecen especial atención por parte de las autoridades competentes y de los futuros investigadores. La arquitectura que aquí se presenta ha estado especialmente diseñada para responder a las necesidades de los posibles usuarios finales, los cuales han sido identificados como empresas b2c que precisan de una last-mile delivery en zonas urbanas y empresas b2b con un modelo JIT de almacenamiento. Este proyecto también considera la legislación vigente y futura para detectar modificaciones necesarias y para ajustar la arquitectura a la legalidad. En este campo se proponen y detallan soluciones para las autoridades competentes basadas en STS por sectores y en validaciones automáticas de planes de vuelo. De la misma forma, este documento examina las características que precisa un UAV para realizar las entregas de las mercancías. Concretamente estudia las implicaciones de las distintas fuentes de alimentación empleables, presenta los protocolos y sistemas necesarios para el control de las operaciones y determina las estructuras más óptimas de los vehículos según su servicio y función. Por otra parte, también se proponen diferentes estructuras del VLL en función del espacio donde se desee implementar la arquitectura. Estas organizaciones están diseñadas para ofrecer la mejor solución posible des del punto de vista de la eficiencia, la capacidad y la seguridad. Finalmente, este proyecto plantea el uso de distintos algoritmos y procedimientos tácticos y pre-tácticos para incrementar la eficiencia y la seguridad, así como para reducir los costes, la contaminación y los posibles tiempos de espera del conjunto de toda la arquitectura. Debido al alto contenido teórico de este documento, resulta poco práctico y preciso resumir las distintas conclusiones en este resumen. Por eso, se añade el Capítulo 5: un apartado específicamente dedicado a exponer de forma clara y concisa las conclusiones más importantes que se pueden extraer de este estudio

    Visualization of large molecular trajectories

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    The analysis of protein-ligand interactions is a time-intensive task. Researchers have to analyze multiple physico-chemical properties of the protein at once and combine them to derive conclusions about the protein-ligand interplay. Typically, several charts are inspected, and 3D animations can be played side-by-side to obtain a deeper understanding of the data. With the advances in simulation techniques, larger and larger datasets are available, with up to hundreds of thousands of steps. Unfortunately, such large trajectories are very difficult to investigate with traditional approaches. Therefore, the need for special tools that facilitate inspection of these large trajectories becomes substantial. In this paper, we present a novel system for visual exploration of very large trajectories in an interactive and user-friendly way. Several visualization motifs are automatically derived from the data to give the user the information about interactions between protein and ligand. Our system offers specialized widgets to ease and accelerate data inspection and navigation to interesting parts of the simulation. The system is suitable also for simulations where multiple ligands are involved. We have tested the usefulness of our tool on a set of datasets obtained from protein engineers, and we describe the expert feedback.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Arran de Nord

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    Segon premiAward-winningPostprint (published version

    Pla director sociosanitari: estratègies 2017-2019

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    Planificació sanitària; Salut pública; Envelliment; Malalties cròniques evolutivesPlanificación sanitaria; Salud pública; Envejecimiento; Enfermedades crónicas evolutivasHealth planning; Public Health; Aging; Chronic evolutionary diseasesEl Pla director sociosanitari (PDSS) és l'instrument d'informació, estudi i proposta mitjançant el qual el Departament de Salut determina les línies directrius per impulsar, planificar i coordinar les actuacions que cal desenvolupar en els àmbits de l'atenció de la salut a persones que necessitin atenció geriàtrica, cures pal·liatives, que pateixin la malaltia d'Alzheimer i altres demències, així com a persones amb altres malalties neurològiques que puguin cursar amb discapacitat. La seva missió és millorar la salut de les persones incloses a les quatre línies d’atenció (geriatria, malaltia d’Alzheimer i altres demències, altres malalties neurològiques que poden cursar amb discapacitat i atenció al final de la vida) mitjançant la redefinició d’un model d’atenció i d’organització dels serveis

