762 research outputs found

    Radial Solutions for Hamiltonian Elliptic Systems with Weights

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    We prove the existence of infinitely many radial solutions for elliptic systems in Rn with power weights. A key tool for the proof will be a weighted imbedding theorem for fractional-order Sobolev spaces, that could be of independent interest.Comment: 13 page

    Acoustically Inspired Probabilistic Time-domain Music Transcription and Source Separation.

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    PhD ThesisAutomatic music transcription (AMT) and source separation are important computational tasks, which can help to understand, analyse and process music recordings. The main purpose of AMT is to estimate, from an observed audio recording, a latent symbolic representation of a piece of music (piano-roll). In this sense, in AMT the duration and location of every note played is reconstructed from a mixture recording. The related task of source separation aims to estimate the latent functions or source signals that were mixed together in an audio recording. This task requires not only the duration and location of every event present in the mixture, but also the reconstruction of the waveform of all the individual sounds. Most methods for AMT and source separation rely on the magnitude of time-frequency representations of the analysed recording, i.e., spectrograms, and often arbitrarily discard phase information. On one hand, this decreases the time resolution in AMT. On the other hand, discarding phase information corrupts the reconstruction in source separation, because the phase of each source-spectrogram must be approximated. There is thus a need for models that circumvent phase approximation, while operating at sample-rate resolution. This thesis intends to solve AMT and source separation together from an unified perspective. For this purpose, Bayesian non-parametric signal processing, covariance kernels designed for audio, and scalable variational inference are integrated to form efficient and acoustically-inspired probabilistic models. To circumvent phase approximation while keeping sample-rate resolution, AMT and source separation are addressed from a Bayesian time-domain viewpoint. That is, the posterior distribution over the waveform of each sound event in the mixture is computed directly from the observed data. For this purpose, Gaussian processes (GPs) are used to define priors over the sources/pitches. GPs are probability distributions over functions, and its kernel or covariance determines the properties of the functions sampled from a GP. Finally, the GP priors and the available data (mixture recording) are combined using Bayes' theorem in order to compute the posterior distributions over the sources/pitches. Although the proposed paradigm is elegant, it introduces two main challenges. First, as mentioned before, the kernel of the GP priors determines the properties of each source/pitch function, that is, its smoothness, stationariness, and more importantly its spectrum. Consequently, the proposed model requires the design of flexible kernels, able to learn the rich frequency content and intricate properties of audio sources. To this end, spectral mixture (SM) kernels are studied, and the Mat ern spectral mixture (MSM) kernel is introduced, i.e. a modified version of the SM covariance function. The MSM kernel introduces less strong smoothness, thus it is more suitable for modelling physical processes. Second, the computational complexity of GP inference scales cubically with the number of audio samples. Therefore, the application of GP models to large audio signals becomes intractable. To overcome this limitation, variational inference is used to make the proposed model scalable and suitable for signals in the order of hundreds of thousands of data points. The integration of GP priors, kernels intended for audio, and variational inference could enable AMT and source separation time-domain methods to reconstruct sources and transcribe music in an efficient and informed manner. In addition, AMT and source separation are current challenges, because the spectra of the sources/pitches overlap with each other in intricate ways. Thus, the development of probabilistic models capable of differentiating sources/pitches in the time domain, despite the high similarity between their spectra, opens the possibility to take a step towards solving source separation and automatic music transcription. We demonstrate the utility of our methods using real and synthesized music audio datasets for various types of musical instruments

    La innovación ¿Una estrategia para la competitividad en el mercado global?

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    Con la globalización la innovación se ha convertido en un factor clave para la competitividad y el crecimiento económico de los países, como lo demuestran los estudios aquellos países que hacen mayor inversión en investigación y desarrollo, pero en los que esta inversión se ve reflejada en una alta cantidad de patentes de ideas innovadoras encaminadas a mejorar procesos y productos en las empresas con el fin de aumentar la competitividad, son aquellos que hoy en día son potencias económicas, en América Latina un ejemplo visible es Brasil que tiene la mayor inversión en investigación y desarrollo de la región, por ello se ubica en el puesto N° 7 de las economías mas grandes del mundo, de acuerdo con lo anterior se hace necesario que países emergentes como Colombia generen una cultura de la innovación y adaptabilidad a las nuevas tecnologías con el objetivo de ser mas competitivos, vía educación de mejor calidad, con mayor cobertura y facilidades de acceso, mas aun cuando tienen el reto de enfrentar una serie de TLC firmados con países desarrollados, este ensayo tiene como objetivo analizar los principales planteamientos acerca del rol de la innovación como el principal motor de los países para ser competitivos en el ámbito internacional.to the above it is necessary that emerging countries such as Colombia generated a culture of innovation and adaptability to new technologies in goal of becoming more competitive through better education, more coverage and accessibility, even when they have the challenge of taking a series of FTAs with developed countries, this essay is to analyze the major issues about the role of innovation as the main driver of countries to be competitive internationally

    Use of infectious disease surveillance reports to monitor the Zika virus epidemic in Latin America and the Caribbean from 2015 to 2017: strengths and deficiencies

