50 research outputs found

    Sexual risk behaviors in the digital age: analysis of the sexting phenomenon in the young Spanish adult population

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    Prevention programs on risk behaviors through technologies are aimed primarily at children, but rarely focus on the older population. To promote this new approach, it is necessary to investigate the behavior of adults with technologies, especially when these behaviors can lead to unwanted public exposure of the individual privacy. Thus, the aim of this paper is to study the phenomenon of sexting or exchange of erotic-sexual contents through electronic means in a sample of 171 Spanish adults, comparing the results according to two age groups (18 - 26 years and 27 - 38 years). An associative-correlational study was carried out using an online questionnaire. The main results show a high participation in sexting, especially in the reception of sexual contents. A greater number of men than women send their own sexual images, being also men who receive this type of images more frequently. Participants younger than 26 are more involved than participants older than 26 in active sexting (to send) and passive sexting (to receive). Likewise, sexting is carried out with different profiles of people, although fundamentally with the partner, standing out among the most frequent motivations the intention to satisfy. The need to deepen the study of sexting in adults and to consider the potential risks of this practice in a non-consensual diffusion of erotic-sexual images is discussed.Los programas preventivos sobre conductas de riesgo a través de las tecnologías se dirigen fundamentalmente a menores de edad, pero escasamente se centran en la población mayor de edad. Para promover este nuevo enfoque es preciso investigar el comportamiento de adultos ante las tecnologías, especialmente cuando tales conductas pueden derivar en una exposición pública no deseada de la intimidad de la persona. Por ello, el objetivo de este trabajo es estudiar el fenómeno del sexting o intercambio de contenidos erótico-sexuales a través de medios electrónicos en una muestra de 171 adultos españoles, comparando los resultados según dos grupos de edad (18 – 26 años y 27 – 38 años). Se llevó a cabo un estudio asociativo-correlacional mediante cuestionario online. Los principales resultados muestran una alta participación en sexting, especialmente en la recepción de contenidos sexuales. Un mayor número de hombres que de mujeres envían imágenes propias de índole sexual, siendo también los hombres los que reciben con mayor asiduidad este tipo de imágenes. Los participantes menores de 26 años se involucran con más frecuencia que los mayores de 26 años en sexting activo (enviar) y sexting pasivo (recibir). Asimismo, se realiza sexting con diferentes perfiles de personas, aunque fundamentalmente con la pareja, destacándose entre las motivaciones más frecuentes la intención de satisfacer. Se discute la necesidad de profundizar en el estudio del sexting en adultos y de considerar los riesgos potenciales de esta práctica ante una difusión no consentida de las imágenes erótico-sexuales.Universidad de Sevilla 933

    CircNNTSR: An R Package for the Statistical Analysis of Circular, Multivariate Circular, and Spherical Data Using Nonnegative Trigonometric Sums

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    The statistical analysis of circular, multivariate circular, and spherical data is very important in different areas, such as paleomagnetism, astronomy and biology. The use of nonnegative trigonometric sums allows for the construction of flexible probability models for these types of data to model datasets with skewness and multiple modes. The R package CircNNTSR includes functions to plot, fit by maximum likelihood, and simulate models based on nonnegative trigonometric sums for circular, multivariate circular, and spherical data. For maximum likelihood estimation of the models for the three different types of data an efficient Newton-like algorithm on a hypersphere is used. Examples of applications of the functions provided in the CircNNTSR package to actual and simulated datasets are presented and it is shown how the package can be used to test for uniformity, homogeneity, and independence using likelihood ratio tests

    Sums of Independent Circular Random Variables and Maximum Likelihood Circular Uniformity Tests Based on Nonnegative Trigonometric Sums Distributions

