7 research outputs found

    Genetic differentiation, local adaptation and phenotypic plasticity in fragmented populations of a rare forest herb

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    Background Due to habitat loss and fragmentation, numerous forest species are subject to severe population decline. Investigating variation in genetic diversity, phenotypic plasticity and local adaptation should be a prerequisite for implementing conservation actions. This study aimed to explore these aspects in ten fragmented populations of Physospermum cornubiense in view of translocation measures across its Italian range. Methods For each population we collected environmental data on landscape (habitat size, quality and fragmentation) and local conditions (slope, presence of alien species, incidence of the herbivorous insect Metcalfa pruinosa and soil parameters). We measured vegetative and reproductive traits in the field and analysed the genetic population structure using ISSR markers (STRUCTURE and AMOVA). We then estimated the neutral (FST) and quantitative (PST) genetic differentiation of populations. Results The populations exhibited moderate phenotypic variation. Population size (range: 16–655 individuals), number of flowering adults (range: 3–420 individuals) and inflorescence size (range: 5.0–8.4 cm) were positively related to Mg soil content. Populations’ gene diversity was moderate (Nei-H = 0.071–0.1316); STRUCTURE analysis identified five different clusters and three main geographic groups: upper, lower, and Apennine/Western Po plain. Fragmentation did not have an influence on the local adaptation of populations, which for all measured traits showed PST < FST, indicating convergent selection. Discussion The variation of phenotypic traits across sites was attributed to plastic response rather than local adaptation. Plant translocation from suitable source populations to endangered ones should particularly take into account provenance according to identified genetic clusters and specific soil factors

    Biodiversity of acid grasslands in the Atlantic regions of Europe:the impact of nitrogen deposition

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    Reduction in the species richness of acid grasslands along a gradient of atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition has previously been demonstrated in the UK (Stevens, Dise, Mountford, Gowing, Science 303:1876–1879, 2004). Further surveys of acid grasslands in the UK confirm this relationship. This chapter reports an examination of the relationship across the Atlantic region of Europe. Examining the cover of functional groups across this gradient reveals that forb cover is strongly reduced along the gradient of N deposition

    The impact of nitrogen deposition on acid grasslands in the Atlantic region of Europe

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    A survey of 153 acid grasslands from the Atlantic biogeographic region of Europe indicates that chronic nitrogen deposition is changing plant species composition and soil and plant-tissue chemistry. Across the deposition gradient (2–44 kg N ha−1 yr−1) grass richness as a proportion of total species richness increased whereas forb richness decreased. Soil C:N ratio increased, but soil extractable nitrate and ammonium concentrations did not show any relationship with nitrogen deposition. The above-ground tissue nitrogen contents of three plant species were examined: Agrostis capillaris (grass), Galium saxatile (forb) and Rhytidiadelphus squarrosus (bryophyte). The tissue nitrogen content of neither vascular plant species showed any relationship with nitrogen deposition, but there was a weak positive relationship between R. squarrosus nitrogen content and nitrogen deposition. None of the species showed strong relationships between above-ground tissue N:P or C:N and nitrogen deposition, indicating that they are not good indicators of deposition rate

    Nitrogen deposition threatens species richness of grasslands across Europe

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    Evidence from an international survey in the Atlantic biogeographic region of Europe indicates that chronic nitrogen deposition is reducing plant species richness in acid grasslands. Across the deposition gradient in this region (2 to 44 kg N ha-1 yr-1) species richness showed a curvilinear response, with greatest reductions in species richness when deposition increased from low levels. This has important implications for conservation policies, suggesting that to protect the most sensitive grasslands resources should be focussed where deposition is currently low. Soil pH is also an important driver of species richness indicating that the acidifying effect of nitrogen deposition may be contributing to species richness reductions. The results of this survey suggest that the impacts of nitrogen deposition can be observed over a large geographical range. Capsule: Atmospheric nitrogen deposition is reducing biodiversity in grasslands across Europe

    Differential effects of oxidised and reduced nitrogen on vegetation and soil chemistry of species-rich acidic grasslands

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    Emissions and deposition of ammonia and nitrogen oxides have strongly increased since the 1950s. This has led to significant changes in the nitrogen (N) cycle, vegetation composition and plant diversity in many ecosystems of high conservation value in Europe. As a consequence of different regional pollution levels and of the increased importance of reduced N in the near future, determining the effect of different forms of N is an important task for understanding the consequences of atmospheric N inputs. We have initiated three replicated N addition experiments in species-rich, acidic grasslands spanning a climatic gradient in the Atlantic biogeographic region of Europe in Norway, Wales and France at sites with low levels of pollution. N was added in two doses (0 and 70 kg N ha−1 year−1 above background) and in three forms (oxidised N, reduced N and a 50–50 combination). After 2.5 years of N additions, the effects of these treatments on plant biomass, plant nutritional status, soil pH and soil nutrient availability were determined. Impacts of the N additions were observed within the 2.5-year research period. In some cases, the first signs of differential effects of N form could also be demonstrated. In the French site, for example, grass biomass was significantly increased by the oxidised N treatments but decreased by the reduced N treatments. In the Norwegian site, the reduced N treatments significantly reduced soil pH, whereas oxidised N did not. Effects on nutrient availability were also observed. These experiments will be continued to elucidate the longer term impacts of N deposition on these grasslands

    Benchmarking plant diversity of Palaearctic grasslands and other open habitats

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    Aims Understanding fine-grain diversity patterns across large spatial extents is fundamental for macroecological research and biodiversity conservation. Using the GrassPlot database, we provide benchmarks of fine-grain richness values of Palaearctic open habitats for vascular plants, bryophytes, lichens and complete vegetation (i.e., the sum of the former three groups). Location Palaearctic biogeographic realm. Methods We used 126,524 plots of eight standard grain sizes from the GrassPlot database: 0.0001, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 100 and 1,000 m2 and calculated the mean richness and standard deviations, as well as maximum, minimum, median, and first and third quartiles for each combination of grain size, taxonomic group, biome, region, vegetation type and phytosociological class. Results Patterns of plant diversity in vegetation types and biomes differ across grain sizes and taxonomic groups. Overall, secondary (mostly semi-natural) grasslands and natural grasslands are the richest vegetation type. The open-access file ”GrassPlot Diversity Benchmarks” and the web tool “GrassPlot Diversity Explorer” are now available online (https://edgg.org/databases/GrasslandDiversityExplorer) and provide more insights into species richness patterns in the Palaearctic open habitats. Conclusions The GrassPlot Diversity Benchmarks provide high-quality data on species richness in open habitat types across the Palaearctic. These benchmark data can be used in vegetation ecology, macroecology, biodiversity conservation and data quality checking. While the amount of data in the underlying GrassPlot database and their spatial coverage are smaller than in other extensive vegetation-plot databases, species recordings in GrassPlot are on average more complete, making it a valuable complementary data source in macroecology