    Leishmaniasis and tumor necrosis factor alpha antagonists in the mediterranean basin. A switch in clinical expression

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    TNF-α blockers therapy; Leishmaniasis; Retrospective observational studyTerapia con bloqueadores de TNF-α; Leishmaniasis; Estudio observacional retrospectivoTeràpia bloquejadora de TNF-α; Leishmaniosi; Estudi observacional retrospectiuBACKGROUND: Tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) blockers are recognized as a risk factor for reactivation of granulomatous infections. Leishmaniasis has been associated with the use of these drugs, although few cases have been reported. METHODOLOGY: We performed a retrospective observational study including patients with confirmed leishmaniasis acquired in the Mediterranean basin that were under TNF-α blockers therapy at the moment of the diagnosis. Patients diagnosed in our hospital from 2008 to 2018 were included. Moreover, a systematic review of the literature was performed and cases fulfilling the inclusion criteria were also included. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Forty-nine patients were analyzed including nine cases from our series. Twenty-seven (55.1%) cases were male and median age was 55 years. Twenty-five (51%) patients were under infliximab treatment, 20 (40.8%) were receiving adalimumab, 2 (4.1%) etanercept, one (2%) golimumab and one (2%) a non-specified TNF-α blocker. Regarding clinical presentation, 28 (57.1%) presented as cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL), 16 (32.6%) as visceral leishmaniasis (VL) and 5 (10.2%) as mucocutaneous leishmaniasis (MCL). All VL and MCL patients were treated with systemic therapies. Among CL patients, 13 (46.4%) were treated with a systemic drug (11 received L-AmB, one intramuscular antimonials and one miltefosine) while 14 (50%) patients were given local treatment (13 received intralesional pentavalent antimonials, and one excisional surgery). TNF-α blockers were interrupted in 32 patients (65.3%). After treatment 5 patients (10.2%) relapsed. Four patients with a CL (3 initially treated with local therapy maintaining TNF-α blockers and one treated with miltefosine) and one patient with VL treated with L-AmB maintaining TNF-α blockers. CONCLUSIONS: This data supports the assumption that the blockage of TNF-α modifies clinical expression of leishmaniasis in endemic population modulating the expression of the disease leading to atypical presentations. According to the cases reported, the best treatment strategy would be a systemic drug and the discontinuation of the TNF-α blockers therapy until clinical resolution

    Adipose tissue mitochondrial dysfunction in human obesity is linked to a specific DNA methylation signature in adipose-derived stem cells

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    Background: A functional population of adipocyte precursors, termed adipose-derived stromal/stem cells (ASCs), is crucial for proper adipose tissue (AT) expansion, lipid handling, and prevention of lipotoxicity in response to chronic positive energy balance. We previously showed that obese human subjects contain a dysfunctional pool of ASCs. Elucidation of the mechanisms underlying abnormal ASC function might lead to therapeutic interventions for prevention of lipotoxicity by improving the adipogenic capacity of ASCs. Methods: Using epigenome-wide association studies, we explored the impact of obesity on the methylation signature of human ASCs and their differentiated counterparts. Mitochondrial phenotyping of lean and obese ASCs was performed. TBX15 loss- and gain-of-function experiments were carried out and western blotting and electron microscopy studies of mitochondria were performed in white AT biopsies from lean and obese individuals. Results: We found that DNA methylation in adipocyte precursors is significantly modified by the obese environment, and adipogenesis, inflammation, and immunosuppression were the most affected pathways. Also, we identified TBX15 as one of the most differentially hypomethylated genes in obese ASCs, and genetic experiments revealed that TBX15 is a regulator of mitochondrial mass in obese adipocytes. Accordingly, morphological analysis of AT from obese subjects showed an alteration of the mitochondrial network, with changes in mitochondrial shape and number. Conclusions: We identified a DNA methylation signature in adipocyte precursors associated with obesity, which has a significant impact on the metabolic phenotype of mature adipocytes