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    The circular uniform distribution on the unit circle is closed under summation, that is, the sum of independent circular uniformly distributed random variables is also circular uniformly distributed. In this study, it is shown that a family of circular distributions based on nonnegative trigonometric sums (NNTS) is also closed under summation. Given the flexibility of NNTS circular distributions to model multimodality and skewness, these are good candidates for use as alternative models to test for circular uniformity to detect different deviations from the null hypothesis of circular uniformity. The circular uniform distribution is a member of the NNTS family, but in the NNTS parameter space, it corresponds to a point on the boundary of the parameter space, implying that the regularity conditions are not satisfied when the parameters are estimated by using the maximum likelihood method. Two NNTS tests for circular uniformity were developed by considering the standardised maximum likelihood estimator and the generalised likelihood ratio. Given the nonregularity condition, the critical values of the proposed NNTS circular uniformity tests were obtained via simulation and interpolated for any sample size by the fitting of regression models. The validity of the proposed NNTS circular uniformity tests was evaluated by generating NNTS models close to the circular uniformity null hypothesis.Comment: 34 pages, 5 figure

    Journalistic treatment of adolescent cyberbullying in the Spanish press

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    El modo en que los medios de comunicación abordan determinados problemas sociales, como es el caso del ciberacoso en la adolescencia, condiciona en gran medida el interés mediático y su percepción social, lo que en último término afecta a su correcto abordaje y erradicación. Por esta razón, el presente estudio analiza la imagen que dos importantes medios de comunicación españoles, el periódico El País y el periódico El Mundo, trasmiten del ciberacoso adolescente. Se analizaron mediante la metodología análisis de contenido 26 piezas informativas publicadas en un período de dos años. Entre los resultados destacados se observó una mayor tendencia al análisis del ciberacoso frente a la noticiabilidad o sensacionalismo. A pesar de valorarse de manera suficiente el tratamiento que realizan del ciberacoso adolescente, se recomienda a ambos periódicos mayores esfuerzos en la lucha contra este problema, así como proporcionar información fidedigna, recursos de asistencia y fomentar su denuncia.The way in which the mass media tackle certain social problems, such as cyberbullying in adolescence, greatly conditions media interest and social perception and ultimately affects its right approach and eradication. For this reason, the present study analyzes the image of cyberbullying which transmit two important Spanish media, the newspaper El País and the newspaper El Mundo. Twenty-six journalistic texts published over a period of two years were analyzed by the content analysis methodology. Among the outstanding results was observed a greater tendency to the analysis of cyberbullying against sensationalism. In spite of valuing the treatment that they make of the adolescent cyberbullying how sufficient, it is recommended to both newspapers greater efforts in the struggle against this problem, as well as providing reliable information, resources of assistance and encouraging its denunciation

    Ciberacoso en la adolescencia y revelación de las agresiones

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    El ciberacoso, sobre todo el que acontece entre adolescentes, es una problemática social que de forma creciente concentra los esfuerzos investigadores de la comunidad científica. Una estrategia de afrontamiento que puede amortiguar sus efectos es la revelación de la experiencia vivida a personas cercanas. Este trabajo analiza por un lado, la frecuencia e intensidad de ciberacoso y cibervictimización en una muestra de 394 adolescentes españoles, y por otro, la revelación de la cibervictimización como estrategia de afrontamiento del fenómeno de ciberacoso. Además se examinan las diferencias de género en estas variables. Los principales resultados obtenidos muestran un alto porcentaje de participantes implicados en el fenómeno del ciberacoso, bien como ciberagresores o como cibervíctimas. El 52.4% de los adolescentes victimizados reveló su experiencia a alguna persona cercana, siendo las personas a las que mayoritariamente recurrían sus amistades frente a otras personas adultas. Estos hallazgos sugieren la necesidad de intervenir con los adolescentes y sensibilizarlos sobre la necesidad de comunicar las situaciones de ciberacoso a personas adultas que puedan ayudarles a poner fin a la situación y superar la experiencia vivida.Cyberbullying, particularly among teenagers, is a serious social problem that is arising increasing scientific interest. A coping strategy that may buffer its negative effects is revealing the experience to handy people. This study analyses frequency and intensity of cyberbullying and cybervictimization in a sample of 394 Spanish teenagers as well as revelation of cybervictimization as a coping strategy of the phenomenon. Gender differences on these variables are also analysed. Results show a high involvement in cyberbullying either as cyberbullies or as cybervictims. 52.4% of victimized teens revealed their experience to handy people, particularly close friends as compared to adults. These findings suggest the need for intervention with teens to raise awareness of the need to communicate cyberbullying situations to adults who can help them end the situation and overcome the experience

