66 research outputs found

    Effects of transverse normal strain on bending of laminated composite beams

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    Effect of transverse normal strain on bending of laminated composite beams is proposed in this paper. A Quasi-3D beam theory which accounts for a higher-order variation of both axial and transverse displacements is used to consider the effects of both transverse shear and normal strains on bending behaviours of laminated composite beams. Ritz method is used to solve characteristic equations in which trigonometric shape functions are proposed. Numerical results for different boundary conditions are presented to compare with those from earlier works, and to investigate the effects of thickness stretching, fibre angles, span-to-height ratio and material anisotropy on the displacement and stresses of laminated composite beams

    Trigonometric-series solution for analysis of laminated composite beams

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    A new analytical solution based on a higher-order beam theory for static, buckling and vibration of laminated composite beams is proposed in this paper. The governing equations of motion are derived from Lagrange’s equations. An analytical solution based on trigonometric series, which satisfies various boundary conditions, is developed to solve the problem. Numerical results are obtained to compare with previous studies and to investigate the effects of length-to-depth ratio, fibre angles and material anisotropy on the deflections, stresses, natural frequencies and critical buckling loads of composite beams with various configurations

    Vibration and buckling behaviours of thin-walled composite and functionally graded sandwich I-beams

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    The paper proposes a Ritz-type solution for free vibration and buckling analysis thin-walled composite and functionally graded sandwich I-beams. The variation of material through the thickness of functionally graded beams follows the power-law distribution. The displacement field is based on the first-order shear deformation theory, which can reduce to non-shear deformable one. The governing equations of motion are derived from Lagrange's equations. Ritz method is used to obtain the natural frequencies and critical buckling loads of thin-walled beams for both non-shear deformable and shear deformable theory. Numerical results are compared to those from previous works and investigate the effects of fiber angle, material distribution, span-to-height's ratio, and shear deformation on the critical buckling loads and natural frequencies of thin-walled I-beams for various boundary conditions

    De novo copy number variations in candidate genomic regions in patients of severe autism spectrum disorder in Vietnam

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    Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental disorder with a prevalence of around 1% children worldwide and characterized by patient behaviour (communication, social interaction, and personal development). Data on the efficacy of diagnostic tests using copy number variations (CNVs) in candidate genes in ASD is currently around 10% but it is overrepresented by patients of Caucasian background. We report here that the diagnostic success of de novo candidate CNVs in Vietnamese ASD patients is around 6%. We recruited one hundred trios (both parents and a child) where the child was clinically diagnosed with ASD while the parents were not affected. We performed genetic screening to exclude RETT syndrome and Fragile X syndrome and performed genome-wide DNA microarray (aCGH) on all probands and their parents to analyse for de novo CNVs. We detected 1708 non-redundant CNVs in 100 patients and 118 (7%) of them were de novo. Using the filter for known CNVs from the Simons Foundation Autism Research Initiative (SFARI) database, we identified six CNVs (one gain and five loss CNVs) in six patients (3 males and 3 females). Notably, 3 of our patients had a deletion involving the SHANK3 gene–which is the highest compared to previous reports. This is the first report of candidate CNVs in ASD patients from Vietnam and provides the framework for building a CNV based test as the first tier screening for clinical management

    Bioturbation effects on bioaccumulation of cadmium in the wetland plant Typha latifolia: A nature-based experiment

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    The development of efficient bioremediation techniques to reduce aquatic pollutant load in natural sediment is one of the current challenges in ecological engineering. A nature-based solution for metal bioremediation is proposed through a combination of bioturbation and phytoremediation processes in experimental indoor microcosms. The invertebrates Tubifex tubifex (Oligochaeta Tubificidae) was used as an active ecological engineer for bioturbation enhancement. The riparian plant species Typha latifolia was selected for its efficiency in phytoaccumulating pollutants from sediment. Phytoremediation efficiency was estimated by using cadmium as a conservative pollutant known to bioaccumulate in plants, and in itially introduced in the overlying water (20 μg Cd/L of cadmium nitrate – Cd(NO3)2· 4H2O). Biological sedim ent reworking by invertebrates' activity was quantified using luminophores(inert particulates). Our results showed that bioturbation caused by tubificid worms' activity followed the bio-conveying transport model with a downward vertical velocity (V) of luminophores ranging from 16.7 ± 4.5 to 18.5 ± 3.9 cm· year− 1. The biotransport changed the granulometric properties of the surface sediments, and this natural process was still efficient under cadmium contamination. The highest value of Cd enrichment coefficient for plant roots was observed in subsurface sediment layer (below 1 cm to 5 cm depth) with tubificids addition. We demonstrated that biotransport changed the distribution of cadmium across the sediment column as well as it enhanced the pumping of this metal from the surface to the anoxic sediment layers, thereby increasing the bioaccumulation of cadmium in the root system of Typha latifolia. This therefore highlights the potential of bioturbation as a tool to be considered in future as integrated bioremediation strategies of metallic polluted sediment in aquatic ecosystems

    Transitions in diatom assemblages and pigments through dry and wet season conditions in the Red River, Hanoi (Vietnam)

