39 research outputs found

    Ist der Oberharz im Pleistozän vergletschert gewesen?

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    Einige Ergebnisse zur Frage der pleistozänen Harzvergletscherungen werden mitgeteilt. Diese Ergebnisse, die bei einer geologischen Kartierung des oberen Odertales gewonnen wurden, erbringen den Nachweis, daß dieses Gebiet im Pleistozän vergletschert war. Die Geländeuntersuchungen im Odertal konzentrierten sich auf vier Endmoränenbögen und die mit ihnen verknüpften Ablagerungen, die in folgende geologisch-geomorphologische Einheiten untergliedert werden können: 1) Sander-Vorfeld, 2) Endmoränenlandschaft mit Blockwällen, Schmelzwasserrinnen und Toteislöchern, 3) Seitenmoränenlandschaft mit Kamesterrassen, Schmelzwasserrinnen, Toteislöchern, paraglazialen Teilfeldern und erratischen Geschieben, 4) Gletscherzungenbecken mit bis zu 23 m mächtigen, glazilimnischen Sedimenten.researc

    Uses and Issues – The case of Visby Cathedral : An analysis of values and frictions associated with usage at a venue that is both cultural heritage and an active religious institution

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    This thesis is a case study of Visby Cathedral, cultural heritage with a rich history that has been an active site of worship since medieval times. This has resulted in an interest in the cathedral as a tourist destination which has increased exponentially since the city became a world heritage. The main aim of this thesis was to see how the heritagization of the cathedral affects it through the public uses that take place within the cathedral to see which values are promoted. Following this the frictions that are caused by the uses was studied to garner a better understanding of how the identity of the cathedral was impacted on both internal and external levels. My hypothesis going in was that much of the identifiable frictions were caused by the difference between the religious and cultural identity of the cathedral. In the analysis four use-categories with separate key functions: Religious, Art & Music, Political and Tourism. While all usages did not cause friction, all categories did to varying degrees of severity. The religious use still appears to be the core influencing factor since the recent incorporation of the overriding values of inclusion of acceptance originated within these uses which inspire all categories of use. Much of the experienced friction appears to be the result of push-back to these values. This could indicate that to a clash between modern cultural ideas and traditional Christian perspectives are at the core of the issues as the hypothesis suggested but the different nature and number of identifiable values and frictions at play suggests that while this is likely a factor, it is not the only one

    Uses and Issues – The case of Visby Cathedral : An analysis of values and frictions associated with usage at a venue that is both cultural heritage and an active religious institution

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    This thesis is a case study of Visby Cathedral, cultural heritage with a rich history that has been an active site of worship since medieval times. This has resulted in an interest in the cathedral as a tourist destination which has increased exponentially since the city became a world heritage. The main aim of this thesis was to see how the heritagization of the cathedral affects it through the public uses that take place within the cathedral to see which values are promoted. Following this the frictions that are caused by the uses was studied to garner a better understanding of how the identity of the cathedral was impacted on both internal and external levels. My hypothesis going in was that much of the identifiable frictions were caused by the difference between the religious and cultural identity of the cathedral. In the analysis four use-categories with separate key functions: Religious, Art & Music, Political and Tourism. While all usages did not cause friction, all categories did to varying degrees of severity. The religious use still appears to be the core influencing factor since the recent incorporation of the overriding values of inclusion of acceptance originated within these uses which inspire all categories of use. Much of the experienced friction appears to be the result of push-back to these values. This could indicate that to a clash between modern cultural ideas and traditional Christian perspectives are at the core of the issues as the hypothesis suggested but the different nature and number of identifiable values and frictions at play suggests that while this is likely a factor, it is not the only one

    Gränser i tid och rum : En analys av de händelser och gränser som kan ses i osteologiskt material från Buttle Änge