    Cyber aggressors in dating relationships and its relation with psychological violence, sexism, and jealousy

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    Las Tecnologías de la Información y de la Comunicación se están utilizando cada vez con mayor frecuencia para ejercer violencia de distinta índole, y es la población adolescente la principal protagonista de estas desafortunadas conductas violentas. Este estudio tiene como objetivo analizar comportamientos de ciberagresión en las relaciones de noviazgo adolescente, en concreto, los llevados a cabo en una muestra de 206 chicos adolescentes estudiantes de educación secundaria de la ciudad de Huelva. Además, se estudia la relación entre la presencia de creencias sexistas, celos románticos y otras manifestaciones de violencia psicológica con este tipo de violencia dirigida hacia las chicas. Los resultados apoyan las hipótesis de este trabajo y muestran un porcentaje significativo de chicos que han ejercido ciberagresión hacia chicas parejas o ex parejas. Además, el análisis de regresión muestra que esta práctica se explica por las creencias sexistas de los chicos, especialmente las de tipo hostil, y por la presencia de celos románticos y otras formas tradicionales de violencia psicológica. Estos resultados sugieren que las actitudes y creencias basadas en el sexismo así como los celos se sitúan a la base de la violencia acontecida en relaciones de pareja a edades tempranas también a través del mundo virtual.Information and Communication Technologies are being used to exert violence of various types, which adolescents are the main protagonists of these unfortunate violent behaviors. This study aimed to analyze cyber-aggression behaviors in adolescent dating relationships, specifically, in a sample of 206 high school students from Huelva. In addition, it was studied the relationship between the presence of sexist beliefs, romantic jealousy and other manifestations of psychological violence with this type of violence towards girls. The results support the hypotheses of this work and show a significant percentage of boys who have exerted cyber-aggression to partners or former partners. Moreover, regression analysis showed that this practice was explained by the sexist beliefs of boys, especially hostile ones, and the presence of romantic jealousy, as well as by other traditional forms of psychological violence. These results show that attitudes and beliefs based on sexism and jealousy are situated behind the violence in intimate relationships at an early age, which in turn transcends to the virtual world

    Fretting fatiga en contacto esférico

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    Este artículo describe distintos tipos de ensayos de fretting fatiga y distintos tipos de geometrías para ensayar con sus ventajas e inconvenientes, centrándose en el contacto cilíndrico y esférico. Diferencias prácticas se pueden observar entre estos dos tipos de ensayos en el alineamiento de Jos indentadores, el nivel de las cargas a aplicar, la rigidez del sistema, la forma de la grieta, etc. Se describen las cargas y la distribución de tensiones bajo la zona de contacto en el caso esférico. Este estado de tensiones es multiaxial y no proporcional, por Jo tanto se necesitan criterios multiaxiales apropiados para caracterizar el campo de tensiones. A partir de estos criterios se define una tensión equivalente que se relaciona más adelante con la iniciación de la grieta. Además, se describe un método sernianalítico para calcular el factor de intensidad de tensiones usando una función de peso.This paper describes different types of fretting fatigue tests and different types of geometries to use in the tests. Mainly cylindrical and spherical contact are compared. Practica! differences between the two tests can be seen in the alignment of the pads, the leve! of the loads to apply, the rigidity in the test rig, the shape of the crack, the localization of the si te of the initiation of the crack, etc. The loads applied in the spherical contact and the stress distribution under the contact zone in this case are described. This stress state is multiaxial and non-proportional, therefore appropriate multiaxial criteria are needed to characterize the stress field. An equivalent stress is derived from these criteria and later related to the initiation of the crack. At the same time, using the calculated stresses, a semianalytical approach using a weight function for the determination ofthe stress intensity factor is described

