92 research outputs found

    Health related quality of life in cystic fibrosis: To work or not to work?

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    AbstractBackgroundThe present study investigated whether patients with CF who are studying or working report a better HRQoL in comparison to non-working/studying patients.Methods57 adult CF patients completed the Cystic Fibrosis Questionnaire—Revised, a CF-specific measure of HRQoL. Medical condition was quantified in terms of FEV1 % predicted, BMI, Pseudomonas aer. status, pancreatic status (PS), having an indwelling catheter device (PAC), CF Related Diabetes Mellitus and nutritional status.ResultsMean age was 26.7 years (SD 8.1), mean FEV1 % predicted was 65.09 (SD 22.18), mean BMI was 21.23 (SD 3.45). FEV1 % predicted was related to HRQoL domains Physical Functioning and General Health (r=0.27 and 0.38 respectively, p<0.05). A higher BMI was associated with better scores on Eating Disturbances (= fewer problems; r=0.44, p<0.01) and a better perception of Weight (r=0.43, p<0.01) and Body Image (r=0.28, p<0.05). Analysis of variance showed that specific domains of HRQoL were related to diabetes (Weight), taking caloric supplements (Body Image and Weight) and/or PAC (Physical Functioning, Treatment Burden, Role, Weight). Twenty-four patients worked/studied, these patients had a higher FEV1, and fewer had Pseudomonas aer. or a PAC or took high caloric supplements, compared to non-working/studying patients. After controlling for medical parameters, patients who were working/studying scored higher than non-working/studying patients on Physical Functioning, Role Functioning and Social Functioning.ConclusionsCF patients' HRQoL is related to medical status. The non-working/studying CF patients in this sample had greater disease severity and reported a lower quality of life than their working/studying peers, even after controlling for relevant medical parameters. The decision to stop work/study for CF patients is difficult and affects patients' personal, social and financial well-being

    A cohort description and analysis of the effect of gabapentin on idiopathic cough

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    BACKGROUND: Chronic idiopathic cough (known as cough hypersensitivity syndrome) is defined by cough in the absence of an identifiable cause. Gabapentin has been suggested as a treatment but evidence is scarce. The aim of our study was to describe the clinical features of patients with unexplained chronic cough and to investigate the effect of gabapentin (600 mg twice a day for a minimal duration of 4 weeks) in reducing cough symptoms. METHODS: A patient cohort analysis was performed. Patients were retrieved using a query in our medical database for the words ‘cough’ and ‘gabapentin’ in 2011. Patients without a clear etiology of cough despite having performed a stepwise diagnostic approach, were included. Medical records of these patients were analyzed. A telephonic survey was performed and patients were asked to retrospectivally rate their cough when they attended the outpatient clinic. They were then asked to rate their cough after treatment with gabapentin. A scale from one to ten was used to score cough severity. They were also questioned about the triggers inducing cough. To evaluate the cough severity score, the results were correlated with questions of the Leicester Cough Questionnaire. RESULTS: We recruited 51 patients (87% female) with a mean age of onset of 47 years (± 14 y) and an average cough duration of 48 months. The most frequently reported cough triggers included change of temperature (57%), talking (49%) and odours (45%). In 67% of patients, the urge to cough was located in the throat area. Thirty-five patients effectively took the prescribed gabapentin. The average improvement in cough score was 2.8/10 (p<0.0001). Of the 35 patients, 20 achieved improvement of their cough symptoms. Responders had a higher pre-treatment cough severity score (p=0.02) and were more likely to have a history of pre-cough airway infection (p=0.04). Current cough severity score negatively correlated with the Leicester Cough Questionnaire scores (p=0.05). CONCLUSION: Chronic idiopathic cough were predominantly middle-aged women, frequently reporting various cough triggers. We also demonstrated that gabapentin can significantly improve cough in these patients. Responders tend to have higher pre-treatment severity scores and have a history of an airway infection

    Broncho-alveolar lavage fluid recovery correlates with airway neutrophilia in lung transplant patients

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    SummaryBroncho-alveolar lavage (BAL) is important to assess airway inflammation. There is debate about the volume instilled, but the variation of BAL fluid recovery (BFR) has received little attention. We investigated the association between BFR and rejection/infection status after lung transplantation (LTx).We combined clinical findings, FEV1, transbronchial biopsies and BAL analysis (BFR, interleukin-8 (IL8), cell counts, microbiology) of 115 samples/LTx patients. The patients were divided into 4 groups: stable (subdivided in colonized and non-colonized), acute rejection (AR), Bronchiolitis Obliterans Syndrome (BOS) and infection.BFR was significantly lower in AR, BOS and infection, and correlated with the severity of AR and BOS. A 10ml decrease of BFR was associated with a FEV1 decrease of 4.4% and a %neutrophils and IL8 increase of 9.6% and 9.7pg/ml, respectively. Colonized stable patients had no significant differences in airway inflammation, FEV1 and BFR compared to the non-colonized stable patients.We conclude that a low BFR is an indicator of lung rejection or infection. BFR variation is related to airway obstruction and neutrophilic inflammation, which can cause an increased compliance of the airway wall, making it more collapsible. Airway colonization in stable patients had no effect on airway inflammatory parameters, BFR and FEV1