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    Objectives To summarise the occurrence of congenital Zika syndrome (CZS) in Latin America and the Caribbean from 2015 to 2017 using two outcome measures derived from infectious disease surveillance reports and to assess the completeness of these reports.Design Surveillance study.Setting Pan American Health Organization (PAHO)/WHO epidemiology reports on confirmed and suspected Zika virus infection and cases of CZS.Participants Populations of 47 countries in the South and Central Americas, Mexico and the Caribbean.Primary and secondary outcome measures The number of CZS cases per 1000 births (using 2016–2017 births as a denominator) and the number of CZS cases per 1000 births in women with Zika virus infection during pregnancy.Results By 4 January 2018, 548623 suspected and 239063 confirmed Zika virus infections had been reported to PAHO/WHO from 47 countries. In 25 countries, over 80% of infections were reported as suspected. There were 3617 confirmed CZS cases in 25 countries; 2952 (82%) had occurred in Brazil. The number of CZS cases per 1000 births varied considerably with Brazil and several Caribbean island communities (Puerto Rico, St Martin, Martinique, Guadeloupe and Grenada) having the highest CZS prevalence above 0.5 per 1000 births. Analysing the number of CZS cases per 1000 births in women infected with Zika virus during their pregnancy highlighted the inaccuracies of the data, with Venezuela likely to have had severe under-reporting of CZS.Conclusions Expressing data on CZS in relation to total births, rather than as absolute numbers, better illustrates the burden of disease, providing that under-reporting of CZS is not too severe. Data on infections in pregnant women enable potential under-reporting of CZS to be identified. Both measures are recommended for future PAHO/WHO publications. Evidence of severe under-reporting of Zika virus infections and CZS makes interpretation of the data and comparisons between countries challenging

    On weighted inequalities for fractional integrals of radial functions

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    We prove a weighted version of the Hardy-Littlewood-So- bolev inequality for radially symmetric functions, and show that the range of admissible power weights appearing in the classical inequality due to Stein and Weiss can be improved in this particular case.Fil: de Napoli, Pablo Luis. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Matemática; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Investigaciones Matemáticas "Luis A. Santaló"; ArgentinaFil: Drelichman, Irene. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Investigaciones Matemáticas "luis A. Santaló"; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ingenieria. Departamento de Matematicas; ArgentinaFil: Duran, Ricardo Guillermo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Investigaciones Matemáticas "luis A. Santaló"; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Matemática; Argentin

    New observations on diet of the South American two-striped forest-pitviper <i>Bothrops bilineatus smaragdinus</i> (Hoge, 1966)

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    The arboreal, nocturnal and widely distributed snake Bothrops bilineatus smaragdinus (Squamata, Viperidae) is known as a generalist whose diet items have rarely been identified to species level. In this work we report three new items for its diet: an adult frog Dendropsophus marmoratus (Anura, Hylidae), an adult lizard Thecadactylus solimoensis (Squamata, Phyllodactylidae), and an adult bat Carollia brevicauda (Chiroptera, Phyllostomidae), the latter being the first record of predation of a Chiropteran by this species.Asociación Herpetológica Argentin

    New observations on diet of the South American two-striped forest-pitviper <i>Bothrops bilineatus smaragdinus</i> (Hoge, 1966)

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    The arboreal, nocturnal and widely distributed snake Bothrops bilineatus smaragdinus (Squamata, Viperidae) is known as a generalist whose diet items have rarely been identified to species level. In this work we report three new items for its diet: an adult frog Dendropsophus marmoratus (Anura, Hylidae), an adult lizard Thecadactylus solimoensis (Squamata, Phyllodactylidae), and an adult bat Carollia brevicauda (Chiroptera, Phyllostomidae), the latter being the first record of predation of a Chiropteran by this species.Asociación Herpetológica Argentin

    Presidential preferences in Colombia through Sentiment Analysis

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    This work carries out the sentiment analysis of the social network Twitter regarding the presidential debate on May 23, where a hashtag was left open so viewers could give their points of view on these three candidates: Gustavo Petro, Federico Gutierrez, and Rodolfo Hernández. Once we extracted these Tweets contained in the hashtag, they were manually classified. They then went through all the pre-processing and elimination of special characters, links, URLs, images, or videos. Next, the TextVectorization layer from the TensorFlow library was used to convert these tweets to vectors and finally to go through the two models. The results show the best results for the BERT model with an accuracy of 76% and an F1 score of 85%

    Management of Bilateral Condylar Fractures in an Edentulous Patient with Atrophic Mandible Using CADCAM Technology

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    Propósito: El objetivo de este artículo es reportar el caso de un paciente edéntulo con diagnóstico de fractura condilar bilateral, que fue tratado mediante planificación virtual. Métodos: Se utilizó tecnología CAD/CAM para el diseño y fabricación de una férula de Gunning, que se empleó para la reducción abierta de la fractura derecha y el tratamiento cerrado del lado izquierdo. Resultados: Se logró la reducción de la fractura condilar derecha proyectada en la planificación, así como el retorno de la dimensión vertical y la restauración de la función, tras 28 meses de observación. Conclusiones: En el caso del edentulismo total, la falta de guía oclusal y la atrofia ósea son variables importantes a considerar; sin embargo, herramientas como la tecnología CAD/CAM pueden ser utilizadas para tomar decisiones de tratamiento más predecibles y facilitar la ejecución de los procedimientos.Purpose: The objective of this article is to report the case of an edentulous patient with a diagnosis of bilateral condylar fracture, who was treated using virtual planning. Methods: CAD/CAM technology was used for the design and manufacture of a Gunning splint, which was employed for open reduction of the right fracture and closed management of the left side. Results: The reduction of the right condylar fracture projected in the planning was achieved, as well as the return of the vertical dimension and the restoration of function, after 28 months of observation. Conclusion: In the case of total edentulism, the lack of occlusal guidance and bone atrophy are important variables to consider; however, tools such as CAD/CAM technology can be used to take more predictable treatment decisions and facilitate the execution of the procedures