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    Background and aims – Biomonitoring is an important tool for assessing river water quality, but is not routinely applied in tropical rivers. Marked hydrological changes can occur between wet and dry season conditions in the tropics. Thus, a prerequisite for ecological assessment is that the influence of ‘natural’ hydrological change on biota can be distinguished from variability driven by water quality parameters of interest. Here we aimed to (a) assess seasonal changes in water quality, diatoms and algal assemblages from river phytoplankton and artificial substrates through the dry-wet season transition (February–July 2018) in the Red River close to Hanoi and (b) evaluate the potential for microscopic counts and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis of chlorophyll and carotenoid pigments for biomonitoring in large tropical rivers.Methods – River water (phytoplankton) and biofilms grown on artificial glass substrates were sampled monthly through the dry (February–April) to wet (May–August) season transition and analysed via microscopic and HPLC techniques.Key results – All phototrophic communities shifted markedly between the dry and wet seasons. Phytoplankton concentrations were low (ca. thousands of cells/mL) and declined as the wet season progressed. The dominant phytoplankton taxa were centric diatoms (Aulacoseira granulata and Aulacoseira distans) and chlorophytes (Scenedesmus and Pediastrum spp.), with chlorophytes becoming more dominant in the wet season. Biofilm diatoms were dominated by Melosira varians, and areal densities declined in the wet season when fast-growing pioneer diatom taxa (e.g. Achnanthidium minutissimum, Planothidium lanceolatum) and non-degraded Chlorophyll a concentrations increased, suggesting active phytobenthos growth in response to scour damage. Otherwise, a-phorbins were very abundant in river seston and biofilms indicating in situ Chlorophyll a degradation which may be typical of tropical river environments. The very large range of total suspended solids (reaching > 120 mg L-1) and turbidity appears to be a key driver of photoautotrophs through control of light availability.Conclusions – Hydrological change and associated turbidity conditions exceed nutrient influences on photoautotrophs at inter-seasonal scales in this part of the Red River. Inter-seasonal differences might be a useful measure for biomonitoring to help track how changes in suspended solids, a major water quality issue in tropical rivers, interact with other variables of interest

    Nanoparticles as a control for cyanobacterial bloom

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    This study aims to investigate the toxicity of copper material synthesized by chemical reduction method and effects of environmental variables on growth of phytoplankton community (dominated by Microcystis genus) in the Tien eutrophic lake, Hanoi, Vietnam. The variables analyzed include: physical (pH and Turbidity), chemical (content of NH4+, PO43- and copper metal), biological (content of Chlorophyll-a, cell density). The characteristic of nanomaterial was confirmed by using UVvisible spectrophotometer, XRD, SEM and TEM methods. The CuNPs showed they spherical form and uniform size about 20-40 nm. The experimental results showed that the treated with CuNPs inhibition on growth against phytoplankton after 8 days. The cell density of phytoplankton community and Microcystis genus in samples exposure with CuNPs declined after 8 days from 647.037 and 467.037 down to 381.111 and 202.592, respectively.Mục đích của nghiên cứu này là khảo sát độc tính của vật liệu nano đồng được tổng hợp bằng phương pháp khử hóa học và ảnh hưởng của các yếu tố môi trường đến sinh trưởng và phát triển của quần xã thực vật nổi (chủ yếu là chi Microcystis) trong nước hồ Tiền phú dưỡng, tại Hà Nội, Việt Nam. Các thông số phân tích bao gồm: thủy lý (pH và độ đục), hóa học (hàm lượng amoni, photphat và hàm lượng đồng kim loại), sinh học (hàm lượng chất diệp lục, mật độ tế bào). Đặc trưng của vật liệu được xác định bằng các phương pháp quang phổ UV-VIS, XRD, SEM và TEM. Vật liệu nano đồng có dạng hình cầu, kích thước đồng nhất từ 20 đến 40 nm. Kết quả thử nghiệm sau 8 ngày cho thấy các mẫu có bổ sung vật liệu nano đồng ức chế sinh trưởng quần xã thực vật nổi ở nồng độ 1mg/l. Mật độ quần xã thực vật nổi và chi Microcystis trong mẫu xử lý với CuNPs đã giảm tương ứng sau 8 ngày từ 647.037 và 467.037 xuống còn 381.111 và 202.592

    Improved GPR-based Condition Assessment of Reinforced Concrete Bridge Decks Using Artificial Neural Network

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    Accounting for the effect of rebar depth variation is one of the most important and challenging tasks to accurately assess the condition of reinforced concrete elements using ground penetrating radar (GPR) technique. In current practices, this task is performed on the individual basis, as for each bridge deck a unique depth correction model is derived from the GPR data collected on it. It is found that such a practice has led to a limited capability of GPR in assessing the condition of highly-deteriorated concrete. Therefore, a generic model to account for the depth-amplitude effect is proposed in this research. Using artificial neural network (ANN) modeling, a model for depth correction was calibrated from extensive data collected for a group of bare concrete bridge decks. The obtained ANN for depth correction was then used to assess the condition of a bridge deck, and the attenuation map was compared with those using a traditional depth correction technique. Whereas the conventional approach only detected the relative difference in condition between local deck areas, the outputs using the proposed methodology clearly indicated its capability to assess deck deterioration in absolute terms

    Enterprises characteristics and lean outcome: an empirical evidence from Vietnam manufacturing enterprises

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    Lean Manufacturing is a popular method to achieve the improvement on productivity, quality, cost, and delivery for organizations. This approach focuses on the systematics to eliminate wastes and non-value added activities from the production. This study mentions the successes and challenges of Vietnam manufacturing enterprises for adapting and transformation for Lean Manufacturing approaching. The aim of this study is to analyze the characteristics of Vietnam enterprises that influencing Lean outcome and present critical factors for overcoming obstacles to successful Lean implementation in Vietnam local enterprises. This paper uses case-based research to collect data through multiple cases that applied Lean to drive the findings. A combination of comprehensive literature review and interview key persons at case study was employed in this study. This study also highlights the strong potential of Lean implementation initiatives in affecting organizational performance improvements