    Bronchiectasis Rheumatoid Overlap Syndrome Is an Independent Risk Factor for Mortality in Patients With Bronchiectasis:A Multicenter Cohort Study

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    BACKGROUND: This study assessed if bronchiectasis (BR) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA), when manifesting as an overlap syndrome (BROS), were associated with worse outcomes than other BR etiologies applying the Bronchiectasis Severity Index (BSI). METHODS: Data were collected from the BSI databases of 1,716 adult patients with BR across six centers: Edinburgh, United Kingdom (608 patients); Dundee, United Kingdom (n = 286); Leuven, Belgium (n = 253); Monza, Italy (n = 201); Galway, Ireland (n = 242); and Newcastle, United Kingdom (n = 126). Patients were categorized as having BROS (those with RA and BR without interstitial lung disease), idiopathic BR, bronchiectasis-COPD overlap syndrome (BCOS), and "other" BR etiologies. Mortality rates, hospitalization, and exacerbation frequency were recorded. RESULTS: A total of 147 patients with BROS (8.5% of the cohort) were identified. There was a statistically significant relationship between BROS and mortality, although this relationship was not associated with higher rates of BR exacerbations or BR-related hospitalizations. The mortality rate over a mean of 48 months was 9.3% for idiopathic BR, 8.6% in patients with other causes of BR, 18% for RA, and 28.5% for BCOS. Mortality was statistically higher in patients with BROS and BCOS compared with those with all other etiologies. The BSI scores were statistically but not clinically significantly higher in those with BROS compared with those with idiopathic BR (BSI mean, 7.7 vs 7.1, respectively; P < .05). Patients with BCOS had significantly higher BSI scores (mean, 10.4), Pseudomonas aeruginosa colonization rates (24%), and previous hospitalization rates (58%). CONCLUSIONS: Both the BROS and BCOS groups have an excess of mortality. The mechanisms for this finding may be complex, but these data emphasize that these subgroups require additional study to understand this excess mortality

    Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation After Prior Lung Transplantation for Hereditary Pulmonary Alveolar Proteinosis: A Case Report

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    Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis (PAP) is a rare, diffuse lung disorder characterized by surfactant accumulation in the small airways due to defective clearance by alveolar macrophages, resulting in impaired gas exchange. Whole lung lavage is the current standard of care treatment for PAP. Lung transplantation is an accepted treatment option when whole lung lavage or other experimental treatment options are ineffective, or in case of extensive pulmonary fibrosis secondary to PAP. A disadvantage of lung transplantation is recurrence of PAP in the transplanted lungs, especially in hereditary PAP. The hereditary form of PAP is an ultra-rare condition caused by genetic mutations in genes encoding for the granulocyte macrophage-colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF) receptor, and intrinsically affects bone marrow derived-monocytes, which differentiate into macrophages in the lung. Consequently, these macrophages typically display disrupted GM-CSF receptor-signaling, causing defective surfactant clearance. Bone marrow/hematopoietic stem cell transplantation may potentially reverse the lung disease in hereditary PAP. In patients with hereditary PAP undergoing lung transplantation, post-lung transplant recurrence of PAP may theoretically be averted by subsequent hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, which results in a graft-versus-disease (PAP) effect, and thus could improve long-term outcome. We describe the successful long-term post-transplant outcome of a unique case of end-stage respiratory failure due to hereditary PAP-induced pulmonary fibrosis, successfully treated by bilateral lung transplantation and subsequent allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Our report supports treatment with serial lung and hematopoietic stem cell transplantation to improve quality of life and prolong survival, without PAP recurrence, in selected patients with end-stage hereditary PAP

    Recommendations from the European Working Group for Value Assessment and Funding Processes in Rare Diseases (ORPH-VAL)

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    International audienceAbstractRare diseases are an important public health issue with high unmet need. The introduction of the EU Regulation on orphan medicinal products (OMP) has been successful in stimulating investment in the research and development of OMPs. Despite this advancement, patients do not have universal access to these new medicines. There are many factors that affect OMP uptake, but one of the most important is the difficulty of making pricing and reimbursement (P&R) decisions in rare diseases. Until now, there has been little consensus on the most appropriate assessment criteria, perspective or appraisal process. This paper proposes nine principles to help improve the consistency of OMP P&R assessment in Europe and ensure that value assessment, pricing and funding processes reflect the specificities of rare diseases and contribute to both the sustainability of healthcare systems and the sustainability of innovation in this field. These recommendations are the output of the European Working Group for Value Assessment and Funding Processes in Rare Diseases (ORPH-VAL), a collaboration between rare disease experts, patient representatives, academics, health technology assessment (HTA) practitioners, politicians and industry representatives. ORPH-VAL reached its recommendations through careful consideration of existing OMP P&R literature and through a wide consultation with expert stakeholders, including payers, regulators and patients. The principles cover four areas: OMP decision criteria, OMP decision process, OMP sustainable funding systems and European co-ordination. This paper also presents a guide to the core elements of value relevant to OMPs that should be consistently considered in all OMP appraisals. The principles outlined in this paper may be helpful in drawing together an emerging consensus on this topic and identifying areas where consistency in payer approach could be achievable and beneficial. All stakeholders have an obligation to work together to ensure that the promise of OMP’s is realised

