366 research outputs found

    Quand le périurbain est militant. L’engagement associatif local en faveur de l’environnement

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    Cette thèse aborde les différentes facettes de l’engagement associatif local en faveur de l’environnement des classes moyennes et populaires périurbaines. Plus largement, ce travail s’intéresse aux dynamiques sociales et politiques que ces classes moyennes et populaires portent au sein des espaces périurbains. Cette approche se distingue des critiques les plus fréquemment adressées aux habitants du périurbain, notamment de la critique environnementale, qui met en cause les modes de vie, et e..

    Valorisation énergétique des déchets issus de la biomasse

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    http://www.ait.org.tn/gdsdd/International audienceLes axes de la politique nationale des déchets pour les prochaines années sont de minimiser les impacts des installations de traitement sur l'environnement et la santé, de prévenir la production de déchets, de promouvoir la récupération matière et d'énergie. Dans un souci de satisfaire ces priorités, l'élaboration d'un outil d'aide à la décision pour la gestion et la valorisation énergétique de la biomasse et de ses déchets a été envisagée. Elle implique la sélection d'une aire géographique et l'application d'une méthodologie en 3 étapes qui permet de trouver les lieux optimums d'emplacement des sites de valorisation énergétique : – l'estimation de la quantité théorique disponible de biomasse permet d'obtenir une base de données sur la quantité classée par origine et par nature ainsi que les paramètres physico-chimiques. – à partir des caractéristiques physico-chimiques de la biomasse, des paramètres opérationnels sont évalués afin d'orienter la valorisation des déchets vers un procédé de valorisation. – l'analyse spatiale permet de trouver les lieux d'implantation optimum des centres de traitement en tenant compte de la disponibilité et de la répartition des ressources

    L’écriture biographique en sociologie

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    « L’être de l’écriture est d’empêcher de jamais répondre à cette question :qui parle ? » Roland Barthes Ce travail provient d’un étonnement quant à l’usage en sociologie d’un genre renvoyant historiquement à l’histoire et à la littérature : le récit biographique. Étymologiquement, on le sait, le terme de « biographie » renvoie simultanément à du vivant (bios) et à son écriture (graphein). C’est donc bien à des récits de vie écrite que nous nous intéresserons et plus précisément encore au cas ..

    Ultrathin, flexible and MRI-compatible microelectrode array for chronic single units recording within subcortical layers

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    Current techniques of neuroimaging, including electrical devices, are either of low spatiotemporal resolution or invasive, impeding multiscale monitoring of brain activity at both single cell and network levels. Overcoming this issue is of great importance to assess brain's computational ability and for neurorehabilitation projects that require real-time monitoring of neurons and concomitant networks activities. Currently, that information could be extracted from functional MRI when combined with mathematical models. Novel methods enabling quantitative and long-lasting recording at both single cell and network levels will allow to correlate the MRI data with intracortical activity at single cell level, and to refine those models. Here, we report the fabrication and validation of ultra-thin, optically transparent and flexible intracortical microelectrode arrays for combining extracellular multi-unit and fMRI recordings. The sensing devices are compatible with large-scale manufacturing, and demonstrate both fMRI transparency at 4.7 T, and high electrical performance, and thus appears as a promising candidate for simultaneous multiscale neurodynamic measurements

    Early Detection of COVID-19 in Female Athletes Using Wearable Technology

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    Background: Heart rate variability (HRV), respiratory rate (RR), and resting heart rate (RHR) are common variables measured by wrist-worn activity trackers to monitor health, fitness, and recovery in athletes. Variations in RR are observed in lower-respiratory infections, and preliminary data suggest changes in HRV and RR are linked to early detection of COVID-19 infection in nonathletes. Hypothesis: Wearable technology measuring HRV, RR, RHR, and recovery will be successful for early detection of COVID-19 in NCAA Division I female athletes. Study Design: Cohort study. Level of Evidence: Level 2. Methods: Female athletes wore WHOOP, Inc. bands through the 2020 to 2021 competitive season. Of the athletes who tested positive for COVID (n = 33), 14 had enough data to be assessed (N = 14; 20.0 ± 1.3 years; 69.8 ± 7.2 kg; 172.0 ± 8.3 cm). Roughly 2 weeks of noninfected days were used to set baseline levels of HRV, RR, recovery, and RHR to compare with -3, -2, and -1 days before a positive COVID-19 result. Results: Increases in RR (P = 0.02) were detected on day -3. RHR (P \u3c 0.01) and RR increased (P \u3c 0.01), while HRV decreased (P \u3c 0.05) on day -1, compared with baseline. Differences were noted in all variables on the day of the positive COVID-19 result: decreased HRV (P \u3c 0.05) and recovery scores (P \u3c 0.01), and increased RHR (P \u3c 0.01) and RR (P \u3c 0.01). Conclusion: In female athletes, wearable technology was successful in predicting COVID-19 infection through changes in RR 3 days before a positive test, and also HRV and RHR the day before a positive test. Clinical Relevance: Wearable technology may be used, as part of a multifaceted approach, for the early detection of COVID-19 in elite athletes through monitoring of HRV, RR, and RHR for overall team health

    Measurement in Economics and Social Science

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    The paper discusses measurement, primarily in economics, from both analytical and historical perspectives. The historical section traces the commitment to ordinalism on the part of economic theorists from the doctrinal disputes between classical economics and marginalism, through the struggle of orthodox economics against socialism down to the cold-war alliance between mathematical social science and anti-communist ideology. In economics the commitment to ordinalism led to the separation of theory from the quantitative measures that are computed in practice: price and quantity indexes, consumer surplus and real national product. The commitment to ordinality entered political science, via Arrow’s ‘impossibility theorem’, effectively merging it with economics, and ensuring its sterility. How can a field that has as its central result the impossibility of democracy contribute to the design of democratic institutions? The analytical part of the paper deals with the quantitative measures mentioned above. I begin with the conceptual clarification that what these measures try to achieve is a restoration of the money metric that is lost when prices are variable. I conclude that there is only one measure that can be embedded in a satisfactory economic theory, free from unreasonable restrictions. It is the Törnqvist index as an approximation to its theoretical counterpart the Divisia index. The statistical agencies have at various times produced different measures for real national product and its components, as well as related concepts. I argue that all of these are flawed and that a single deflator should be used for the aggregate and the components. Ideally this should be a chained Törnqvist price index defined on aggregate consumption. The social sciences are split. The economic approach is abstract, focused on the assumption of rational and informed behavior, and tends to the political right. The sociological approach is empirical, stresses the non-rational aspects of human behavior and tends to the political left. I argue that the split is due to the fact that the empirical and theoretical traditions were never joined in the social sciences as they were in the natural sciences. I also argue that measurement can potentially help in healing this split
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