118 research outputs found

    L'humour en protection de la jeunesse : « Êtes vous tombés sur la tête ?!?!?!?! »

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    Depuis le début du 20e siècle, plusieurs chercheurs (assez originaux il va s'en dire), provenant de disciplines différentes, ont exploré cette avenue de l'humour en démontrant certaines théories concernant son impact en intervention. De la psychanalyse à la sexologie en passant par la philosophie et la thérapie, pour n'en nommer que quelques-uns, tous ont mis leur grain de sel dans cet engrenage humoriste. Ainsi, dans le milieu hospitalier, on croit que les professionnels de la santé hésitent à utiliser l'humour avec les patients. Le contexte sérieux de la souffrance, l'image respectable du professionnel et la question du conservatisme religieux inhérent à la pratique infirmière constituent les trois facteurs expliquant ce fait. En psychanalyse, Freud (1929) indique que l'humour implique un processus de total défoulement. Bergson (1940), quant à lui, après l'avoir défini comme étant un geste social, nous explique que par l'humour, l'être humain réussit à se dégager émotivement de la dure réalité de l'existence, et en arrive, tout comme le mentionne la sexologue Claire Bouchard (1993), à dédramatiser les situations difficiles. Fry (1987) affirme pour sa part que le paradoxe fait partie intégrante de l'humour, et ce, dans le monde entier. Certains médecins, dont le Dr Drouin concluent quant à eux que l'humour, enfin le rire, en favorisant la synchronisation des deux hémisphères cérébraux, permet à l'humain de prendre des décisions à la fois logiques et intuitives. Et qu'en est-il de l'humour en lien avec la créativité ? Si pour Koestler (1964) l'humour constitue un type de créativité, Freud (1929) le relie au processus créateur par leur base commune, c'est-à-dire, le fantasme du retour à l’enfance. Le service social ne sera pas en reste, car aussi curieux, insolite et surtout paradoxal que cela puisse paraître aux yeux de certains, cet essai porte sur l'humour en protection de la jeunesse. Est-il possible ou illusoire de penser que cet outil qu'est l'humour peut contribuer, entre autres, à créer ou améliorer la relation de confiance entre l'intervenant et le client, et ce, dans le contexte tout à fait particulier qu'est la protection de la jeunesse ? À ce sujet, nous avons donné la parole à huit personnes (quatre clients et quatre intervenants) rattachés au Centre jeunesse de l'Estrie. Au terme de ces entrevues, nous avons analysé plusieurs éléments qui ont particulièrement capté notre attention. Nous avons relevé l’importance pour les intervenants de savoir doser l'humour. Nous avons donc défini quatre types de dosage l'humour, dont un dosage qualitatif, un dosage temporel, un dosage humaniste, et enfin, un dosage quantitatif. Nous avons également relevé un type de rapport à l'humour différent d'un participant à l'autre. Certains mettent ainsi l'emphase sur la complicité, d'autres sur le pouvoir que l'on peut obtenir par l'humour. Ah! Le pouvoir! L'humour implique donc, dans certaines situations une prise de pouvoir négative, mais aussi, et heureusement, dans certains cas, une prise de pouvoir positive. De même, l'humour procure à l'occasion une forme de protection positive ou négative (fuite) à son utilisateur, qu'il soit intervenant ou client. Enfin, ce qui ressort principalement de cette recherche exploratoire, c'est combien les participants, autant les clients que les intervenants ont un immense besoin d'humour dans leur vie. C'est une survie pour les clients face à ce qu'ils vivent par rapport à la protection de la jeunesse et à leur situation familiale, et pour les intervenants qui évitent entre autres l’épuisement professionnel

    Spatial dispersion of photovoltaic panels in Switzerland and effect on electricity production

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    This semester project looked at the effect of snow cover on productivity of solar panels in alpine areas. Snow is highly reflective and increases the irradiance that reaches PV panels from the ground, notably in winter when demand is high and production is low. To illustrate this effect on a concrete example this study computes the hourly production profile of two very different installation scenarios for PV panels in Switzerland over three years; an urban one and an alpine one. Our results show that in regions with extended periods of snow cover the winter production can be 10% higher without sacrifices on the annual total production. This helps significantly in reducing the energy gap mentioned above; annual required import can be lowered by 10%-20% and forced export due to overproduction during summer months reduces to less than half

    A Path Analysis to Identify Factors Influencing the Provision of Water in Addition to Breast Milk by Mothers of Infants under Six Months of Age in Conakry and Kindia Regions, Republic of Guinea

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    Water provision to infants under six months of age (IU6M) can hamper exclusive breastfeeding (EBF). Understanding factors and their relationships influencing this practice is needed to tailor EBF promotion programs. Using a validated questionnaire, this study aims to identify pathways in which individual factors and the environment interact to affect the provision of water in addition to breast milk among 300 mothers of IU6M. Our finding shows that 75% of mothers intended to provide water in addition to breast milk to their IU6M and that about 60% reported doing it. Results of the final path show that the subjective norm/SN (β = 0.432, p < 0.001), the attitude (β = 0.349, p < 0.001), and to a lesser extent the perceived control/PC (β = 0.141, p = 0.005) predict the intention of mothers to provide water in addition to breast milk to their IU6M. The environment scores predict the attitude (β = 0.210, p = 0.001) and the SN (β = 0.284, p < 0.001). Having the mother practicing early breastfeeding initiation at birth positively predicted the PC score (β = 0.157, p = 0.017) and predicted an increasing score of SN (β = 0.221, p = 0.003). Even though predicting the final behavior is complex, this research provides directions to nutrition education programs to tailor their content to the context and be more efficient in reducing the proportion of women providing water to their IU6M, hence contributing to the improvement of EBF

    La Possession, Saint-Paul – Rivière des Galets, paléoforêt

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    La paléoforêt de la Rivière des Galets est localisée dans le lit du cours d’eau du même nom, un kilomètre en amont des Deux Bras, aux portes du cirque de Mafate. Il s’agit d’un ensemble remarquable de troncs d’arbres morts, conservés dans les sédiments de la rivière à l’état de bois organique, c’est pourquoi l’on parle de « paléoforêt » et non de «forêt fossile», la matière n’étant pas minéralisée. Le site a été remis au jour par une crue exceptionnelle, à la suite d’un événement cyclonique r..