    Multigene germline testing usefulness instead of BRCA1/2 single screening in triple negative breast cancer cases

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    Producción CientíficaTriple negative breast cancer is considered as the worst aggressive subtype with poor prognosis. Recent studies suggest a hereditary component is involve in TNBC development, especially in young patients. However, genetic spectrum remains unclear. Our purpose was to evaluate the usefulness of multigene panel testing in triple negative patients respect overall breast cancer cases as well as contributing to elucidate which genes are most implicated in TNBC development with respect to the remaining breast cancer subtypes. A breast cancer patients sample comprised of 100 triple negative breast cancer patients and 100 other breast cancer subtypes patients were analyzed by Next-Generation Sequencing using an On-Demand panel which included 35 predisposition cancer genes associated with inherited cancer susceptibility. Triple negative breast cancer patients obtained a higher percentage of germline variant carriers. ATM, PALB2, BRIP1 and TP53 were the most non-BRCA mutated genes. Moreover, triple negative breast cancer patients without family history related which proved to be carriers were diagnosed at significant earlier age. As conclusion, our study reinforces the usefulness of multigene panel testing in breast cancer cases but specifically in those with triple negative subtype regardless family history.Junta de Castilla y León. Dirección Regional de Salud de Castilla y León (GRS/2180/A/2020 y GRS/2351/A/2021

    SpadaHC: a database to improve the classification of variants in hereditary cancer genes in the Spanish population

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    Accurate classification of genetic variants is crucial for clinical decision-making in hereditary cancer. In Spain, genetic diagnostic laboratories have traditionally approached this task independently due to the lack of a dedicated resource. Here we present SpadaHC, a web-based database for sharing variants in hereditary cancer genes in the Spanish population. SpadaHC is implemented using a three-tier architecture consisting of a relational database, a web tool and a bioinformatics pipeline. Contributing laboratories can share variant classifications and variants from individuals in Variant Calling Format (VCF) format. The platform supports open and restricted access, flexible dataset submissions, automatic pseudo-anonymization, VCF quality control, variant normalization and liftover between genome builds. Users can flexibly explore and search data, receive automatic discrepancy notifications and access SpadaHC population frequencies based on many criteria. In February 2024, SpadaHC included 18 laboratory members, storing 1.17 million variants from 4306 patients and 16 343 laboratory classifications. In the first analysis of the shared data, we identified 84 genetic variants with clinically relevant discrepancies in their classifications and addressed them through a three-phase resolution strategy. This work highlights the importance of data sharing to promote consistency in variant classifications among laboratories, so patients and family members can benefit from more accurate clinical management.Database URL: https://spadahc.ciberisciii.es/ Overview of SpadaHC and its main views. (A) List of existing variants in SpadaHC (in the image, search for the ATM gene). The 'Expert Cl.' column shows the classification made by a group of experts; the 'Lab Cl.' column shows a summary of the classifications made by the laboratories. (B) Allele frequency of a variant in the SpadaHC population according to clinical suspicion and sex. (C) Classifications provided by the laboratories for a variant. (D) List of patients carrying a variant. (E) Histogram showing the coverage and frequency (allele balance) with which the variant was detected in carrier patients. Alt text: SpadaHC overview; laboratories can share datasets of variant classifications (Excel) and variants from individuals (VCFs + Excel). The datasets undergo quality control, bioinformatics pipeline annotation and database integration before being displayed in SpadaHC. The graphical abstract also shows five views of SpadaHC