2,424 research outputs found

    Perspectives nouvelles en Théorie des organisations : Jacques Rojot vs. Hayek ?

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    Dans son ouvrage magistral Théorie des Organisations, J. Rojot avance deux noms d'auteurs qui ouvrent chacun une piste d'avancée vers ce qu'il appelle « l'individualisme méthodologique complexe » : J.P. Dupuy et I. Giddens . Est-ce à dire que l'individualisme méthodologique complexe est la voie privilégié d'interrogation pour le chercheur en organisations et au-delà en Sciences de Gestion ? Il ne s'agit pas ici de vouloir analyser les écrits ou les apports de Dupuy et de Giddens, ni de critiquer l'ouverture importante que constitue la voie de l'individualisme méthodologique complexe, mais plutÎt de la poursuivre en la complétant par les apports d'un troisiÚme auteur bien connu en économie et moins en sciences de gestion : Friedrich Von Hayek.rationalité, information

    Humanisme et politique. Lettres romaines de Christophe Dupuy à ses frÚres (1650-1654) Volume III, Editées avec introduction et notes par Kathryn Willis Wolfe et Phillip J. Wolfe

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    Si segnala la pubblicazione del terzo volume della corrispondenza da Roma di Christophe Dupuy (per i precedenti cf. questi “Studi”, n. 99, p. 515 e n. 125, p. 338) comprendente ottantadue lettere conservate alla Bibliothùque Nationale de France (Fonds Dupuy, ms. 732) che ricoprono il periodo dal gennaio 1650 al gennaio 1654.  Il loro contenuto ù degno di grande interesse: trattandosi degli anni della Fronda si scoprono le reazioni di Christophe Dupuy e dei suoi fratelli rispetto ai burrascosi..

    Michael J. Goodheart, MD

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    Dr. Michael Goodheart is an Assistant Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology in the Division of Gynecologic Oncology at the University of Iowa. In addition to clinical duties, Dr. Goodheart does research the focus of which is unraveling the role of the Wnt pathway in endometrial cancer

    Les robes des taurins dans les peintures de la Tassili-n-Ajjer (Algérie) : polymorphisme ou fantaisies ?

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    The comparison of five hundred rock paintings in the Tassili-n-Ajjer with present-day animal husbandry shows that the polymorphic coats of neolithic cattle were most of them depicted realistically. In other words, few are imagined. We thus dispose of new spatial and chronological markers for pluri-millennium cattle coat evolution patterns. This observation raises questions in relation not only to the status of painters, but also to husbandry strategies and social relations between 4000 and 2000 BCE.La comparaison de cinq cent peintures rupestres de taurins réalisées dans la Tassili-n-Ajjer avec les animaux d'élevage actuels, révÚle que les robes polymorphes du bétail dessinées au Néolithique ont été pour la plupart traitées avec fidélité, et que rares sont celles imaginées. De nouveaux jalons spatio-temporels concernant l'évolution plurimillénaire du pelage chez les taurins sont ainsi posés. Ce constat permet aussi de s'interroger sur le statut des peintres et sur les stratégies d'élevage et les relations sociales entre 4000 et 2000 av. J.-C

    Applying Theories in Language Programs

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    Selected Topics in Applied Linguistics: How to Choose a Theory. I offer a critical exploration of some of the conditions involved in Instructed Second Language Acquisition (ISLA), as well as of the paradoxical approaches in the theoretical questions, methods, categories, and perspectives of ISLA. The discussion proceeds with a very short overview of prevalent theories of ISLA generally. Then I add a contrastive look in more depth at only two “theories” and their possible applications in language programs. I emphasize some of the discussions in our profession concerning processing instruction, e.g. (VanPatten "Processing Instruction") or VanPatten ("Why Explicit Knowledge Cannot Become Implicit Knowledge" ), and the multiliteracies framework, e.g. (Paesani, Allen and Dupuy). I conclude with an invitation to a set of questions we might pose to any theory, framework, or approach as we consider its efficacy and applications for our own specific contexts

    Gothic Trouble: Cormac McCarthy’s The Road and the Globalized Order

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    The article explores the way American author Cormac McCarthy uses the Gothic genre in his novel The Road as a means to address what has been called “our globalized order,” in particular the way it has turned human beings into consuming or consumed entities. Some dimensions of this globalized order indeed involve the reintroduction of slavery through human trafficking, unprecedented greed and labor capitalism, surveillance and personal data gathering. Hannah Arendt notes in The Origin of Totalitarianism that the disasters of the twentieth century had proved that a globalized order might “produce barbarians from its own midst by forcing millions of people into conditions which, despite all appearances, are the conditions of savages.” The artist’s task is to find the right language and images to address the breaking of the world. French philosopher J. P. Dupuy, for example, has argued that the financial world is a way to contain (contenir) the violence of competition, placing it into acceptable (symbolic) forms away from primal physical competition. McCarthy’s graphic use of Gothic tropes—including cannibalism, the wild forest, the haunted house, the chase, the conflict between light and darkness, the blurring of boundaries between different categories—creates a shock. The article also addresses the larger question of the impact of globalization on Gothic literature, and the impact of Gothic literature on real world matters as it contributes to and reflects upon and challenges global regimes of economic, social and economic power. In other words, what is the cultural work that the Gothic does in the present

    Rule 10b-5 Omissions Cases and the Investment Decision

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