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    The purpose of this paper is to see what new information can be added to the growing knowledge of the site Buttle Änge by analysing the osteological materials that have been found in proximity to picture stones (trench 4) and the inlying cairn (trench 12) in 2013. This area has been used in varying ways for a very long time, on the site graves from the late Vendel Period and early Viking Age have been dated in addition to this large amounts of ceramic shards and slag indicate that at some point melting and pottery had been performed on the site. The focus of this analysis has mainly been on identifying the activities that can be seen in the osteological materials and to arrange them in a chronological order. The methods implemented have been used to see MNI, what species are represented, age at time of death, degree of fragmentation, how hard the cremated bones are burned and in the case of non-cremated bones from cow, sheep, goat and pig what part of the body is represented. The results of this analysis showed that on the north-eastern side of trench 4 was a concentration of bone that indicate animal slaughter. On the south-western end of the trench a cremated human could be identified, this individual was lying next to a previously identified grave with an identical level of cremation. The graves and the slaughter site were clearly separated. In trench 12 the analysis of the cremated bones indicated the presence of two more individuals than what was previously recorded, this was based on the difference in age and level of cremation on the fragments used in the ageing of the dead. In the cairn non-cremated bones were found, in one of the bigger deposits the remains of a human foetus were found. This foetus had likely died soon before or after birth, why it was placed in the cairn is unknown but it is not the only case. The results show that this place has been used in varying ways and that the previous use of the site as a burial ground was likely taken into consideration as long as the memory of it lasted in the local community

    Kopplingantalets inverkan på bodplättsaktivering i ECMO-kretsar

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    ExtraCorporeal Membran Oxygenering (framgent ECMO) är en mycket användbar behandling i situationer där patientens tillstånd är kritiskt. ECMO kan potentiellt öka chanserna att överleva avsevärt för patienter som annars skulle avlida till följd av sina hjärt- eller lungproblem. Behandlingen är dock inte helt riskfri, utan komplikationer såsom tromboembolism och invärtes blödningar är vanliga. Dessa associeras båda med rapportens huvudsakliga ämne, nämligen blodplättsaktivering. Denna företeelse är en konsekvens av den icke fysiologiska miljö som slangsystemet utgör. Trombocyter (blodplättar) som utsätts för de höga skjuvspänningar och hastigheter i kombination med långa stillestånd i stagnationspunkter, löper ökad risk att aktiveras och därmed producera ansamlingar av koagulerat blod runtom i olika delar av systemet. I den här rapporten var kopplingarna, som utgör skarvar där olika delar av systemet kopplas samman, av intresse. Simuleringarna för att analysera kopplingarna i olika konfigurationer utfördes med hjälp av ANSYS Fluent på Parallelldatorcentrums (PDC) Beskow och Tegner. Det visade sig att flera kopplingar på rad ökade residenstiden för en individuell partikel mer än vad som vore väntat ifall resultaten från lika många enskilda koppling adderades. Från detta drogs slutsatsen att ett reducerat antal kopplingar är att föredra då det bidrar till att minska den totala blodplättsaktiveringen och därmed minska risken att patienten får komplikationer

    Att möta det outtalade svåra : Inställningar hos vårdpersonal mot personer med självskadebeteende

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    För att vården ska bli optimal för personer med självskadebeteende krävs adekvat bemötande från vårdpersonal. Bemötande påverkas av vilka inställningar vårdpersonal har mot patientgruppen. För att förbättra vården för personer med självskadebeteende är det av betydelse att undersöka vilka faktorer som påverkar inställningen. Syftet med litteraturstudien var att belysa faktorer som påverkar inställningar hos vårdpersonal gentemot personer med självskadebeteende. Metoden var en litteraturstudie baserad på elva vetenskapliga artiklar vilka analyserades, bearbetades och sammanställdes. Resultatet visade att inställningar hos vårdpersonal mot personer med självskadebeteende påverkades av olika bakomliggande faktorer. Fem teman framkom vid bearbetning av artiklarna och representerar studiernas viktigaste resultat: kunskap, rutin och praktisk möjlighet, upplevd förmåga att vårda, ålder och kön samt personen bakom beteendet. Den faktor som i högst utsträckning gick att påverka var kunskap, det visade sig att god kunskap om självskadebeteende ledde till en mer positiv inställning. Inlärningstillfällen inom självskadebeteende bör erbjudas vårdpersonal samt ingå i alla vårdprofessioners utbildningar. Vidare forskning om betydelsen av vårdpersonals bemötande mot personer med självskadebeteende behövs för att främja omvårdnadsprocessen.