    IL-17A in Human Respiratory Diseases: Innate or Adaptive Immunity? Clinical Implications

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    Since the discovery of IL-17 in 1995 as a T-cell cytokine, inducing IL-6 and IL-8 production by fibroblasts, and the report of a separate T-cell lineage producing IL-17(A), called Th17 cells, in 2005, the role of IL-17 has been studied in several inflammatory diseases. By inducing IL-8 production and subsequent neutrophil attraction towards the site of inflammation, IL-17A can link adaptive and innate immune responses. More specifically, its role in respiratory diseases has intensively been investigated. We here review its role in human respiratory diseases and try to unravel the question whether IL-17A only provides a link between the adaptive and innate respiratory immunity or whether this cytokine might also be locally produced by innate immune cells. We furthermore briefly discuss the possibility to reduce local IL-17A production as a treatment option for respiratory diseases

    Low cord blood Foxp3/CD3γ mRNA ratios: a marker of increased risk for allergy development

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    Data from birth cohort studies suggest that increased cord blood total IgE and reduced cord blood regulatory T cells increase the risk of developing allergic sensitization and atopic dermatitis.status: publishe

    Aspergillus fumigatus Detection and Risk Factors in Patients with COPD–Bronchiectasis Overlap

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    The role of Aspergillus fumigatus in the airways of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients with bronchiectasis is currently unclear. We searched for a sensitive and noninvasive method for A. fumigatus detection in the sputum of COPD patients and addressed potential risk factors for its presence. Induced sputum samples of 18 COPD patients and 17 COPD patients with bronchiectasis were analyzed for the presence of A. fumigatus by culture, galactomannan detection, and PCR. Of the patients with COPD–bronchiectasis overlap, 23.5% had a positive culture for A. fumigatus versus 10.5% of COPD patients without bronchiectasis (p = 0.39). The median sputum galactomannan optical density index was significantly higher in patients with COPD and bronchiectasis compared with patients with COPD alone (p = 0.026) and ranged between the levels of healthy controls and A. fumigatus-colonized cystic fibrosis patients. Both the presence of bronchiectasis and the administration of systemic corticosteroids were associated with sputum galactomannan (p = 0.0028 and p = 0.0044, respectively) and showed significant interaction (p interaction = 0.022). PCR for Aspergillus was found to be a less sensitive method, but was critically dependent on the extraction technique. The higher sputum galactomannan levels suggest a more abundant presence of A. fumigatus in the airways of patients with COPD–bronchiectasis overlap compared with patients with COPD without bronchiectasis, particularly when systemic corticosteroids are administered

    Involvement of p38 MAPK, JNK, p42/p44 ERK and NF-κB in IL-1β-induced chemokine release in human airway smooth muscle cells

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    AbstractAsthma is an inflammatory disease, in which eotaxin, MCP-1 and MCP-3 play a crucial role. These chemokines have been shown to be expressed and produced by IL-1β-stimulated human airway smooth muscle cells (HASMC) in culture. In the present study we were interested to unravel the IL-1β-induced signal transduction leading to chemokine production. Using Western blot, we observed an activation of p38 MAPK, JNK kinase and p42/p44 ERK when HASMC were stimulated with IL-1β. We also observed a significant decrease in the expression and the release of eotaxin, MCP-1 and MCP-3 in the presence of SB203580, an inhibitor of p38 MAPK (71±6%, P<0.05, n=8 and 39±10% P<0.01, n=10 respectively), curcumin, an inhibitor of JNK kinase (83±4.9% and 88±3.4% respectively, P<0.01, n=4). U0126, an inhibitor of p42/p44 ERK, also produced a significant decrease in chemokine production (46.3±9%, P<0.01 n=10 and 67.8±12%, P<0.01, n=12)⋅ Pyrrolydine dithiocarbamate, an inhibitor of NF-κB was also able to reduce the eotaxin, MCP-1 and MCP-3 expression and production (50±13%, P<0.05, n=10 and 23±7%, P<0.05, n=12). We conclude that p38 MAPK, JNK kinase, ERK and NF-κB are involved in the IL-1β-induced eotaxin, MCP-1, and MCP-3 expression and release in HASMC