    Factors influencing COVID-19 testing among Native Americans and Latinos in two rural agricultural communities: a qualitative study

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    ObjectiveTo examine factors influencing decisions to test for COVID-19 among Native Americans on the Flathead Reservation in Montana and the Latino community in the Yakima Valley of Washington state.MethodsWe conducted 30 key informant interviews with community leaders and six focus groups with community members to examine factors impacting decisions to test for COVID-19 during the second year of the COVID-19 pandemic from May 2021 to June 2021.ResultsThree major themes that impacted testing for COVID-19 were identified: (1) Social factors, including the influence of families and friends and employment practices; (2) health factors, including testing procedures, home-based testing, and health communication; and (3) contextual factors, including distrust for government and medical communities and the impact on cultural practices and celebrations.ConclusionsSocial, health, and contextual factors influence the decision to test for COVID-19. Understanding the community's perception is critical for successful implementation of preventive strategies

    Clinical impact of a targeted next-generation sequencing gene panel for autoinflammation and vasculitis.

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    BACKGROUND: Monogenic autoinflammatory diseases (AID) are a rapidly expanding group of genetically diverse but phenotypically overlapping systemic inflammatory disorders associated with dysregulated innate immunity. They cause significant morbidity, mortality and economic burden. Here, we aimed to develop and evaluate the clinical impact of a NGS targeted gene panel, the "Vasculitis and Inflammation Panel" (VIP) for AID and vasculitis. METHODS: The Agilent SureDesign tool was used to design 2 versions of VIP; VIP1 targeting 113 genes, and a later version, VIP2, targeting 166 genes. Captured and indexed libraries (QXT Target Enrichment System) prepared for 72 patients were sequenced as a multiplex of 16 samples on an Illumina MiSeq sequencer in 150bp paired-end mode. The cohort comprised 22 positive control DNA samples from patients with previously validated mutations in a variety of the genes; and 50 prospective samples from patients with suspected AID in whom previous Sanger based genetic screening had been non-diagnostic. RESULTS: VIP was sensitive and specific at detecting all the different types of known mutations in 22 positive controls, including gene deletion, small INDELS, and somatic mosaicism with allele fraction as low as 3%. Six/50 patients (12%) with unclassified AID had at least one class 5 (clearly pathogenic) variant; and 11/50 (22%) had at least one likely pathogenic variant (class 4). Overall, testing with VIP resulted in a firm or strongly suspected molecular diagnosis in 16/50 patients (32%). CONCLUSIONS: The high diagnostic yield and accuracy of this comprehensive targeted gene panel validate the use of broad NGS-based testing for patients with suspected AID

    Chikungunya Disease: Infection-Associated Markers from the Acute to the Chronic Phase of Arbovirus-Induced Arthralgia

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    At the end of 2005, an outbreak of fever associated with joint pain occurred in La Réunion. The causal agent, chikungunya virus (CHIKV), has been known for 50 years and could thus be readily identified. This arbovirus is present worldwide, particularly in India, but also in Europe, with new variants returning to Africa. In humans, it causes a disease characterized by a typical acute infection, sometimes followed by persistent arthralgia and myalgia lasting months or years. Investigations in the La Réunion cohort and studies in a macaque model of chikungunya implicated monocytes-macrophages in viral persistence. In this Review, we consider the relationship between CHIKV and the immune response and discuss predictive factors for chronic arthralgia and myalgia by providing an overview of current knowledge on chikungunya pathogenesis. Comparisons of data from animal models of the acute and chronic phases of infection, and data from clinical series, provide information about the mechanisms of CHIKV infection–associated inflammation, viral persistence in monocytes-macrophages, and their link to chronic signs

    Genetic Drivers of Heterogeneity in Type 2 Diabetes Pathophysiology

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    Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is a heterogeneous disease that develops through diverse pathophysiological processes1,2 and molecular mechanisms that are often specific to cell type3,4. Here, to characterize the genetic contribution to these processes across ancestry groups, we aggregate genome-wide association study data from 2,535,601 individuals (39.7% not of European ancestry), including 428,452 cases of T2D. We identify 1,289 independent association signals at genome-wide significance (P \u3c 5 Ă— 10-8) that map to 611 loci, of which 145 loci are, to our knowledge, previously unreported. We define eight non-overlapping clusters of T2D signals that are characterized by distinct profiles of cardiometabolic trait associations. These clusters are differentially enriched for cell-type-specific regions of open chromatin, including pancreatic islets, adipocytes, endothelial cells and enteroendocrine cells. We build cluster-specific partitioned polygenic scores5 in a further 279,552 individuals of diverse ancestry, including 30,288 cases of T2D, and test their association with T2D-related vascular outcomes. Cluster-specific partitioned polygenic scores are associated with coronary artery disease, peripheral artery disease and end-stage diabetic nephropathy across ancestry groups, highlighting the importance of obesity-related processes in the development of vascular outcomes. Our findings show the value of integrating multi-ancestry genome-wide association study data with single-cell epigenomics to disentangle the aetiological heterogeneity that drives the development and progression of T2D. This might offer a route to optimize global access to genetically informed diabetes care
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