73 research outputs found

    Magnetocaloric effect and transition order in HoAl_{2}

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    NewConnect - an alternative platform for new innovative companies

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    The article discusses the attributes of innovation in the context of creating a knowledge-based economy and presents the alternative stock market NewConnect where the small and medium-sized firms may seek funds to finance their innovative projects. NewConnect's functions and goals are shown with respect to capital circulation, stock market training, education and promotion of SMEs aspiring to enter the Warsaw Stock Exchange in the future, as well as the expansion of the financial infrastructure in Poland and the EU.W artykule zaprezentowano atrybuty innowacyjności w kontekście kreacji Gospodarki Opartej na Wiedzy oraz alternatywny parkiet NewConnect, stanowiący szanse pozyskiwania kapitału na nowatorskie projekty przez małe i średnie firmy. Wskazano na realizowane funkcje i zadania NewConnect w dziele przepływu kapitału, treningu giełdowego, edukacji i promocji małych i średnich spółek aspirujących w przyszłości do zajęcia pozycji na GPW oraz rozbudowy infrastruktury finansowej Polski i Unii Europejskiej

    Corporate Culture and Its Connection with External and Internal Public Relations

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    The main aim of this article is to present the influence of corporate culture on company's stakeholders. This paper signalises the tendency in corporate communication with its internal and external publics. It is focused on two issues: corporate social responsibility and employer branding. Those two categories are consequences of corporate culture model.Głównym celem artykułu jest zaprezentowanie wpływu jaki wywiera charakter kultury korporacyjnej na związanych z przedsiębiorstwem interesariuszy (stakeholders). W artykule zasygnalizowane zostały główne tendencje wyznaczające charakter komunikacji między organizacją a jej wewnętrznym i zewnętrznym otoczeniem. Tekst koncentruje się na dwóch kwestiach: społecznej odpowiedzialności przedsiębiorstwa (corporate social responsibilty) i budowanie wizerunku pracodawcy (employer branding), które zaprezentowane zostały jako efekty określonego modelu kultury organizacyjnej

    Model of Enterpreneurship and Social-cultural and Market Orientation of Small Business Owners in Poland

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    In the development of SMEs in Poland crucial meaning is legislation, steadily adapted to EU regulations, especially to the European Charter for Small Enterprises. Research conducted in Poland by many authors provide data for doing so, to confirm the hypothesis that among small businesses a vital role in shaping their work situation did not continue to play the market mechanisms and orientations, but mainly socio-cultural factors.W rozwoju MŚP w Polsce podstawowe znaczenie mają również uregulowania prawne, systematycznie dostosowywane do regulacji unijnych, zwłaszcza zaś do Europejskiej Karty Małych Przedsiębiorstw. Badania prowadzone w Polsce przez wielu autorów dostarczają danych ku temu, by potwierdzić tezę, że wśród drobnych przedsiębiorców decydującą rolę w kształtowaniu ich sytuacji pracy odgrywają nadal nie mechanizmy i orientacje rynkowe, ale przede wszystkim czynniki społeczno-kulturowe

    Grain size effect on magnetic properties of REMnO₃ (RE = Pr, Nd)

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    X-ray diffraction and magnetic using dc and ac methods measurements of the polycrystalline and nanosize REMnO₃ (RE = Pr, Nd) powdered samples have been performed. The nanosize manganites were synthesized with a sol-gel method at different (800, 850 and 900 °C) temperatures. The average size of synthesized nanoparticles (from 56 to 89 nm) and polycrystalline powders (above 200 nm) was estimated using the x-ray diffraction data. All the compounds studied crystallize in the orthorhombic crystal structure (space group Pnma) at room temperature with smaller values of the lattice parameters in the nanosamples. The temperature-dependent ac magnetic susceptibilities show a sharp high-temperature peak connected with Mn magnetic moments ordering. The low-temperature maximum of magnetic susceptibility is proposed to be due to the polarization of the rareearth sublattice by an effective exchange field of the Mn ordered sublattice. The antiferromagnetic ordering of Mn sublattice and paramagnetic Curie temperatures as well as the magnetic moment values for the nanosize samples were found to be smaller than those for polycrystalline sample

    Synthesis, Decomposition and Characterization of Fe and Ni Sulfides and Fe and CO Nanoparticles for Aerospace Applications

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    We describe several related studies where simple iron, nickel, and cobalt complexes were prepared, decomposed, and characterized for aeronautics (Fischer-Tropsch catalysts) and space (high-fidelity lunar regolith simulant additives) applications. We describe the synthesis and decomposition of several new nickel dithiocarbamate complexes. Decomposition resulted in a somewhat complicated product mix with NiS predominating. The thermogravimetric analysis of fifteen tris(diorganodithiocarbamato)iron(III) has been investigated. Each undergoes substantial mass loss upon pyrolysis in a nitrogen atmosphere between 195 and 370 C, with major mass losses occurring between 279 and 324 C. Steric repulsion between organic substituents generally decreased the decomposition temperature. The product of the pyrolysis was not well defined, but usually consistent with being either FeS or Fe2S3 or a combination of these. Iron nanoparticles were grown in a silica matrix with a long-term goal of introducing native iron into a commercial lunar dust simulant in order to more closely simulate actual lunar regolith. This was also one goal of the iron and nickel sulfide studies. Finally, cobalt nanoparticle synthesis is being studied in order to develop alternatives to crude processing of cobalt salts with ceramic supports for Fischer-Tropsch synthesis